To The People Of The USA – I am sorry for what is coming

What you think.

What you think.

I am not Glenn Becks’s Biggest Fan, please watch these two Videos, I AM SORRY THIS IS NOT ABOUT SUNSHINE, BUTTERFLIES AND RAINBOWS!

1. What I believe is going to happen also

2. Said without Words by Glenn, Using cards

It will be announced that hacked emails were used to blackmail and extort Chief Justice Roberts. Very embarrassing emails were obtained, and he was told to vote to declare Obamacare constitutional, or his family life would be destroyed.PREPARE.

Editor’s Note:  Before It’s News contributors have been speculating about this topic since the original Obamacare Supreme Court verdict.  Your mileage may vary, but many things are possible in light of the recently divulged NSA spying scandal.

UPDATE:  From a reader….what’s apparently on a lot of people’s minds…

FYI, after pondering what the big issue could be yesterday, I too thought that at least part of it would be related to how the Soetoro machine got to John Roberts. I believe that they found actual records proving that he & his wife literally bought their 2 children from an organization in Ireland, had them sent to Costa Rica where the Roberts picked them up. Such an arrangement is apparently illegal for a U.S. citizen to do, but that alone doesn’t rise to the level of an issue so crushingly embarrassing that it would cause a Chief Justice of the United States to violate both his oath of office AND the Constitution itself. There must be something else that forced Roberts to sell out 330 million Americans.

This will fall on unseeing eyes and deaf ears, but I have to share this. I research a LOT, many call me a conspiracist, I am not, and I look for the truth. I don’t believe Aliens Visit Earth and I don’t believe in Ghosts. I deal in World news. Things that impact all of us. I researched this for several months now.

The NRA are in deep here. There has been blackmail within 2 warring factions of your country. You have the illusion of Democrat and Republican, Red and blue, sadly it is just an illusion. There are no “Sides” There is no real vote, you vote for the same. I can blog this now because it is already on a few sites now. The end of what the USA stands for is close. I don’t know what will happen after the news of the scandal and corruption is told to you all.

Don’t watch CNN or Fox News waiting on some news here, check alternative news sites, just Google some, there are many. Be careful what you believe, be careful what you say, email and who you trust. I am in Scotland; I am passing on second hand news already told to a few. What has happened is a clear and outright violation of the separation of powers between Executive and Judicial that people that is so bad, I believe it will bring down factions of your Government. Luckily people in power have woken up. Some tried to speak and were killed (It’s your country, think over the last 10 years who has died who could know things) Now people are speaking out. They offered to do it in front on Congress live on TV to us all. I think they were told no. There are a few whistleblowers from what I can tell.

The Federal Reserve with help from the banks, and the other way around have bought your country, the people in power do not care about you. They HAVE build concentration camps all over your country

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

A real live on in an isolated position

A real live on in an isolated position

Close up

Close up



They have also bought Millions of black plastic Coffins

One Black plastic coffin

One Black plastic coffin

Hundreds of black plastic coffins

Hundreds of black plastic coffins

The large are in black are black plastic coffins

The large area in black is black plastic coffins

They have done operations in front of you, tests; here is one that was videoed by scared people

(Video of LA Tests with Helicopters) 2:30 in, the people are scared

They are trying to disarm you, they are scaring you in the news, people ARE getting ill, and I have blogged this. They are brainwashing you into a country of people who are either scared or in denial or will charge at them and take your own life.

I am so sorry for what is about to happen to your country. You are the new Roman Empire, and if you go and research what Hitler did when he was liked in Germany in the mid 30’s, you will see the pattern is the GOD DAMN SAME. Keep your guns, don’t let them  disarm you. Don’t let them destroy you. There are people on the inside ON YOUR SIDE.



The signs where there

The signs where there



People wrote books

People wrote books

The best place to hide something is right in your face

The best place to hide something is right in your face