Song for the Day – 05/09/2013


To anyone who thinks they are not worthy, not good enough, plain, average, whatever, you are important, we all are in someone’s eyes, even if you don’t know. I love this song. (A man loves this song I hear) Yeah I love this song, the message is one that helps young woman realise being a size 8 isn’t important and sends a counter message to TV and Magazine land, Your beauty is fake. With my Partner doing a bit of modelling, Photoshop is used ALL OVER to make things bigger and cover things up. What you see in the street is REAL. What you see on TV and read in a Magazine has been faked.

Be real!

More love, less hate


Iconic colour pictures turned into black and white

I did a blog below with Iconic black and white pictures set to colour, so here I have done the opposite, enjoy 

9 11 two


9 11


Atlantis at iss

Shuttle Atlantis at the ISS

David Bowie Aladdin shot

Famous Bowie Aladdin picture


Die Hard

Die Hard 

Famous National Geographic Picture

Famous National Geographic Picture 

Hussein Hanging

Saddam moments before Death 

Les Misrables

Les Misérables


Andy Warhol’s Famous Marilyn Monroe Painting


Michael Jackson at his peak 

Mother Teressa

Mother Teresa 


Gaddaffi before his death 

Osama Bin Laden


Saddam Hussain after being caught

Saddam after being caught 

saddam hussein ruins monuments in baghdad iraq23

Saddam statue coming down 

Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct

Sharon Stone Basic Instinct

Tank Man

Tank Man

Vulture Child

Vulture Child 

Young Drew Barrymore and E.TA young Drew Barrymore and E.T


I love Kylie Minogue

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Growing up watching Australian soap opera Neighbours, the day Kyle walked onto my TV I fell in love. Also, she is Dawn’s double. Size, looks the lot. Maybe why I liked Dawn to begin with? But Kylie, WOW, this is a woman that gets my dander up. She is HOT. Dawn if you are reading, you knew this already lol

So I dedicate this to my 1st fantasy true love 🙂

Kylie as a mechanic on TV in Australia

But below, well, JUST WOW.. I love Kylie. The things I would do to that woman. I will leave it here….Not all pictures are of her body, it’s her smile and eyes, something Dawn has.. x

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No comment!










This picture above is Dawn, same, body, face, hair, and I love Dawn more, but WOW! 


This picture does strange things to me, innocence and beauty all in one.. Sorry bout the nippular area…




Who couldn’t love that smile x 


Famous picture…OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!!



www-bruce-juice-com_15147-kylie-minogue-billboard-may-22-1-036-123-1752As she approached 50 years old, she still has “it” 

This song, the video, I love..


Deciding what blogs to follow, what is your method? Please reply

This is ACTUALLY me deciding what blogs to follow, Dawn took the picture for me, I love that Woman soooo much x

This is ACTUALLY me deciding what blogs to follow, Dawn took the picture for me, I love that Woman soooo much x ps: Did I mention this? 


After 7 (Seven) am here, been up all night, sore, tired, pissed off, grumpy, won my league on Football manager “Stupid Game I play”  Watched  2 movies, printed out some pictures from the last week, downloaded several albums of my choice and liking, downloaded Pacific Rim and did a 3,000 word blog for a friend from “Another blogging site that is Shit” about the death of James Gandolfini that I can’t share here, I also took my dog a walk into the dark woods shyting myself I was, had a 2 hour  Skype chat with a mate, helping funeral arrangements for a friend, saved the World and some other shit also, decent night in with Lisha



Also I read and replied to 200 blogs or so best I could, nice to be nice you know, some good people here, so nice to visit their blogs also, I do slack on that, 1st to admit it, but I am trying I hope people can see. And then it spawned this here blog like magic from a clown’s pocket

SO, what is your process in following blogs and replying to blogs?

Easy answer on the face of it really, but the answer will depend on how many people you follow, how many people you like, who talks shit and who doesn’t ( I am joking, pull your tights up) Also for me, and most crucial, who talks back, who likes and who really tries to speak back to me. For me I find it almost impossible to talk to everyone and I feel like a bastard for it if I am being honest, and I know I shouldn’t and deep down I guess I don’t but it is “Rude” to not try yeah?

I mean I am followed by 1,000 people (Really am thankful, truly am), it really is 985 people, sorry, 2 people sadly un-followed me, so 983 and going down, but 15 followed me the last two days, so it goes up and down, same for us all. I am upset however, I will need time to adjust x

This is not me

This is not me

So I find it REALLY impossible to get around all the people who speak to me. So here is what I do, this is my method (Still upset over them 2 followers by the way) 😦 poor show there 😦 DEEPLY WOUNDED I AM! Actually I got 2 HATE Emails today, one was about pictures again, same f@cknugget and one was saying I disrespect GOD! Even though I say often “I HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD” And say “More Love, Less Hate” Because I mean it, I care, I  give a shit, I really do care, I want a better World, then you get these people I do feel VERY SAD for people? who email people and give them a hard time over how to cook an egg and how a blog about spiders offended them to tears, I mean, get a life FFS, Really, but I am on several Social Media sites, Word Press is 100% the best by a LARGE mile, it is full of really nice and honest people, it has it’s moments, same as my Dog, but without bad moments we can’t appreciate the good moments, I hope you agree. I mean this is the Internet, real life exists and this is where I come to tell my story, vent, and care and show respect, there is NO place like it on the Internet I have found, and I know, what? about 43 sites all in, maybe more



Moving on, I made a bookmark folder called “Word Press Friends” and what I do is, when people, like, just an example here Andrea from  started following me and speaking to me, I made sure she was in this bookmark folder, so I open the bookmark folder and edit it from time to time. There are a few people in the 6 months I have been REALLY blogging here who “Like” everything and NEVER speak, so pointless having them in that folder, BUT I DO GO TO READER AND CHECK THEIR BLOG! Honest, so this bookmark folder I edit lets me know who I am communicating with as I have the same memory as one of them gold coloured things that splash about and swim in that wet stuff from taps?

So it is a way I found of keeping in contact with people who make an effort to keep in contact and have fun with me and discuss any old stuff, like Charles @ “You should Follow Charles by the way, Brilliant Writer and blogger” And I also make the effort to speak back, but listen (sorry read) I do try and visit blogs that NEVER speak back or like my blogs but follow my blog, I often get an Award and give it to people that follow me and try make some kind of contact, sometimes you give an Award, accepted, or “Sorry I don’t do Awards” or NOTHING.  I mean if someone gives you an Award at least say “Thank’s anyway, Awards are not my thing” I stopped Awards for a while, but I stopped meeting new people, so started again, and they are good fun to be fair yeah? Some take 3 months, some 5 minutes, but we blog, so an Award is a blog also, but I fully respect everyone’s opinions and ways, you have to in life, within reason!

All good fun Word Press














How do you go about keeping your contacts and you talking? I use Skype a lot, email also, I have a lot of people I met on here on Face book now, like Andrea above, also get following her, amazing blogger and very funny also.

What is your process Word Press?




I invented this bad boy because I love you ALL! Please feel free to accept this Award, just take it, please help yourself, it is Monday, cheer yourself up, go on! 


PS: This was a serious blog with a hint of fun, 🙂 Cheers!

Shaun’s Life and Times Radio show – TEST

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This is a system test for the Radio Show, I have all the programmes and plug-ins installed into two computers, I just did a 5 minute pod-cast on my own there to check the sound is coming through ok, it is. The next stage is a proper  Pod-cast where I call Eddie in through Skype, I will hope to get this done in the next week. In the meantime, if you want to listen to the show PLEASE join the spreaker page below by liking/signing up and also add shaunsradio to your Skype (The Test Audio is below, please listen so you know my stupid voice)

My Personal Skype is shaunyg1973 if you want to call me, Skype is always open here



Details for the Show, how to listen, how to call in, PLEASE listen to the 5 minute pod-cast below so you know what the show is about 

Keep checking this page for progress reports. we really are not far away now:

Internet page for the show:

Skype for the Show: shaunsradio

Co-Host. Eddie Tatro


Word Press has died a death ?

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A few people mentioned in the last few weeks how Word Press seems to have died down in terms of people blogging, people debating, engaging and just being Bloggers really

I took no notice, but I have noticed over the last few days less people are blogging. I decided to REALLY try harder to check people’s blogs and I noticed that tons of people have not blogged in days. People who would like a blog of mine I have not seen for a few days now. And they are not blogging either. I know it isn’t just me as a few people said the same thing and I never noticed as I really am hardly on Word Press, I blog and reply when I get an email, I spend about an hour a day if I can going over others blogs and people who blogged 2/3/4 times a day have not blogged for days.

Anyone else noticing this?

I have just watched World War Z so it may be me thinking you are all Zombies now, lol, but a 100% definite spike in Word Press usage. Easy to find if you know where to look I get roughly between 500/1000 views a day, sometimes more, sometimes less, the last few days it’s been about 500 a day

Just thought I would throw this out there in-case everyone has died, or I have died and this is Internet Hell

