Song for the Day – 05/09/2013


To anyone who thinks they are not worthy, not good enough, plain, average, whatever, you are important, we all are in someone’s eyes, even if you don’t know. I love this song. (A man loves this song I hear) Yeah I love this song, the message is one that helps young woman realise being a size 8 isn’t important and sends a counter message to TV and Magazine land, Your beauty is fake. With my Partner doing a bit of modelling, Photoshop is used ALL OVER to make things bigger and cover things up. What you see in the street is REAL. What you see on TV and read in a Magazine has been faked.

Be real!

More love, less hate


Define Beauty in a World where we are TOLD what beauty is



In a world where young woman look at magazines and TV and see what we are told are beautiful woman, I see many woman trying to be this “MYTH” that is shown to us all. As many know I am with a woman who was and kinda still is a modal. Dawn did work for magazines and photoshots for papers etc, whatever. The first thing I seen in Dawn was her Beauty, she had the looks of a godess, I am not saying she doesn’t now, but I don’t look at that now, I just a see a woman who saved me, changed me and showed me how to laugh and love and be the man I am today. Through Dawn being a model I came across other beautiful looking woman, and let me tell you 99% of them are evil bitches, Dawn didn’t like them, I hated them. They were nice on the eyes, but a fucking pain in the ass/arse to me. They were beautiful and knew it and I hate this in a woman. Dawn did it for a pay check, but was ALWAYS quick to get home to her 2 sons when we were younger. But her friends, even now, some I hate. But there are some who  are just fun girls. As I grew older a woman became a woman, I judged them on who and what they were as a person. I have some pictures below, and I will show you what I mean, or am trying to say.

This group of pictures here are woman you won’t see in Magazines or TV, but for all we know, and most probably are wonderful, loving woman, to me I just see girls, normal woman. Many men will not. And that is a real shame. These are Woman, same as the ones I will post below. 




SHOWBIZ Moore 163047


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ugly girl




So the girls above are Woman, yeah? Just woman, all shapes and sizes, all probably feel inferior because they don’t look like the “Girl in that Magazine” The pictures below are woman who would be in a Magazine or on TV, and they look good to a man’s eye, but I am guessing most are bitches or up their own arse/ass and hateful and horrible. One of the pictures below is of Dawn, she looks different, hair colour also. I can’t say, but just to prove my point. Woman are TOLD how to look. And I know a TON OF AMAZING woman who don’t think they are “Nice Enough” and are anorexic, make themselves sick to try to look  like the girls in the Magazine. I always say “Honey, you look good as you are” But it falls on deaf ears. So TV/Magazine land has a LOT to answer for with teenage girls commiting suicide and self harming. All the advice I can give is, watch the video/song below and love who you are x x 















I am sorry if this upsets anyone or the pictures are too graphic, but this is a subject we MUST discuss, who decides what beautiful is? To me, you are all beautiful 

Shaun x

Images of Beauty in our World
































Beautiful Couple Snaps



















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West14EmeraldBayn our Wo

You’re Beautiful




My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I’m sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won’t lose no sleep on that,
‘Cause I’ve got a plan.

You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful, it’s true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don’t know what to do,
‘Cause I’ll never be with you.

Yes, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,Fucking high. 
And I don’t think that I’ll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last ’til the end.

You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful, it’s true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don’t know what to do,
‘Cause I’ll never be with you.

You’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.
You’re beautiful, it’s true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it’s time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

Define beautiful in a person

Boring plain old me..

Boring plain old me..

This is a blog I wanted to do for a while. My partner did a little modelling when she was younger. She had not before I fell in love with her, I fell in love with the woman, that came next; she is beautiful in many ways, inside and out.

Many Woman are very nice looking, but ugly on the inside if you follow, trust me I have been on the wrong side of many, they think because they have the looks they can have any man, and I guess that is kind of true, but not all men are sex hungry fools, I certainly am not

Anyway, when I talk of beauty, I talk about what I hear, what I feel, how the person comes across, how the person looks is secondary to me

But we are all different, and this is good, if we were all the same, it would be Orwellian and 1984 and boring, so it is good we have differing kinds of people.

Men, I did a blog on Men, so this blog is about Beautiful people in any and all of the sense of the word, if that makes sense, I hope it does. I know friends, nice lads, some are married some are not, sadly many cheat on their partner, they need to feel like they can say “Look what I did”

For me if you meet ANYONE, and on the first night Sex is on the agenda, you know both people are that type of person and some expect a relationship from this, but then get disappointed when they realise the person is just in it for Sex. Many people go up town to meet people, score the first night, and then get upset when it was just a one night thing

That is not beauty that is ugly, inside and out. I know many beautiful woman, my partner is fine with me having girl pals, I was like this before we went out then got together, so nothing has changed, I like a good night out with my pals, get drunk, even though I don’t really drink, I think we all need a good blow out for time to time. My partner and I live in the area we grew up in almost, so people we both knew we meet a lot, and I have found myself online trying to explain to girls “Sorry, I am not like that”

But this is about beautiful, Men, Woman, young girls at college and young lads also. The song below hits the mark for me. I know a man who dresses as a woman, is he any less beautiful than some blond woman with big chests or a man with a 6 pack and good looks? No, the answer is no

Beauty is on the inside. People can be facially good looking. I feel in love with Kylie Minogue as a young man, but it is just a stupid thing we all do, my partner likes a famous football player (Soccer) player and has pictures of him on her phone. Big deal, lol

Kylie. Good on the eye. But what is she like as a person?

Kylie. Good on the eye. But what is she like as a person?

Rudi Skacel, a fancy man my Partner likes. He is actually a decent man

Rudi Skacel, a fancy man my Partner likes. He is actually a decent man

So what is beauty? I will let you decide, as everyone is different. This is my blog, so please, feel free to add a comment on your opinions; this is what debate/blogging is for, people have hangups and go through life thinking beauty they see portrayed on TV as “This is how I should look” This is not the case, and TV is wrong to do this, in my opinion, I know many woman and men who look at magazines and TV and copy beauty they see. Again the song below, I think covers my argument here well. I hope you agree. Some people are Gay (Religious issues there) But being Gay isn’t a choice, Gay people are attracted to the same sex. And I know many gay people, men and woman, I have never met any nasty horrible people with any, they are happy people, but get judged. This is 2013, the world has moved on, so have feelings and emotions, should we just ignore this and condemn gay people to hell? I don’t think so. But I know gay people. So my take on it may differ from someone who judges Gay people without knowing them. They are just NORMAL PEOPLE for the love of God. Sorry, but this is a bug bear for me. And I in no way want to upset anyone with my views, all these are, are my opinions, feel free to fire your opinions into this blog. Debate and blogging is for this, so lets……..

This video speaks VOLUMES for the point I am making, and again, a superb song

We all know the singer in the Video above, she was bullied at School for being ugly. I don’t know her, some of her videos can be “you know” This one is her speaking from her heart.

My partner is good looking to me on the outside, but the person on the inside is so much more. And she knows this also.

My partner is good looking to me on the outside, but the person on the inside is so much more. And she knows this also.