You from the USA? Watch this Video!



Puts it all together. Every major event that has brought us to where we are today. Frightening in it’s implication. Although the video makes the argument at the end that “We the People” can stop this, IMO, it is way too late. Orwell’s 1984 doesn’t even begin to describe what we are living through right now and what is to come.

You guys are in a TERRIBLE state right now.  I am posting this as if it is a police state, only because this is what it “seems to becoming” Love the USA Love all you guys, but this video is WOW, Please watch it. And if you can, comment. Or bury your head in the sand. I live 7,000 miles away, it won’t affect me or my Family, but anyone from the USA, if you DON’T watch this video, you are denying ignorance. PLEASE, Let me know your thoughts….




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