Was the London Soldiers beheading a “False Flag Operation”? – Watch and decide.

Hmm, No blood

Hmm, No blood

Blood, hands only.

Blood, hands only.

Website with some REALLY deep debate on the matter: http://truthfrequencyradio.com/exclusive-london-beheading-hoax-confirmed/

The Video: Check some of the comments below. Many  believe this was a hoax…What do you think? Judge from what I am showing.

Again RIP to Soldier Lee Rigby. I have spent the last 2 weeks just looking at some things. Where the car mounted the pavement and hit Lee is the only place Blood is constant. Yeah?  Check for yourself.

Blood where he was hit by car. Why no blood around his body where they "Dragged him and beheaded him" ?

Blood where he was hit by car. Why no blood around his body where they “Dragged him and beheaded him” ?

I am not a conspiracy nut, far from it, I am a guy who looks at a story and if I see an inconsistency, I will get a story and if something doesn’t add up, I will look further. The lack of blood beside Lee was the first thing I seen as “Strange” Then I got sent this video today, one the “Killer” has blood only on his hands and the weapons. The other part of the video NO BLOOD AT ALL

So use your thinking caps people. I am suggesting only there are inconsistencies here, nothing more. And the more I look, the more I see. This is what us Conspiracy nuts do you see. We try to find the truth. Nothing more, I would be hurting my own feelings if I thought Lee died but the event was a lie or a cover up or a false flag hoax, whatever, I am smarter than that. I am clever enough to look at any story and say “Hmmmm this does not add up, something is not right” What made me blog today was when a friend sent me this video. So the credit goes to Hawkeye for the video. But I would have found it myself anyway. I am on a site that the video will be on.

What do you think? Watch the video, there IS NO GORE, do you think the UK Government would create an event like this to get the people of the UK to hate Muslims, therefore having NO PROBLEMS with the UK going to the middle east. What do you think?

Also, and this is what peaked my interest. Derren Brown, famous in the UK for working with the mind PROVED you can get a person to commit murder without the person ever knowing he had committed the murder. All controlled in the mind. The most famous one is Robert Kennedy assassination, the man who was charged with this SWEARS to this day he can’t remember and has passed several lie detector tests.

Here is the show that was in UK TV on the same week http://www.channel4.com/programmes/derren-brown-the-experiments/episode-guide/series-1/episode-1 I watched it thinking “This is a poor show considering a man has JUST been assassinated” So I started to look closer and what I see are inconsistencies.

If you can watch Derren Brown – Assassin, please try. It proves, without a shadow of doubt a person can be controlled to commit the most appalling acts of horror against another person

Gets you thinking yeah?

Before I finish up here, I suffer from a condition where my brain tells my body it is in pain. Without this the pain would still be there, but my brain has convinced itself I am in more pain.




Blogger for Peace.


I would like to thank fellow “Blogger for peace”  DAY ONE Barbara @ http://looneyatoms.com/ for bringing this to my attention. I seen on another bloggers page the “Bloggers for peace” badge and stole it, lol. I had NO idea there was a Blog for it here http://everydaygurus.com/2012/12/20/we-can-make-a-difference-right-here-right-now/  from everyday gurus I just thought it was a cool saying. So I am going to join this, and once a month do a blog on the Peace movement. Anyone that knows me, will have picked up, like Barbara did, I am a Blogger for Peace, so I was part of it without knowing I guess.

I would say EVERYONE has a look at this, because one blog at a time, one reply at a time, one song, one saying, just trying, we may get Peace. I won’t give up on it, and I know you won’t either. Anyone that craves War, craves it for financial gain, or is a Soldier who likes War. As a Blogger for Peace, I would say these people are the architects of War, and they must be stopped

I will add the “B4Peace” to my blog here, in a show of solidarity with others who crave peace as I do, I love it, and it speaks to me in a way of Peace


This here is in my Blog and has been since the start http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/about/ Under “Why I hope” it says:

We live in an world full of love, but also we are fed violence through the media. A world that is more connected through technology, but less connected than ever as people.

We don’t interact, and the world has become a corporate machine, where money  rules over the heart.

One person at a time, one blog at a time, one conversation at a time, we CAN change our world


So all along my ideology of Peace was there, I just didn’t know it. But I will add more.

I think we live in a world where War is for profit and blood flows all over for a small percentage of people can add an extra zero to their bank balance, they make me sick. I did a blog a while back, and the theme was “We don’t want war” http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/this-picture-speaks-1000-words-kindness-and-hate-war-all-in-one/ This picture below speaks volumes, A man from the USA and a Man from Iran, at the London Olympics sharing a Hug. We the people don’t want war, we want peace, we want to love and share and help where we can, we want to share cultures and be part of each others cultures and give a shit.

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

So I throw my hat into the “Blogger for peace” movement and if you give a shit, yes YOU, join in. I am aware any day War could be on my doorstep, and this is the ignorance sometimes, if we can’t see war, we are immune to it so we don’t give a shit. But for the people all over the world in War, at War on in Civil War, we must put ourselves in these people’s shoes to show we give a  damn about them. We must blog and the then blog some more, and then just in-case, blog again against this Global War Machine I hate with every fibre of my being. If you have morals and love and care, then take 20 minutes out of your day and join this “Bloggers for Peace” movement, the more who do it, the more may listen. Never say never. Once I  thought WWIII was a given, it was going to happen, now I am not so sure. We are close. Name a county not in, or at war or in civil war, you will be hard pushed to produce a list with any substance.

So we must all come together, the VAST MAJORITY and say, with one voice “NO” We don’t want to kill each other. And tell this 1% to take their money, run for the hills and let people who will rule FOR US not against us, and allow these people to run a world where hope can be seen, where solidarity can be felt and expressed, where we can say to a fellow human, from anywhere “Are you ok”  I am in, and I will be in harder and harder, as this is a subject close to my heart and my being, this is just my opening blog, expect harder blogs than this to come, I hope I can do “Bloggers for peace” some justice


Join in!

Join in!


I often show this video, it means more now! 

After seeing all of this, take the 20 minutes, or deny ignorance!