Paul McCartney is dead?, is he William Campbell



One of the best documentaries out there on his death….



One of the best sites to read:


Many will know of this “Conspiracy” I was made aware of it a month or so ago, so I have spent the last month, when I had spare time researching this.

I believe Paul Died and was replaced by “Willie Campbell” who won a Paul McCartney lookalike contest, the picture is below






Fullscreen capture 9192010 113738 AM_0

Many will say “Nonsense” and not look at this again, but after looking at it for a month on and off, I have to say he died in a car crash on November 9th 1966 and was replaced the year later. I know this is hard to believe, but the proof is there. Many will say coincidence, and they do happen, but the clues left by the Beatles were all over in songs and more

All I can offer is some of what I seen, many links and video’s, it is up to you to read them and have an opinion, or ignore the blog, or argue against what I am saying, sorry, debate me on this. Please do, I have hours and hours of proof, or coincidence proof of his death

Here is the car after the crash:


They also left a ton of clues:



Note how they are all dressed, and note Paul has no shoes. And there is more...

Note how they are all dressed, and note Paul has no shoes. And there is more…



Close up from the picture below  >

Close up from the picture below >



There is flower wreath below them all







Not even close..

Not even close..



The “New Paul” failed face recognition, try it yourself..November 1966 is the time stamp


Clues left in the songs below…


There is a LOT more I could show you, and I will leave another few videos and pictures below.

Make your own mind up, don’t believe me. I did’t believe it till I was told, then I didn’t believe it till I researched it, and I did, heavily…. Thoughts?







Just to finish, I know many will not want to believe this, many will laugh at it, many will not know and research, many already know, some have heard. Over time we all forget, this was a generation ago, over time the myth dies out and we all accept what we are told or shown. Could this be what happened here? I have shown as much as I can to “Prove” Paul Died sadly, December 1966 when he was beheaded in a car crash. The picture of him injured, I was told and read, is of his head only, this one, his eyes are dead here, you decide…


Is this his head? is he dead here?

Is this his head? is he dead here?


Or were the beatles just playing along with the conspiracy and myth the whole time? Again, you decide. This blog took me for EVER… Weeks of reading and some pictures are impossible to find, some documents you can’t find. Either he is dead, or the group played up to the Myth. One thing, there is a phone call in one of the videos, people saying “Paul is Dead, I seen the crash, I seen his body and his head”

Sick joke, or a cover up?