All My Loving


Amazing how the blog below can spawn this blog, just because of one song, but from me to you, all my loving, amazing when you look in the crowd, people from aged 10 to 80 singing this song, some songs never die, for many this was something else, seeing A Beatle live in the flesh must have been something, get those speakers up! Classic this is 

Snoop Dog feat The Doors – Riders on the storm

Snoop Dogg feat. Jim Morrison - Riders on the storm


Hate being on this poison for the mind, Morphine, the pain was too much,  so I go with it and listen to some music and ignore the living, I feel like filth, like scum, like a corner street drug dealer, am I any better because the Dr game me it? Sometimes I don’t know, anyway, I have a storm to ride

Straight From The Heart


Love this song, has meaning. We all have a song that has meaning. The blog I did two below has some meaning. Love is living, I just wanted to share this.. Straight from Heart

From me, to you x

The Story I never told about my Disability…

Me a few weeks before my Knee was snapped, happy, fit and healthy!

Me a few weeks before my Knee was snapped, happy, fit and healthy!

As a kid I was very active, Football and Boxing were my thing, my Dad wanted me to have a discipline, he hated football but loved boxing, so Football and Boxing was my life

In boxing I was trained by ex Scottish Middle Weight Champion Simon Wilson, I was roughly aged 10 or so when I started Boxing, I was 6 when I started Football, and I excelled in both, I played for the best Boys Club team in my area at the time, GlenPark BC and my Dad wouldn’t let me do a proper fight till he could see I could defend myself in the Boxing right, so training and sparring fights were all I ever did

Looking back, when I was about 16 I started to feel sore the day after Football or Boxing, the only day I had with neither was Friday, every other day I had Football or Boxing. Looking back I was one fit kid, and looking back at that kid, I took for granted I could run 50 miles with ease or play Football from 10 am on a Summers day till 10pm. This is what we did back then, we played Football all day every day. Then at night I had proper football or Boxing training.

I remember going to the Dr and Hospital and at first they thought I may have Chronic Fatigue, as the day after I was in a lot of pain at aged 16 when none of my friends were. I kept doing both and when I was around 21 or 22 I went for a Football Trial with the SFA School for Football, we were playing over the Bridge in Dunfermline up North and to this day I remember the noise, the look of my leg and the pain. A few of my mates who where there playing or watching still remember it, I got tackled by two people at the same time, one hit me below the left knee on the inside HARD, the other hit be above the knee on the outside HARDER, all they were doing was tackling to get the ball from me, I though the ball had burst or something I sat up an my Leg was in an L shape, a physio came over and right away covered my eyes and put me on my back, I lay there for what seemed 2 hours awaiting an ambulance. Moving my Leg back straight was a bit sore to say the least, but they had injected me with something. I will never forget the day “I Became Disabled” I had severally damaged my knee, nerve endings, tendon, Ligament and also Hamstring tissue, it was a blue and red balloon

I went through 2 years or so of rehab, keyhole surgery and was told “No Football and no Boxing” I stupidly went back to play football and a few weeks in I jumped to head the ball, landed flat on my feet and I felt it and heard it “Snap” My ligament and Tendon both snapped, I felt something shoot up the back of my leg and it burnt. So Hospital again, same Dr, and he wasn’t amused with me. This was it, I had to stop, and a year later  this happened: < This came from the pain and having to stop

I went right to playing to coaching, and I loved it, working with kids and learning how to be a coach then manager. I look back and always ask “Had these two lads not turned my knee into an L where would I be today” I met Dawn through football, her Uncle was Manager of a big club in Edinburgh, a club on TV a lot, proper team, International players and a good kids school at the time

The Dr’s try hard to understand why I have Fibro/Chronic Pain Syndrome and they connected it to my Childhood and this pain from my left knee, the pain just spread and got worse, fast forward 18 years and here I am, in agony, on medication, but with a brilliant life, loving family, I want for nothing, I need nothing and most important, my own mind. I went for years without my own mind, slowly I am getting my mind back, if I can get that, I will be happy. But as I said in the blog above, I want more, I need to be back in my sanctuary, maybe one day

The story of my Disability and how I became a football manager to the man I am today, writing about it all these days is the best I can do, and the advise I give to young kids is if you are sore, stop and see a Dr, if you are told to stop, stop right away, don’t end up like me, have a life at the end of it all. I have a life, limited, but I have a life

Sad but also uplifting at the same time, I may seem I dwell, but in reality I push myself till I scream in pain, then I know I am doing something

Being Nice, does not = I want to have Sex with you..Love can happen, as friends


Dawn, Soccer Mom

Being a man, a lad, a chap, whatever, can and often does lead to issues with me online. I don’t ask for them, I don’t want them, I can’t stop them, I want to, but I can’t help being myself

If I have ever came across as if to say

“Your eyes flashed fire into my soul. I immediately read the words of Dostoyevsky and Karl Marx, and in the words of Albert Schweitzer, I FANCY YOU!”

This is not my intention being here. I am just a nice guy. I did not come here to get fucked or meet anyone to have an affair with. I may or may not be writing this for a reason, all I can say is I am friends with MANY woman on-line and off-line, but my heart is with the people below. It is not as if I am saying I have too much to lose, I just ain’t interested. Being highly “VERY” medicated can perhaps make me say the wrong things, or come across wrong. Having type chats with people is impossible. I have Skype calls with MANY Woman on here, one in particular is my best friend We laugh like there is no tomorrow. We talk, if we just typed, I don’t know if we would get each other. She is an amazing woman, I have a lot of time for her, but we are just friends. Sorry D, I am using your good self as an example as to how I am just a good laugh and all I ask is friendship, from anyone

All I offer is the same

I have 2 daughters

I have 2 sons

I have a BRILLIANT life

I live in pain

I am HIGHLY medicated some days

I have issues

Who doesn’t have an issue or 2?

I have Dawn.

Dawn is my Partner; I have a song for her, called “High”

I just want to make friends and blog. I hope I can do this.


First-Best-Moment-Award-Winner1Thank you to for my 6th “Best Moment Award” A brilliant award, built around “Moments” And this is what life is x


My Acceptance Speech!!!

I love this award, the meaning has so much of what I am all about. “Moments” I live in Moments, I blog in Moments and live for Moments. One thing I can always say is “I have had and lived in moments” That is what living is, looking for these Moments and grabbing them so we have them to remember for all of time. A moment is precious as it is wonderful, we can’t force a moment, we can only try and create them and hope they happen also. Even through hard times in life we look for these moments to hang on to. With these principles of mine and the principles of this amazing award, I accept this award and will pass it onto others. I know I can sometimes talk the legs of a Donkey, but  some speak some don’t, I am a talker, and when I can’t talk I write. This is MY way, we all have ways, and the beauty is, we never judge, we just allow and accept. We can’t force our will to others, we respect the will of others. There are no rules on who gets this award. So I will pick  carefully


  1. Winners re-post this completely, with their acceptance speech. That could be written down or video recorded.
  2. Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include a NEW list of people, blogs worthy of the award, and winners.  Notify them the great news.
  3. What makes a good acceptance speech?
    1. Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way.
    2. Humour-Keep us entertained and smiling.
    3. Inspiration – Make your story touch our lives.
    4. Get an idea from the great acceptance speech, compiled in
    5. Display the award’s badge on your blog/website, downloadable (If you have this more than once, get 2,3,4,5 etc here) My 6th!

And now I nominate:

1. – A young girl who shows love and is my friend. x

2. – I have so much respect for you Patrick. I hope you can accept this “Moments award”

3. – Hi pal x, you are always there with a nice comment. I can only thank you xx

4. – You make me laugh when I need to smile, you are a FRIEND who is ALWAYS there xx

5. – A cute, sweet young Woman who game me an idea I am going to do x

6. – A Man who is a Dad like me, great writer and also a better friend. Thanks mate

7. – When it comes to having a caring Heart, well you won’t find a bigger one here. Great Girls xx

8. – Always around and always has a story to tell. Thank you for being around x

9. – Always there to like things. Sometimes words are not needed. Thank you

10. – Beautiful woman with a bigger Heart. I love to call my friend. x

11. – Always there with a nice word and a kind word. Thank you

12. – Fun, Caring, always there, always caring, great fun, great friend

And 12 is where I will stop. I awarded 15 with this award the other day, I hope I got no doublers, if so, go to link in red and Download number 2 or 3

Thank you all, and please, I hope you all accept.







A song that speak to me, my youth

images (1)

I am about to a guest blog about my childhood, This but with more. And this song here takes me back as I write the guest blog about violence in a child’s life, I don’t know why. As they say, it’s all in the lyrics x


*edit* I know many have lost Dad, so if this song helps, good, if it upsets, I am sorry. See the guilt I carry, lol x

**AWARDS FOR ALL HERE – PLEASE TAKE THEM** – Blog Awards Straight From the Heart



Big thank you to a woman with a big heart, for these 2 awards. There are no hard rules. So thank you again xx made this award, can you all please say this when blogging this to your followers? The woman deserves the praise!!! 

This award was given to me with this message:

Awards are nice – they are the equivalent of Girl’s Night Out or a Night with the Guys where you compliment each other, share juicy tidbits about yourself and then inform the group of what amazing find you came across last week.

However, for a variety of reasons there are those who choose not to accept or pass on awards.  For those who like the idea of having an award or two on their site, but aren’t up to the work involved or feel like they’ll somehow betray those they follow by narrowing a list down to just 10 – here’s two awards you are welcome to put on your site if I’ve followed you, Liked one of your posts or left a comment that included the link to this page.

You are also free to bestow these no-strings attached Awards to others as you see fit – these images are free to use as long as you and others don’t pretend they are your own.  If you wish to link back here, Fantabulous – but not required.


This award is for everyone who follows me, please accept both award. I can’t type everyone off you, so PLEASE, Take and accept these two awards

Thank you again for this award, and please, all of you take these awards 



Super Sweet Blogger Award

super-sweet-blogging-awardA big thank you to Rev Eddie Tatro from An amazing man, please, please go visit his blog, he is like a brother to me


1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated them.
2. Answer five super sweet questions.
3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging award image in your blog post.
4. Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.
5. Notify your nominees on their blog.

The 5 sweet questions:

  1. Cookies or Cake?   Always cake 🙂
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla?  Chocolate
  3. Favorite Sweet Treat?   Today it was Sugar Ring Doughnuts 
  4. When do you crave sweet things the most?   Morning time
  5. Sweet Nick Name?   Sugar Lips 🙂

I now nominate 13 people: My Bakers Dozen 












