Hatred within Religion



I did this blog here http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/life-on-earth-started-on-mars-say-scientists/ this morning

Since I have had abuse and harsh comments in Email and a few on another place I blogged it. One person who had a go at me has told me before he HATES Islam and blames Islam for many of the problems in the USA and the World. I ask how you can hate if you are a man/woman of God

See this is where I lose the place slightly, as someone who believes in God but has no faith in religion, because of the statement above about Islam and more I have heard. It seems like Catholics dislike Christians and Christians dislike Catholics and I know the issues between Catholics and Protestants, I grew up in it, people die still here due to one religion being unable to live with the other, my Country isn’t as bad as Northern Ireland, where I have family, but it isn’t far from it http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/most-dangerous-rivalry-catholic-vs-protestant-through-football/

I need to just say, ANYONE who knows me well will know at the end of most blogs I say “More love, Less hat” I am not a person of hate, so I am not going to sit here and listen to a goody 2 shoes religious person and take abuse over a scientific finding that we (Humans) may have came from Mars, I never made this finding, I blogged it in a few places, the abuse I got from people proves one thing


Not with everyone, but with many, for some reason this particular IDIOT wants to have a go at every religion on Earth, blame the Worlds problems in Islam, then have a go at me because I DARE question his/her comfy World. I wasn’t, I was posting scientific FACTS, I am sorry if this shakes someone’s faith, but if you REALLY are religious, then your faith shouldn’t be shaken, I don’t get the hatred spewed at me because I dare say “Humans may have came from Mars” As many do believe anyway. Science proves things, that is what it does, it is not always right, but it can prove more than Religion can, there I said it

Our World is days from WWIII and we wonder why, religion is not to blame, people are, religion is not the issue, idiots are, can I be any clearer? These are ONLY my opinions, I don’t want to try and change anyone’s faith, because I know I don’t want to and  I couldn’t anyway, so what gives with the abuse? I treat any person as I do any person, be you religious, whatever, act like a dick, I will call you one, instead of emailing me pish go onto the blog and debate like a proper blogger.

I am not angry, neither am I surprised, upsetting a religious person seems a very easy thing to do, but I say “More love, less hate” at the end of most blogs, I say I believe in God myself, yet I get IDIOTS filling my email inbox with SHIT telling me to bring the blog down, I didn’t even reply, I did this blog, so if you who sent the worse email has an issue, come here and vent your sorry excuse for a life, I did a blog before and the reply was “Don’t waste your time, it never happened” as if this person had all the proof in the world. For people who LOVE GOD, a minority sure throw a lot of hatred about, think they will get to heaven and I will go to hell

How about just being nice to each other? The World is in a MESS, and it starts with us, the people, people create hate and intolerance and wars and issues




More love, less hate


"Considers it worse than Murder" This is not Gods words, it stupid words

“Considers it worse than Murder” These are not Gods words, stupid words yeah