This Evil Bilderberg group that doesn’t exist… Met All Weekend

The Bilderberg Group summit - Watford

Why the secrecy




David Cameron is to attend the secretive Bilderberg group at the luxury Grove hotel in Watford on Friday evening, in a move that is likely to raise questions about his pledge to lead Britain’s most transparent government.

Downing Street said it was acting in an open manner by publicising the prime minister’s attendance in advance.

The PM’s spokesman, who said heads of government of countries hosting the annual Bilderberg meeting were usually invited to attend, said it would be a private event and that civil servants were not expected to attend.

No 10 is to clarify the position because ministers are usually expected to be accompanied by civil service note-takers when they meet business leaders. Henri de Castries, the chairman and CEO of the AXA Group, is the Bilderberg chairman.


Billionaires, Royals, Politicians the ELITE of our world met in secret in Watford, England, UK Yesterday, for the 1st time EVER the media really carried the story. See, for politicians to be at this meeting is illegal, once a servant to your public, you can’t meet in private where the agenda is unknown. This is illegal. So the Prime Minister of my Country attended this meeting that will last a few days, it started Friday, conspiracists also turned up as well as the media.

So what is the agenda with the Buildenberg Group? The minutes of the meeting are never disclosed, the Queen of England has been, almost every President or Prime Minister of every country goes, the heads of corporations attend, and the richest people on Earth attend also. Why? What agenda are they setting? They are in complete violation of many laws forbidding this. I blogged down the page “Why are the good guys killed” JFK was opposed to the Buildenberg Group and was killed because of this speech here, I researched this to DEATH, This killed him

Anyone who can’t see the bigger picture here sadly needs to research, there are a group of people running our planet, and running it into the ground. We are fed the illusion we have Presidents and Prime Ministers who make the decisions, do a little research, we learnt at School, we can learn on-line. We are being controlled on all sides by this Group. They set prices, dictate who will die, where War will happen, who may die, who may live. I have been saying this, with many others for 20 years, some longer, we got laughed at. A sitting member of ANY parliament can’t sit in a secret meeting. This is a fact, check:

People will read this and think, yeah, whatever, what is for breakfast, but really, what is the agenda here? Why do they meet in secret, why are there official minutes of this meeting, what are they debating? The price of Oil?

Answers on a postcard please

Links:  OMG!! Sky even say “Secret Meeting” Nobody?




Only asking!




Nothing to see here!

Road blocks, police helicopters and blacked-out windows: But just who are the billionaires and politicians arriving for secretive Bilderberg conference at Watford hotel and what do they do there?

  • Attendees thought to include politicians, top business executives and royalty
  • Delegates were heckled by protesters as they arrived for four-day meeting
  • MP Michael Meacher describes delegates as the ‘real top brass of Western finance capitalism’
  • Massive police operation could cost British taxpayer around £2million
  • Conspiracy theorists claim leaders use event to plot world domination
  • Bilderberg researcher: ‘There are villains there who are basically trying to organise government’ 
  • Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Eric Schmidt of Google will both be attending
  • List of 140 politicians, academics and businessmen only includes 14 women


The chosen ones: Guests include Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour shadow Ed Balls; Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, Henry Kissinger and David Petraeus Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The chosen ones: Guests include Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour shadow Ed Balls; Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, Henry Kissinger and David Petraeus


Does a shadowy clique of VIPs, politicians and billionaires (meeting today in Watford) secretly run the world?


images (1)



Where this Secret meeting was held.

Where this Secret meeting was held.


Now that the Media are covering this, does this mean I am still a Conspiracists? I have been saying this for 20 years, and got laughed at. Well?

Now that the Media are covering this, does this mean I am still a Conspiracists? I have been saying this for 20 years, and got laughed at. Well?


So we have freedom yeah? Why the Police presence?

So we have freedom yeah? Why the Police presence?


Not allowed within a mile of the meeting place. Why?

Not allowed within a mile of the meeting place. Why?


People like you and I, demanding the TRUTH

People like you and I, demanding the TRUTH


Finally, remember this blog I did? It ties in, go research

I blogged this last week, knowing this meeting was due

I blogged this last week, knowing this meeting was due


My Blog, why? Who is doing this? Add it together, can you?


ILLUMINATI RITUAL BOHEMIAN GROVE FILMED! Alex Jones, I am not a fan, but he was on to this way before anyone, besides JFK! 


David Icke also got in on the act.


THERE, ALL ON TAPE, THE MEDIA PICKED IT UP, AND I AM SHOWING HOW DEEP THIS GOES. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT OR BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND!  If this scares you, then I would face it now, because when the shit hits the fan with this, and the new world order happens, there is NOTHING you can do. We have little time to  stop this. I am wasting my time here. I know, but like everyone in the pictures there, and anything you research, I am one of 10’s of thousands of people trying to get to the truth of this Skull and Bones Gang. They are EVIL! 


The Artist Taxi Driver with Alex Jones and the Keiser (Video) Bilderberg Meeting




Well done Mark (AKA The Taxi Driver) for getting Alex Jones and The Keiser into his Cab! This was for the latest Bilderberg Meeting in Watford, London, UK