US Air strikes on Syria within the next 24/48 hours


His face tells us all he knows what is coming

According to an Reporter Natasha Mozgovaya Obama is preparing immanent strikes against Syria without any evidence nor an Congress vote expect for consulting with few members of the congress such as the outspoken interventionist Eliot Engel. This is all over the net, American have been “Getting ready” in Cyprus, also According to this report, Russia has provided under contract advanced missile systems to Syria. In addition, it is actively patrolling its port in Syria.

This is it I am afraid.

This is viral. all over the net, done deal. we are all fucked.

Keep an eye on this Twitter account:

Standing firm he won't be a Western puppet and has Russia onside.

Standing firm he won’t be a Western puppet and has Russia onside.

*LATEST* – Russia regrets the USA calling off meeting about Syria that was scheduled for Wednesday – Very telling, USA has made it’s mind up