** Audio Blog ** – Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Audio Blog

Chronic Pain Audio Blog

I do these Audio blogs from time to time, two reasons, 1. Sometimes I am to sore too type for that long. 2. I would rather listen than read sometimes myself.

I kept this one light heart hearted, I hope you all learn something from it. Especially about Edinburgh and the Zoo we have lol

The You Tube video about Chronic pain from Australia. G’Day

Email me Shauny1973@hotmail.com

Add me to Skype, username Shaunyg1973


My prediction was correct re: Australasia region

The 8.0 Earthquake, 10 miles or so deep!!

The 8.0 Earthquake, 10 miles or so deep!!

Quick breaking news blog here. In this blog here. I said through research with the Earth’s weather and water currents I expected a BIG event to hit the  Australasia region: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2012/12/23/2012-and-mass-hysteria-but-more-to-come/ ALSO this I debated with hawkeyethegnu and http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/02/02/volcanoes-awaking-worldwide-and-really-strange-weather/ This happened today, the red ones are Earthquakes today “The ring of Fire” Check all the RED today. This is the Ring Of Fire, the Pacific plate (What the Pacific ocean and all these Countries with Earthquakes are on. THIS IS BAD!!

Red ones are today!!

Red ones are today!!

Here are the Earthquakes so far today. In my 1st link above I did “Educated Guess” predict this would happen, all in that region, 8.0 in red

06-FEB-2013 15:54:14 -10.93 165.44 5.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 15:30:25 -10.81 164.41 5.0 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 14:20:58 -10.97 165.43 5.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 14:03:50 -11.35 165.07 5.0 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 13:54:57 -10.84 166.45 6.0 32 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 13:50:33 -10.60 166.34 5.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 13:37:05 -11.09 165.08 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 12:58:46 -11.26 165.78 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 12:44:29 -11.58 165.50 5.5 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 12:31:55 -1.04 146.92 4.9 34 ADMIRALTY ISLANDS REGION, P.N.G.
06-FEB-2013 12:04:40 -10.79 165.94 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 11:53:54 -11.25 165.73 5.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 11:24:02 -10.80 164.58 5.1 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 11:03:45 -10.73 165.14 5.6 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 10:33:17 -10.64 164.81 5.7 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 10:27:27 -10.84 164.72 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 10:20:34 -10.87 165.27 5.5 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 10:12:30 -11.12 165.38 5.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 10:00:15 -12.07 165.79 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 09:24:00 -10.72 164.23 5.2 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 08:45:04 -11.67 165.47 5.0 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 08:42:27 -11.00 165.50 4.7 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 08:27:04 -10.78 165.53 4.8 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 08:04:35 -15.99 -172.22 5.0 34 SAMOA ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 07:59:53 53.67 -163.20 4.3 22 UNIMAK ISLAND REGION
06-FEB-2013 07:57:52 -11.29 165.49 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 07:42:46 -11.00 165.48 4.8 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 07:35:57 -10.74 164.86 4.7 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 07:29:30 -11.55 165.16 4.8 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 07:23:12 -10.90 165.36 5.0 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 07:13:48 -10.64 165.31 5.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 06:53:20 -10.63 164.97 5.6 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 06:35:19 -10.78 164.51 6.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 06:09:37 -11.07 164.81 5.2 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 06:02:36 -10.78 164.57 5.2 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 05:58:41 -10.80 165.23 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:48:54 -11.07 164.76 5.2 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 05:48:16 -10.69 165.60 4.8 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:35:33 -10.74 165.33 5.0 15 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:30:19 -10.68 164.27 5.1 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 05:24:30 -11.43 165.37 5.1 15 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:16:27 -10.43 166.50 5.3 12 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:13:48 -10.62 166.30 5.2 15 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:04:04 -11.03 165.47 4.9 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 05:01:51 -11.41 165.06 5.2 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 04:56:18 -11.30 165.13 5.0 16 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 04:34:50 -11.40 164.85 5.1 35 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 04:20:54 -10.91 165.57 5.2 35 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 04:20:04 -10.88 165.40 5.0 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 04:16:29 -11.09 164.90 5.0 11 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 03:49:46 -10.89 165.47 5.6 18 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:45:10 -10.67 165.31 5.3 33 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:38:55 -10.89 165.27 5.2 12 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:28:54 -11.05 165.45 5.3 23 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:25:18 -11.13 165.81 5.1 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:19:05 -10.90 165.22 5.3 15 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:11:52 -10.94 165.29 5.2 37 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:06:34 -11.51 165.33 5.1 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 03:01:03 -11.03 165.11 5.6 20 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 02:58:22 -10.66 165.13 5.5 17 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 02:57:44 -10.76 165.03 5.1 38 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 02:44:26 -11.29 165.11 4.9 38 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 02:30:49 -10.82 164.98 5.6 32 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 02:23:11 -10.96 165.40 5.3 28 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 02:18:14 -11.47 165.61 5.2 34 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 02:06:21 -10.60 165.36 5.2 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 01:54:15 -10.51 165.73 6.6 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 01:48:42 -11.63 165.94 5.7 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 01:33:37 -10.92 165.09 5.6 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 01:23:19 -11.23 164.92 6.4 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS REGION
06-FEB-2013 01:22:12 -11.37 165.77 5.6 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 01:12:27 -10.74 165.14 8.0 29 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 01:00:47 -4.35 134.71 4.6 33 IRIAN JAYA REGION, INDONESIA
06-FEB-2013 00:46:00 -10.86 165.02 5.3 10 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS
06-FEB-2013 00:07:21 -10.88 165.25 6.0 4 SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS

Keep your eyes peeled here for more: http://www.iris.edu/seismon/ Refresh. so you can keep up.

Flashing red is today, and an 8.0 is a big one, lets hope that is the highest and the tsunami is low!

2012 and mass hysteria !! – BUT, More to come?

Planet X taken by Hubble Telescope in space

Taken by Hubble Telescope in space, reason they (NASA) named in Planet X

BEFORE YOU READ THIS, RESEARCH IT BEFORE YOU KNOCK IT, RESEARCH IS EVERYTHING.  Same thing, called one of these Planet X, Nibiru, wormwoods depending on what you believe. Planet X for me. 

Well I researched this 2012 thing for 10 years or so, off and on, in my spare time as the Mayan long count calendar really did interest me. One thing I did maintain was, the world would not end. The only thing that happened here was the death of over 5,000 to suicide worried over nothing, but lets look at Science FACT for a second. Because this is fact. Go research it, it IS there. The blog 2 below has strange noises and dead animal videos, they were caused by this. This Planet X has a LOT of pull (Gravity) and even moved the moon off its Pole, go check, man on the moon has moved.

Mass Hysteria is worse than the event itself sometimes, and in this case, it most definitely was this and nothing more. People on YouTube feeding fear and lies to people who will believe anything they see. Me? I go with science fact, not science fiction, but there is still something not right. We still have an issue. And here is the video here. Around the 2 minute mark, you will see what I mean

What you see there is two suns! No doubt, no debate, go Google this for yourself, there is something, non elliptical (Not on the elliptical plane of our solar system) coming up towards us from the south, below Antarctica, and people are seeing it in South/East Australia now and other southern places where you go higher up to view, also if what I am seeing is correct we are heading for many earthquakes and worse weather, I also expect a MAJOR event to happen around the Australasia region in the next year or so. Things are heating up and weather patters are getting strange. I expect the Ring of fire, the region west Americas to Australia, heading towards Russia, “The Ring of  Fire” to really go in 2013, I hope I am wrong, bit an educated guess, March would be a bad date as this is Solar maximus, the sun will do it’s 11 year flip cycle

It can be called many things. Planet X, Niburu, wormwoods, whatever, NASA have known about this for a few years, and covered it up, but we are at the stage now where astronomers are seeing this worldwide in the southern hemisphere and it is now there for all to see. This was not a biblical of Mayan prediction, it just started to appear about 7 years ago, and it is getting closer. PLEASE GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF, DON’T DISMISS THIS, It is there. Please look, don’t take my word for it

I am 100% not saying it will get close to us, but it is coming our way. The weather and animal deaths and noises in my 2nd last blog, were in fact attributed to this Star with orbiting planets around it, nothing to do with the Mayans. Again, the Mayans are still alive today, and they didn’t ever predict the end of the world. This was a man made Myth.

We all know Governments and Media collaborate to tell lies, we see it here in Scotland just now. This is a worldwide thing however, the media are part of the lies, if you don’t already know this, then you need to go research this, and quickly

So the 21st December came and went, as expected by many. But Planet X is getting closer. Don’t believe me? Go Google the damn thing and tell me what it is. All over the South of the planet people are videoing 2 Suns, also many pictures, here are some below. These are NOT sundogs, or lens flares.

Taken in Hawaii

Taken in Hawaii

Southern China

Southern China

Southern Russia

Southern Russia

New Zealand

New Zealand

Flipped into Gamma from Southern Australia

Flipped into Gamma from Southern Australia

So this is the next big scary thing we will be talking about in a year or so, if not less. Leave your stupid comments aside till you do your own research on this. It is 100% there and it is getting closer.

You didn’t think we would have no more End of the World moments did you?
