I watch this every day, to remind myself, I hope you can also


77 years ago actor Charlie Chaplin adlibbed much of this, I watch it every day to remind myself of what CAN be and not what IS. I hope one day we can all watch this at least once a day. We need to all wake up and fight for a better future for not just us but our children. I will keep blogging this as much as I can, and I hope you save it and watch it every day. It may be from a movie, but it rings true.

Please, try



PLEASE LISTEN! – *Audio Blog* – Story about a little girl from Africa and my hate about Greed!! We must listen and change this


This is what my Audio is about. A rant at Greed

Today I read a story about a young girl from Africa, I did a 10 minute Audio on this, as well as the opposite, Greed!!

I am angry as well as sad today reading this, and having to watch Bankers and CEO’s make Millions of pounds/Euros/Dollars makes me sick

If you give a shit about the world, PLEASE listen to what I have to say, and watch the pictures as I speak. Our world is not right.

I am also sorry for swearing in this Audio, but I can’t help it, this makes me angry. I won’ say any more, listen away

Email me ShaunGibson1973@hotmail.com

Add me to Skype, ShaunGibson1888 is my Username
