Remember my blog about, NHS in the UK against USA Healthcare?




In this blog here I compared the UK NHS with the American Healthcare, and I did say the NHS was not perfect here in the UK/Scotland. It is free, practices by Dr’s locally for me have always been superb, I have never had an issue while being in Hospital, the times I have been in with Family, even my own son, I couldn’t thank them enough. This is Scotland remember. Part of the UK, but we run our own affairs, without independence from the UK. This article from Sky news is DAMNING towards English NHS Hospitals, In a report mentioned in Prime Ministers questions, the care in England is SHOCKING, people are dying

Link: (With Video)

Link: (With Video)

Report Slams High Death Rate NHS Hospital as 13,000 die for no reason! 

Staff at a hospital being investigated by the NHS medical director for having a high death rate put targets ahead of patient care, according to a report.

Tameside General Hospital in Greater Manchester is one of 14 of the worst trusts in England at the centre of a probe spearheaded by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh into hospitals with high mortality rates after the scandal at Stafford Hospital.

Sky’s Health Correspondent Thomas Moore obtained a report detailing the findings into Tameside which revealed a series of critical findings into chronic mismanagement and failings in patient care.

The investigation found “insufficient levels of nursing staff”, “poor supervision of junior doctors by consultants” and a “lack of compassion” from staff dealing with patient complaints.

There were insufficient critical care beds which meant patients were being treated in the wrong place.

The report also detailed specific examples of poor care including a patient with the superbug Clostridium difficile being admitted to a six-bed bay which immediately put the other five patients at risk of a potentially fatal bacterial infection.

NHS Generic Sign
Tameside is one of 14 trusts with high death rates in the spotlight

In another case, a patient was given penicillin despite telling staff that they were allergic to the antibiotic, while members of one family were left to clean up a loved one with faecal incontinence.

On one unannounced visit to the hospital, the most senior surgical doctor in the hospital was a trainee with just two years’ experience.

“The culture appeared to be one of managing targets rather than ensuing overall quality and patient experience,” the report said.

“The panel was not convinced that the Board has the capability currently to fully address the cultural change required in the Trust.”

Moore said: “We had heard that perhaps Stafford was a one-off scandal. This (the report) shows that it wasn’t.”

The father of a 12-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who died at the hospital on February 7, 2011, told Sky News what an independent specialist told the inquest into his daughter Emma’s death.

Michael Stones
Michael Stones’ daughter Emma, 12, died at Tameside in 2011

“She said in her experience, if medical intervention would have happened at an earlier stage, she said Emma would have probably survived,” said Michael Stones.

“And this was verified by the coroner in his verdict. So we are put in a situation where we’ll never know because of the absolute, disgraceful behaviour of that hospital towards my daughter. An animal gets treated better.”

Among the 14 trusts under close scrutiny because of their mortality rates over the last two years are Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, Buckinghamshire Healthcare, Burton Hospitals, Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation, and The Dudley Group.

Others include East Lancashire Hospitals, George Eliot Hospital, Medway NHS Foundation, North Cumbria University Hospitals, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals, Sherwood Forest Hospitals and United Lincolnshire Hospitals.

Moore said the findings into each of them – due to be published on Tuesday – would “paint a terrible picture of an NHS that in some areas still isn’t able to provide the care and the compassion that patients would expect”.

The long-awaited report commissioned by the Government is expected to reveal that up to 13,000 people may have died needlessly in NHS hospitals since 2005.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt will deliver a statement to MPs in the House of Commons on the probe.

A Warning to the USA from History, as the end gets nearer


One more attempt to get discussion going on the pending Death of the USA

Below is a message from an unnamed source on an internet forum, he has hit the nail on the proverbial head here. His message is almost the same as mine through years of research and just keeping an eye on World news AND NOT WATCHING CNN, FOX NEWS, SKY NEWS, AND BBC NEWS OR ANY OTHER KEY NEWS NETWORK. Watch any of them, you are being lied to. If you are a patriot of the USA, if you care about your country, if you care about its future, your future, your kid’s future, the future of your country and the world, PLEASE give this a read and PLEASE give me your thoughts. I love the USA, I love what it USED to stand for, sadly the American Dream has actually fell asleep, it is now a Myth. Prove me wrong, please. Things are worse than I thought. The end IS near…

Please read this all Members. I don’t know why some people can’t see the writing on the wall, It is so clear what is happening across our nation and it affects all of us, our children and our family. We owe it ourselves and those that we love to take a very hard look at where we live, those who govern it and the direction it is heading and ask ourselves what we as a nation are becoming.

The United States government is beyond rogue at this point. Our government is actively engaged in criminal activity and telling us that it’s just too bad, that’s how it goes even when the said criminal activity is broadcast on their own media.

They don’t deny ignoring the constitution, the fourth amendment, acknowledge they are spying on us in violation of law and all people are talking about is Edward Snowden and not who is going to jail for authorizing that decision.

We supply military aid, equipment and funding to the tunes of billions of dollars a year to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, a known and dangerous terrorist organization, the same people our government is raping our rights to “protect” us from. Purge all records of the Bin Laden raid from the Pentagon and away from ever finding out the truth, much like the Pentagon video footage from 9/11 and the Sandy Hook video footage that exposes the lies. 

They commit Fast and Furious with the proven agenda of compromising our second amendment rights, lie to the entire nation and stonewall anyone who asks for answers and no one is punished. They further lead an assault on our second amendment in every way possible AFTER they commit this act and are caught and yet still Americans insist there would never be a need to defend our liberty against tyranny.

They continue to erode our rights to speech, our rights to free press, our fourth amendment rights and meet any opposition with increasing brutality, intimidation and force to make an example of any person or any group that challenges their ever increasing authoritarian control.

This is NOT the United States government I want nor the one I trust or will swear my allegiance too. I am an American, I am American by my birth right on this soil and the history of my forefathers who fought to ensure that I and my children would be free, free to enjoy liberty and the pursuit of happiness without the burden of a totalitarian, oppressive and hostile government and I will ensure to the best of my ability until my death that I honour that responsibility as a citizen of this great nation.

Self serving laws bread by corporate greed and lusting for money and power have brought this county to it’s knees and even Eric Holder has admitted that the big banks, the corporations, the ones that control the true power to change our laws, our economy and our way of life are too big for our government in it’s current form to prosecute. The corporations and banks have become and ARE the government.

In the meantime, we have swat teams, helicopters and armoured vehicles actively blocking entire city blocks and arresting Adam Kokesh for a victimless crime, a crime that shouldn’t be honoured because the supreme court has struck the “law” down. Yet, you and I, the tax payer can flip the bill for this, for needless wars, for drone striking women and children but you couldn’t take a White House tour if you wanted too.

Our king, Obama is too busy taking vacation after vacation, golfing and going on state wide tours at the cost of billions of dollars to us to notice how intensely the problems have now become, he, this administration along with most in our government are content to continue to escalate the problems because they know it is so far out of control that there can be no reigning in of the corruption, the horse is out of the gate. To admit the system is illegitimate is to admit that they are as well and power will never implode upon itself.

This madness will not end until we act, it will not end until every American is touched by the greed, the corruption, the fear and the brutality of this government, it will not end until we put a stop to it. Take a look around, you live in a box, a prison, a prison of laws meant to allow those that rule over you to dictate everything you do less they label you as a certain word, terrorist…….. They will take all of your rights, all that you have and make an example of you to scare anyone else who would expose the criminals they are.

Terrorism, was created because of a guilty conscious, the government knew that they could not maintain the dollar standard for oil and world economic control unless they abandoned the principles and morals this country was built upon and they also knew that Americans would display disent for these unjust actions and they had to devise a plan to ensure that domestic uprising would not become an issue in the face of these crimes against humanity.

This way of thinking is what created the blind eye to 9/11 and what led to the Patriot Act which I am completely sure had already been drafted and awaiting implementation and which has been furthered and expanded upon by the Obama administration. This country has been taken over, it has been infiltrated, secured and is now operating by those that have been put in place directly by money provided from special interests. The continuation, expansion and gross conflict of ideals of American society that these “terrorism” laws are being implemented are only serving one purpose and it is one of enslavement to the American citizen.

Research Nazi Germany, research how they enacted laws to neutralize the public before they assaulted the entire world under an iron fist. We are tearing a page out of the history books with this government only we are doing it with a new enemy and by doing so, they are confusing you into not recognizing the similarities.

In parting, a truly free, democratic based society, a republic……… Has laws. Those laws apply to everyone because the government, it’s agents and contractors are nothing more than public servants who as the framers had envisioned serve the people because they are from the people. We do not have that. The government in it’s current state recognizes no laws, breaks them with impunity and arrogance and assaults those who would speak out in one form or the other.

There is no accountability in our government, no regresses to crimes committed, no action is taken when they blatantly cross the line outside of lawsuits that when if they are ultimately found guilty WE have to pay with our tax dollars. It’a a kangaroo government led by an agenda straight out of 1984 and all I can say is that George Orwell would have said……….

I told you so.


I am only trying to tell you what WILL happen x

I am only trying to tell you what WILL happen x



I watch this every day, to remind myself, I hope you can also


77 years ago actor Charlie Chaplin adlibbed much of this, I watch it every day to remind myself of what CAN be and not what IS. I hope one day we can all watch this at least once a day. We need to all wake up and fight for a better future for not just us but our children. I will keep blogging this as much as I can, and I hope you save it and watch it every day. It may be from a movie, but it rings true.

Please, try



The pain inflicted upon the American people is above partisanship. It’s about FOOD now





How much the USA GIVES to other countries:

And here also:

And this:


Anyone pissed off yet?  lol


WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted on Wednesday to cut food stamps by $2 billion a year as part of a wide-ranging farm bill.

The chamber rejected 234-188 a Democratic amendment to the five-year, half-trillion-dollar farm legislation that would have maintained current spending on food stamps, now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. The overall bill cuts the $80 billion-a-year program by about 3 percent and makes it harder for some people to qualify.

The food stamp cuts have complicated passage of the bill and its farm-state supporters were working to secure votes Wednesday. Many conservatives have said the food stamp cuts do not go far enough since the program has doubled in cost in the last five years and now feeds 1 in 7 Americans. Liberals have argued against any reductions, contending the House plan could take as many as 2 million needy recipients off the rolls. The White House has threatened a veto over the food stamp cuts.

The amendment by Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., and other Democrats would have eliminated the SNAP cuts and taken the money from farm subsidies instead.

“It’s too big, it’s too harsh and it’s going to hurt so many people,” McGovern said of the food aid cuts.

Other amendments chipped away at the program. The House adopted by voice vote an amendment to require drug tests for SNAP recipients, angering Democrats who said the tests would be demeaning to people who apply for the food aid. Lawmakers also adopted by voice vote an amendment that would end a 2004 U.S.-Mexico agreement to educate Mexican-Americans about food stamps. More amendments are expected to try and scale back the program.

Also complicating passage is growing Republican opposition to farm subsidies, some of which are expanded under the bill. Republicans have proposed amendments that would cut back dairy and sugar supports that could turn lawmakers from certain regions of the country against the bill if they were to succeed.

The House is scheduled to continue voting on 103 amendments to the bill Thursday with a vote on passage possibly next week. As of Wednesday, it was unclear if Republicans had enough votes.

In an effort to push the legislation through, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said last week that he would vote for it, while making it clear that he did not really like it. He said he wants to get the bill to House and Senate negotiators for a potential deal, and that passing the bill was better than doing nothing.

The legislation would cut around $4 billion a year in overall spending on farm and nutrition programs. The Senate passed its version of the farm bill last week, with about $2.4 billion a year in overall cuts and a $400 million annual decrease in the SNAP program – about a fifth of the amount of the House food stamp cuts.

Democratic leaders have said they will wait to see how the House votes on the many amendments, but have so far signaled opposition to the measure. Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California argued against the food stamp cuts on the floor Wednesday and was a “likely no” on the bill, according to an aide. No. 2 House Democrat Steny Hoyer of Maryland called the food stamp cuts “irresponsible.”

The chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., told colleagues that a robust farm policy was necessary to avoid farm crises like those in the 1930s and 1980s.

“I will work with all of you to improve this draft,” he said Tuesday. “I ask you to work with me.”

The legislation would achieve some of the food stamp cuts by partially eliminating what is called categorical eligibility, or giving people automatic food stamp benefits when they sign up for certain other programs. The bill would end a practice in some states of giving low-income people as little as $1 a year in home heating assistance, even when they don’t have heating bills, in order to make them eligible for increased food stamp benefits.

Lucas said the cuts would still allow people who qualify to apply for food stamps, they just wouldn’t automatically get them.

The Oklahoma Republican has called the overall legislation the “most reform-minded bill in decades” because it would make needed cuts to food stamps and eliminate $5 billion a year in direct payments, subsidies that are paid to farmers whether they grow or not. The bill would expand crop insurance and makes it easier for rice and peanut farmers to collect subsidies.

The bill also sets policy for international food aid abroad, which is currently shipped from U.S. farms. The House rejected an amendment to shift around half of international food aid money to more flexible accounts that allow for cash purchases abroad.

The Obama administration has proposed shifting the way the food aid is distributed, saying it would be more efficient to make purchases closer to conflict areas.


So again the little guy gets shit on. From a great height.  I do try and blog things from the UK but over here I guess we are ok, not perfect. I just don’t get how you can all do nothing. This will affect millions of families, some already starving. In USA 2013. While at the same time 2 weeks ago, a Banker in New York got sacked and got a $300 Million Dollar pay off.

I will keep blogging this. We need to wake up. I love you guys over there, and I am in your corner be me wanted or not.






some of this was copied from a website I live on

To Sleep or not to Sleep, that is not the question


Tonight as I sat with one eye opened trying to write my 2nd guest blog of the day as I am very famous and in such demand, it dawned on me as I sat there.

I am an idiot. It was one of those profound moments when you “Just know” it comes to you like a headache in the shower with soap in your eyes. I fell asleep for an hour at my Kitchen table half way through replying to someone on Facebook. I woke up when I heard Dawn say “Are you awake”

Yeah the same kind of question you ask to a lion “Are you Hungry” as you sit next to it. I have a strange existence me. I am SHATTERED right now but this throbbing pulse from my left knee is like getting ice cream thrown down the back of your t-shirt, it just is annoying

Strange it is, tonight I feel I could just go to bed and crash “sleep” very easily but I can’t as the Ice Cream feeling is hitting me. There is no ice cream; I am using the ice cream as a metaphor for something that keeps me awake.

I could have used the “A cat taking a shit on my face” but I didn’t want to lower the tone you see, I mean I am a nice person, and the last thing I want to be speaking about is cats taking a shit on my face. It smacks of desperation for seeking attention, and this man-child here is not the kind of lad to say things to get attention, it is just not my style. I have never had a cat have a jobby on my face, although I have had a cat pee in my football boots once, I went to football and I was mortified, as people were looking at me as if I had just taken a shit myself in their Mothers handbags due to the cat pee smell. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not the kind of guy to even make funny jokes like this; they lack taste and a certain respect towards my friends Mothers and their hand bags. And I am a GOOD friend.

The worst think I have even done to a friend was spit in a condom and leave it in his jacket pocket a week before he got married, he got beaten slightly, but once I owned up I then got beaten slightly also, and told never to visit again, and I wish I could, I left my watch at their house 😦

See life is all about respect, like respect for Dolphins, as a species, I do not feel us humans show enough respect to the Dolphin. I knew a brilliant Dolphin once called Gary, he was BRILLIANT at Golf, he had a handicap I think it was 9, not bad for a Dolphin.

Anyway, we need to respect things more in this world. Even Spiders and bee’s, I am not saying we should respect wasps as they are just nasty bastards. Bees give us honey and Spiders help keep fly movement down in the home.

Life is all about respect people. We should think about this more often, my friend Keith below is respectful of all things and likes to find things out for himself. I respect him for it, he challenges life to the MAX you know, when things need done, KEITH IS THERE! No messing around, no fake stuff, no farting about, he just gets the job done


Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

I am Scottish/Irish!

I am Scottish/Irish!

Over the last week I have been on HEAVY Morphine. I poured it down the sink this morning. Enough, I was getting some heat through emails, from comments I was NOT allowing through regarding this blog

It must have been the medication, I don’t know, but I DELETED it due to criticism from another person. I have been here almost 10 months, blogging for real for 6 and for the first time EVER I allowed a comment from a person, whose comments I did not allow through to compromise my beliefs and my thinking.

So I edited this:

I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but 130 Awards, Nearly 1,000 AMAZING followers, Hundreds of AMAZING friends here, and I somehow allowed the medication to get to my mind and let a person dictate to me what I will and will not blog. The Morphine, I am allergic to I think has been poured down the sink. I am about to leave for the Hospital to get a quick X-ray on my Knee and Foot and will just be a big brave boy and take the pills.

I have not been myself all week, would you on Morphine? Probably not is the answer. I allowed my VERY THINKING to be compromised by a few one track thinker who have not got  a clue and I am ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I NEVER let people dictate to me, yet with this Morphine pumping through my veins, I did, that won’t happen again.

I make friends here because I give a shit, I make friends here because I am honest, and I make friends here because I like to think, I HOPE, I am a good friend back to you.

I will keep posting my shit, I will keep asking the question, I will keep sticking it to the big guy and I will never let myself be compromised by a patriot with a FUCKING PEE SHOOTER EVER AGAIN. I will be the guy 850 followed in the first place. I am sorry for being “Odd” this week, please understand the pain and medication. Not over yet, Hospital in an hour

I am also going to accept awards again, they are good fun, and I miss meeting people through awards if I am being honest. Some of the best people I know here I met through Awards, so please, include me in any Awards if you see fit, I do miss meeting new people through these awards. I got 4 this morning and awarded some people back

Please understand, I am here with a chipped bone in my knee, a hairline fracture in my foot suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome FOR LIFE and Morphine although it may not feel it, does fuck with your head. So for a week I turned into someone else. I am Scottish, we don’t do that shit. I will carry on doing what I was doing all along.

Being myself and listening to the people that matter is something I pride myself in doing on Word Press. I have made many amazing friends. Have I annoyed you or upset you this week? I am talking long term friends here. If I have I am sorry, 2 broken bones and strong liquid medication was the cause. If I have annoyed anyone.

Oh and having a life is what I do also. Part of my life is blogging, and all you people, like family I never had. Why I created this award here, remember? For these reasons below the award. I am going to press ahead with Blogging about people who I love to talk to here, like what I did here: And push ahead HARD with the Radio show. I will be doing blogs on more of you in the coming weeks. I will highlight the love and humanity in many people here, this Award and the reasons I started it still stand


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

As you were Soldiers





Come on Word Press,  bit of help here. I am not leaving Word Press, but…Well read on

I did this 3 times on Twitter where I had 5,000 followers, and I said it here also, and came back on my word. When I lose interest in something, or run out of things to say, or need to do something else, I take an AGE to figure out what to do. Part of my stupid process I guess. I have nearly 1,ooo followers, I get nearly 1,000 reads on a good day, 500 minimum, I don’t argue, I am pacifist, I love, I care, I try and help even when I know I can’t, I get the attention of Girls through my accent. Why can’t I just be a person with friends? Why does the old Man/Woman thing come into play with me all the time? Is it how I write? It happened on Twitter, It can’t happen on Facebook as its all family, I don’t mean to attract girls. But I am. What the fuck do I do? I just threw my ugly mug back up to try and say “I AM MARRIED AND UGLY”

I said I would stop doing Awards, I done one for Tersia I could never in a million years say no to and also another from a special girl I like here. But I have started doing them again, Awards I mean. It is the side of me that is kind, I don’t like letting nice people down you see. I had a few hours sleep last night, it is nearly 7am. I watched 2 movies, done 3 blogs, got abuse for one lol, made my own antivirus programme (Now that is being bored) I am also sick of being in Pain, I will fight it, but to fight it, I need something, and when Football went for me, I took it badly (For those thinking WHAT?)  ALL GONE! Just memories now

I am just running out of things to say. And I am a “Full on” kind of lad. When I do ANYTHING I do it 100% No nearly’s or in-betweens of 99%’s, I do everything in life 100%, I have found myself Bored on Word Press. The Radio Show I am doing with Eddie Tatro  is taking FOREVER to get started, I wanted it started already, but due to a few issues, me cracking my knee and fracturing my foot being a small one, I find myself bored SHITLESS here. I do a million things at night when I am up alone, I am just finding it VERY HARD to get things moving with this Radio Show.

I talk a LOT on Skype, see Skype is fun. You can have 8 people at once on a Skype Chat. I used to do it all the time in Twitter, was good fun, we had some amazing moments. I still Skype with people I knew from Twitter. But on here I ask and ask and ask for people who say they have Skype to add me, but nothing. I got told by one person their “partner wouldn’t like that” And I fully get that.

But do I have to say AGAIN I am a happily married man? Look below. I love them all; I would do NOTHING to fuck that up. I am a talker you see. I have a few on here on my Face book also. My Face book was dead till I added a few on and some family also a while back.




My passion is talking. I did Audio Blogs, heavy flop. I want this Radio show to start, but if I am being honest, I can’t see it happening. I live in GMT 0. Many others are GMT – 5/6/7/8/9 or GMT + 6/7/8/9/10, so the logistics of just doing this Radio show mean I will have to do it around 3am in the morning. And I can’t promise I will be around every 3am every morning.

I will ask again, you got Skype add me, shaumyg1973 I speak to so many BRILLIANT people here, but the ones who have Skype, it is like they are afraid to speak to me lol I have almost 1,000 AMAZING followers as well. Why no Skype? I want to do something HUGE!! I did a blog a while back, and I meant it, called “Challenge me” or something. Nothing. I love you all here, amazing people to the last.

This isn’t medication speaking as I am not due till 8am, and I won’t take Morphine till I been to the Hospital on Monday. I NEED MORE THAN THIS. I can’t do much; I am limited to what I can do. I am Blogging the same shit over and over and over. When I do a blog about “Wake up USA” Really a Bloggers for Peace issue and blog, NOTHING. I know we all come here to escape our shit lives, well some of us. Some come here to make money, some for sex, some to do poems, show pictures of flowers, tell jokes, I do it all, I really do, you name it I have blogged it. I am blogging the same shit. Same issues, same songs, same everything.

I need more. If I am going to be stuck at a chair for the rest of my life, I need more, I need others to say “Right Shaun, let’s get this Radio thing on the go” OR SOMETHING! Many here have helped me before, I am asking for help again. It has also turned into a pissing contest with a few here, I FUCKING HATE THIS. This isn’t a game, its real life, real emotions, we can have fun however. I got a hard time for the “Stupid people” Blog before. I was like “WHAT THE FUCK” I did a blog “Tricked you all apart from Andre and a few others” (Beautiful Woman it’s all in the eyes) I did this TO GET A REACTION. I also did a blog saying how hard it was for me to change my blog theme, I WAS JOKING; it took 20 minutes to choose. Scottish humour is a bastard of a thing to get.

Anyway, I need a challenge, I need something new, I need to try something new; I need to do something new, I need to focus on something else. I won’t stop blogging, I will stop with the “End of the world shit” I will stop with the Audio blogs; I will stop with my love, conspiracies as none of them work.

I NEED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE, SOMETHING NEW…..ANYONE???????????????????????????????

