Up To 12 Million Bees Found Dead as Chemical spraying from above gets the blame

Colony collapse disorder, this is happening all over the planet

Colony collapse disorder, this is happening all over the planet

We must all be noticing less bees these days?

We must all be noticing less bees these days?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colony_collapse_disorder This is a link to what is a growing mystery to Science and a great worry for Humans.
Albert Einstein theorised and it has been proven fact, that if all bees die out, so will Human kind.

It makes sense

It makes sense

No pollination means no growing of things we need to eat and more

No pollination means no growing of things we need to eat and more

I have written for some time now about “Strange Events that affect the Earth and Humans” This topic on Bees is a serious one. Anyone not aware of the issue should go and research it and not dismiss it out of hand. If all the bees die out, Human kind will within 5 or so years. We need the bees to pollinate the planet.

No one knows the reason, and Authorities have already ruled out disease, including the infamous “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD), as the cause of a recent honeybee holocaust that took place in Brevard County, Florida. Official reports state that up to 12 million bees from roughly 800 apiaries in the area all dropped dead at roughly the same time around September 26 — and local beekeepers say pesticides are likely to blame. CCD is the term often used to describe the inexplicable mass die-off of honeybees around the world, which typically involves honeybees leaving their hives and, for whatever reason, never finding their way back home. Mass die-offs associated with CCD often occur at seemingly random locations around the world, and typically involve a gradual process of disappearance and eventual colony collapse — and the dead bees are typically nowhere to be found. But the recent Florida event involved hundreds of colonies from 30 different sites in a one-and-a-half mile radius literally dropping dead all at the same time and leaving their carcasses behind, which is why authorities have dismissed CCD as the cause. Based on the appearance of the dead bees, as well as the synchronous timing of their deaths, pesticide spraying appears to be the culprit in this case. “I’m a pretty tough guy, but it is heart wrenching,” said Charles Smith of Smith Family Honey Company to News 13 in Orlando. But what could be causing this.

In the USA alone, 80% of all bees have died, worldwide the figure is around the same, this has been in a 10 year period give or take a year or two. A conspiracist will point to chemtrails (Not Contrails) in the Sky. Look up from time to time, you will see this. I see it most days, but I know it is there. The reason for spraying the skies, I do not know, but look it up, it is real

Look up more...

Look up more…

I took many pictures similar. These are Chemicals being sprayed on us (google Chemtrails)

I took many pictures similar. These are Chemicals being sprayed on us (google Chemtrails)

Answers on a postcard to...

Answers on a postcard to…

This should be a blog on its own. What are they spraying? is it killing bees?

This should be a blog on its own. What are they spraying? is it killing bees?

So another mystery, another issue, these things happen I keep getting told, but all at once? Nah, something is going on


Skype username ShaunGibson1888 (Many added me for debate already)
