The American Healthcare System, my thoughts on a disgrace



It pains me to speak to friends and watch a nation called the “Beacon for freedom” and the “World’s Super Power” and discover 150+ people die each day because they don’t have insurance. The USA was once looked upon as the place to go; the American Dream was once the big thing, now you truly have to be asleep to see it

I speak to many, I research well, and this is the damning truth of a country now more interested in War and sending $Billions$ of dollars to mainly Muslim countries than helping its own people, anyone who can’t see it that way isn’t paying attention to what is happening over there. I am from a tiny island 5,000 miles and I can see it, so can many, but just how bad is it? Just how bad has it become? Just how wrong has the USA become at Governmental level? These are questions we could ask all day, but finding answers is the difficult bit, the gray area so to speak

A country I love, a people I love, in bits, falling to its knee’s faster than the Roman empire did, it is sad that people die because they have less money than the person standing next to them. Obama Care, give me a laugh, it changed nothing, and it is an illusion of care, where none exists

I was speaking to Doc over at and she is an ex medical person, she sent me a link to a Senator from the USA, I posted it already, in-case you missed it, check what he has to say, he is from Florida, his name is Alan Grayson, like Ron Paul a politician who seems to want to help the people and not go to war

He brings many good points to the table, and the headline in the media says it all “What your Government doesn’t want you to see” This says it all for me, The USA has turned into a species of people (Due to Government) where Money will keep you alive, this is wrong, so very,very wrong

This is an outrage, and the longer you guys stand back and allow this to happen, the more the War Machine and the greed will be more important THAN YOU. This is sad. Over here in the UK, we pay less tax, we see the Dr the same day we need to, if we need to, we get our medication, we can take a trip to the hospital at ANY time, and this is all free

Don’t allow a national tragedy to keep happening, act now

This was a study done by Harvard it is a HARD read, but it must be read.

Are you for War or are you for the living? For me the choice is an easy one. Why allow your Government to spend BILLIONS on foreign aid and Wars and risk YOU dying

Take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask the HARD questions, life over liberty?

Don’t make me laugh, people say “People still flock to the USA” This may be true, but why? There is nothing to gain. People flock to the UK for free homes and free healthcare and money

My love to the American people



Dear God



Dear God

Shaun here, well you already knew that you created the lad who created Word Press who knew I would blog this, or something


I hope the weather is ok up there, hope the kids are well, well one of them anyway 🙂 you gave me Scottish Humour, so just toying. Usually we do this one on one in private, but I thought I would pray to you in public, just to test the water, you never know, it might catch on. I mean could you imagine your email inbox if everyone started to pray to you like this; it would be like Bruce Almighty the movie, lol

So I would just like to say thanks for getting me through another Friday shopping day unharmed and still with a partner as you know I can get rather moody on Friday shopping trips. I need to probably thank you for giving Dawn the will to withstand me and my manly moods. Am I allowed to say that? See this is the bit I don’t get God, as soon as I said “Manly moods” immediately something triggered in my mind to say “wait” but it’s said now. So thanks for giving Dawn, the poor woman, the heart to still love me every Friday, I dislike shopping trips, pain and all that kind of stuff.

While we are on the subject of pain, I would ask again God you look at my file “Shaun Gibson from Edinburgh, Scotland” just in-case you misplaced it. I am in agony as I type; I have been for years now as you know, well you should know we discuss it most minutes, lol

I was asking if there was anything you can do, you know, talk to someone, or maybe have a word with someone in the know. Even just flick through my notes and see if there is something you can do. That would be grand God. It is still sore. I mean you created EVERYTHING even every molecule in my body, would it be doable to just turn a few molecules off and stop the pain? I mean would it be going out your way? I know, I know, Syria is there and you have to deal with President Obama and Mr Assad etc, as they both must prey a lot to you for guidance in who to kill or not. Just a suggestion God, why not send your Son down again, maybe he will settle a few issues here? I mean I am in pain, but look to the bigger picture, the World is close to War, there must be some strings you can pull at your end.

Before I go, I would like to thank you for keeping my kids healthy, and ask you keep all the kids in the World healthy, or do your best, you are an incredibly busy chap, with a Universe to run and who knows how many other Worlds to look after and be prayed to by, or written to like this. Just for a moment would it not be AWFUL if there were like 2 Billion planets with life like this and EVERYONE prayed to you like this, I mean that is a lot of email bandwidth right there. But I am sure your ISP (Internet Service Provider) would pro…Why am I explaining this to you, you invented it, well in was really a Scottish chap years ago, so thanks for making Scottish people the most clever on the planet, and the most drunk for some reason. Drinking a lot and we invented the modern world, I have no idea how we pulled that one off.

Well God, thank you for reading, or watching as I wrote, till the next time.

More love, less hate



PS: Thank you for this on Wednesday, BRILLIANT Work there God!

Fantastic it was

Fantastic it was

The NSA: Snowden Told You “What”… Now Learn How and Why

This is a thread, compete copy and paste, from by BRILLIANT user Hefficide Something ALL Americans, and Earthing’s should watch! This is a LONG read, but if you got a spare 20 minutes, learn about your country from people outside your country. I beg, I say please, I care, I give a shit. EDUCATE YOURSELF, NO FEAR! 

The NSA: Snowden Told You “What”… Now Learn How and Why

Hello again ATS!

Since the name “Snowden” hit the collective perception and we were all clearly informed that the NSA is, in fact collecting data about us – specifically our digital communications – a great deal of debate has ensued arguing about whether or not there is a rational reason to believe that this is true. Further many people draw conclusions about what purpose wholesale domestic surveillance might serve.

I count myself among those seeking to understand this issue and answer these pressing questions.

Over the years many of us have learned that every new story will go through a period where every persons pet belief manages to find a foothold ( Yes, dear readers, social engineering is MY pet belief so I am not excluding myself at all here! ) in every new theory… So with the Snowden revelations ( such as they are – my feelings about Snowden and just how revelatory his “leaks” are have been stated previously ) we find ourselves wading through rhetoric from all corners… Right wingers insisting that this is a shot across their bow and an effort to silence them. FEMA believers telling us that this is the end game before we are all housed in camps. Alien believers postulating that the aliens are behind it all. Philosophers waxing on how if we all actually live in a matrix… maybe the NSA is seeking to take control of that matrix from the higher power.

Much of it gets lost and degrades into Obama based circular argumentum infinitum.

What if I told you that there is a better answer than the above? What if I told you that programs already out in the open have flatly told us what Bumblehive, in Utah, is meant to do? Would that catch your attention?

Because that is exactly what I am saying right now.

Flatly put – The purpose of Bumblehive is to enable the government to watch us, as a group dynamic, in real time so that propaganda can be regulated and controlled for maximum effect as a means of total social manipulation and control.

Bumblehive is the ultimate interactive social engineering and control tool.

Bumblehive is the device Orwell warned us about. It is Big Brother made real. It is the lynchpin that will enable government, the military, media, telecoms, and corporate interests into a single power – with the sole purpose of controlling the masses for profit.

This tool will allow the government to judge our reactions in near real time and will enable them to disseminate the necessary propaganda to neutralize any breaks from the median.

Welcome to the ultimate enslavement. Welcome, my son, to the machine.


The Slides

Snowden is not the only one with slides! I have some of my own! In fact if you follow this link – you will have them too! Fresh and directly from the source!

This PDF and slides are dated July 14, 2010 ( Awesome… my birth date. Oddly enough also the date listed as Spongebob Squarepants DOB… though that is another thread altogether ) and they come from The Moves Institute – part of the Naval Postgraduate School. It should be noted that the things discussed in this PDF are not restricted only to the Navy. Each branch of the military, as well as the DoD and NSA also have parallel studies and divisions – something I detailed last year inthis thread… Though, at the time, the specific applications of these programs were not as clear to me. Recent revelations and a few connected dots later – it makes more sense, though the basic assumptions remain. Controlling what the population thinks is the future of warfare. Where once we needed force to make people capitulate… now we just need effective propaganda. Real time interpretation of that propaganda and the effect it is having on the populace IS the KEY to ensuring large scale acceptance of control.

I have long said that FEMA doesn’t need to build camps… your job, mortgage and taxes are camp enough. Your lifestyle is the bars of your prison – this technology the jailer.

Though these slides get specific to Theaters of Operation outside of the US. I think it is quite safe to say that if a brainwashing technique works on the folks in Uganda, it will work on folks everywhere – including at home.

Let’s get into the slides.

For these first few slides I will simply include text – as they are full page slides with little on them and posting pictures would take up far more space than this approach

Irregular warfare. A violent struggle among state and non – state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations. Irregular warfare favors indirect and asymmetric approaches , though it may employ the full range of military and other capabilities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will. Also called IW. (JP 1 -02)

This bolsters what I said above. Through asymmetrical techniques, specifically the analysis and control of information, the need for standard military activity is minimized or negated.

The focus of IW is the relevant populations, not the enemy’s military capability.

A flat out admission that violates all known rules of engagement and tells us what we already know… War is no longer about armies. It’s about the people. They are ignoring the enemy forces and focusing their attacks upon the people. WE, dear friends ARE the people.

IW operations are necessary when insurgents exert more influence on local population(s) than the national government. Setting the conditions to permit national actions to influence the local population is the crux of the IW fight.

Replace the word “insurgents” with the words “reality” or “the truth of a situation” and you’ll see the reason for my disgust. The implications are staggering and evident. This machinery is designed to control perception.

Two important things I wish to highlight from this slide:

Data is the key to developing credible and relevant IW Methods, Models, and Tools (MMT).

While this seems fairly innocuous a statement – once one combines this with the staggering potential data processing capabilities of the NSA’s new Utah facility… Well it all begins to come into focus. If data is the key, then the ability to access and interpret that data in bulk and in real time is surely the most relevant aspect of the key.

All MMT developed will be government – owned with unlimited rights to maintain and operate.

So much Orwellian nightmare in this one sentence that it literally makes me shudder! ALL MMT ( methods models and tools ) will be government owned with UNLIMITED rights to maintain and operate.


This slide is a double edged sword IMO. Yes, it would benefit both a nation, and its soldiers to have specific training in psychology and sociology as a means of “winning hearts and minds”. With that much I do agree. But as the “Vision” section hints towards – there is a lot of potential for abuse here.

Mastery of the social, cultural and cognitive factors that optimize the war fighter’s ability to influence human behavior in the full range of military operations.

When we begin discussing things like “mastery” of “cognitive factors” are we not beating around the bush? Let’s call it was it is. Manipulation through brainwashing.

I have included this slide because one thing jumps directly out at me… Business school.

If this technology is 100% “government owned with unlimited rights to maintain and operate” – as quoted above… what is “business school” doing on this list? Is this an indication of oligarchy? Of Corporate control of government? Or is it an indication that government has “drafted” all private business into their purvey?

I have included this for the benefit of the scores of people calling for insurrection in western nations. This is exactly what you would face if a condition of civil conflict were to arise. These techniques would be employed in addition to armed response.

To me this is the most damning and troubling slide and admission in the entire bunch. This is nothing short of a flat out ( and three year old for that matter ) admission that social networks are watched and manipulated for strategic advantage and effect. Sorry Snowden… you showed up to this party late.

The most horrific thing said in this slide – one that I think many people will read directly past – is the following:

Results and conclusions from our analysis will provide insight into:
•Which individuals or clans the government forces should attempt to convince to turn against the insurgency.

Let me qualify that in simple English – Social networking is being used to determine which of us can be turned against the rest of us. Read a political thread lately? Think that this model might already be in play here in the US? I do.

At this point the 2010 document ends and an additional, slightly older document begins, dated June 1, 2010 ( Not my birthday nor Spongebobs ). Some of the telling hints contained within this section are:

Understanding the population – Understand the influences on and behaviors of the population (to include linking actions and events to possible outcomes and effects).

An innocent enough statement until it is tied in with domestic spying and social engineering – at which point it becomes a fairly blunt overview of how to control an entire population for effect.

Understanding data – Fitting models to, and developing data analysis and visualization tools for, existing operationally relevant data to better understand existing and proposed influences on operationally relevant populations. Understanding survey/polling data, temporal and geo – spatial data are critical need areas.

Again, seems innocuous enough on the surface… until one understands that what this is actually discussing is the manipulation of data ( read information ) for the purpose of behavioral modification / societal control.

Task 1.1 The Theory of Fundamental Human Needs: Computational Representation and Integration (Baez, Gibbons, Perkins): This work takes a conceptual model of the Theory of Fundamental Human Needs (Max Neef) and integrates it with the implementation of the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Narrative Paradigm to provide a computational representation compatible with the CG model.

The implications here are easy to see… using human needs as a tool for manipulating populations. Bought gas or food lately? Shocked at the prices rising, but just suck it up and buy it anyway? Guess what? Your human needs are being manipulated for agenda. Specifically speaking – the removal of security and comfort to illicit a focus upon basic survival as opposed to paying attention to what your government is doing.

Task 2.2 The Role of Economic and Social Conditions on Violence Generation (McNab, Guttieri, Sarkar, Bailey, McGinnis, Wallen): This task creates a relatively simple tool to examine the underlying distribution of violence and provide analysis as to whether a steady – state level of violence exists in a specific geographical area. The proposed course of research employs empirical methods from the disciplines of panel data analysis, time series analysis, and statistical inference to examine hypotheses related to the formation and distribution of violence. This research will utilize data from Iraq, and will seek to find similar data from Afghanistan for research purposes.

Violence generation… analyzing how to utilize an understanding of violence as a tool of social engineering and social control? Trayvon anyone?

Task 3.1 Perceptual learning training strategies for culturally relevant indicators of threat behavior (McCauley, Alt):This effort will seek to apply techniques from the scientific literature on “perceptual learning” to identify observable behavioral indicators among individuals in a crowd or on the street that provide information regarding the intention of the individual in question. The goal is to enable Soldiers and Marines to discern ordinary from threat behavior in conflict environments by creating model functionality for integration into a training tool.

The recent spate of folks being arrested for Facebook posts… Does this sound familiar now?

Task 4.2 Design and Development of Agent – Based Models for Human Behaviors (Jaye, Blanken, Burks, Nannini, Darken ): This task provides an overview of modeling social phenomena in general, and focuses on the application of agent
– based modeling to human behavior.

Well, damn… the entire cat got out of the bag at the end there…. a flat admission that total social and behavioral engineering is happening. Who’d have thunk it?

Closing Thoughts

In the course of researching and writing this OP I found myself starting at profiles and CV’s of several of the people mentioned by name in the PDF. Ultimately I opted not to discuss them as, when looked at as a tapestry, none really appeared to be anything resembling a mad scientist or willful tyrant. They all seem like cogs in a machine… worker bees who don’t care about the big picture and only focus upon their tiny area of expertise or work. Sadly, this reminds me of a book by Hannah Arendtcalled Eichman In Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil which takes a person we perceive as a monster and shows the truth of the matter… he was simply a cog in a machine who wanted to be socially accepted and was willing to do horrendous things for petty and selfish reasons.

That is how I perceive the scientists and soldiers currently working in these programs… People doing some of the most unfathomably evil and destructive things, but not quite understanding it all and rationalizing that they’re simply surviving and taking care of themselves or acting out of a skewed desire to belong or a misplaced sense of morality.

The collection and interpretation of data sets can be a powerfully positive and blessed thing for humanity. Diseases and congenital defects are now near daily cured or brought one step closer to a cure because of the blessing of computers and their abilty to process vast amounts of data ( The entire human genome comes to mind ). Applying this technology to entire populations could also be used for so many amazing things… not just crap marketing and social engineering… Sadly not many people seem motivated to find new and exciting uses for this technology ( Something I earnestly pray changes soon ).

But this? The above? It is morally wrong on so many different levels as to be criminal. In fact “criminal” is not nearly a strong enough word in my opinion. It is my heartfelt feeling that this stage of American history will, in the future, be referred to in the same tones as Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany are. Shameful periods of time when psychotic and selfish men managed to sieze power without regard for others. This is a dark, dark age we enter into…

And it’s only just beginning now.


If ever a country needs to wake up, it is now. I have posted as much as I can regarding this, as the PAIN, GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED MEDIA WON’T. I know many Americans will think twice about replying, and I don’t blame you, but you can reply going through a proxy server like this: Just stick in this URL and you are safe, in-fact you can do it for ANY topic, you are hidden, This NEEDS debated, your Country is now a POLICE STATE!!  Here are some replies from User’s in the Forum:


This scope of technology and behavioral modeling/manipulation has been the fervent wet dream of dictators forever. There’s only one thing missing in their cheerful projections: The volatile nature and resourcefulness of subjugated humankind. Their happy ending will be denied.

At least that’s my theory….


How’bout….FEMA camps Because of aliens? I think all the major theories are correct in the fact that plans are in place and time, to the illuminated, is event based…There is no real date, but that Irish gambling site got shutdown right after taking off the bet for public disclosure of aliens, so that leads me to belive it should happen in this year and no layman should be allowed to profit from it LOL. The fema camps will happen and the wont even be able to hold one tenth of the population should you all surrender so there will be people trying to break in …its gonna be some good material for comedy in the future.

I blogged about this myself, remember? So I am not the only one!  :


Should be required reading . . . of all students from HS on up.

. . . and all Christians . . . and other church members.

THANKS for your great work. I pray many read it.

Here is the whole thread here:

Act now, or pay soon, really, I can’t press home the importance of what A HERO Snowden is for the USA and it’s people!! You guys should be supporting him, but I hear and see fear is stopping you from doing so. If so, that is sad for you all, and what does this say about the  USA?

What happened? Nazi Germany Started this exact way. Be careful, but wake up. To anyone wanting to call me “An American Basher, PLEASE READ THE BLOG’ I know you are reading the headlines. One in particular replied 30 seconds after a 10 minute blog with “American Hater” This person is denying ignorance, they are ignorant but deny it, or the are a paid member of the NSA trying to discredit. Either way, take a fuck to yourself, friends of mine from the USA are going to get hit hard, and I give a shit! Read the blogs PLEASE


10 Most Terrifying Places on Earth


There are places on Earth that are stranger than the most alien landscapes we have ever imagined. Places that make your skin crawl. Places that induce heavy breathing and paranoia, before anything has even happened. We walk the dark, dusty steps of old castles and houses. We roam the halls of asylums and tunnels, hoping to glimpse something otherworldly. But sometimes, we wish we wouldn’t. Sometimes, our curiosity gets the better of us in the beginning, and is then squashed by a feeling that no human ever wants to be familiar with: absolute terror.

We hear screams in the night, footsteps in the hall. We see shadows flit by, and fog taking the shape of something eerily familiar. We breathe, we pray, and step lightly. We scream, we curse, and we sprint. Some encounters are mysterious, others violent, all terrifying. Why do we insist on investigating places such as these? Mere curiosity only gets us so far, and then we need a driving force embedded much deeper into our psyche in order to power on. Would you spend the night alone in these places? I know I couldn’t, in Scotland I am what is called a “Shytbag” I would last 2 minutes in any of these places. I have done all the Ghost tours and been to all the Haunted places in Scotland, and be it mind over matter, everyone there “Felt Something” Even PROPER TOUGH LADS ran away 🙂

Could you spent time here? Be honest now


10 – Riddle House

4368810023 4Fbfecda83

The History

The Riddle House in Palm Beach County, Florida, was originally a funeral parlor. The Victorian house was dismantled and rebuilt in Yesteryear Village at the South Florida fair grounds. In the 1920’s the house became privately owned by Karl Riddle.

The Terror

Joseph, one of Riddle’s former employees, committed suicide by hanging himself in the attic of the house. Joseph, for whatever reason, hated men, and displays this hatred by attacking men who enter the attic. One man had a lid flung at his head, and men are now no longer allowed in the attic. Other places in the house are haunted as well, with furniture being frequently moved.

9 – Helltown


The History

The Northern part of Summit County in Ohio is known by the eerily blunt moniker, Helltown. In the 70’s, Boston Township was the site of a government buyout, and subsequent mass eviction of citizens. The houses were intended to be torn down and the land used for a national park, but the plans never quite manifested. Legends spawned wildly, and who can blame the legend mongers? Driving through the dark, wooded landscape was enough to give you chills even when it was populated, let alone when you have to drive by boarded up houses standing next to the burnt out hulks of others (the local fire department used some buildings for practice).

The Terror

Whether based on a kernel of truth or cooked up in the heads of creative visitors, the persistent legends of Helltown add to the creep factor. The steep Stanford Road drop off, immediately followed by a dead end, is aptly named The End of the World. If you get stuck at this dead end for too long, according to ghost story enthusiasts, you may meet your end at the hands of many members of the endless parade of freaks patrolling the woods. Satanists, Ku Klux Klan members, an escaped mental patient, an abnormally large snake, and mutants caused by an alleged chemical spill proudly march in this parade. And if you stray from the roads, you may find Boston Cemetery, home to a ghostly man, grave robbers and, the quirkiest of all, a moving tree.


8 – Stull Cemetery

The History

Stull, Kansas, is a tiny, unincorporated town in Bumfuck, Nowhere- er, pardon, Douglas County. Ten miles west of Lawrence and thirteen miles east of Topeka puts it far from anything resembling a large population center. The population of Stull is approximately 20 people. But, don’t let the deceptively quaint village fool you. A darker side lurks behind the bushes and in the shadows.

The Terror

In the early 20th century, two tragedies rocked the tiny settlement (please observe, these are not legend or folklore, but fact). First, a father finished burning a farm field, only to find the charred corpse of his young son in the aftermath. The second incident to occur was a man went missing, and was later found hanged from a tree. As far as legends go, the infamous cemetery is where you can find your fill of supernatural lore. The book Weird US has this to say on Stull Cemetery:

“There are graveyards across America that go beyond merely being haunted and enter into the realm of the diabolical. They are places so terrifying that they say the devil himself holds courts with his worshippers there. The cemetery on Emmanuel Hill in Stull, Kansas, is one of these places.”

Rumors exist stating that Stull Cemetery is one of the 7 gateways to Hell. While the old church is now demolished, many attempt to sneak in at night for a peek at the unsavory goings-on. But be warned, the police patrol heavily, especially on Halloween and the spring equinox. The place is supposed to be so unholy, in fact, that some claim Pope John Paul II refused to allow his plane to fly over eastern Kansas, on his way to an appearance in Colorado. The validity of this last claim is up for debate, but none can deny that legends or not, Stull Cemetery is a terrifying place to be.


7 – The Ridges

The History

Originally known as the Athens Lunatic Asylum, The Ridges was renamed after the state of Ohio acquired the property. The hospital saw hundreds of lobotomies, and often declared masturbation and epilepsy to be the causes of insanity in patients.

The Terror

Athens, Ohio, is listed as the 13th most haunted place in the world, as per the British Society for Psychical Research. The nearby Ohio University (which currently owns most of the property on which the Ridges is located) is said to be heavily haunted. The notorious rapist with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Billy Milligan, was housed at the facility for years. The most famous story, however is that of a 54 year old female patient who ran away and was missing for 6 weeks. She was found dead in an unused ward. She had taken off all of her clothes, neatly folded them, and laid down on the cold concrete where she subsequently died. Through a combination of decomposition and sun exposure, her corpse left a permanent stain on the floor, which is still visible today. Her spirit now haunts the abandoned ward.


6 – Humberstone and LaNoria

Cl31 Humberstone

The History

These two abandoned mining towns in Chile were recently featured on an episode of the SyFy Channel’s show, Destination Truth. In 1872, the town was founded as a saltpeter mine, and business boomed. However, after several heavy blows (including the Great Depression), the business declined and then collapsed in 1958, and the town of Humberstone and it’s surrounding towns were abandoned by 1960. Treatment of workers in both towns bordered on slavery, and now the towns are left standing derelict.

The Terror

It is rumored that the dead of the La Noria cemetery rise at night and walk around the town, and ghostly images frequently show up in photographs in Humberstone. These towns are so terrifying, the residents of nearby Iquique refuse to enter them. The former residents never left, and can be seen walking around, and children have been heard playing. The cemetery of La Noria, regardless of whether its occupants actually walk at night, contains opened graves where the bodies are fully exposed, leaving you to wonder why. Is it ghosts, or is it grave robbers? As if either prospect is very appealing.

Full episodes of Destination Truth, including the episode featuring Humberstone and La Noria, can be seen


5 – Byberry Mental Asylum

The History

The Philadelphia State Hospital at Byberry, or known simply as Byberry, was the poster image for patient maltreatment. The hospital, in its most popular form, was founded in 1907, and known as the Byberry Mental Hospital. It exceeded its patient limit quickly, maxing out at over 7,000 in 1960. It housed everything from the mentally challenged to the criminally insane. Due to its atrocious conditions, and the sub-human treatment of its patients, the hospital was closed and abandoned in 1990. It had since become a nuisance for the neighborhood, as it was a breeding ground for vandals, arsonists, Satanists, and urban explorers. It was demolished in 2006, in spite of the fear of spreading asbestos, (which is what kept it standing for 16 years).

The Terror

The terrifying aspect of this location isn’t so much it’s hauntings or the unsavory characters that lurked after dark (although you would have been wise to be wary of both while exploring the building). The terror here comes from the facts of the how the hospital was run. Human excrement lined the hallways, which were also where many patients slept. The staff was abusive, and frequently exploited and harassed patients. One patient had a tooth pulled without Novocaine, while another killed and dismembered a female patient. Although the killer, Charles Gable, was never found, the victim’s body was found strewn across the property. Her teeth were found being played with by another patient. Even as the hospital was in the process of closing, two released patients were found dead in the Delaware River, two successive days after their release. Perhaps that gate in Stull Cemetery opens here.


4 – Leap Castle

The History

While this Irish castle is perhaps the most popular location featured on the list, it is worth recapping the long and often gruesome history. Although it was built by the O’Bannons in the late 15th century, the castle was taken over by the ruling O’Carrolls, to whom the O’Bannons were subject. After the death of Mulrooney O’Carroll, a fierce rivalry erupted, culminating in two brothers struggling for control. One of the brothers, a priest, was brutally murdered in his own chapel, in front of the family, by the other brother. This chapel is now know as the Bloody Chapel, for obvious reasons. Many people were held prisoner and even executed at the castle.

The Terror

The castle is rumoured to be haunted by a vast number of spirits, including a violent, hunched beast known only as the Elemental. It is most recognizable by the accompanying smell of rotting flesh and sulphur. While renovating the castle, workers discover an oubliette, which is a dungeon accessible only through a ceiling hatch, into which prisoners are thrown, then forgotten and left to die. This particular oubliette contained three cartloads of human remains, and was filled with spikes to impale those thrown into it’s depths.


3 – Shades of Death Road


The History

This New Jersey road winds through 7 miles of countryside, and along that stretch it gives us no definitive clues as to the origin of its eerie name (for those wondering, Shades of Death is not a nickname given by locals, but is in fact the road’s official moniker). While the explanation for this highly unusual name has been lost, many theories abound. Some say that murderous highwaymen would rob and kill those along the road. Others say the reason was because of violent retaliations by the locals against the very same highwaymen, resulting in their lynched corpses being hung up as a warning. Some attribute it to three murders that occurred in the 20’s and 30’s. The first murder saw a robber beating his victim over the head with a tire iron, the second saw a woman decapitate her husband and bury the head and body on separate sides of the road, and the third consisted of poor Bill Cummins being shot and buried in a mud pile. Some attribute it to massive amounts of fatal car crashes, while others consider it the fault of viscous wildcats from the nearby Bear Swamp. The most likely explanation, however, is that malaria-bearing mosquitos terrorized the locals year to year, and the remoteness of the area prevented good medical attention from being prominent in the area. This is supported by the fact that, in 1884, most of the swamps in the area were drained.

The Terror

Gruesome history and spooky name aside, you have much to fear along this byway. South of the I-80 overpass lies an officially unnamed lake, that most will tell you is called Ghost Lake. This lake is frequently the home of specter-like vapors, and the sky is supposed to be unusually bright, no matter what time of night you are there. As per the name, ghosts of the highwaymens victims roam the area, and they are most frequent in the abandoned cabin across the lake. The dead-end road known as Lenape Lane is home to thick fogs and apparitions, you may be chased off the road by a white light. I’ll let Wikipedia detail the most disturbing aspect of the road:

“One day during the 1990s, some visitors found hundreds of Polaroid photographs scattered in woods just off the road. They took some and shared them with Weird NJ, which published a few as samples. Most of the disturbing images showed a television changing channels, others showed a woman or women, blurred and somewhat difficult to identify, lying on some sort of metal object, conscious but not smiling. Local police began an investigation after the magazine ran an item with the photos, but the remainder disappeared shortly afterwards.”


2 – Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

The History

Welcome to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, home of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. This former high school was converted, in 1975, to Security Prison 21 by the Khmer Rouge. The prison was used as a base to torture and murder prisoners. Most of the prisoners were former soldiers and government officials from the Lon Nol regime. However, the Khmer Rouge leaders paranoia soon caught up with them, and they began shipping people from their own ranks to the prison. Many prisoners were tortured and tricked into naming their family and associates, who were them also arrested, tortured and murdered.

The Terror

The ghosts of the estimated 17,000 victims of Tuol Sleng continue to roam the halls, and odd happenings around the place are often attributed to them: and it isn’t hard to see why. Most were forced to confess to crimes they didn’t actually commit. Although most victims were Cambodians, many foreigners fell victim to the death machine, including Americans, French, a New Zealander, a Briton, Australians, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and Vietnamese. Only 12 people are thought to have survived. To close the entry on this sad history, I’ll leave you with the actual security regulations, the ten rules all prisoners had to abide by. All imperfect grammar is said in context due to poor translation.

1. You must answer accordingly to my question. Don’t turn them away.
2. Don’t try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that, you are strictly prohibited to contest me.
3. Don’t be a fool for you are a chap who dare to thwart the revolution.
4. You must immediately answer my questions without wasting time to reflect.
5. Don’t tell me either about your immoralities or the essence of the revolution.
6. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.
7. Do nothing, sit still and wait for my orders. If there is no order, keep quiet. When I ask you to do something, you must do it right away without protesting.
8. Don’t make pretext about Kampuchea Krom in order to hide your secret or traitor.
9. If you don’t follow all the above rules, you shall get many many lashes of electric wire.
10.If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.


1 – The Mines of Paris

The History

The seemingly infinite tunnels that run below the streets of Paris should not be confused with the Catacombs of Paris, the famous underground ossuary, although the mines are also mistakenly referred to as the catacombs. Exploring the mines is illegal, and penalties include heavy fines. The mines were used to dig out minerals from Paris’ varied sediment (the location where Paris is was submerged for millions of years), and the tunnels are what got left behind.

The Terror

The mines are now unkempt, unpatrolled and unsafe. As far as legends go, ancient cults and creatures patrol the depths. Spirits dwell in the infinite shadows, and if one wanders deep enough, and survives, they may even enter Hades itself. As far as reality goes, those legends can take a back seat. The tunnels stretch for close to 600 kilometers throughout the Parisian underground, and most of them are unmapped. Saying it is easy to get lost is an understatement. It is nearly impossible not to get lost. Many parts of the catacombs are hundreds of feet below street level. Some hallways are flooded, or are so narrow you have to crawl through them. There are holes that drop hundreds of feet, and manholes that are unreachable, luring unwary urban explorers in with false promises of freedom. The infinite underground maze absorbs sound, mutes it, making it unlikely you will hear somebody yelling for help, even if they are not far away. Or, worse yet, making it unlikely somebody will hear you. Thousands of human bones litter the tunnels, due to overcrowding in many of Paris’ cemeteries. Weird paintings adorn the walls. Are they ancient? Are they new? Are they warnings? Or pleas for help? If you have claustrophobia, you will want to avoid the mines at all costs. If you don’t have claustrophobia, you probably will after a trip through the mines. Bring plenty of batteries, backup flashlights, clean water, a friend, and say a prayer before entering the mines of Paris. You will need them all.

Ohio Kidnapper Ariel Castro: I’m Not A Monster

Accused Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro in court July 26, 2013

Ariel Castro seconds after sentence was passed, Life, no parole and 1,000 years, his hell starts


Ohio kidnapper Ariel Castro said he is “not a monster” after one of his victims confronted him during his sentencing hearing to describe her “11 years in hell”.

Castro said he knows what he did was wrong, but that he is not a violent person and that his captives asked for sex and were not tortured.

“These people are trying to paint me as a monster. I’m not a monster. I’m sick,” he said during his sentencing hearing on Thursday.

Castro also claimed the women lived a happy life with him.

“We had a lot of harmony that went on in that home,” he said.

The former school bus driver, who pleaded guilty to 937 charges, including kidnapping, rape, assault and aggravated murder, was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole plus 1,000 years.

Ohio kidnap victims
From left: Gina DeJesus, Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight

Before the sentence was handed down, victim Michelle Knight addressed the court and her former captor.

“You took 11 years of my life away and I have got it back,” she said.

“I spent 11 years in hell. Now your hell is just beginning. I will overcome all this that happened, but you will face hell for eternity.”

The 32-year-old Knight did not face Castro as she read her prepared statement, but he glanced toward her several times after she entered the courtroom.

Ms Knight was the first woman abducted by Castro in 2002 after he lured her into his house with the promise of a puppy for her two-year-old son.

“I missed my son every day. I wondered if I was ever going to see him again,” she told the court.

A model of the home of Ariel Castro is displayed in the court room during the sentencing of Castro
A model of Ariel Castro’s home is displayed in court

Castro later made a rambling statement in which he blamed his sex addiction, his former wife and even the FBI for not thoroughly investigating the abductions.

He apologised to his victims but also claimed most of the sex was consensual.

“I just hope they find it in their hearts to forgive me and do some research on people who have addictions, and see how addictions take over their lives,” he said.

Judge Michael Russo dismissed Castro’s claims that the women lived a happy life with him.

“I’m not sure there’s anyone in America that would agree with you,” he said.

Ariel Castro blames the FBI
A deputy reacts as Castro says the FBI failed to rescue the women years ago

The judge also told Castro that there was no place in the world for people who enslave others.

“These women never gave up hope,” he said. “In fact, they prevailed.”

Earlier, prosecutors called several witnesses to detail Castro’s daily assaults on the women, recounted in diaries that compared the women’s experience to that of prisoners of war.

The women disappeared separately between 2002 and 2004, when they were 14, 16 and 20 years old – and were held captive for a decade.

The three, Ms Knight, 32, Amanda Berry, 27, and Gina DeJesus, 23, escaped in May, and Castro was arrested within hours.

For years, Castro chained his captives by their ankles, fed them only one meal a day and provided plastic toilets in their bedrooms that were infrequently emptied, prosecutors said.

Police photo of chains used to retrain Ariel Castro's victims
A police photo shows chains used to restrain the women inside the home

He locked all of them in a vehicle in his garage for three days when someone visited him, prosecutors said.

Castro said he did not have an exit strategy from his complicated double life and finally gave the women a chance to escape by leaving a door unlocked, court documents showed.

Witnesses, including a police officer who was among the first ones to arrive at the scene, described the desperate condition of the three victims.

Cleveland Police Officer Barbara Johnson said the three were “thin, pale, scared” and were asking what had happened to them.

Ms Knight was “very, very scared”, and was having a hard time breathing, the officer testified.

Throughout the hearing, Castro listened and frequently talked to his lawyers.

Ms Knight sent police a handwritten letter thanking them for their help collecting cards and gifts for the women.

In the note, she wrote: “Life is tough, but I’m tougher!”

Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Cameron's internet speech


Never been a porn man myself, so doesn’t really bother me, I know some mates who’s relationships with themselves will be in pieces this morning however. I don’t know what to make of this. I really am not into online porn in my old age, as a younger man  I think every hairy arses Scotsman owned a pile of DVD’s from the USA and Europe. I think if this makes it safer for kids to go online, then its a good thing, but I monitor what my son’s do aged 21 and 19 through my Modem traffic (Small programme you can download) And with the Girls using the laptop and Tablet with Dawn or I there, I think I will be happier knowing they can’t accidently access porn. I once foretold of a blog from when I was a young man, it was funny. But as an older chap now, I think this is a not bad idea. It was ALREADY banned in Scotland anyway, as usual, we are he testing ground. But is it a choice being taken from us? I mean if someone REALLY want’s to do online porn, is it a decision of “taking away freedom” here? I will leave that to the dirty minded people to discuss 🙂


Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales – in line with Scotland.

Mr Cameron warned in a speech that access to online pornography was “corroding childhood”.

The new measures will apply to both existing and new customers.

Mr Cameron also called for some “horrific” internet search terms to be “blacklisted”, meaning they would automatically bring up no results on websites such as Google or Bing.

He told the BBC he expected a “row” with service providers who, he said in his speech, were “not doing enough to take responsibility” despite having a “moral duty” to do so.

He also warned he could have to “force action” by changing the law and that, if there were “technical obstacles”, firms should use their “greatest brains” to overcome them.


In his speech, Mr Cameron said family-friendly filters would be automatically selected for all new customers by the end of the year – although they could choose to switch them off.

And millions of existing computer users would be contacted by their internet providers and told they must decide whether to use or not use “family-friendly filters” to restrict adult material.

The filters would apply to all devices linked to the affected home Wi-Fi network and across the public Wi-Fi network “wherever children are likely to be present”.

Customers who do not click on either option – accepting or declining – will have filters activated by default, Tory MP Claire Perry, Mr Cameron’s adviser on the sexualisation and commercialisation of childhood, told the BBC.

The UK’s biggest internet service providers have agreed to the filters scheme meaning it should cover 95% of homes.

Other measures announced by the prime minister included:

  • New laws so videos streamed online in the UK will be subject to the same restrictions as those sold in shops
  • Search engines having until October to introduce further measures to block illegal content
  • Experts from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre being given more powers to examine secretive file-sharing networks
  • A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it

Mr Cameron also called for warning pages to pop up with helpline numbers when people try to search for illegal content.

He said: “I want to talk about the internet, the impact it is having on the innocence of our children, how online pornography is corroding childhood.

“And how, in the darkest corners of the internet, there are things going on that is a direct danger to our children, and that must be stamped out.

“I’m not making this speech because I want to moralise or scaremonger, but because I feel profoundly as a politician, and as a father, that the time for action has come. This is, quite simply, about how we protect our children and their innocence.”

But former Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre boss Jim Gamble told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme it was important to “get to the root cause” of illegal pornography, by catching those responsible for creating it.

He added: “You need a real deterrent, not a pop-up that paedophiles will laugh at.”

But Ms Perry argued filters would make a difference, saying that the killers of schoolgirls April Jones and Tia Sharp had accessed legal pornography before moving on to images of child abuse.

She added: “It’s impossible to buy this material in a sex shop… but it’s possible to have it served up on a computer every day.”

In his speech, Mr Cameron said possession of online pornography depicting rape would be made illegal.

“Start Quote

Existing legislation only covers publication of pornographic portrayals of rape, as opposed to possession.

“Possession of such material is already an offence in Scotland but because of a loophole in the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, it is not an offence south of the border,” Mr Cameron said.

“Well I can tell you today we are changing that. We are closing the loophole – making it a criminal offence to possess internet pornography that depicts rape.”

The move has been welcomed by women’s groups and academics that had campaigned to have “rape porn” banned.

Holly Dustin, director of the End Violence against Women Coalition, said the group was “delighted”.

“The coalition government has pledged to prevent abuse of women and girls, so tackling a culture that glorifies abuse is critical for achieving this,” she said.

“The next step is working with experts to ensure careful drafting of the law and proper resourcing to ensure the law is enforced fully.”

‘No safe place’

Mr Cameron, who has faced criticism from Labour over cuts to Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre’s funding, insisted the centre’s experts and police would be given the powers needed to keep pace with technological changes on the internet.

“Let me be clear to any offender who might think otherwise: there is no such thing as a safe place on the internet to access child abuse material,” he said.

A spokesman for Google said: “We have a zero tolerance attitude to child sexual abuse imagery. Whenever we discover it, we respond quickly to remove and report it.

“We recently donated $5m (£3.3m) to help combat this problem and are committed to continuing the dialogue with the government on these issues.”

According to some experts, “default on” can create a dangerous sense of complacency, says BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones.

He says internet service providers would dispute Mr Cameron’s interpretation of the new measures, insisting they did not want to be seen as censors.


Remember my blog about, NHS in the UK against USA Healthcare?




In this blog here I compared the UK NHS with the American Healthcare, and I did say the NHS was not perfect here in the UK/Scotland. It is free, practices by Dr’s locally for me have always been superb, I have never had an issue while being in Hospital, the times I have been in with Family, even my own son, I couldn’t thank them enough. This is Scotland remember. Part of the UK, but we run our own affairs, without independence from the UK. This article from Sky news is DAMNING towards English NHS Hospitals, In a report mentioned in Prime Ministers questions, the care in England is SHOCKING, people are dying

Link: (With Video)

Link: (With Video)

Report Slams High Death Rate NHS Hospital as 13,000 die for no reason! 

Staff at a hospital being investigated by the NHS medical director for having a high death rate put targets ahead of patient care, according to a report.

Tameside General Hospital in Greater Manchester is one of 14 of the worst trusts in England at the centre of a probe spearheaded by Professor Sir Bruce Keogh into hospitals with high mortality rates after the scandal at Stafford Hospital.

Sky’s Health Correspondent Thomas Moore obtained a report detailing the findings into Tameside which revealed a series of critical findings into chronic mismanagement and failings in patient care.

The investigation found “insufficient levels of nursing staff”, “poor supervision of junior doctors by consultants” and a “lack of compassion” from staff dealing with patient complaints.

There were insufficient critical care beds which meant patients were being treated in the wrong place.

The report also detailed specific examples of poor care including a patient with the superbug Clostridium difficile being admitted to a six-bed bay which immediately put the other five patients at risk of a potentially fatal bacterial infection.

NHS Generic Sign
Tameside is one of 14 trusts with high death rates in the spotlight

In another case, a patient was given penicillin despite telling staff that they were allergic to the antibiotic, while members of one family were left to clean up a loved one with faecal incontinence.

On one unannounced visit to the hospital, the most senior surgical doctor in the hospital was a trainee with just two years’ experience.

“The culture appeared to be one of managing targets rather than ensuing overall quality and patient experience,” the report said.

“The panel was not convinced that the Board has the capability currently to fully address the cultural change required in the Trust.”

Moore said: “We had heard that perhaps Stafford was a one-off scandal. This (the report) shows that it wasn’t.”

The father of a 12-year-old girl with cerebral palsy who died at the hospital on February 7, 2011, told Sky News what an independent specialist told the inquest into his daughter Emma’s death.

Michael Stones
Michael Stones’ daughter Emma, 12, died at Tameside in 2011

“She said in her experience, if medical intervention would have happened at an earlier stage, she said Emma would have probably survived,” said Michael Stones.

“And this was verified by the coroner in his verdict. So we are put in a situation where we’ll never know because of the absolute, disgraceful behaviour of that hospital towards my daughter. An animal gets treated better.”

Among the 14 trusts under close scrutiny because of their mortality rates over the last two years are Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, Buckinghamshire Healthcare, Burton Hospitals, Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation, and The Dudley Group.

Others include East Lancashire Hospitals, George Eliot Hospital, Medway NHS Foundation, North Cumbria University Hospitals, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals, Sherwood Forest Hospitals and United Lincolnshire Hospitals.

Moore said the findings into each of them – due to be published on Tuesday – would “paint a terrible picture of an NHS that in some areas still isn’t able to provide the care and the compassion that patients would expect”.

The long-awaited report commissioned by the Government is expected to reveal that up to 13,000 people may have died needlessly in NHS hospitals since 2005.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt will deliver a statement to MPs in the House of Commons on the probe.

Saorsa don Alba 2014 – Freedom for Scotland







In 2014 the people of Scotland get a chance to get independence from the UK, as things stand it is 50/50, British Unionists and people who have real feelings to be part of the Union I respect, I am one of these people who does not respect others values and opinions, I do. I know many English people, people I love and call friends, but this is not my issue, Westminster is, where the Laws are made

I urge all Scottish people to vote YES and finally break this rule. As a nation we give £3B a year to Westminster and get £1B back. There is also the argument that freedom would make Scotland like what Northern Ireland was back at its worse, and this was my fear for a while. But should the vote be yes, Scotland keeps the Royal Family, so I hope this does enough to please the people who want to stay in the union

Throughout History England, the rulers, NOT THE PEOPLE, have killed my people, twice. I say twice as I am half Irish, half my family come from Eire (Southern Ireland) They also got killed and raped and displaced by the English Lawmakers, people in Scotland have a very short memory, once many years ago our Bagpipes were not to be played “Outlawed tunes in Outlawed pipes” The people of Ireland were the same, the English built a World empire using these exact same ways, how do you think the commonwealth came to be? Through peaceful dialog with all the counties the English stole, rapes, and killed in? No, it was done by these means; they killed, raped and displaced people, and stole the land. Here we are in 2013, what has changed? We only need look at the Middle East where they are doing it again, only this time, Scottish Men and Woman are involved. This is their decision, but as a man who had both sides of his family historically killed, raped and treated with brutality, now is the time to break free

But through Music the Scottish people tried to win our freedom, and as things stand we have our own Parliament, but that is it, we still are told what to do, think and say by the English rulers. I for one want a free Scotland. Some say the worst thing to happen was the movie Braveheart, and I can see their point, it brings feelings of patriotism to us, the vote will take place next year on an anniversary, Battle of Bannockburn in 24 June 1314, so on June 24th 2014, 700 years from the day of our enslavement, I urge people to think again, and to do the right thing, no longer shall we be kept by a nation who’s will is to invade and kill, I want my Freedom 

We must look back to what our ancestors went through and battled for when we vote. English people can and will still live in Scotland if it is free; I ask “Why not” if anyone leaves my shores if Scotland becomes independent. Why would you leave Scotland if you love it so? If you are not from my Country, and the vote is yes, and you leave, why? Simple question really.  Again, I have no disliking of the English people. 3 of the last 4 Prime Ministers in the UK were Scottish Born, so this is a futile debate to throw back, they were rich men in suits part of a War Machine that went to Iraq on a lie and killed Children in cold blood, I ask again, what has changed? Back in the day of  William Wallace we had Scottish men t0o scared to defend and fight they sided with the English

I don’t want conflict, I don’t want War, I blog about it all the time, this is why I blog for Bloggers for Peace and Master Peace. I want a county free from Bloodshed

Saorsa don Alba 

The Nation Anthem of my Country speaks of what I say, we sing it, loud and proud, so where is the argument? 


The Lone Piper – Bagpipes


images (1)




The Georgia Guidestones Conspiracy in the USA – Something you should look at!



The Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. A message clearly conveying a set of ten guidelines (10 Masonic Commandments almost)  is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages’ scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The structure is sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”The monument is 19 feet 3 inches (5.87 m) tall, made from six granite slabs weighing 237,746 pounds (107,840 kg) in all. One slab stands in the center, with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones.

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature


Elbert County owns the Georgia Guidestones site. According to the Georgia Mountain Travel Association’s detailed history: “The Georgia Guidestones are located on the farm of Mildred and Wayne Mullenix… The Elbert County land registration system shows what appears to be the Guidestones as County land purchased on October 1, 1979. The monument was unveiled in March 1980, in front of 100 people. Another account specifies March 22, 1980 and says 400 people attended. Not one person owns these stones, who does?


Astronomical Alignment

An eye-level, oblique hole is drilled from the South to the North side of the center, Gnomon stone, so that the North Star is always visible, symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of nature.

A slot is cut in the middle of the gnomon stone to form a window which aligns with the positions of the rising sun at the Summer and Winter Solstices and at the Equinox, so that the noon sun shines to indicate noon on a curved line.
The cap stone includes a calendar of sorts, where sunlight beams through a 7/8 inch hole at noon, and shines on the South face of the center stone. As the sun makes its travel cycle, the spot beamed through the hole can tell the day of the year at noon each day. Allowances are made because of variations between standard time and sun time to set the beam of sunlight at an equation of time.
The site was chosen because it commands a view to the East and to the West and is within the range of the Summer and Winter sunrises and sunsets. The stones are oriented in those directions.

With these things come the Conspiracy theories, I hate this, it makes people turn away, but look, they are there, look what they say! 

The Guide stones have become a subject of interest for conspiracy theorists. One of them, an activist named Mark Dice, demanded that the Guide stones “be smashed into a million pieces, and then the rubble used for a construction project”, claiming that the Guide stones are of “a deep Satanic origin”, and that R. C. Christian belongs to “a Luciferian secret society” related to the New World Order. At the unveiling of the monument, a local minister proclaimed that he believed the monument was “for sun worshipers, for cult worship and for devil worship”.

Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, in his 2008 documentary Endgame: Elite’s Blueprint For Global Enslavement, said that “the message of the mysterious Georgia Guide stones, purportedly built by representatives of a secret society called the Rosicrucian Order or Rosicrucians, which call for a global religion, world courts, and for population levels to be maintained at around 500 million, over a 6.5 billion reduction from current levels. The stones imply that humans are a cancer upon the earth and should be culled in order to maintain balance with nature.”

Computer hardware expert Van Smith said the monument’s dimensions predicted the height of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world which opened in Dubai over thirty years after the Georgia Guide stones were designed. Smith said the builders of the Guide stones were likely aware of the Burj Khalifa project which he compared to the biblical Tower of Babel

All this with further investigation and research leaves you to ponder if this is Agenda 21, the Rothschild, shadow Governments, Buildenbergers, Masonic or Illuminate in nature. Someone built these and the message is perfectly clear, population control. I will be doing another blog to take this one step further.

Keep in mind, I don’t lose sleep with these things, they just fascinate me. Is there an agenda with any of the above to control the population of the Earth? In 100 years with the Human growth rate, fossil fuel declining and lack of food and room on Earth, and many other factors the status quo is 100% unsustainable, just think about it rationally, something has to give, a World War, another Spanish Flu or plague type event, something. The question is, will this be orchestrated? If so by who and has it already begun. I have given you something to ponder on an Agenda, population control being the subject matter, if you have time, PLEASE have a look yourself, when I do my next blog on this subject, the Guide Stones aside, we can debate the reasons for population control and how it may already be happening or may happen. The Earth can’t sustain Humans for another 100 years, we have become bacteria on the planet

The lad in the video tries his best to lay some things to rest, but he is doing what we all do with these GuideStones, guessing!!












Some believe this to be somewhat sinister and have laid a marker down

Some believe this to be somewhat sinister and have laid a marker down


They also have a very Satanic name also

They also have a very Satanic name also


Language layout

Language layout



This is the hidden War being fought by many, time to wake up?

This is the hidden War being fought by many, time to wake up?


Two Countries, together through blood ties, opposed to the same War Machine


“Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen,
here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And
free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?”
“Two thousand against ten?” – the veteran shouted. “No! We will
run – and live!”
“Yes!” Wallace shouted back. “Fight and you may die. Run and you
will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for
one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell
our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take
our freedom!”


The two things above go back hundreds of years, this is why I feel it is relevant today 


Above is an Amendment to the constitution of America; below in Red is a speech that till this day echoes through the hills and glens of my country. The one above is an amendment to a constitution that, in front of our very eyes is being ripped up and re-written, while the other one, in red, has an army behind it as Scotland is preparing to vote for REAL, TRUE, 100% independence., freedom, god willing!

The difference between the two could not be further apart. One is causing bad issues, the other may make my country free, and free from War, free from the War Machine that engulfs our world. Many say “When and if Scotland get independence, nothing will change” Well I am sorry, that is wrong. One of the reason we DEMAND freedom, most of us anyway, the true Scottish people, not the lovers of Westminster, is because we want free from War. The Scottish do not want War, we have our own factions of the War Machine up here, I have MANY friends serving in the Army and Navy and know a few that served in the Air Force, many of them want away from War, the hope is, should freedom happen, we will need to War Machine, why should we?

I know someone, somewhere  will come back at me and say “It won’t happen” or “Scotland will still need an army” I ask why do we need an army? We are pacifists in the main, we dislike death and war, and I speak for myself and many of my people I know, not them all, we have our own issues in Scotland, but nothing we can’t solve on our own. No matter what the dictates, we will keep the monarchy, the Queen and her castles, some say this is a happy medium

Then I look over to America and I see a country very similar to the Roman Empire, the hand goes in the same place for the national anthem, need I say more, lol Isee a country on its knees, I see a people in fear, I see confusion all around, I hear all these conspiracy theories abound about what “Really” is happening in the States. Stories from corporate greed to a hostile takeover from within your own government, believe what you will, make your own conclusions. I don’t live there, I know many who do, I speak too many that do, and many are scared

The game has changed folks, your country has become a club, like here in the UK, We (The Scottish) are trying to leave the club, in the states, and the club is different. But you are not in it. They mess with your education system so much, soon all you will need is a pen and a smile to graduate and get in to College, it is sad sitting here  and watching your Government harm you day after day.

I often get upset at watching what used to be the world’s super power on its knee’s, and printing monopoly money to get from one day to the next. I start this thread to REALLY ask the question to my American friends and family, and I just want to ask some questions.

  1. What is your take on what I say
  2. Do you see what others like me are seeing from afar
  3. You are a clever people, but you don’t demonstrate enough, why do nothing? It is going to get worse

Over here, we found out unmanned drones were flying from England to Afghanistan and we took this to them, the people who run the “Game”

And this is typical of the UK, We always go to the streets when unhappy, we say “No” do people listen? I don’t know, but we take to the streets anyway. The riots a few years ago caused a lot of issues here, but we were  unhappy, so said so

Then I seen this:

Americans doing a Demo about the same drones, but listen to what the man says, he had a permit, and still the law went against him. He asks if the “Killing Machine” is to keep happening and say “NO TO THE GOVERNMENT, NOT IN OUR NAME” I said War Machine, he says “Killing Machine” I think over the pond, people are slowly getting it, I am glad they are, because the clock is running down, I see it more every day, every time I read something, every time I see a new law passed, it sickens me, and we can’t cover our eyes and sing “La La La” any longer, we need to act, we all do, again, with peace, peace will see the day through, I hope

So we can all demonstrate, I ask who does? Do you? Should you? I think if we all stood up, we would see a better world, the above video has 75 views, this is sad.

Let’s take our world back, let’s take to the streets and demand they LEAD FOR US not against us, let’s not sit and watch TV and feel happy inside, let’s educate ourselves on what is TRULY going on in our world, only you can do this. I do, and I know many others who do. Sadly the word “Conspiracy” gets said and we are all nut jobs.

I say we unite, I say we take to a street, in UTTER PEACE and ask “Why” and say “NO” and Demand that the people we vote in, act in our best interests and not for the best interests in the corporations who paid to get them into power, I don’t know about you, but what the UK and the USA do, stomp about the world as some police force, but deny these god given rights of utter freedom away from  US in who’s name? Yours? Mine? No, they do it for themselves, to make money, war makes money, go Google Halliburton, and tell me I am wrong.

Let’s all stand up!

Question? The BBC News reported the UK side of things, did the US Media pick your demonstration up at all?
