Got this send from Cate @ a wonderful women with a wonderful heart. PLEASE, PLEASE go visit her blog, a remarkable woman….

This is what she sent me. I did a blog for Bloggers for peace about “Love” and I spoke about my love for Dawn my Partner. She said this made my story remind her of Dawn and I. Is Word Press not just something? Cate, thank you, it means more than you know xxx



Baby I’ve been searching like everybody else
Can’t say nothing different about myself
Sometimes I’m an angel
And sometimes I’m cruel
And when it comes to love
I’m just another fool
Yes, I’ll climb a mountain
I’m gonna swim the sea
There ain’t no act of God girl
Could keep you safe from me
My arms are reaching out
Out across this canyon
I’m asking you to be my true companion
True companion
True companion

So don’t you dare and try to walk away
I’ve got my heart set on our wedding day
I’ve got this vision of a girl in white
Made my decision that it’s you alright
And when I take your hand
I’ll watch my heart set sail
I’ll take my trembling fingers
And I’ll lift up your veil
Then I’ll take you home
And with wild abandon
Make love to you just like a true companion
You are my true companion
I got a true companion
True companion

When the years have done irreparable harm
I can see us walking slowly arm in arm
Just like the couple on the corner do
Cause girl I will always be in love with you
And when I look in your eyes
I’ll still see that spark
Until the shadows fall
Until the room grows dark
Then when I leave this Earth
I’ll be with the angels standin’
I’ll be out there waiting for my true companion
Just for my true companion
True companion
True companion

English Mosque praised for offering English Defence League protesters tea


If only this happened all over EARTH!!

After the beheading of Soldier Lee Rigby who serves in a regiment and plays in the same band as a friend did, there has been much unrest in the UK, Mosques have been attached as have anyone looking like a Muslim (I mean that remark in the ugliest way possible, this is what is happening) getting beaten up or worse.

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Demonstrations like this one in a few years back have been on the boil


However, Yesterday in York a planned demonstration by the English Defense League supporters was calmed down when a mosque started serving tea and biscuits to EDL Protesters and defused the situation. If only this happened more eh. It says a lot that Muslims are trying to get the message over “We don’t all want to kill you” And I say well done to this little Mosque in York, England. A proud moment for humanity. It is sad Lee died, but an eye for an eye attitude will lead to chaos, that probably will still happen to erupt in the streets of England. I am well known for wanting Independence from England, for my Country Scotland, but today I am proud to say “I am British” I only hope that other EDL members act in the same manner and react this way.

A very British way of doing things, settling things over a good cup of Tea


A mosque has been praised for serving tea and biscuits to English Defense League supporters after the far-right group arranged a demonstration there.

About six people turned up to protest at the mosque in Bull Lane, York, on Sunday and were invited inside to play football with worshippers.

More than 100 supporters of the mosque had gone there after learning of the planned EDL protest.

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said the mosque’s response was “fantastic”.

He said: “Tea, biscuits, and football are a great and typically Yorkshire combination when it comes to disarming hostile and extremist views.”

‘Proud moment’

Father Tim Jones, who went to the Bull Lane mosque, which is situated in his parish, said: “I’ve always known they were intelligent and compassionate people and I think this has demonstrated the extent to which they are people of courage – certainly physical courage and also a high degree of moral courage.

“I think the world can learn from what happened outside that ramshackle little mosque on Sunday.”

Hull Road ward councillor Neil Barnes said it had been a “proud moment for York”.

He said: “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day that the York Mosque tackled anger and hatred with peace and warmth – and I won’t forget the sight of a Muslim offering a protester tea and biscuits with absolute sincerity.”

Fears over a demonstration grew after Yorkshire EDL Scarborough Division posted a message on its Facebook page calling for supporters to gather outside the mosque.

Imam Abid Salik said: “We did have a few people who did come to protest but when they came some of the members of the mosque went over and they engaged in a conversation.

“Some people went over with cups of tea and biscuits, they were talking for about 30 or 40 minutes and then they came inside, which was a really, really beautiful thing.”

Father Tim Jones said "the world can learn" from what happened outside the mosque

Father Tim Jones said “the world can learn” from what happened outside the mosque, a small one at that. If only, we can pray








The bite of love


Sharing, caring, love

I have decided to try and do the “Bloggers for Peace” love blog a go, I will give it my best shot. We all have relationships, we are all in love, out of love, or looking for love, so this should be an amazing thing to read when it is done. I will add my piece, but I also look forward to readings others. To get true peace in a relationship for me and my Partner Dawn was easy, but I speak only for me, same as you all speak for you and your partner. Since the day we met we were best friends. When I say we never argue, people never believe me, when I say we never even debate hard over a subject, nobody believes me. When I say I make love to my best friend and a person I still, after 22 years kiss and it feels like the first kiss, when I look into her eyes, I still feel like is the first time I have seen her eyes. As a blogger for peace for a few months now, I look forward to this challenge and fun it may bring

So 5 things that make a relationship peaceful


Once you have a relationship where friendship is there first I believe this can help, but I have only ever loved one woman like they way I love Dawn. Our friendship started as kids aged 8 or 9 years old. Of course it was not real love, but we both talk today about it, and we both agree, the day we met, we both knew we would at least be in each other’s life forever. Being your partners best friend can be the most amazing feeling ever. Funny saying this, if I was single again ever, I would be lost! Like a kid lost in a store 🙂 Friendship is the cornerstone of a relationship. I believe so anyway. We knew each other so well before we had our 1st son, and that exact feeling of friendship never left us. Works for us.

Having Nothing, love on its own

Dawn and I have agreed that if we had no money, no nothing, we would live in a cardboard box in a field together and still be this happy. We have both experienced great hardship as kids, so we both know when Happy comes to town, there is no turning back. I say  “Having nothing” as one of my 5 things, and I mean having nothing in the sense, no money, no car, no food, we would manage, we would never starve to death. We have each other and through this we both have amazing friends we trust each other with, so we never go without. But if it was not be with Dawn and we lost our home we would do anything, annoy people or live in a cardboard box, I would live in a cardboard box with the woman I love. Love comes first. We all need money. But put £$100M infront of me and ask me to choose the life I have now with Dawn and our finances to be with dawn with the £$100M we both agreed we would not take the money as money can ruin love and friendship and destroy the peace. When I was a kid my Dad became a very wealthy man, it ruined him and my Mom

Having Kids

Having kids, as well as being friends pull you together as a couple more. We have 4 kids, two sons in late teens and 2 girls two and 4 years old. I believe with Dawn, having Dean, Ryan, Courtney and Chloe has brought us closer, this is about peace, and I know peace in my own home. I may have issues with me and things away from my home, but in my home the balance is perfect between love, friendship, fun, and discipline and peace in the best way with the kids. We don’t shout at our kids, we speak to them, even when they came home drunk aged 16 at 4am, we spoke about it. Why? Because Dawn and I have done this together when we were kids, we were always together and kept our friends at the same time. Hard to pull off, but number 4 explains this, peace MUST include kids in the story if you have had kids. Peace and Harmony is essential for a kids growth, so Dawn and I, like every parent must lead from the front

Having Friends

Having a healthy peaceful relationship comes with many tests and one of these can be the amount of friends both of you have. With Dawn and me we both have friends, friends we share and friends we spend time with together.  When Dawn was younger she had a job that took her away some weekends and sometimes for a week, all over Europe and I was home alone with the boys when they were young. Not once did either of us get jealous or upset, we never once went there; we never once had that debate. Trust was just a given. We knew how deeply we were in love, it is in the eyes for me, you gaze into your partners eyes and they tell a story. For me that story tells one of peace, friendship, trust and honesty

The test of time

In my relationship with Dawn, 22 years now and the time we shared as young kids infatuated with each other, here we are in complete peace. We share our worries, hopes, pains, fears and our souls with each other. When we sit apart and I gaze into her eyes and tough the side of her face and kiss her without blinking, this is a MOMENT that I have every day, I don’t ever take it for granted, I never just think “She is there” It takes hard work to keep being friends, to not say the wrong words, not never argue. Neither of us drink, so this is never an issue, drink can cause issues in a relationship, that I have seen, but with Dawn and I, we stood the test of time, and we are BOTH still in our 30’s. But been together 22 years, the test of time in a relationship is so important, but that time together must be truthful, honest, kind, loving, happy, knowing, an unspoken word, and with peace

For me, and just me, these 5 things are so important. Not everyone has kids, we do, so I had to add in having kids as it brings a lot to the relationship in terms of stress and lack of sleep, but never once did we fall out, we laughed when we both had 2 hours sleep and the kid woke up again. When I was diagnosed with Chronic Pain Syndrome and classed as disabled, Dawn was there and more. She cares for me every day, with a smile and a kiss. And when we make love it is always tender and special. Every time, it must be, I love her so I would not lie in love, it has to be everything or nothing, for me, this brings peace of mind to a relationship


A love that is so strong it hurts, in a good way x

4 things to become a better partner, for me this is tough, but I will try hard


To be a better lover in a relationship again needs time, it needs focus it needs you to notice if your partner is down, it needs you to keep an ear available at  all times. To be a better partner is being there, for the small things and the bad things. We must always notice when we should be there. Not mind readers, but love is a thing we can see, we can see when we need to notice, noticing if a partner is ill, or upset, whatever and asking “Are you ok” brings peace and love.


How many people forgot to put the world love in? lol, to be a better lover and partner, you need unconditional love. Love that is a look, a feeling, a touch, a touch when nobody is looking, still having a sly sneaky kiss when nobody is looking, fooling around a bit also, age has no limits on love so for Dawn and I, be us 18 or 38 we do the same things, we share the same moments, love is very high on the agenda, love = peace. I say in most blogs I do. More Love, Less Hate.


In love, in a relationship, we share moments, love is moments, looking back at my relationship with Dawn I have moments, and I guess she does also, in-fact I know she does, we discuss them in fun always. We have had moments of wild passionate love making, to having fun alone watching a movie or with the kids at the park playing on the swing, small moments, but moments all the same. Always take these moments in, and let your partner know you know these moments, that you remember, it works for me


Learning is such an easy thing to stop doing, I speak to my father, he is 67 and he still learns, so in a relationship, as it grows learning about each other is a must. Many rush in too quick, many don’t give themselves time to learn about each other. Although Dawn and I have been together 1/5th of a century we still learn about each other, why does this happen? Because people change, when I was told I was disabled we learnt something, when the pain came I learnt she would be there for me, Dawn learnt I need her so badly, not just to help me in pain, but to talk to, to understand the illness, to make sure we both learn our new life together with a disability. When we met I was a Soccer player and was did Boxing, without actually doing a proper fight, so I was healthy, so when I was told I was disabled and the pain got worse, I learnt that Dawn would still be there for me. This is just one circumstance of learning, but to sum up, never stop learning about your partner.

MY 5 things to bring peace and 4 issues on being a better partner/lover are mine and mine alone. I really thought this was fun, but also brought back many memories. I look forward to reading how other people wrote now, for me love is no competition, it is a blessing, I do this because it is fun, I do this for me and I do this for you Dawn, as you know I love you so

Shaun x

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.


This video explains the best I can through the medium of music how I feel in love x

Two Countries, together through blood ties, opposed to the same War Machine


“Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen,
here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And
free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?”
“Two thousand against ten?” – the veteran shouted. “No! We will
run – and live!”
“Yes!” Wallace shouted back. “Fight and you may die. Run and you
will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for
one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell
our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take
our freedom!”


The two things above go back hundreds of years, this is why I feel it is relevant today 


Above is an Amendment to the constitution of America; below in Red is a speech that till this day echoes through the hills and glens of my country. The one above is an amendment to a constitution that, in front of our very eyes is being ripped up and re-written, while the other one, in red, has an army behind it as Scotland is preparing to vote for REAL, TRUE, 100% independence., freedom, god willing!

The difference between the two could not be further apart. One is causing bad issues, the other may make my country free, and free from War, free from the War Machine that engulfs our world. Many say “When and if Scotland get independence, nothing will change” Well I am sorry, that is wrong. One of the reason we DEMAND freedom, most of us anyway, the true Scottish people, not the lovers of Westminster, is because we want free from War. The Scottish do not want War, we have our own factions of the War Machine up here, I have MANY friends serving in the Army and Navy and know a few that served in the Air Force, many of them want away from War, the hope is, should freedom happen, we will need to War Machine, why should we?

I know someone, somewhere  will come back at me and say “It won’t happen” or “Scotland will still need an army” I ask why do we need an army? We are pacifists in the main, we dislike death and war, and I speak for myself and many of my people I know, not them all, we have our own issues in Scotland, but nothing we can’t solve on our own. No matter what the dictates, we will keep the monarchy, the Queen and her castles, some say this is a happy medium

Then I look over to America and I see a country very similar to the Roman Empire, the hand goes in the same place for the national anthem, need I say more, lol Isee a country on its knees, I see a people in fear, I see confusion all around, I hear all these conspiracy theories abound about what “Really” is happening in the States. Stories from corporate greed to a hostile takeover from within your own government, believe what you will, make your own conclusions. I don’t live there, I know many who do, I speak too many that do, and many are scared

The game has changed folks, your country has become a club, like here in the UK, We (The Scottish) are trying to leave the club, in the states, and the club is different. But you are not in it. They mess with your education system so much, soon all you will need is a pen and a smile to graduate and get in to College, it is sad sitting here  and watching your Government harm you day after day.

I often get upset at watching what used to be the world’s super power on its knee’s, and printing monopoly money to get from one day to the next. I start this thread to REALLY ask the question to my American friends and family, and I just want to ask some questions.

  1. What is your take on what I say
  2. Do you see what others like me are seeing from afar
  3. You are a clever people, but you don’t demonstrate enough, why do nothing? It is going to get worse

Over here, we found out unmanned drones were flying from England to Afghanistan and we took this to them, the people who run the “Game”

And this is typical of the UK, We always go to the streets when unhappy, we say “No” do people listen? I don’t know, but we take to the streets anyway. The riots a few years ago caused a lot of issues here, but we were  unhappy, so said so

Then I seen this:

Americans doing a Demo about the same drones, but listen to what the man says, he had a permit, and still the law went against him. He asks if the “Killing Machine” is to keep happening and say “NO TO THE GOVERNMENT, NOT IN OUR NAME” I said War Machine, he says “Killing Machine” I think over the pond, people are slowly getting it, I am glad they are, because the clock is running down, I see it more every day, every time I read something, every time I see a new law passed, it sickens me, and we can’t cover our eyes and sing “La La La” any longer, we need to act, we all do, again, with peace, peace will see the day through, I hope

So we can all demonstrate, I ask who does? Do you? Should you? I think if we all stood up, we would see a better world, the above video has 75 views, this is sad.

Let’s take our world back, let’s take to the streets and demand they LEAD FOR US not against us, let’s not sit and watch TV and feel happy inside, let’s educate ourselves on what is TRULY going on in our world, only you can do this. I do, and I know many others who do. Sadly the word “Conspiracy” gets said and we are all nut jobs.

I say we unite, I say we take to a street, in UTTER PEACE and ask “Why” and say “NO” and Demand that the people we vote in, act in our best interests and not for the best interests in the corporations who paid to get them into power, I don’t know about you, but what the UK and the USA do, stomp about the world as some police force, but deny these god given rights of utter freedom away from  US in who’s name? Yours? Mine? No, they do it for themselves, to make money, war makes money, go Google Halliburton, and tell me I am wrong.

Let’s all stand up!

Question? The BBC News reported the UK side of things, did the US Media pick your demonstration up at all?
