9 People Who Aren’t Cut Out for Nature

  • 1. This guy thought he was in for a peaceful kayak ride. He was so wrong.

  • 2. #ProTip: check to make sure your pool isn’t frozen before you cannonball.

    3. This girl was having a great day at the beach, until …
  • 4. Snow gymnastics, coming to an X Games near you.

  • 5. Some people just don’t have their sea legs … or river butts.

  • 6. Next time, this guy should stick with mini golf.

  • 7. The tide sure does have a way of sneaking up on you.

  • 8. This isn’t just a nature fail – it’s a total logic fail, too.

  • 9. This guy had good intentions, but nature has a mind of its own.


Add me to Skype – POEM

You can now use Skype contacts on your MSN messenger. All change. New "Big Thing is "Skype"

You can now use Skype contacts on your MSN messenger. All change. New “Big Thing is “Skype”

Shaun’s the name, Scotland’s my game

Wanna chat about life, it will be no strife 

I only do Audio; I hoping that won’t be an issue

I’m a married man! Please, I dont want to kiss you


So the download is easy, piece of cake

Goggle Skype, and we can talk, call it a date?

You can also use your MSN chat

It’s dead easy use, how good is that?


Just add shaunyg1973 that’s my user name

It is brilliant, fun and it’s free and I am game

Sometimes you wait, as I go for a quick pee

But sometimes you go cos I’m off my tree


So come along now, I don’t bite

Many talk to me and never a fright

I may leave you for the occasional shyt

But never fear I’m always time tight


In Scotland we do call this the squawk

I won’t swoop down on you like a hawk

Many people hate to speak to new people at first

Don’t worry it’s all is good, it’ like speaking to Fred Durst


So get the show going and get me added

Always at first it me be awkward, it’s true

But fun is always what I head for, for you

A laugh and joke and we are friends for good

I speak to many here already

For them the friendship is so steady

So add that username up the third line

And talk to a man who is never a swine 



Here is the link, http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/windows-live-messenger/  but if you have MSN you can add me that way I think

An Edinburgh Song, a song inspired by my city

Edinburgh  Castle in the background

Edinburgh Castle in the background

I love music and just then my son showed me a YouTube video about Edinburgh, the song is sung in a VERY East Coast dialect and shows the beauty of my City. Edinburgh has its bad places, but the City is wonderful, the people amazing and it is a city about festivals and theatre and history

I hope you listen to the song, some parts many may not understand, but the song is about a lad from Edinburgh, what he did, what he did wrong, love, hate, being happy, and living in Edinburgh, and he also is Chasing Dreams, this would be the biggest message in the song

Enjoy my City, and good luck understanding the song

Please try and watch, if anything it shows my City and how much history there is, the message in the song is strong, I hope people get the meaning. I know these lads a bit and they are gaining some momentum in Edinburgh.

Love and Peace

We all love where we live, do we?

We all love where we live, do we?