MP3 Blog I did, please read to check out Tony’s site and order CD


This blog I did today was for Tony Burkinshaw @

This is Tony here

Tony Burkinshaw

Tony Burkinshaw

In the blog above I explained how Tony gave me an MP3 to listen to, I did for a month, and it changed a lot that was going in with my pain and my state of mind. I have added a contact for Tony to the right of this blog below my Music Player.

To contact Tony email him to

To visit his site to discuss getting this CD here is the URL Relief for Chronic Pain Conditions

Tony asked me to try it for a month and I did, I don’t have the full CD but will pay for it. It changed me, it helped my pain. I a not getting paid for this, Tony read my blog, seen I was in pain and gave me a short MP3 to listen to. I  did for 10 minutes at 3pm every day, and over the weeks, Dawn and my sons noticed a change in me, I noticed a change in my pain, I was able to control it better. And I still need to listen to the CD for a while.

I know people are sceptical over internet help or therapy, but I did this for Tony, again the blog I did is here I like to think people here can trust me, please, if you are in pain, I ask you get in touch with Tony and PLEASE give this CD a try, what do you have to lose? I gained. I am not healed. far from it, but what I am is in a state where I can control my thoughts and pain better, and this is after just over a month of listening. I will blog again in a month or so do tell how it has helped me more. Tony is a FANTASTIC lad and he has helped me no end, a lot. I plead with anyone in pain to give this a shot, it helped me, I want to help anyone in pain, please give this a try, there is also a free phone number on his site. It worked for me. Many have said I have been better lately, blogging new things etc, I can only thank Tony

More love

Less hate


People on Word Press I think you should follow


This is going to be an easy blog, but also a very hard one. I have some AMAZING  friends on here, people who just amaze me with their kindness and friendship and caring side. I don’t involve myself on Word Press with angry people, I surround myself (Like in real life) with people who give a shit, people who care, people who treat me how I would treat others, people who go beyond the call of duty in life to be “Something”

This is going to break my heart as I WILL forget some AMAZING people, but here are people I PLEAD you follow, they will enhance your Word Press existence, please trust me and follow these people. Go have a look at their blog, you WILL see what I mean. In no particular order, PLEASE FOLLOW:

I know the list is long, but I wish it was longer. These people come to my blog almost by the day and give, give and give some more. I not feel guilty about forgetting some users. But here is a promise. I do a blogger/friend thing, where I add one person, I did one a few down the page for Colin I guess I just want you all to follow each other so my Word Press family is together? I don’t know. If you are not on the list, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I can’t remember everyone and it is 10AM and I have had no sleep and been up all night 😦 I really am sorry..

But for the people on that list I BEG YOU ALL to go look, go follow, it MIGHT take 10 minutes, but PLEASE these people are AMAZING, they just GIVE and ask nothing back.

Again I am sorry for friends I have missed. You know I love you all

More love.

Less hate.

Shaun x

To people I forgot to add.. I am TRULY sorry...

To people I forgot to add.. I am TRULY sorry…

Great Bloggers/Friends #10 –


Colin’s wedding to Debbie in his Army days, serving your country, can’t get a better man than that. Colin is a brilliant man.

Colin @ is a BRILLIANT ex military man from the USA. We speak a LOT on Skype and him and his partner Debbie are superb people. We can chat for 5 hours on Skype Audio and debate everything between religion and science. He is an amazing man, with an amazing story and life to share. I ask you PLEASE to follow Colin, as his blog is Amazing and he can debate brilliantly and also is a brilliant friend and a brilliant laugh also.

Colin is devoutly Catholic and while he has no professional qualifications as a counsellor or therapist of any kind, he does have a great deal of experience in this area as he is still happily married to his wife of over 21 years. His posts centres on issues related to being a Catholic Husband. Most blogs will be off this nature

They chose each other quite young and in spite of challenges and hardships far beyond anyone’s expectations their marriage blossomed and flourished as they grew together through both joy and adversity, while raising 4 children. And in a brilliant way

He does not wish to intimate that he does not make mistakes along the way, only that he learned a great deal from each decision he has made, whether right or wrong, and he hopes to pass on the knowledge that others might benefit from it. He hopes to make a positive change in at least one marriage through his blog. I urge you all to PLEASE give him a follow..

Here are 3 blogs I would like to share with you from Colin.

Sex, Intimacy, and NFP


I’m well aware this is a topic nobody really wants to talk about. We would be happier to just pretend it didn’t exist and go on our merry way. None of this changes the fact that I feel compelled to write about it today, and it’s a post that I have been stewing over for some time now. You’re probably telling yourself this doesn’t apply to you or your marriage, or that you and your wife have a mutual understanding. The hard truth is  what you really might have is a mutual desire to avoid a deeply emotional subject which could potentially ignite a conflict if even mentioned. If after you read my story you find yourself feeling differently, consider letting your wife know that you’ve been reconsidering any prior decision on artificial birth control. This opens the door for a conversation if she senses you are sincere and would like the opportunity to revise the way things are. Heck, you might even let her read this just to get her reaction.

If there was a single word that could garner immediate interest and make your blood boil “SEX” would be it, whether with anger, fear, indignation, trepidation, anticipation, or some variety of other powerful and inflammatory emotions.  I think that’s why it has such a potent effect on our relationships with our spouses. On one side it is a driving biological imperative and at the same time an emotional one. Sex is a wondrous construct, with the power to do far more than provide pleasure .  It is also a conduit to intimacy, and when in the right context with the right person, a deeply bonding experience.

This was something I missed for the longest time. I think everyone notices that sex changes everything in a relationship. This is especially true in a marriage. I may find myself on a cracked and skinny limb here, but after over 20 years of marriage I discovered  a few things – some of them far more recently than I should have and this is one of them.

During my wife’s conversion to Catholicism she decided she needed to talk to me. It was obviously important to her; as she let me know in advance and very carefully selected a time and place to drop the bombshell. “I want to talk to you about stopping the artificial birth control”, she said. You could have knocked me over with a feather. If you’d asked me, I would have said everything was great! We had two children and were thinking maybe of having some more, but not that instant. I was taken aback. This would change everything, and change it far more than I realized at the time. It seems she had already talked to the priest about it and read up on what the Catechism had to say on the matter. It wasn’t an ultimatum, and she made it clear that she would not go forward without my agreement to do it. She wanted my consent and for me to take a little time to honestly evaluate the situation in order to give it.

That made things hard– no confrontation, no defiance, no excuse to react in any other way than to agree to look at it and give it some real thought. You might think I would have brushed it off, but I didn’t. Actually, it ate at me and gnawed continuously on my conscience. She provided me the sections of the Catechism relevant to the subject as well as Humane Vitae and some other materials on NFP. I stuck to the actual church materials and avoided other peoples interpretations of them. To this end, I actually read several of the sermons that comprised “Theology of the Body”. In the end I stewed and fretted, not just about the moral implications, but also about how it was going to affect me. Selfishness reared its ugly head early on and guided my “gut” reaction to help ensure the outcome it favored. One of the most important steps we took was to take a class on NFP. I only thought I understood a woman’s body and her natural cycles and rhythms. What I discovered was that I knew more about the inner workings of a nuclear reactor than I did about the inner workings of a woman. We went through the class and spent a few months tracking her cycle. It was something we did together, and it was actually both intimate and interesting. By the end of second month I started to realize just how much I hadn’t understood.

In the end I wholeheartedly agreed, without reservation, to end the artificial contraception for many reasons,  including the following:

I was not willing ask another person to commit mortal sin with me or for me, so that I could enjoy marital relations without reproductive implications. It was not worth the increased cancer risks and other assorted health implications, including decreased libido and increased stroke risk, for my wife to take those pills. When I thought about it objectively, what I was doing was putting my wife’s health at risk so that I could have my way with her without fear of impregnation. Essentially, the pill turned her from a human partner into a receptacle for my sexual angst, whether or not that was ever my intention. What’s worse, I had learned that most pills are abortive. Many work by causing a spontaneous abortion or failed implantation when the prevention of ovulation fails. A condom makes an even bigger statement. Then there is a very tangible physical barrier between us which has a direct bearing on intimacy. To be honest, I heard artificial birth control in general saying something to my spouse – it said, “I want to have sex, but I don’t want any entanglements to ensue”.  The truth is that marriage is all about entanglement, in all aspects of our being.

I had always hoped for a son one day, and one day after my wife passed a clot  during her period, I went to look at the carefully wrapped bloody pad in the wastebasket. It dawned on me with a sudden clarity that the son I had so long desired might be that very clot now laid to rest in a tidy package at the bottom of the trash can. That moment my mind was made up, and I agreed.

The part of this whole discourse that is important however, is that it caused me to totally change the way I viewed and treated my wife and our sexual relationship. I would have been aghast and defensive if you had suggested to me that I had been selfish or that my motives or actions were less than honorable. However, that feeling does not stand the test of scrutiny from several years forward in time. While parts it of manifest themselves immediately, the change was not instantaneous – but no lasting change usually is. The truth is that things only got better from there, and we had 2 more children using NFP to achieve the conception by predicting those times most favorable for doing so. My wife felt much better in general, and thought I thought our sex life was great before – there was a spark missing which rekindled itself into a burning flame once the intimacy barrier of artificial conception was removed.

Let’s be clear that I’m not at all advocating having children until your wife’s uterus falls out, nor am I advocating against spacing the children you do have out. Just that you leave room for God to work in your life. Artificial birth control is not infallible either, and just provides a false sense of security which ends up being an excuse for the holocaust of abortion in far too many instances. I am saying that disposing of artificial birth control will change your entire perspective on sex, your spouse, and your marriage. In making this decision together, you’ll both be sending the other person a message – and don’t let that message to be “I love you, but not enough to accept the possibility that our love might create a new life who is part of both of us.”. How would you feel if your wife whispered in your ear, “I love you dear, but I abhor the thought of carrying your child”?  It would kill the mood for me too. Opening yourself to life might add a spark and excitement that has been absent far too long, and the message it sends about love and acceptance to the other person works wonders on the intimacy level which can be achieved.

As always, please feel free to share your thoughts or stories in the comments section, as always I appreciate your feedback and comments, tweets, likes, and reposts. You can email me at if you’d like to pass anything on.

I loved this blog, another..

Expectations of A Catholic Husband


God holding your Marriage

I’ve been asked more than a few times what the building blocks of a successful marriage are. Recently a few readers have sent questions to me looking for advice in new marriages and prior to marriage on what their future wives will be expecting of them. Aside from some very candid discussions with your current or future spouse, there are some givens that she will expect and from which all the others are merely outgrowths.

I’ve put some real thought into this. That means both brain cells were parallel processing until they started releasing their magic blue smoke. You see, I’ve been married for over 20 years and in terms of expectations – well they seem to change if you focus on the minutiae. However, if you look at the bigger picture, the little things all fall into line, if you remember the big ones. There are a core group of things every woman expects from her husband whether she even realizes it or not.

One major disclaimer – I have no more insight into a womans mind than any other man. Women are like the trinity in that they are a mystery which cannot be understood by man and must simply be accepted. The disclaimer does however, provide me a good segway into expectation number one.

Acceptance – This one seems so obvious, but I hear neverending stories of women whose husbands/fiancee’s threaten a divorce over 5 lbs. or will only marry if she can fit into a certain size dress. Stop and pray before you act, speak, or think like this and here is why. Neither of you know what the future is going to bring, or where it will take you together. Just like with God, you must simply accept each other joyfully. In the long view – your wife is likely going to be like the weather in Louisiana. Don’t like it? Wait a bit, it will change. Your wife will change sizes, her personality will change, her interests will change, her health will change – the one thing that must never change is that you accept and love her for who she is each morning. It’s critically important to both of you that you do. If she was disfigured in a fire or accident would you love her any less? What if she was barren? Would you continue to love and keep her? Time ravages all physical things and she needs to know that regardless of what changes happen to each of you both physically and emotionally, as long as it remains compatible with sacramental marriage, that you will make  anew that decision every morning to accept and love her as she is. Always don your rose colored glasses and see the best in her and about her.

Commitment – Your wife rightfully will expect that that you are fully committed to a lifetime of joyful servitude of her and any children you are blessed with. Your commitment is to the covenant you made with God when you accepted the Sacrament of Marriage from your wife. It is expected that this commitment is unbreakable, treat her accordingly – never make mention of or threaten divorce and choose your words carefully. A man must lead a family and not subjugate them by force or fear. You must nurture your wifes commitment to you, but ensuring that she is always secure in your commitment to her and to your marriage. Never take this commitment lightly, treat your wife, always, as if her commitment must be earned  – through the commitment itself does not need to be earned, her respect and trust do. Know in advance that there will be moments in your marriage when God and commitment will carry you through, and that without commitment to your covenant before God your marriage is doomed to failure – harming both you and your spouse irreparably.

Togetherness – All the hurdles and caveats life throws at you are going to be relying on you facing the challenges together. Whatever comes it is expected that you will work as a team to solve each and every crisis. Regardless of whether that crisis is emotional, physical, financial, professional, sexual, faith based, or something else. She is counting on you to help her, and it will be important to her to also help you. Remember that whatever hurdles you face, you will face them best as a well coordinated team who can react quickly to change, anticipate the other’s moves, and most importantly acknowledge each others strengths and weakness and understand which roles each is best suited to for any given problem. This may mean adjusting roles temporarily or permanently to best face your current situation in life. Work as a team not just to achieve those things necessary to your marriage, but also necessary to each others hearts and souls. The joy of shared experience is just as powerful as the bonding forged between two who share and overcome adversity together. Rather than let adversity tear you apart, let it bind you more tightly together. Rather than allowing marriage to overshadow each of your personal dreams and goals, make it a vehicle for you both to share in achieving them.

Love – Another one that seems obvious, however it is quite critical that you understand what this one means. Love does not mean liking someone, nor is love a feeling – rather that feeling is a symptom of love but not love itself. Love is a choice we make, and we must renew that choice each day. Love endures hardship and pain, it weathers squalls and storms. You cannot love one whom you do not accept as they are.  Your wife must be your best friend, your lover, and your partner through life. You must love God above all things, and love your wife above yourself – not as yourself, but below God and above you. She cannot return to you that which is not given to be returned. While romantic love and erotic love will come and go like squalls, and even hurricanes, throughout your marriage – your true love for each other must be like the ocean, fathomless and unending.

Trust – No love and no marriage can survive without this. Trust has more aspects than verbal honesty. Your wife must know you are being emotionally honest with her at all times. She is not a mind reader or clairvoyant and for her to learn to read you accurately over time she must really understand what you really think and feel. While she too must do the same, you need to make sure she feels free to do so. This means listening without judging her when she opens her heart to you, and for her to understand you – she must do the same for you. This is the basis of intimacy, for without feeling able to truly open up to each other and embrace not just what is outside – but what is inside we can never be truly intimate. Her sense of safety and security depend on her knowing that no harm will come to her. She is entrusting this care to you, you must never betray this sacred duty or her ability to trust in you will be lost. This does not always mean you will succeed, nor that you must do it alone – but together as God intended. By both of you acting selflessly for the good of the other party you will only increase that trust, and either party acting selfishly will serve to decrease or eliminate it. This applies to threats to your marriage that are violent, physical, emotional, financial, and otherwise. In short, she must trust unconditionally that you would never harm her nor knowingly allow her to come to harm.

There are a bunch of other things, I grant you – but after much introspection I believe that these are at the core. If you can manage these the others are extensions of them and will naturally follow.

Yours in Christ,


And finally, a brilliant blog here, again, PLEASE give Colin a follow @


Soul Mates“, the very term conjures up images of a relationship so deep and comfortable that one blissfully sinks into it without a care or thought toward any distractions to their partner or from their partner. Often these daydreams include visions of our idea of the most physically attractive partner we can imagine paired with a mind always in agreement with our own and seeking nothing for itself.

Of course, one wakes from these daydreams and distractions eventually and realizes the truth is much closer to home. For me it was my grandparents who despite their advanced years remained very much actively in love, playful with each other, very physically affectionate, and while capable of vehement disagreements they were capable of having them without anger or malice of any kind towards each other. They also regularly finished each others sentences and when queried by a third party they often responded in unison. I remember that each had the uncanny ability to predict exactly what the other would say when asked a specific question – but this never stopped them from communicating. Their interests diverged dramatically in many respects with his being favorites in things like flying, woodworking, and mechanics. Hers lay in travel, art,  and culinary exploration. Rather than their diversity being a source of derisiveness, having such divergent interests allowed them to better complement each other. They had married very young by today’s standards, and had been married for well over 50 years.

I remember one seminal moment when the doctor came to see my grandfather when he and my grandmother were both in the hospital. My grandmother had been at home, sleepless with worry (as my grandfather had had a recent bout with Lupus) and busying herself with cooking for family and watching the Travel Channel as she plotted whether or not there was yet another place she needed to see in person. She had a favorite stool at her kitchen’s island and it was old and worn. She fell asleep on the stool and suddenly fell sideways breaking her hip. She had been suffering from heart problems making it necessary for them to wait a few days for the replacement surgery and as she did her health seemed to deteriorate quickly. She too soon had caught an infection and the fever set in. The surgery never happened and she became bedridden – home care was arranged but she seemed to wilt as she realized her life would never be the same.

My grandfather aided by family watched over and cared for her – but eventually she needed in-patient care to stabilize her and she was transferred to the hospital. About the same time, and though my grandfather had been quite healthy and vigorous, a small wound on his foot had become infected, the infection reached the bone, and a partial amputation followed. Soon a systemic infection set in and this burly and powerful man was laid low by the smallest of creation’s creatures and they were in the hospital together in separate rooms on separate floors.

I was visiting him one day when the doctor came in and told him that he had finally turned the corner and if things continued he would be going home the next week. He immediately brightened up, and told the doctor how good it would be to be back at home with his wife. The doctor paused, and carefully explained that he would be going home – his wife was another matter and that he should expect that she would never go home again. Her prognosis was very grim, and with that, his dreams of being back at home with her again were dashed like a crystal vase on a tile floor. I saw it in his eyes and face. It was like the emotion drained out of him. His eyes which once sparkled and glittered now dimmed and dulled, his expression became solemn and lifeless, and he seemed smaller and suddenly weak. In addition, because of his prior infection and her weakened state he would be not be permitted to see her in person or be in the same room, much less have any form of physical contact. He nodded to the doctor, and without saying a word lay back in the bed and closed his eyes. He almost whispered, “I’m so tired, and I just can’t face going home without her…”. A tear rolled down the cheek of the one man I had never seen cry. He refused food and drink. The next night he passed away quietly and wordlessly, as if to use silence to say “there is nothing more to be said”. I never saw him alive again.

There was great consternation about whether or not to tell my grandmother what had happened.  The fever had taken her for days at a time and her lucidity came and went like a flickering porch lamp. Often when she was lucid it didn’t last long enough to impart any useful information, as she often didn’t know where or when she was. A few days after he died though, I had come in from a work trip to see her. They had warned me she was slipping away, and it had been a rush to beat the reaper so that we could say our goodbyes. I was awash in emotion and trying very hard to hold it together, but when I walked in she was alert and sitting up and talking up a storm. As soon as I walked in the door she blurted out to me “He’s dead you know. He’s gone. He left without me. Oh it’s so good to see you!”. We had a lovely conversation during which I told her about work and her great-grandchild, and got to laugh and cry together. It wasn’t to last, as the day wore on she started to fade. She knew she couldn’t go home and kept repeating “He’s gone, and I miss him so much. I just want to be with him again… even if for a short time, I forgot to tell him I’ll always love him…” throughout the evening. She asked me to hold her hand because she was scared,and Grampa wasn’t there to do it. I did, I sat by her bed and held her hand for the next few hours and the family piled into her room and the children played, the adults argued about inane trivia, and we all watched a TV game show she had been following. At some point I noticed that she no longer had a pulse. She still had my hand tightly gripped when she passed away, with wisp of a smile on her face. They died within a week of each other and Thanksgiving is always tinged with sadness at their loss and thankfulness for the mercy that they were able to not only live together but die together, so that she was not subjected to the loneliness and despair that his loss caused her any longer than was necessary.

They were soul mates. Their shining example of a harmonious marriage built on a foundation of service to each other, mutual love and affection, and an abundance of  joy made a lasting imprint on me. When she met the woman who would later become my wife, her primary concern was that she would not be fully aware of  the task of caring for a husband in the manner of the example I had been raised to expect. They both spent endless hours as I grew up imparting wisdom and instructions on how to care for your partner and maintain a happy and balanced marriage. She did the same for my fiancee, both before and after the marriage. At one point she provided my wife a recipe box containing my favorite foods to help her in caring for me as the military was about to take my new family far from home. Her only criteria for a good spouse was that they were also my best friend and that they truly love me and care for me, so that she could one day leave this world confident that I was in good hands. She abhorred divorce as the child of a broken home, and often reiterated that “we make ourselves happy.  Your husband or wife simply shares the joy you create.” It was her greatest hope that I would find my soulmate, but she also insisted that soulmates were made and not found, and that developing a marriage to that point would take more years than she would live to see. I know for a fact, that they are both very proud and happy for what we found together and then built upon over the intervening years. By growing together instead of apart through joy and adversity, we, too, have become Soulmates.

Picture of my Grandparents

My Grandparents

Please feel free to share your thoughts or stories in the comments section, as always I appreciate your feedback and comments, tweets, likes, and reposts. You can email me at if you’d like to pass anything on.

Deciding what blogs to follow, what is your method? Please reply

This is ACTUALLY me deciding what blogs to follow, Dawn took the picture for me, I love that Woman soooo much x

This is ACTUALLY me deciding what blogs to follow, Dawn took the picture for me, I love that Woman soooo much x ps: Did I mention this? 


After 7 (Seven) am here, been up all night, sore, tired, pissed off, grumpy, won my league on Football manager “Stupid Game I play”  Watched  2 movies, printed out some pictures from the last week, downloaded several albums of my choice and liking, downloaded Pacific Rim and did a 3,000 word blog for a friend from “Another blogging site that is Shit” about the death of James Gandolfini that I can’t share here, I also took my dog a walk into the dark woods shyting myself I was, had a 2 hour  Skype chat with a mate, helping funeral arrangements for a friend, saved the World and some other shit also, decent night in with Lisha



Also I read and replied to 200 blogs or so best I could, nice to be nice you know, some good people here, so nice to visit their blogs also, I do slack on that, 1st to admit it, but I am trying I hope people can see. And then it spawned this here blog like magic from a clown’s pocket

SO, what is your process in following blogs and replying to blogs?

Easy answer on the face of it really, but the answer will depend on how many people you follow, how many people you like, who talks shit and who doesn’t ( I am joking, pull your tights up) Also for me, and most crucial, who talks back, who likes and who really tries to speak back to me. For me I find it almost impossible to talk to everyone and I feel like a bastard for it if I am being honest, and I know I shouldn’t and deep down I guess I don’t but it is “Rude” to not try yeah?

I mean I am followed by 1,000 people (Really am thankful, truly am), it really is 985 people, sorry, 2 people sadly un-followed me, so 983 and going down, but 15 followed me the last two days, so it goes up and down, same for us all. I am upset however, I will need time to adjust x

This is not me

This is not me

So I find it REALLY impossible to get around all the people who speak to me. So here is what I do, this is my method (Still upset over them 2 followers by the way) 😦 poor show there 😦 DEEPLY WOUNDED I AM! Actually I got 2 HATE Emails today, one was about pictures again, same f@cknugget and one was saying I disrespect GOD! Even though I say often “I HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD” And say “More Love, Less Hate” Because I mean it, I care, I  give a shit, I really do care, I want a better World, then you get these people I do feel VERY SAD for people? who email people and give them a hard time over how to cook an egg and how a blog about spiders offended them to tears, I mean, get a life FFS, Really, but I am on several Social Media sites, Word Press is 100% the best by a LARGE mile, it is full of really nice and honest people, it has it’s moments, same as my Dog, but without bad moments we can’t appreciate the good moments, I hope you agree. I mean this is the Internet, real life exists and this is where I come to tell my story, vent, and care and show respect, there is NO place like it on the Internet I have found, and I know, what? about 43 sites all in, maybe more



Moving on, I made a bookmark folder called “Word Press Friends” and what I do is, when people, like, just an example here Andrea from  started following me and speaking to me, I made sure she was in this bookmark folder, so I open the bookmark folder and edit it from time to time. There are a few people in the 6 months I have been REALLY blogging here who “Like” everything and NEVER speak, so pointless having them in that folder, BUT I DO GO TO READER AND CHECK THEIR BLOG! Honest, so this bookmark folder I edit lets me know who I am communicating with as I have the same memory as one of them gold coloured things that splash about and swim in that wet stuff from taps?

So it is a way I found of keeping in contact with people who make an effort to keep in contact and have fun with me and discuss any old stuff, like Charles @ “You should Follow Charles by the way, Brilliant Writer and blogger” And I also make the effort to speak back, but listen (sorry read) I do try and visit blogs that NEVER speak back or like my blogs but follow my blog, I often get an Award and give it to people that follow me and try make some kind of contact, sometimes you give an Award, accepted, or “Sorry I don’t do Awards” or NOTHING.  I mean if someone gives you an Award at least say “Thank’s anyway, Awards are not my thing” I stopped Awards for a while, but I stopped meeting new people, so started again, and they are good fun to be fair yeah? Some take 3 months, some 5 minutes, but we blog, so an Award is a blog also, but I fully respect everyone’s opinions and ways, you have to in life, within reason!

All good fun Word Press














How do you go about keeping your contacts and you talking? I use Skype a lot, email also, I have a lot of people I met on here on Face book now, like Andrea above, also get following her, amazing blogger and very funny also.

What is your process Word Press?




I invented this bad boy because I love you ALL! Please feel free to accept this Award, just take it, please help yourself, it is Monday, cheer yourself up, go on! 


PS: This was a serious blog with a hint of fun, 🙂 Cheers!

Great Bloggers/Friends #8 – Patty @


Patty, she does these pictures for her poetry and blogs

This is my Friend whom I love like a sister, Patty, she is from Holland in Europe (Lucky Sod, Joke some will get) Patty has the biggest heart I have seen from anyone, or as big as any I have seen. Sadly her Brother passed away a few days ago, Patty told me he was ill then a few hours later told me he had passed

Her Brother is living in the USA and the funeral service is today, so Patty and her Husband and family in Holland are having their own private service to pay respects and find a way to move on. I hope this goes well Patty x

Patty today is grieving, but took time out of her pain to re-blog my blog today for a friend of mine who is in hospital This is the Patty I know and love as a friend. Her heart is as big as it is amazing

Parry does all her own artwork for her blog and is a BRILLIANT poet. Some of her blogs are amazing, I will share a few below this, I will first share the blog she did for her brother that passed away. It is touching and the way Patty blogs is very unique in the way she sets them out, her blog is superb and I please urge you all to follow patty here I can tell you that you will come across a wonderful woman with a heart of gold. We cried together earlier this morning when we spoke and I just gave her the only advice I could, but she is a very strong woman, she can hold her own in a debate or discussion, but she also listens and if she needs advice she will ask, if she thinks I need advice she won’t even ask, she will just tell me

Patty also has a brilliant sense of humour. I was down one day, a few weeks ago and she did a blog JUST FOR ME. She created the The Semper Fidelis Award and Awarded it just to me, again showing her passion for having fun and caring at the same time. Sometimes she can have me in fits of laughter, sometimes she can have me in tears through reading her amazing blog. As I have now done a few more of these Great Bloggers/Friends blogs the better I know people, the more I will do

Patty, this is for you, I love you dearly as a friend, you amaze and astound me with your heart and humour, and I am HONOURED to call you a friend. I will share a few blogs if that is ok, this is for her brother who has passed x




I want to follow you…


I am drowning today, drowning in my tears…

I am in pieces today, pieces of my shattered heart…

I feel cold today, cold and I feel like I will never be warm again…

I feel dark today…

I feel lost today…

Please, let me fade to black


The following poem is written by my sweet brother, Shane.

Lost with the Moon

Cold is cold and the air forever chokes me as the moon is my Light

Shivering darkness I repel and try to ignite

Stars are flashlights and the sky is a compass that leads me home Tonight

Bashfully mistaken I am Lost today

I always get lost stumbling around trying to find my way

If only my mind could stop wondering, I Beg it to stay!

deceit is here and so is deafening fear

If only I had the Moon’s glow with me here

My Journey mite be saved and I Could shed this burdening Puppeteer

Listen closely as Strings get cut and blasphemous whispers get screamed into my ear

Please go away for I can’t stay

Agony holds to me tightly today

Are you listening to the winters blues

Southern tones echoing so loudly they just might bruise

Even though I am Lost My heart blackening with frost

I would never stop now no matter what the cost

Is anyone Listening I know not where to cross

I no longer see the bridge and even if i did

I wouldn’t use it for the easy route I forbid

I am on my own and that’s what I prefer

I am addicted to Pain I am a Lost connoisseur

I Hear nothing at all My own thoughts I ignore

I don’t want to be standing here in the cold, I don’t want to be Lost anymore

– William Shane Ellis –

*Of course you are allowed to reblog. But Shane’s poetry will always stay his and property of his family*

Keep his love in your heart and keep his memory alive forever.

Let me follow you

As you can see, Patty puts a LOT into her blogs, one blog I did like was this one, it was fun and showed us all who “Patty” IS 

Just a thought…

bloggers-for-piece-badgeEvery month I will do a post for ‘Bloggers for Peace’. To share the love, let people think or just to support peace in general.

“Peace is not something you wish for, it something you make, something you do, something you are, something you give away.”–Robert Fulghum

In an effort to actively do something to create more peace in the world in 2013, I am dedicating a number of my posts specifically to peace. I invite you to join me. We can call ourselves “Bloggers for Peace.” Everyone is invited to join. The requirements are simple and flexible.

You can join by clicking right HERE  Peace is something we all crave for!

There are a lot of people out there who have a serious cause of ‘Judgementality’ and there is no real medicine for that. Luckily, I don’t have that condition. Honestly.

I don’t care what the color of your skin is, I don’t care if you love boys or girls, I don’t care if you are rich or poor, what kind of family you come from, what your believes are, where you are from. I just don’t care.

What I DO care for is if you are loyal, honest and a true friend. And if you are good at heart.

All of the rest… seriously, I couldn’t care less. If you are my friend, you are my friend. If I love you, I love you. And if I don’t like you (because that can happen too) ;) I just don’t like you for who you are.

I am sorry for people who are judgemental. They miss out on a lot of fun and love. ❤ 


Lots of love,


For you Patty, with love and a hug on a hard day for you and your family, my thoughts are with you today, Shaun x x 
Patty did this for her Brother x
Holding my last breath

Great Bloggers/Friends #6 – Victoria @ The Blurred Line

Victoria 2

I have been speaking to Victoria now for a few months, we now share Face Book also, I am doing this as I truly want to introduce people I live, love and care for on here to other people.  Please have a look at Victoria’s blog

Victoria falls into that bracket, she is fun, she is honest, she really has me howling in laughter, she has a caring loving side to her, and I love her to bits as a friend. She is an Amazing friend, her sense of humour is so close to mine it is untrue, I will share a few blogs she has done, and you will see what I mean. Victoria lives in South Africa and is married with kids, and really is a brilliant person. We have had an Audio chat on Skype and it was a good laugh, and over time our friendship has grown I look to Victoria as a true friend I can go to if I feel down, and she knows she can do likewise.

Just to sample a blog, I read this yesterday and about had 3 strokes and a heart attack with laughter, Victoria can pain paint a picture with a blog, her story telling is outrageously funny, you will see what I mean, here is the blog that almost killed me lol x Look out for “Judas Asparagus”

Parents and Elephants. They never forgetPosted on June 30, 2013 by 
 Parenting 1
Parents are special.
They love us.
We love them.
Parenting 3
This is prudent, because parents know more about us than we do.
All those years we don’t remember?
They do.
And being clever, they keep this blackmail material closely hoarded and bring it out to share at the worst possible moments.
My parents’ favourite fallbacks are:
Victoria and Judas Asparagus.
Victoria and the Camel.
Victoria and the Time She Ran Away.
Let’s tackle them one by one shall we?
Victoria and Judas Asparagus.
As a small child and even now, I have a deep and intense loathing for asparagus.
Asparagus represents all that is bad and evil in the world.
Also, as is the wont of many small children, when I did not understand a word I just used the closest one I did in its place.
For some nefarious reason, no member of my family thought to correct this.
As a result, in Religious Education class when asked who betrayed Jesus, I put my hand up. This was a BIG deal. I did not speak in class. Ever. Of course, flabbergasted by my eagerness, the teacher picked me to answer.
Who betrayed Jesus?
Judas Asparagus.
Victoria and the Camel.
My parents took me on the most amazing trip through the Far East at about the age of 9.
The trip was memorable for not only the incredible places and people we met, but also by my innate ability to find trouble wherever we went.
fold up bed
It started in Taiwan. I was to share a room with my parents and the hotel kindly provided a fold out bed.
I sat on the bed.
I lay down on the bed.
The bed swallowed me whole.
Like a carnivorous child eating bed.
My parents laughed so hard it was a while before I was rescued.
The hotel sent another one. It ate me too.
My father was now exasperated and he tried out the third one. It ate him. He was not amused.
jawsBy the time we got to Thailand my parents were in need of some adult time.
I was left alone in the hotel room with two specific instructions.
The first, do not order room service.
The second, do not watch Jaws on the TV.
I had never heard of room service. A few hours and pretty much the entire menu later I was a room service expert.
Fletch Lives was also finished and Jaws was starting.
smoke rings
Thirty minutes into Jaws, I fled the hotel room in my PJs and headed for the cabaret where my parents were.
We don’t call them cabarets anymore.
These days we call them Ping Pong Shows.
I was not scarred for life, just deeply curious how anyone could blow smoke rings out that part of their anatomy, a conundrum that bothers me to this day.
Finally after extricating me from in-depth negotiations in an Indian bizarre involving the going price for a fully grown python, my parents were nearing breaking point.
And so we come to the camel.
We were somewhere in India. By somewhere I mean a small roadhouse next to a very long straight road populated by trees on either side, desolation beyond, vultures perched on every branch and trains of camels slowly plodding along with no visible human interaction.
dancing bearsIt was there in this sandalwood scented oasis that a travelling circus, no doubt smelling the sweet scent of tourists came to rest.
They had a dancing bear. I was entranced. (Yes, now I know it is horrible and cruel.) The bear and I lay and cuddled in the hot sun.
I was wrapped up in a python from head to toe and having the time of my life.
Until my parents emerged into the shimmering heat.
My father has an intense fear of snakes. I was unwrapped.
In a parental display meant to avoid and unhappiness on my behalf I was offloaded onto the back of a recalcitrant camel.
The camel did not smell good.
The camel had festoons of saliva instead of reins.
The camel swayed from side to side in a manner nothing like a horse or a bear.
I asked nicely. “Please may I get off?”.
“Just a few more pictures!” shouted my mother encouragingly.
camel 2After about 20 minutes of sweaty, camel swaying hell I was in tears.
Not quiet, fragile tears, but all out hysterical weeping frenzy.
My mother put a new roll of film into her camera.
Periodically she takes these shots out to show people.
My father still takes enormous pleasure in showing me camels, pictures of them, statues of them, movies of them…
It is safe to say I hate camels as much as he hates pythons.
Victoria and the Time She Ran Away.
beginners-guide-the-running-away-from-homeI DID NOT RUN AWAY! The car broke down. The phones were down. What was I supposed to do? Walk home?
Oh, I don’t know why I bother.
It has provided entertainment at my 21st birthday party, my wedding and one day no doubt my funeral.
I’ve written about it before. You can read it here if you like.
It was nothing like the time I really did try to run away.
ice cream
I packed my little brown suitcase and set off.
Only I wasn’t allowed to cross the road. So, I just walked around and around the block until my dad pulled up in his car and offered to take me out for an ice-cream.
So after gaining my breath back and wiping the tears away I read another, and another, and Victoria has another side to her also, a caring side and she comes across as very clever in terms of being a Woman who can think for herself and make her own decisions, I know that came across strange, but she is just wonderful person who knows where is going in life. She has travelled the world, basically all over, Victoria also cares, and this blog here shows how much she cares, it is haunting and beautiful at the same time. This is a reblog, 

A picture speaks a thousand words………..

Posted on May 16, 2013 by Reblogged from The Fat DiariesClick to visit the original postfollow this link for the article below: A Final Embrace: The Most Haunting Photograph from Bangladesh Taslima Akhter,  April 25, 2013. Two victims amid the rubble of a garment factory building collapse in Savar, near Dhaka, Bangladesh. “Many powerful photographs have been made in the aftermath of the devastating collapse of a garment factory on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Read more… 485 more words Please have a look at this incredible photograph. It brought home ot me the extent and the humanity of the disaster in Bangladesh.
So right away you can see Victoria has a heart, and this something I love in a friend. And to finish, a blog she did I loved, again, showing a caring side, I must say, her best quality is to make others laugh, but this blog here, was WOW, really was something and again shows the REAL side of a very funny girl who will take a second to care and love

Madiba – You will always be in our hearts

Posted on June 28, 2013 by Mandela_2_0 Nelson Mandela is dying. As a nation we have to accept this.Mandela 1We may grieve. We may celebrate his life, his achievements and his legacy, but above all we have to let him go. For his family this time is intensely personal and to share this intimacy with an entire country must take an enormous toll. Mandela 2Amidst all this it is profoundly shocking that the ANC he founded should use his final days as a political grandstand claiming ownership of this great man’s life and death. Even more shocking to me is the rumour that President Obama might turn this great man’s deathbed into a public relations photo-op. To intrude on a family’s grief in this way beggars belief. Mandela 3Nelson Mandela is a statesman, a past President, he is our leader and the father of a democratic South Africa. First and foremost though, he is a husband, a father, a grandfather and a great-grandfather. It is time we honoured this. Nelson Mandela is not a saint. He is a man. He has done both good and evil in the name of his cause. People died. People lived.Nelson_Mandela_by_scatterdthoughtsWhat sets him apart from all of us, was his ability to not only ask forgiveness, but to give it to the government who kept him jailed for 27 years. I doubt many of us could have walked out those gates and called for peace the way he did. The day he passes I fear the conscience not only of this country, but this continent will pass with him. My greatest fear is that all he fought for and stood for will come to naught, as the greed and avarice so endemic in the leadership of the ANC runs riot.Mandela 10I fear that 20 years from now the world will look on South Africa and wonder what went wrong as we morph into yet another African dictatorship operating under a very thin veneer of democracy. Now is not the time for that.Nelson+MandelaNow is the time to give thanks for all the lives Madiba has touched. To give thanks for his enormous strength, his love for this country and the children he adored. It is time to say our goodbyes and celebrate this giant of a man whose integrity, wisdom, humility and leadership have enriched our lives.Mandela 5It is time to put politics and spin doctors aside. It is time to wish him well on another great adventure. Our loss can only be heaven’s gain.nelson-mandela-dayThis year on Mandela Day (18 July) let us all follow his example all over the world and in some small way contribute to his legacy by giving 67 minutes of our time to better the communities in which we live. Find out more on

So this is for your Victoria, here is to friendship, fun, the truth, a better world, our kids and Blogging. Luv Ya x And again, please, everyone, go check


Great Bloggers/Friends #4 – Patrick @ PERSPECTIVES (Dementia Alzheimer’s)



Number 4 on Blogger friends here. Before I have told you about

1. – Dave

2. – Mer

3. -Eddie

I now want to introduce you all to a very brave but funny lad, who lives on the same island as me, the UK. Patrick, here is his blog for you to follow, he is a brilliant lad, we have spoken on Skype once or twice, we always keep in touch and when one of us is down, and we will be there and just keep the other’s head up. Patrick’s Dad suffers from Dementia/Alzheimer’s and Patrick is a full time care for his Dad. He is honest, caring, but like anyone dealing with a loved one with this horrible disease, almost at the end of his rope, and if you all knew him as a friend, Patrick, and get to know his story, you would understand. Patrick is one of the most caring lads I know; his heart is as big as it caring. I did a blog earlier today about how we cope with pain; this is what Patrick had to say, this was just an hour or so ago on my blog

Dealing with pain, a difficult subject. I do not suffer a physical pain but a mental and emotional one of being a carer for a family member. It’s a 24/7/365 kind of pain. I can deal with this in various ways. I let off steam by shouting back; I walk away, count to 10 then talk myself around like some sort of loony whilst smoking a cigarette. The neighbours must think I am unhinged as I walk up and down the garden muttering to myself. I take exercise to work off the pain. Endorphins are great. Sometimes I cry it away in private whilst listening to music. And of course I blog it and write poems because writing it down and sharing is very cathartic. We all deal with pain differently. No two people are the same as the comments above show. We can learn many ways from each other just by the amazing way we share experiences.

As you can see that one reply to this blog I started a few hours ago, tells you a lot about Patrick and how he deals with his pain. I did this blog for all pain, not just disabled people like myself and the first 3 friends I blogged about whom all suffer physical debilitating pain. He goes through a terrible time with his Father’s (Who he loves dearly) illness and Patrick is there always to make sure Dad is ok. He is a caring lad and may I add, also a brilliant poet. Here are a few of Patrick’s blogs. I urge you all to please follow and keep up to date with Patrick and make him part of your Word Press Family

This blog here I could and almost did Cry, I will let Patrick’s blog explain why, it is about his Dad’s disease.


SO UNFAIR……  If there is one thing that saddens me about this disease in the later stages is that it can not give my Dad what he wants. I sense more and more these days that all he wants is an end to all this confusion and lack of understanding. The fact that he can not be with his Mum anymore drives his thoughts all the time. It is useless trying to explain to him where his Mum is as he has no concept of what death is and can not understand his Mum is no more and unreachable until the day comes when it is his time to go and join her. However, i also feel he is fighting not to go. This just prolongs his torment. I for one know that i would not want to be here any longer if i was suffering the same way. His quality of life is so low. He will do nothing but sit in his chair all day sleeping, then when evening comes it starts. Sundowners kicks in he becomes more anxious about time. Constantly looking at his watch. Asking how to get home. Being lied to (little white lies) about how to get there so he does not wander off. I hate that i have to lie to him, but it is the only way. Muttering to himself aloud and saying it is nothing when he is asked.  It is truly a cruel disease to put someone through this. All he needs is peace, but it will not give him that peace. I sit and hope that there is not much longer to go. Sometimes i feel selfish having such thoughts, but to watch him suffer day in day out is heartbreaking. if i believed in god i would ask him to come and take him to a better place.  So i am going to say something now that might be seen as either a kindness or just a selfish wish. “COME ON ALZHEIMER”S?DEMENTIA, DO YOUR WORST AND GIVE HIM PEACE. HE HAS SUFFERED ENOUGH.”

Hard to read without being human and it not being upsetting. But this is Patrick wanting his Dad’s pain to be gone. Very upsetting as I say to read, but very real, very painful but he has the courage to blog about Dementia/Alzheimer’s and by doing so, without realising so, is helping others, and brining the disease to the light where it needs to be discussed. There will be others on Word Press with a family member suffering from this, I would urge you to follow Patrick and talk, because this is not an easy journey to walk alone. As I said, Patrick is a brilliant poet, when I was doing a bit of poetry I would always ask Patrick what he thought and he was honest, here are two poems Patrick done. Please read these.

A Poem – Dark Destroyer

I fight a constant battle,
A never ending war,
Against a dark destroyer,
And devil that’s for sure.

Sometimes it hides in darkness,
Afraid to be in light,
Then rides forth strong, unyielding
Into my line of sight.

It wields a sword of power,
It slices through my heart,
Releasing deep emotions,
That tear my soul apart.

A never ending onslaught,
Determined to destroy,
All the hopes that I could have,
The reason for his ploy.

My army is not many,
It’s soldiers they are weak,
Their minds are getting weary,
Their strength begins to leak.

Who is this dark destroyer?
Why does this thing exist?
To take away my mind and soul,
And never does desist.

It is a form of many names,
Each name it’s own agenda,
They all live in the same place,
A world they call Dementia.

by Patrick Fisher – April 2013

I Wish….

I wish i could release you
From the chains that hold your mind,
I wish that i could take you
To that home you want to find. 

I wish that you could understand
The reason why we stay,
I wish that you could just accept
The care from day to day 

I wish to see the brightness
Come back into your eyes,
I wish to see their blueness
Just like the summer skies. 

I wish to feel the warmth again
From the man you used to be,
I wish to feel the love you had
For family and me. 

I wish to recount the memories
Of times we used to share,
I wish to share the things i’ve done
And know you really care. 

I wish to have my father back
My mentor and my guide,
I wish to have that feeling
That you’ll be there by my side. 

by Patrick Fisher – April 2013

One blog Patrick did that did bring a tear to my eye was called Empty Eyes he did in May, it was about his Dad, and the title tells the story, the blog tells more. This must have been so hard to write, but like many with pain, we need an outlet. I thought for a while on Word Press the only pain people blogged about was a person’s disability, I was wrong. This blog brought me to my knee’s almost, again so raw, so honest, and so dignified by Patrick

EMPTY EYES…….Been a while since i last posted anything, not really been in the mood to type away at the computer but i thought it was time i did a small update. As dementia has slowly eaten away Dad’s memory his eyes have become dark and empty. There are times when he looks at you and seems to stare right through you. It can be a quite an uncomfortable feeling being stared at with those empty, soulless eyes. There is no colour there, just black emptiness. it’s not his fault but the way the disease has robbed him of his sparkle. I have written about that in the poems i have written. Overall, since he came out of hospital his behaviour has been quite mild. Although some of them have returned. The lighter nights have meant he goes to bed later, which has been a blessing for Mum in one way, but he lighter mornings means he gets up as soon as it get light. Sometimes 6am. Suppose there is no happy medium with dementia, in fact i know there is none. 7 years have taught me a lot and to expect the unexpected.

I don’t do these blogs to get people sympathy that is not the reason; I am doing them to bring AMAZING people to your attention. People you may never have known, but WILL NOW FOLLOW. I URGE YOU ALL PLEASE to support Patrick and follow his blog and his story and his personal journey with what is a horrible thing to deal with, anyone with a heart, please get following Patrick and join him in what is a personal struggle. He is good fun also, although his story is painful, he is a funny lad and always there with a quick one liner to get me laughing. As I said with the previous 3 Amazing Friends I blogged about, same as Patrick, please go have a look, again this is his blog I know many here have a real heart and do care, so I am asking you to just give Patrick a bit of support in what is a difficult time in his and his family’s life.

This is for you Patrick, I know you never asked me to blog this, but I wanted to, you are an amazing person, a good friend and you need support and also people to know how funny you can be also.

Please give some support to Patrick.

More Love, Less Hate





To Sleep or not to Sleep, that is not the question


Tonight as I sat with one eye opened trying to write my 2nd guest blog of the day as I am very famous and in such demand, it dawned on me as I sat there.

I am an idiot. It was one of those profound moments when you “Just know” it comes to you like a headache in the shower with soap in your eyes. I fell asleep for an hour at my Kitchen table half way through replying to someone on Facebook. I woke up when I heard Dawn say “Are you awake”

Yeah the same kind of question you ask to a lion “Are you Hungry” as you sit next to it. I have a strange existence me. I am SHATTERED right now but this throbbing pulse from my left knee is like getting ice cream thrown down the back of your t-shirt, it just is annoying

Strange it is, tonight I feel I could just go to bed and crash “sleep” very easily but I can’t as the Ice Cream feeling is hitting me. There is no ice cream; I am using the ice cream as a metaphor for something that keeps me awake.

I could have used the “A cat taking a shit on my face” but I didn’t want to lower the tone you see, I mean I am a nice person, and the last thing I want to be speaking about is cats taking a shit on my face. It smacks of desperation for seeking attention, and this man-child here is not the kind of lad to say things to get attention, it is just not my style. I have never had a cat have a jobby on my face, although I have had a cat pee in my football boots once, I went to football and I was mortified, as people were looking at me as if I had just taken a shit myself in their Mothers handbags due to the cat pee smell. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not the kind of guy to even make funny jokes like this; they lack taste and a certain respect towards my friends Mothers and their hand bags. And I am a GOOD friend.

The worst think I have even done to a friend was spit in a condom and leave it in his jacket pocket a week before he got married, he got beaten slightly, but once I owned up I then got beaten slightly also, and told never to visit again, and I wish I could, I left my watch at their house 😦

See life is all about respect, like respect for Dolphins, as a species, I do not feel us humans show enough respect to the Dolphin. I knew a brilliant Dolphin once called Gary, he was BRILLIANT at Golf, he had a handicap I think it was 9, not bad for a Dolphin.

Anyway, we need to respect things more in this world. Even Spiders and bee’s, I am not saying we should respect wasps as they are just nasty bastards. Bees give us honey and Spiders help keep fly movement down in the home.

Life is all about respect people. We should think about this more often, my friend Keith below is respectful of all things and likes to find things out for himself. I respect him for it, he challenges life to the MAX you know, when things need done, KEITH IS THERE! No messing around, no fake stuff, no farting about, he just gets the job done


Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

I am Scottish/Irish!

I am Scottish/Irish!

Over the last week I have been on HEAVY Morphine. I poured it down the sink this morning. Enough, I was getting some heat through emails, from comments I was NOT allowing through regarding this blog

It must have been the medication, I don’t know, but I DELETED it due to criticism from another person. I have been here almost 10 months, blogging for real for 6 and for the first time EVER I allowed a comment from a person, whose comments I did not allow through to compromise my beliefs and my thinking.

So I edited this:

I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but 130 Awards, Nearly 1,000 AMAZING followers, Hundreds of AMAZING friends here, and I somehow allowed the medication to get to my mind and let a person dictate to me what I will and will not blog. The Morphine, I am allergic to I think has been poured down the sink. I am about to leave for the Hospital to get a quick X-ray on my Knee and Foot and will just be a big brave boy and take the pills.

I have not been myself all week, would you on Morphine? Probably not is the answer. I allowed my VERY THINKING to be compromised by a few one track thinker who have not got  a clue and I am ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I NEVER let people dictate to me, yet with this Morphine pumping through my veins, I did, that won’t happen again.

I make friends here because I give a shit, I make friends here because I am honest, and I make friends here because I like to think, I HOPE, I am a good friend back to you.

I will keep posting my shit, I will keep asking the question, I will keep sticking it to the big guy and I will never let myself be compromised by a patriot with a FUCKING PEE SHOOTER EVER AGAIN. I will be the guy 850 followed in the first place. I am sorry for being “Odd” this week, please understand the pain and medication. Not over yet, Hospital in an hour

I am also going to accept awards again, they are good fun, and I miss meeting people through awards if I am being honest. Some of the best people I know here I met through Awards, so please, include me in any Awards if you see fit, I do miss meeting new people through these awards. I got 4 this morning and awarded some people back

Please understand, I am here with a chipped bone in my knee, a hairline fracture in my foot suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome FOR LIFE and Morphine although it may not feel it, does fuck with your head. So for a week I turned into someone else. I am Scottish, we don’t do that shit. I will carry on doing what I was doing all along.

Being myself and listening to the people that matter is something I pride myself in doing on Word Press. I have made many amazing friends. Have I annoyed you or upset you this week? I am talking long term friends here. If I have I am sorry, 2 broken bones and strong liquid medication was the cause. If I have annoyed anyone.

Oh and having a life is what I do also. Part of my life is blogging, and all you people, like family I never had. Why I created this award here, remember? For these reasons below the award. I am going to press ahead with Blogging about people who I love to talk to here, like what I did here: And push ahead HARD with the Radio show. I will be doing blogs on more of you in the coming weeks. I will highlight the love and humanity in many people here, this Award and the reasons I started it still stand


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

As you were Soldiers

