Great Bloggers/Friends #8 – Patty @


Patty, she does these pictures for her poetry and blogs

This is my Friend whom I love like a sister, Patty, she is from Holland in Europe (Lucky Sod, Joke some will get) Patty has the biggest heart I have seen from anyone, or as big as any I have seen. Sadly her Brother passed away a few days ago, Patty told me he was ill then a few hours later told me he had passed

Her Brother is living in the USA and the funeral service is today, so Patty and her Husband and family in Holland are having their own private service to pay respects and find a way to move on. I hope this goes well Patty x

Patty today is grieving, but took time out of her pain to re-blog my blog today for a friend of mine who is in hospital This is the Patty I know and love as a friend. Her heart is as big as it is amazing

Parry does all her own artwork for her blog and is a BRILLIANT poet. Some of her blogs are amazing, I will share a few below this, I will first share the blog she did for her brother that passed away. It is touching and the way Patty blogs is very unique in the way she sets them out, her blog is superb and I please urge you all to follow patty here I can tell you that you will come across a wonderful woman with a heart of gold. We cried together earlier this morning when we spoke and I just gave her the only advice I could, but she is a very strong woman, she can hold her own in a debate or discussion, but she also listens and if she needs advice she will ask, if she thinks I need advice she won’t even ask, she will just tell me

Patty also has a brilliant sense of humour. I was down one day, a few weeks ago and she did a blog JUST FOR ME. She created the The Semper Fidelis Award and Awarded it just to me, again showing her passion for having fun and caring at the same time. Sometimes she can have me in fits of laughter, sometimes she can have me in tears through reading her amazing blog. As I have now done a few more of these Great Bloggers/Friends blogs the better I know people, the more I will do

Patty, this is for you, I love you dearly as a friend, you amaze and astound me with your heart and humour, and I am HONOURED to call you a friend. I will share a few blogs if that is ok, this is for her brother who has passed x




I want to follow you…


I am drowning today, drowning in my tears…

I am in pieces today, pieces of my shattered heart…

I feel cold today, cold and I feel like I will never be warm again…

I feel dark today…

I feel lost today…

Please, let me fade to black


The following poem is written by my sweet brother, Shane.

Lost with the Moon

Cold is cold and the air forever chokes me as the moon is my Light

Shivering darkness I repel and try to ignite

Stars are flashlights and the sky is a compass that leads me home Tonight

Bashfully mistaken I am Lost today

I always get lost stumbling around trying to find my way

If only my mind could stop wondering, I Beg it to stay!

deceit is here and so is deafening fear

If only I had the Moon’s glow with me here

My Journey mite be saved and I Could shed this burdening Puppeteer

Listen closely as Strings get cut and blasphemous whispers get screamed into my ear

Please go away for I can’t stay

Agony holds to me tightly today

Are you listening to the winters blues

Southern tones echoing so loudly they just might bruise

Even though I am Lost My heart blackening with frost

I would never stop now no matter what the cost

Is anyone Listening I know not where to cross

I no longer see the bridge and even if i did

I wouldn’t use it for the easy route I forbid

I am on my own and that’s what I prefer

I am addicted to Pain I am a Lost connoisseur

I Hear nothing at all My own thoughts I ignore

I don’t want to be standing here in the cold, I don’t want to be Lost anymore

– William Shane Ellis –

*Of course you are allowed to reblog. But Shane’s poetry will always stay his and property of his family*

Keep his love in your heart and keep his memory alive forever.

Let me follow you

As you can see, Patty puts a LOT into her blogs, one blog I did like was this one, it was fun and showed us all who “Patty” IS 

Just a thought…

bloggers-for-piece-badgeEvery month I will do a post for ‘Bloggers for Peace’. To share the love, let people think or just to support peace in general.

“Peace is not something you wish for, it something you make, something you do, something you are, something you give away.”–Robert Fulghum

In an effort to actively do something to create more peace in the world in 2013, I am dedicating a number of my posts specifically to peace. I invite you to join me. We can call ourselves “Bloggers for Peace.” Everyone is invited to join. The requirements are simple and flexible.

You can join by clicking right HERE  Peace is something we all crave for!

There are a lot of people out there who have a serious cause of ‘Judgementality’ and there is no real medicine for that. Luckily, I don’t have that condition. Honestly.

I don’t care what the color of your skin is, I don’t care if you love boys or girls, I don’t care if you are rich or poor, what kind of family you come from, what your believes are, where you are from. I just don’t care.

What I DO care for is if you are loyal, honest and a true friend. And if you are good at heart.

All of the rest… seriously, I couldn’t care less. If you are my friend, you are my friend. If I love you, I love you. And if I don’t like you (because that can happen too) ;) I just don’t like you for who you are.

I am sorry for people who are judgemental. They miss out on a lot of fun and love. ❤ 


Lots of love,


For you Patty, with love and a hug on a hard day for you and your family, my thoughts are with you today, Shaun x x 
Patty did this for her Brother x
Holding my last breath

A video of kindness that made me Cry


I know someone posted this before, but this video gets me every time. The kindness and love shown by the dog SHOULD teach us all a lesson in Humility and Humanity and how to love and care and show affection. A little boy who has Down syndrome and a Dog who is showing what caring and Love is all about… Man, this gets me crying every time.. As it says, God doesn’t make mistakes x

Thank you to Andrea MYSPOKENHEART as she posted something similar on another social network site that made this pop up.. It is something. You all know I cry like a baby at these things, and I am right now. That is how the world should be, how we should all feel.. x



Medication – Beware



I am going to write this before I give in and take some medication. It is killing our brain cells. I know some medications are needed and must be taken, ALWAYS talk to a Dr about this, or someone you trust in the health care industry.

Medication given to us my our Dr’s numb our brain, stop brain patterns from fully going all the way and most of all, make us zombies. Walking, living, Zombies, there, alive, just, just enough for your loved ones to say “Hey, Dad’s up” or “Dads Home” Just enough

I am trying to take myself off this poison, because my body does not need it, by brain does. It has been 28/29/30 hours since I had medication of any kind and I am thinking clearly, but my body is a wreck and my brain is screaming, so I will give it enough to shut it up for a few hours

The pain I am in will be there no matter what I take, so the medication is useless, the medication stops to work

I am talking about ME HERE


You deserve to hear the truth. Please see a Dr, please, someone you trust, find someone

These pills are killing us, I am talking about daily pain relief we are all on

Please, if you are taking medication, don’t just stop, if it’s keeping you alive, this is not for you, this is for people in pain, with mind issues, they are killing us, I see it now, and I am waking up a little more

Do the right thing, now I need to feed my mind some poison

I will play this video 100 times more !!! If I have to 

My take on Awards




I have been blogging for almost 15 months now, 11 months on Word Press for a Sports site. I have had this personal site since July 2012 and I never used it much, a few blogs a month. Then I got bored blogging Sport and wanted to blog about my personal life, so I did

I changed the URL early January 2013 and since I have not looked back, here is a list of blogs I have done each month, as you can see I didn’t really start till January this year

Blog Archives:


Up until around January of this year, I had done under 40 blogs in 6 months, since January this year I have done 309 blogs in 4 months, I think that works out what? 3 a day on average

So here I sit now, 350 blogs done, 309 with a purpose, still learning to write, even put my hand at poetry and I have 53 Awards. I have 3 or 4 some more, of the same Award, but each award is from 53 different people, each one unique in itself to me

So 53 people have thought of me, my blog and given me an award

I find the awards fun to do, when I receive one, I do it right away, or as soon as I can, because if someone has taken 20/30 minutes to do an award, I feel it is only right I give back. Awards for me are a fun but appreciative side to Word Press, I thank everyone that has given me an award

I find these days I am doing as many Award blogs as I am “Shaun” or “Normal life blogs” But I really don’t mind, at the moment I have the time, when I re-start football, I will still make the time, I will still blog every day, I have the bug to write

One thing I can’t get my stupid head around is, why have I got 53 awards in 4 months? I know many will say “You deserve them” or “You are helpful” or “You are a nice person who helps” etc, etc but that is just my nature.

I had a quick look there and I have given 500+ awards to other people unless my Maths are rotten and stupid. Basically when you get an award, you generally award 10 people on average, so 53 Awards x 10 people  = 530 people?

I have met some AMAZING people on here and with each passing day, and week I meet more and more again. I speak to about 50 or so, on Skype some most nights, some once a week, some once a month, some just type chat, and we always have a laugh. I think fun is the Key here, being nice, being honest, telling it how it is and NOT arguing. I have been involved in one online argument with one group of people in my 19 years online, so that is good going. I Learn only recently, never argue online, it is a waste of good font 🙂

Thank you to everyone for being my friend, for reading my blogs, for allowing me to read yours, for touching my heart, making me laugh, making me cry, touching my heart and changing my soul. With Word Press I found a community of people who at the very least pretend to get on with people. I can see sometimes people may argue, but it never ends up one, this is why Word Press is such a great place.


Thank you to you all, I love you all like Family I will never meet. And I will say this again about the award I created:


Made by myself on the 4th of April

Made by myself on the 4th of March 2013


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award





Word Press – The last Utopia on the Internet?

Pandoras box



I had a chat with someone not 10 minutes ago and I said this, and now I will blog it; I have a strange way of blogging, just say “Yes Shaun” and go with the flow…………

The title is what it says, with Twitter and Face book and all these other Social Media sites and all these groups on Yahoo and other places, I have been on them all and have always came across nasty people and strange behaviour

I have had this account 6/7 months now, and only really started blogging hard when I left my last blogging interest, sport in January 2013

I came here, and from day 1 people were nice, and to this day I can honestly say I have not came across one nasty, horrible, evil, angry person. All these emotions I have read about, but never seen thrown at other people. As the internet grows and we are so easily connected in an instant from where I am in Edinburgh, Scotland to London, Paris, Australia, South American, The States, India, the Middle East, Africa, South Africa and Europe to Russia and all in-between, I truly believe this is one of the last places where love flows, caring really happens, people understand and people take a second to be nice or say a nice word

I came here at first to talk about my Disability, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Chronic Pain. I am in agony all day every day, but the help and advice I get here has helped me in ways I can’t say, it is just filled with Love and compassion, people willing to just leave a small reply to say “I care” or “I am thinking about you”

I have never been judged to my face, although I am not foolish enough to think it may not have happened between the odd person somewhere, I am honest, I am me, you are you, so if people are nasty, they keep it to themselves, I don’t see gossips or hear them, I have 70+ people from here on Skype a few on Face Book I hardly use and many I email with, it is a fantastic place

I have been online since the world came online in 1994, I came online the day the world came online with the first version of Windows Operating System and I truly can say in the almost 20 years online, and TRUST ME I have been to many places online and this is the only one I can really say I feel we all share one common goal, and that is to care. I blog also for “Bloggers for peace” So there is another goal I have in common with many here

Is this the last Utopia we have online? The last true caring place? The final freedom on-line where we can care and help? I am just asking, I feel so…

Debate away

Shaun x

Keep reaching, Keep believing




There are times in life where we all wonder “What’s the point” or “What reasons do I have to do something” and many more along that line of quotes, for me I have many more questions.

I have told my story on here to thousands of people, and I was as honest as they come.  Right now I am sitting crying, but they are tears of happiness. I am in a lot of pain, but I look at my kids, my partner and think of loved ones, and I cry, don’t ask me why, maybe I am just blessed, I truly can’t answer

I want to tell you all a small story, to straighten up soldier. Once not so long ago I could not see an point of origin in my life, I could not see a path nor a way to go, I was walking about, living yeah, but in the dark, in pain, a lost soul, not knowing what foot to put in front of the other first, and forgetting to breath, I was truly lost, I was gone, Shaun as I know him and others know him, was gone

But then things changed, from somewhere I could feel warmth, I began to see shades and shapes, I got steady on my feet and slowly walking became easier. I can put this “New Life” down to many things. The new house, having the kids, my partner, my family or friends I can’t put a finger on one thing

Through the dark days God was in my mind, I just kept talking to him, I can put the new me down to many things though, will and JUST DEMANDING, and slowly I see “Shaun” for what he was and didn’t like him, so I had to re-like me. And I am slowly getting there. I make many laugh here with my stupid ways, and I love that I can make people smile, or make a person laugh, it is almost as if I am your own personal Clown in an ongoing show, trust me in real life, I am the same, I goof around badly 🙂

But other times I try to help people who are down, people who are lost, people in pain, people in search of love, people who have lost a loved one, someone on the edge of the darkness, someone who was like I was, lost, in the dark and stumbling along barely able to see or feel

So listen up, don’t give in, don’t deny yourself your God given right to be alive, because I did, keep breathing, take these steps, small at first, aye,  if you are in the dark keep reaching and believe you can find the light, and whatever you hold to be the truth, never give in and don’t let anyone or anything stop you from being you

For me that truth is whatever it will be. But as long as I am here I will help, I will advice and I will be here for you all, as you are for me, and we will have fun as we help

I will be your clown, make you smile, make you laugh, and hope all our music can help you see the light, keep breathing, keep walking, we are all here for you

Can you hear us?


An Audio blog to WordPress and all my friends on here


Audio blog about a few things from the past few days, with some thank you messages to some pals. 🙂

Thanks Shaun

Skype: Shaunyg1973