How I escaped depression, I hope I can help you x



Depression came to my life as a very young man, I think I was around 19 or 20 years old, being so young, having a carefree life, before where I was king of my world, this new “Emotion” hit me like a ton of bricks. I had no idea what it was at first. I had just came out of jail for the last time in my life, I had sorted myself out and decided I needed to live for Dawn and my sons who were 4 and 2 years old or so at the time. I had to deliver for them, so I put my criminal past behind me, I told people to fuck off, I told  family I wasn’t going to be that lad any more, I was leaving to spend my life with Dawn, the woman who saved my life. I did a blog here for Mel, it was a guest blog, it explains more of what I am saying here Dawn showed me a life I did not know existed, so I choose life, I chose the 3 piece suit and matching luggage and hire purchase and playing with the kids on a Sunday, see before I had chosen something else, back then I chose life. I am paraphrasing a movie made in the city I live in, Trainspotting, great movie, please watch it if you can, as my story is similar

So depression came to me the second I decided to be a Husband and a Father and say no to Guns, Drugs and Crime. I didn’t understand, I was doing the right thing, and I felt bad. There were times the depression was so bad I felt like being old Shaun again, just to feel better, but I stayed strong, and through speaking to family, friends, and Dawn I came through the other end every time the depression came. It was a dark cloud that would consume my whole mind and I hated it, it scared me to death, I didn’t know what to do and I didn’t want to be violent, so I decided to do what I am doing here and that is speak about it. See I noticed when I bottled the darkness up within it just got darker, but the second I said “Dawn, I feel sad and scared” was the second I felt release, or close to release.

So don’t sit and suffer in silence, for some there will be no cure, there will be times when the darkness still comes, but you can control it. Still now when my pain is high the darkness can come, but I can dull it and my depression is no longer a clinical illness, it is something that comes sometimes when the pain traps me in a state of non-human being state, this is how I describe what the pain does to me, it makes me non human, it turns me into something else, when this happens I hide away, I stick on the headset and listen to music in my place in the house where I know nobody can see me or bother me. That sounds harsh I know, but I don’t want my family to see my like that, they understand, so I hide. So I am not all the way there yet, but what I am is close. The pain is a different blog, this isn’t an article about pain, and this is one about depression and how it came to my life after leaving a life of crime and becoming a good person, to this day I still ask this question “Why when I stopped being a bastard did the demons come” but just typing it there, I see it, it was perhaps guilt, guilt for the people I hurt, the people I angered, and all the bad things I did. The only person I never hurt was my angel Dawn; she was and still is my life, my thoughts and my prayers and more. She levels me, she takes my heart and fills it with joy and hope and I have never known a woman to encourage as much as her, she just smiles and say’s “It will be ok” and in reality, it always will be. Even in the worst of moments, things are always ok. We will all meet our maker, we will have health challenges, like mine now, but we can overcome anything if we choose to do so, we have choice, once we realise this, life becomes a little easier, choice is ALWAYS there, there ARE other options, we just need to understand they exist and we can change and do better for ourselves. As it says above, living with depression is a strength, if you are here, reading this, and have been living with depression for years, then realise how strong you are to have came through all this. YOU ARE A STRONG PERSON, so give yourself some credit, you are here, breathing, and living. Sometimes the chemical release making some depressed and only medication can help, so sometimes there is very little some people can do, but I was that “Some Person” once and I fought from the darkness and into the light and achieved, like this I came from being a criminal, to depression to creating moments and memories for kids and adults, my family and myself, I am living proof that we can change, don’t allow ANYONE to put you down an tell you that you can’t, I became home and change for others. Many know my story in real life, and they know what I am life, it is ALL or NOTHING for me. I excell in what I do, be it football or whatever, I do well, because I demand it from myself, this self taught way I gave to myself works, the blog above is the proof. I created moments for kids, adults and myself, moments 20 years ago I never thought possible. Leading 15 year old kids out in a Soccer stadium with 4,000 people in it was the moment I realised any dream is possible, so keep believing, keep dreaming and never give up, EVER!

I chose life, don’t choose something else

More love, less hate



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People will draw different meaning from what I am about to say, and I will keep it quick. Hate is disease of the heart and a disease of the mind, and I stopped myself short yesterday from giving into it, FUCK THAT! CHOOSE TO SMILE AND GET FUCKED UP!! I am in my 30’s ffs, Smile and be happy kids, I did

I decided to be Happy and lose, rather than have “Stuff” and have hatred in my life. The choice was simple. I don’t and can’t hate. I chose something else, what? Maybe a word will appear, or arrive, but I can’t allow my Heart to hate, to be UNHAPPY and to be controlled by emotions. I control my shit, my life, how I smile

The last few weeks have been difficult, but I awoke today, had one look at my life and lay there with a wry grin on my face. I DID NOT LET HATRED INTO MY LIFE. I DID NOT ALLOW MY SMILE TO LEAVE ME. I WILL BE HAPPY. I Hate gossips, I hate hatred, I hate emotions that drag you down. But you only realise this by seeing it and feeling it

Choose life people, I did 🙂

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family.
Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines,
cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers.
Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance.
Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter
home. Choose your friends.
Choose leisurewear and matching luggage.
Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics.
Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning.
Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing,
spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth.
Choose rotting away at the end of it all,
pishing your last in a miserable home,
nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your future. Choose life.
But why would I want to do a thing like that?
I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons.
Who needs reasons when you’ve gotSOMETHING ELSE“?

Don’t take this song too literal now ok 🙂

Trainspotting – The Movie


This isn’t just a song, it is Ewan McGregor and Robert Carlyle in their first ever movies, who I have met, brilliant lad, running up Princess Street, the centre of my City in Edinbugh. Choose Life! I almost never 🙂 It was all filmed in my city, Edinburgh. Paints a rubbish picture, but if you have not seen this, I suggest you do, funny, hard hitting with a brilliant message , the main actor, the song, and the Movie Trailer. The message is don’t do drugs, and this film paints the bad part of any city that has a drugs problem, I watched it earlier, and thought I would share, the film is over 10 years old now, but still a complete classic!

Ewan McGregor

The Song

Official Movie Trailer 

If you have not seen this film, watch it. Trainspotting has NOTHING to do with trains, I won’t ruin it for you, trust me if you have not seen this, you will want to rent it, it won many awards and was made on a shoestring budget, leading all the main actors to Hollywood and beyond
