A reminder I am disabled, in agony and highly medicated


This is “Just because” over the 8 months I have been blogging here I have made NO SECRET that sometimes the pain I am in will dictate how I blog, the medication I am on will dictate who I am in terms of moods and memory and that I am disabled, disabled = all the above

If I forget something I don’t need fucking reminded

If I say the same thing twice, so fucking what

If I forget something SUPER DOOPER important I am SORRY

If I repeat myself – so fucking what

Sorry to swear, just a reminded, I had presumed everyone here got that, same as I get with others I know on here who are highly medicated and in pain, it messes us up.

All I ask is for understanding, no sympathy please

And if I make a mistake and do or say something I shouldn’t please chill, don’t go making me your fucking clown, please, don’t take my good nature as being stupid, all I ask, I have over 1,000 followers and get hundreds of hits day, VERY HARD to remember my name some days 🙂

More love, less hate





Mother’s Inspirational Video of Blind Baby Boy – DARE YOU NOT TO CRY




In life people can be cruel, we prejudge, we mock and laugh, as a species we can sometimes be ashamed of ourselves.

I came to blog for many reasons, and one was to show love and compassion and open people’s hearts up to the truth that is love, just love with no other message. I try to inject love into the world with love, music, words and stories like this. This video had me in tears. My 21 year old son walked into the room crying and said “You will want to blog this” I said, go for it. I watched this 7 minute video and was CHOCKED 2 minutes in. The love this woman shows for her kid is real, unconditional and proves we don’t abort a Child if the child is not healthy

You be the judge, show live, show humility, humanity and a bit of love, as you do so well Word Press, I dare you not to cry.

For Baby Christian x

I miss my Dad

My Dad

My Dad, aged 66! 


The Man in the picture above is my Father, my best mate, my soul mate (In Scotland, soul mates don’t mean lovers or partners) he is my phone call when I need to make on, he is there when I am down, he is there when I am happy, he allows me to cry when I am sad

I will never see him again, my Daughters will never know “Gaga” as all the other 10 Grand Kids call him, still some are aged 20+ they call him Gaga. Circumstances out of both our control mean we can’t see each other ever again. I cry about it, whe speak every day on the phone for hours, we speak about everything, we speak about the past when he was the main man in Edinburgh and ran the City in his Criminal empire, we talk about how now he fosters kids and how he is no longer an angry man, this was my Dad when he was bad lad.

You just didn't fuck with him, strangers who did, paid. Wrong, he knows it now. But the way it was..

You just didn’t fuck with him, strangers who did, paid. Wrong, he knows it now. But the way it was..

I said to him a few weeks ago “Your anger was just misplaced passion” He started to cry, he is a strong man, he is Hundreds of miles away on an Island, away out the way of society, a society he once ruled and owned. He still would kill, i know he would. Should someone hurt me, my Brothers of Sisters, or the Grandkids or our Partners, he would pick the phone up and get someone murdered. I am guess of course, and perhaps joking, but he still holds this Authority in Edinburgh.

He was well known, but your average man on the street didn’t know him, he was VERY CLEVER, he let idiots do his work and make his money back 30/40/50 years ago. He never brought trouble to our home apart from the trouble he caused. Logic (I hate that word) should tell me to hate him, but He is happy and Mother is happy, so life and people have moved on. He showered me with love, I was his youngest Son, big thigns were expected from me and I left the family to chase my love for Dawn and my Football dream.



Had I been anyone else I would not have been allowed to walk away, this is the rule. He said at the time “You go take on the World” He said other things, he was almost hurt, but he didn’t want me to be him, as I was trying to be, so I think deep down he was happy I choose another path that didn’t lead to blood or jail.

I just need to tell the World about a man I love so much, I pine for in my life, I won’t see again, my Son’s know and miss him, my Daughter will know about him when they are older. He is 67 fit as a fiddle, still looks 50 year old, people call him Peter Pan, and in the Photo above you can see why. I am his double people say, but he is my Dad. I have to avoid people to this day because I am his son, but being his son gives me 24/7 protection in my daily life (Hard to explain and I won’t)

Patrick @ http://pifuk67.wordpress.com once posted this for his Dad, Patrick I hope I can post this, I know you won’t mind.

This is for you Dad “Auld Yin, Old One” as we call him 🙂

My  love for you will never leave this body, you made me who I am by allowing me to move on, I am thankful for your advice and you allowing me to walk. And for being an amazing Gaga to my sons and for loving Dawn also. I miss you Dad…

Just one last things, 2 year ago, we all visited..

My Dad, he took me a 10 mile walk a few years back, nearly killed me!

My Dad, he took me a 10 mile walk a few years back, nearly killed me!


The Greed Machine that keeps us all in pain


Right here goes….

Many who follow my blog will know I care, I give a shit, I am always nice, I try to help and I hope “hope” people can see I am just a lad with a keyboard in pain telling my story.

But time to say something that has been on my mind for years.

Greed! From the people who WE vote into power, when we vote, it is simple, we pick the person we feel that can and will make things better, sadly it is the same old story, history repeats itself over and over, no matter who we pick, we get thieves and lies and we lose more money

The illusion we have a say is JUST an illusion. When ANY politician wants to be the main man in his country, to be there for the people, to work for the people and make decisions to help the people, who funds them? Yeah banks, oil giants, and people with a vested interest in making more money.

So when the person they backed and gave millions to, to become president becomes president, really, ask yourself a SIMPLE question, who does that president or prime minister look after more? You? Me? no he looks after the people who gave him millions of pounds to help them into power.

Corporate greed at its very best, we are all being fooled into thinking the Prime Ministers and Presidents we vote into power give a shit about us, they don’t, and lets all stop pretending right now they do, they bail out the banks, they take the hit, they print money from fresh air and bend rules for their friends who gave them the money to put them into the position of power.

Yeah we vote, but that is as far as our say goes, once they are in power they don’t care. On a lead up to any election, be it American, Australian, Canada, Britain, Germany wherever, they are all over the TV willing to help, at your door and at times like this they do help, I got a my Bathroom fitted with things to help me with my disability on the lead up to the last election because I promised a vote, the local member or parliament sent a letter, and LIKE MAGIC the job got done. After the election that they won, they don’t answer the phone or reply to your letter, this is the stage these bastard liars stop giving a shit about us.


So please, if your eyes are not already open, open them now, if you don’t believe me, go research yourself. You are being used, yes you. Some say “Ahh what difference will my voice make” and this FUCKING ANNOYS me, why? Because welfare, housing, healthcare, education, and more gets put to one side as these people in suits cut more money to sectors that need it more, and the money gets put into this War machine. I have blogged before about this, but not with this passion, we MUST WAKE UP, WE MUST DO SOMETHING, Humanity begs us

Does this affect you directly? No, then don’t care, be ignorance, deny your ignorance also, but when the day comes, and it will you all of a sudden need care or help, you will find what I am writing now is true. So act now or pay later. Our world is filled with war, I ask again, name me countries not in War, at War or in civil War, this is a hard list. Did you  vote for War? Did you say “Yeah let’s go destroy all these countries so Halliburton can make millions more” I didn’t. Who said we could go and do this for oil, did you? I never

We are the 99% they are the 1%, we have the power, we have the voice, we own OUR PLANET sadly we fail to act, only a minority of us try, only a few do, like in the pictures in this blog.


The illusion has been created  that your government gives a shit about you, I have some bad news for you, it doesn’t give a shit if you are living in the street, live in pain, are dying or dead, you are just a number, and not until we, the people who vote and trust these fat bastards in suits who say “No child left behind” While cutting education speak up, they get richer, their power gets stronger and before we know it we have 1984 and Charles Orwell is a visionary

We still have time, but as long as people sit in ignorance, we will only go one way. Healthcare and treatments for health are going to keep getting cut and all your child will need to get into college is a pencil and smile, we also kill of animals left right and centre, many species are almost gone, who’s decision was this? Who said this was cool? I never, did you? Time to stand up, time to do something, time to stop being ignorant to a world that is being KILLED in front of our very eyes, we must act, because if we don’t, we are done, so don’t come and complain when you realise you have been lied to and your world is not what is seems. The illusions these bastards put in-front of us happened today, yesterday and will keep happening.


What do you do?  Forget politics and think humanity would be a real start. This is our world, we own it, we sell it to lairs who promise and never deliver

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I will play this video till everyone on earth has seen it, let the love flow and lets rid ourselves of hate an greed