Syria: Napalm-Like Burns After School Attack

People suffering from Napalm-like burns have been speaking of an attack in which a plane apparently dropped an incendiary bomb on students in Syria.

Video said to be from the town of Urum al Kubra, close to Aleppo, shows a man reported to be a school teacher, who says the students were attacked as they tried to escape from an attack nearby.

“The plane hit a residential area in Urum al Kubra,” he explains.

“We tried to get out quickly so we don’t get hurt, but it seems someone’s fate caught up with them today.

“A gathering of students formed, which is normal as the students needed to leave under these circumstances, and the plane hit us.”

'Teacher' after atatck
The injuries were like those caused by Napalm, according to doctors

The video, posted on the internet, is said to have come from an account associated with a rebel group in Aleppo.

In another video filmed in the aftermath of the attack, a doctor reports seven deaths and 50 injuries – and says the burns resembled Napalm injuries.

However, the use of the substance has not been confirmed.

A BBC television crew who witnessed the bombing reported no shrapnel injuries and said the victims resembled “the walking dead”.

Napalm is not classified as an outlawed chemical weapon although it can cause devastating burn injuries.

U.N. chemical weapons experts wearing gas masks carry samples collected from one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack while escorted by Free Syrian Army fighters in the Ain Tarma neighbourhood of Damascus
UN chemical weapons inspectors will end their Syria mission by the weekend

Infamously used in the Vietnam War – as well as the Second World War – the jelly-like substance sticks to skin and burns at very high temperatures.

A United Nations convention prohibits using incendiary weapons against civilians, or against military targets located near civilian populations.

The pictures of the school attack emerged after MPs voted against military action over alleged chemical weapons gas attacks by the Syrian regime.

Some have described the outcome as a “humiliation” for the government and means the US may have to go ahead alone with any military strikes.

Speaking to Sky News, former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown said the vote had left him “ashamed” and said it was vital to act to stop attacks on innocent civilians.

The UK is “shrugging its shoulders” at the attack, says Paddy Ashdown

“In more than 50 years of trying to serve my country in one form or another, I don’t think I have ever felt more depressed this morning or more ashamed.

“I now am condemned to watch those children burn in that schoolhouse yesterday and be a country that shrugs its shoulders and says ‘nothing to do with me’.”

I personally think now it time for action, I don’t want War, but throwing that into a School, I am sorry, more will have to die to stop this, this is Nazism here, nothing more, nothing less, as a WORLD we must stop this. Russia, Iran, China and the rest, do the fucking right thing, for the love of God!

Syria Crisis: US May Act Without Allied Support

American Submarine enters the med

American Submarine enters the med

President Barack Obama may proceed with military action against Syria even without allied support, US officials have said.

But they stressed no final decision has been made on America’s response to the Syrian government’s alleged chemical weapons attack, which is said to have killed 1,300 people.

Veto-holding members of the United Nations are at odds over a draft Security Council resolution that would authorise “all necessary force” in response to the alleged gas attack.

The UK’s traditional role as America’s most reliable military ally was called into question when David Cameron became the first British prime minister in history to be blocked by MPs over the prospect of military action.

A chastened-looking PM, struggling to make himself heard over calls of “resign” from the opposition benches, told them “I get it” as he abandoned hopes of joining any US strike on Syria.

US President Barack Obama
Mr Obama is under pressure to provide a legal rationale for military action

Speaking after the historic defeat, the White House said Mr Obama would decide on a response to chemical weapons use in Syria based on US interests, but that Washington would continue to consult with Britain.

British chancellor George Osborne acknowledged that the inability to commit British forces to any American-led operation against Assad would damage the special relationship between Westminster and Washington.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think there will be a national soul-searching about our role in the world and whether Britain wants to play a big part in upholding the international system, be that big, open and trading nation that I like us to be, or whether we turn our back on that.”

Sky’s Foreign Affairs Editor Tim Marshall said the relationship between Britain and the US was “bruised but not broken”. “I don’t think there’s a divorce on the cards, a bit of bickering perhaps,” he added.

David Cameron tells the House he "gets" the significance of the defeat
David Cameron was blocked by MPs over the prospect of military action

US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel, speaking on a trip to the Philippines, said: “It is the goal of President Obama and our government … whatever decision is taken, that it be an international collaboration and effort.”

America is mulling whether to strike Syria without UN backing despite some of the more hawkish figures in the US cautioning against military action.

Former president, George W Bush, told Fox News Mr Obama had a “tough choice to make” but would not be drawn on what he should do.

He added: “I was not a fan of Mr Assad. He’s an ally of Iran and has made mischief.”

Former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who helped spearhead US invasions in Iraq and Afghanistan, said: “There really hasn’t been any indication from the administration as to what our national interest is with respect to this particular situation.”

A U.N. chemical weapons expert is pictured during his visit to one of the sites of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Damascus' suburb of Zamalka
A UN weapons expert at the site of an alleged chemical attack in Syria

He said, if anything, the US should be more concerned with Iran.

Earlier, top US officials spoke to key Democrat and Republican politicians for more than 90 minutes in a conference call to explain why they believe the Syrian regime was responsible for the suspected chemical attack.

They have been pressing Mr Obama to provide a legal rationale for military action, and to lay out a firm case linking President Bashar al Assad’s forces to the attack.

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker, a senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said after the briefing that “strong evidence of the Assad regime’s continued use of chemical warfare” merited a military response.

It remained to be seen whether any sceptics were swayed by the call, given the expectation that officials would hold back classified information to protect intelligence sources.

“The main thing was that they have no doubt that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons,” New York Rep Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said after the briefing.

But he said officials did not provide much new evidence of that.

“They said they have (intercepted) some discussions and some indications from a high-level official,” he said, and that they possess intelligence showing material being moved in advance of the attack.

France announced that its armed forces “have been put in position to respond” if President Francois Hollande decides on military action.

He does not need French parliamentary approval to launch military action that lasts less than four months.

Moscow and Beijing have both vetoed previous Western efforts to impose UN penalties on Syria.

China has also been keen to show it is not taking sides and has urged the Syrian government to talk to the opposition and meet demands for political change.

Mr Assad, who has denied using chemical weapons, vowed his country “will defend itself against any aggression”.

Mr Obama has ruled out putting American forces on the ground in Syria or setting up a no-fly zone over the country.

He said any US response would be limited in scope and aimed solely at punishing Mr Assad for deploying deadly gases, not at regime change.

The most likely military option would be Tomahawk cruise missile strikes from four Navy destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

Probe Into Government’s ‘Go Home’ Poster Van

Immigration 'go home' van

The coalition government of the Tories and Liberal Democrats today are under fire for a racial slur aimed at people who should not be in the UK

The poster van carried the slogans: “In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest.” A second line on the advert claimed: “106 arrested in your area”. It then encouraged illegal immigrants to text “home” to the number 78070.

The campaign attracted widespread criticism, including censure from the Business Secretary Vince Cable, who called it “stupid and offensive”.

However, Downing Street insisted that it was working and that immigrants were volunteering to leave, although the Home Office did not provide figures.

The van travelled through Barnet, Hounslow, Barking and Dagenham, Ealing, Brent and Redbridge as part of a £10,000 pilot scheme, which ended at the end of last month.

This is how France seem to work, nmany believe this is not racist, this is telling people who are getting free housing, free money and living in a system everyone I know pays into for free, I think this a step in the right direction for the United Kingdom. In Scotland we don’t suffer this problem, in England it is very bad, perhaps the proper advert but worded wrong, but is it Racist? “Go Home” is the issue

In response to this the Civil Liberty movement pulled this van out

Van displaying Liberty poster against Home Office immigration campaign

An ASA spokesman said: “I can confirm that the Advertising Standards Authority has launched a formal investigation into the Home Office ‘Go Home’ ad campaign following 60 complaints.

Chris Bryant MP, Labour’s shadow immigration minister, said: “This is another embarrassing blow to a Government which continues to fail to deal with immigration.

“With more people absconding at the border and fewer illegal immigrants being returned, David Cameron and Theresa May can’t even get the basics right, stumbling from one shambles to another.

“You’ve got to question the Government’s competence. We need effective action on immigration not offensive stunts.”

A Home Office spokesman said: “We can confirm that we are in contact with the Advertising Standards Authority over this investigation and will respond in due course.”

Embarrassing or Correct? You decide, for me correct message, wrong way to go about it. This coalition government are starting to take a pounding from the media for anything and it is well known the brothers in arms, Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minster Nick Clegg don’t see eye to eye on much, before the joined forces to allow the Conservative party the votes to take power the Lib Dems have since broken over 20 campaign promises while in with the snobs from Eton.

Dave and his pal Nick, Couple of Etonite SNOBS!

Dave and his pal Nick, Couple of Etonite SNOBS!

Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Cameron's internet speech


Never been a porn man myself, so doesn’t really bother me, I know some mates who’s relationships with themselves will be in pieces this morning however. I don’t know what to make of this. I really am not into online porn in my old age, as a younger man  I think every hairy arses Scotsman owned a pile of DVD’s from the USA and Europe. I think if this makes it safer for kids to go online, then its a good thing, but I monitor what my son’s do aged 21 and 19 through my Modem traffic (Small programme you can download) And with the Girls using the laptop and Tablet with Dawn or I there, I think I will be happier knowing they can’t accidently access porn. I once foretold of a blog from when I was a young man, it was funny. But as an older chap now, I think this is a not bad idea. It was ALREADY banned in Scotland anyway, as usual, we are he testing ground. But is it a choice being taken from us? I mean if someone REALLY want’s to do online porn, is it a decision of “taking away freedom” here? I will leave that to the dirty minded people to discuss 🙂


Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales – in line with Scotland.

Mr Cameron warned in a speech that access to online pornography was “corroding childhood”.

The new measures will apply to both existing and new customers.

Mr Cameron also called for some “horrific” internet search terms to be “blacklisted”, meaning they would automatically bring up no results on websites such as Google or Bing.

He told the BBC he expected a “row” with service providers who, he said in his speech, were “not doing enough to take responsibility” despite having a “moral duty” to do so.

He also warned he could have to “force action” by changing the law and that, if there were “technical obstacles”, firms should use their “greatest brains” to overcome them.


In his speech, Mr Cameron said family-friendly filters would be automatically selected for all new customers by the end of the year – although they could choose to switch them off.

And millions of existing computer users would be contacted by their internet providers and told they must decide whether to use or not use “family-friendly filters” to restrict adult material.

The filters would apply to all devices linked to the affected home Wi-Fi network and across the public Wi-Fi network “wherever children are likely to be present”.

Customers who do not click on either option – accepting or declining – will have filters activated by default, Tory MP Claire Perry, Mr Cameron’s adviser on the sexualisation and commercialisation of childhood, told the BBC.

The UK’s biggest internet service providers have agreed to the filters scheme meaning it should cover 95% of homes.

Other measures announced by the prime minister included:

  • New laws so videos streamed online in the UK will be subject to the same restrictions as those sold in shops
  • Search engines having until October to introduce further measures to block illegal content
  • Experts from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre being given more powers to examine secretive file-sharing networks
  • A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it

Mr Cameron also called for warning pages to pop up with helpline numbers when people try to search for illegal content.

He said: “I want to talk about the internet, the impact it is having on the innocence of our children, how online pornography is corroding childhood.

“And how, in the darkest corners of the internet, there are things going on that is a direct danger to our children, and that must be stamped out.

“I’m not making this speech because I want to moralise or scaremonger, but because I feel profoundly as a politician, and as a father, that the time for action has come. This is, quite simply, about how we protect our children and their innocence.”

But former Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre boss Jim Gamble told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme it was important to “get to the root cause” of illegal pornography, by catching those responsible for creating it.

He added: “You need a real deterrent, not a pop-up that paedophiles will laugh at.”

But Ms Perry argued filters would make a difference, saying that the killers of schoolgirls April Jones and Tia Sharp had accessed legal pornography before moving on to images of child abuse.

She added: “It’s impossible to buy this material in a sex shop… but it’s possible to have it served up on a computer every day.”

In his speech, Mr Cameron said possession of online pornography depicting rape would be made illegal.

“Start Quote

Existing legislation only covers publication of pornographic portrayals of rape, as opposed to possession.

“Possession of such material is already an offence in Scotland but because of a loophole in the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, it is not an offence south of the border,” Mr Cameron said.

“Well I can tell you today we are changing that. We are closing the loophole – making it a criminal offence to possess internet pornography that depicts rape.”

The move has been welcomed by women’s groups and academics that had campaigned to have “rape porn” banned.

Holly Dustin, director of the End Violence against Women Coalition, said the group was “delighted”.

“The coalition government has pledged to prevent abuse of women and girls, so tackling a culture that glorifies abuse is critical for achieving this,” she said.

“The next step is working with experts to ensure careful drafting of the law and proper resourcing to ensure the law is enforced fully.”

‘No safe place’

Mr Cameron, who has faced criticism from Labour over cuts to Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre’s funding, insisted the centre’s experts and police would be given the powers needed to keep pace with technological changes on the internet.

“Let me be clear to any offender who might think otherwise: there is no such thing as a safe place on the internet to access child abuse material,” he said.

A spokesman for Google said: “We have a zero tolerance attitude to child sexual abuse imagery. Whenever we discover it, we respond quickly to remove and report it.

“We recently donated $5m (£3.3m) to help combat this problem and are committed to continuing the dialogue with the government on these issues.”

According to some experts, “default on” can create a dangerous sense of complacency, says BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones.

He says internet service providers would dispute Mr Cameron’s interpretation of the new measures, insisting they did not want to be seen as censors.


This Evil Bilderberg group that doesn’t exist… Met All Weekend

The Bilderberg Group summit - Watford

Why the secrecy




David Cameron is to attend the secretive Bilderberg group at the luxury Grove hotel in Watford on Friday evening, in a move that is likely to raise questions about his pledge to lead Britain’s most transparent government.

Downing Street said it was acting in an open manner by publicising the prime minister’s attendance in advance.

The PM’s spokesman, who said heads of government of countries hosting the annual Bilderberg meeting were usually invited to attend, said it would be a private event and that civil servants were not expected to attend.

No 10 is to clarify the position because ministers are usually expected to be accompanied by civil service note-takers when they meet business leaders. Henri de Castries, the chairman and CEO of the AXA Group, is the Bilderberg chairman.


Billionaires, Royals, Politicians the ELITE of our world met in secret in Watford, England, UK Yesterday, for the 1st time EVER the media really carried the story. See, for politicians to be at this meeting is illegal, once a servant to your public, you can’t meet in private where the agenda is unknown. This is illegal. So the Prime Minister of my Country attended this meeting that will last a few days, it started Friday, conspiracists also turned up as well as the media.

So what is the agenda with the Buildenberg Group? The minutes of the meeting are never disclosed, the Queen of England has been, almost every President or Prime Minister of every country goes, the heads of corporations attend, and the richest people on Earth attend also. Why? What agenda are they setting? They are in complete violation of many laws forbidding this. I blogged down the page “Why are the good guys killed” JFK was opposed to the Buildenberg Group and was killed because of this speech here, I researched this to DEATH, This killed him

Anyone who can’t see the bigger picture here sadly needs to research, there are a group of people running our planet, and running it into the ground. We are fed the illusion we have Presidents and Prime Ministers who make the decisions, do a little research, we learnt at School, we can learn on-line. We are being controlled on all sides by this Group. They set prices, dictate who will die, where War will happen, who may die, who may live. I have been saying this, with many others for 20 years, some longer, we got laughed at. A sitting member of ANY parliament can’t sit in a secret meeting. This is a fact, check:

People will read this and think, yeah, whatever, what is for breakfast, but really, what is the agenda here? Why do they meet in secret, why are there official minutes of this meeting, what are they debating? The price of Oil?

Answers on a postcard please

Links:  OMG!! Sky even say “Secret Meeting” Nobody?




Only asking!




Nothing to see here!

Road blocks, police helicopters and blacked-out windows: But just who are the billionaires and politicians arriving for secretive Bilderberg conference at Watford hotel and what do they do there?

  • Attendees thought to include politicians, top business executives and royalty
  • Delegates were heckled by protesters as they arrived for four-day meeting
  • MP Michael Meacher describes delegates as the ‘real top brass of Western finance capitalism’
  • Massive police operation could cost British taxpayer around £2million
  • Conspiracy theorists claim leaders use event to plot world domination
  • Bilderberg researcher: ‘There are villains there who are basically trying to organise government’ 
  • Jeff Bezos of Amazon and Eric Schmidt of Google will both be attending
  • List of 140 politicians, academics and businessmen only includes 14 women


The chosen ones: Guests include Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour shadow Ed Balls; Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, Henry Kissinger and David Petraeus Read more:  Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The chosen ones: Guests include Chancellor George Osborne and his Labour shadow Ed Balls; Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, Henry Kissinger and David Petraeus


Does a shadowy clique of VIPs, politicians and billionaires (meeting today in Watford) secretly run the world?


images (1)



Where this Secret meeting was held.

Where this Secret meeting was held.


Now that the Media are covering this, does this mean I am still a Conspiracists? I have been saying this for 20 years, and got laughed at. Well?

Now that the Media are covering this, does this mean I am still a Conspiracists? I have been saying this for 20 years, and got laughed at. Well?


So we have freedom yeah? Why the Police presence?

So we have freedom yeah? Why the Police presence?


Not allowed within a mile of the meeting place. Why?

Not allowed within a mile of the meeting place. Why?


People like you and I, demanding the TRUTH

People like you and I, demanding the TRUTH


Finally, remember this blog I did? It ties in, go research

I blogged this last week, knowing this meeting was due

I blogged this last week, knowing this meeting was due


My Blog, why? Who is doing this? Add it together, can you?


ILLUMINATI RITUAL BOHEMIAN GROVE FILMED! Alex Jones, I am not a fan, but he was on to this way before anyone, besides JFK! 


David Icke also got in on the act.


THERE, ALL ON TAPE, THE MEDIA PICKED IT UP, AND I AM SHOWING HOW DEEP THIS GOES. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT OR BURY YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND!  If this scares you, then I would face it now, because when the shit hits the fan with this, and the new world order happens, there is NOTHING you can do. We have little time to  stop this. I am wasting my time here. I know, but like everyone in the pictures there, and anything you research, I am one of 10’s of thousands of people trying to get to the truth of this Skull and Bones Gang. They are EVIL! 


UK – ‘Soldier Dead After Terror Attack’


Police Woman who shot the terrorist on the ground disarming him


Again, I will blog IF there is a story to blog on. This was London, 400/500 south of me. 2 Muslim terrorists killed a serving UK Soldier, within minutes, the armed police arrived and shot both the 2 terrorists, but not dead, both are alive and in different hospitals getting treatment. Rumours of more to come, but just that at the second. I hope they both live and get put in Brixton Prison. How many more attacks against people are going to happen before we tell people who have NOTHING to offer a country, if you can’t speak the language, if you can’t offer us your ability to work, you don’t come in. The Radicals will have been known as “Suspect” so why let them into the UK? I have no problem with immigration, I do however have a problem with fanatics who come into my country, get a free house and live free on state benefit. Don’t let them in!! The Tories I dislike, but on this front, they close the doors, make it harder. If you can’t speak English or give us work, you don’t get in. Labour, when in power left the back door open. How many more fanatics are here?


A man reported to be a serving soldier is dead and two people have been shot in Woolwich, south east London, after what Sky sources understand is being treated as a terrorist attack.

Downing Street has called a meeting of the Government’s Cobra emergency committee after the incident in John Wilson Street, which David Cameron described as “truly shocking”.

Sky sources understand that senior police officers believe the killing was likely to be a politically-motivated Islamist terrorist attack.

Dozens of weapons – including a number of knives – and pools of blood could be seen on the ground, where a man wearing a Help for Heroes T-shirt is said to have been attacked by two men.

The incident happened around a mile from the Royal Artillery Barracks

Witnesses say the pair appeared to deliberately drive their car at the victim, before getting out with various bladed weapons and launching their attack.

Sky sources say that following their attack, as the victim lay motionless in the middle of the road, witnesses heard the pair chanting “Allahu akbar” – and asking passers-by to take photographs of them.

Armed officers arrived at the scene and opened fire on the two alleged attackers. The men were taken to separate hospitals with gunshot wounds.

The Met Police confirmed one person had died following the incident and said the Independent Police Complaints Commission had now taken over the investigation.

Photographs taken at the scene show three people lying on the ground. Their condition was not clear. A car that appeared to have crashed could also be seen.

Commander Simon Letchford, from the Met, said officers were called to the road at 2.20pm.

“One man was being assaulted by two other men,” he said.

“A number of weapons were reportedly being used in the attack, and this included reports of a firearm.

“Officers including local Greenwich officers arrived at the scene and shortly after firearms officers arrived on the scene.

“On their arrival at the scene they found a man, who was later pronounced dead.  At this early stage I am unable to provide any further information about the man who has died.

“Two men, who we believe from early reports to have been carrying weapons, were shot by police. They were taken to separate London hospitals, they are receiving treatment for their injuries.”

The Prime Minister is expected to cut short a trip to Paris to return to London in the wake of the incident.

Nigel Foran, who saw the incident as he returned home from shopping, described a scene of a confusion.

He told Sky News: “We saw a man running towards the police officers and then we heard a couple of gunshots.

“He went to the floor and was surrounded while officers drew their stun guns. After that, all the people who were watching ran away when they heard the gunshots.”

The Ministry of Defence said it was urgently looking at the reports that the incident involved a soldier.

Greenwich and Woolwich MP Nick Raynsford had earlier told Sky News he believed the deceased was a serving soldier.

He said he had spoken to both borough commander Richard Wood and Lieutenant Colonel Bob Christopher at  Royal Artillery Barracks  – which is around a mile from the scene of the attack.

“We think a serving soldier was the victim. We don’t know the circumstances surrounding the incident.”

Schools in the area have been placed on lockdown.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson posted on his Twitter account: “This afternoon’s attack in Woolwich is a sickening deluded and unforgivable act of violence.”


The UK, The Conservative Party, Greed and Death, affecting the USA and Australia also! NWO!

Did Thatcher teach nobody anything?

Before I blog, I hardly vote, I seldom do, it is a waste of time. The game, for me is rigged. Many know this, and the good people in the USA only have to look at George Bush Junior and how we won his first term into office. He cheated. I have researched this till the cows come home. And with an ever greedy world, the trend is now hitting people I know and love. I don’t hate, I am not into politics per say, I just don’t like corporate greed. This is a worldwide thing these days. Are you feeling it? do you even see it? A video I re-blogged yesterday was VERY hard hitting and everyone who I know that watched it had a bad word to say about the content. I watched it, and I had a bad word to say about it. Here it is here (Agenda, mainly the USA)

Our world is changing, the video, PLEASE WATCH, may explain why, but the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. These are just my views, but I hope you can see they are educated, well researched views. I hope to get a debate going here, as this effects us ALL worldwide. Even Australia, where a member of Parliament exposed the above video, and the people in it, her name is Ann Bressington, she exposed it all here in the video, in my blog: In this blog I did on the 6th of February I stated Ann knew about the Agenda 21 plan and the club or Rome. All there to RIP US OFF.  Anyone who dismisses this without giving it a glance is denying ignorance, again, just my opinion

I do my research the best I can, so I can present a blog in a way people can then debate. People debate here, so read and debate, THIS needs talked about, and the Video above from Vimeo 100% needs viewed by us all. Sadly one person will say or think “Conspiracy”, a convenient word, and people will look away. I ask you all to at least look at this, and try and see what many are seeing. Including Members of Parliament world wide.

This man was Scottish, was the foreign secretary in the UK , he “DIED” after saying this. I went to High school with his son, this was his claim, while in HIGH office in the UK, Robin Cook (Labour)

Robin Cook, now dead

Robin Cook, now dead

When it comes to Politics I tend to switch off out of boredom, when it comes to people’s lives, I tend to look back and read, or listen and the story below angered me, a lot. Right now the Tories in the UK are slowly and cruelly making it hard for people to live and make ends meet, and forcing young families to give up their homes due to the new “Bedroom Tax” and cuts to many sectors that help the disabled, the old and young families who work. They are slowly taking all the money from the poor, and giving it to the rich.

Where have we all heard this story before?

Margaret Thatcher was an evil woman when she was in charge of the Tories the last time they were in power in the late 1990’s, she used my country, Scotland as a “Guinea Pig” With nuclear energy, new reforms to almost everything, and she also privatised everything from the world famous NHS (National Health Service), the Trains, the Bus’s, industry, she sold the country to make money, and along came black Wednesday when she almost bankrupt the entire country, leading her to sell everything and more I mention above. She really was bad.

I know I have a cheek here, as many countries have it a lot worse, but this is my country but the blog reaches all countries against the “Axis of Evil” and what I am seeing is angering me. I am disabled, I am looked after, and I am fine. But others are not, and this is driving me crazy. Below you can see a story that happened the other day, and this is just one of many we are all hearing. And also below are links for people in the UK to sign petitions to stop this GREED by the Tories. They get wealthy, as do their chums in the “Establishment” while the rest of us struggle. This Tories/Liberal Democrat coalition government is the worst thing to happen to the UK in a very long time.

The last two leaders of the UK were Scotsmen, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, they were not perfect, but they made sure the people who NEEDED HELP got that help. I am talking about Disabled, old people, and ill people here. They were looked after. Sure there were issues over the Armed Forces (Same in the USA) where the “After War” treatment was nonexistent.

I don’t want to venture up any other topic here, just this one. But something I would like everyone to see below. This is the Tories “Groomed for Power” Just have a look


(1) the Hon. Edward Sebastian Grigg, the heir to Baron Altrincham of Tormarton and current chairman of Credit Suisse (UK)

(2) David Cameron – Prime Minister of Britain

(3) Ralph Perry Robinson, a former child actor, designer, furniture-maker

(4) Ewen Fergusson, son of the British ambassador to France, Sir Ewen Fergusson and now at City law firm Herbert Smith

(5) Matthew Benson, the heir to the Earldom of Wemyss and March

(6) Sebastian James, the son of Lord Northbourne, a major landowner in Kent

(7) Jonathan Ford, the-then president of the club, a banker with Morgan Grenfell

(8) Boris Johnson, the-then president of the Oxford Union, now Lord Mayor of London

9) Harry Eastwood, the investment fund consultant

Then we have:


(1) George Osborne,  Chancellor

(2) writer Harry Mount, the heir to the Baronetcy of Wasing and Mr. Cameron’s cousin;

(3) Chris Coleridge, the descendant of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the son of Lloyds’ chairman David Coleridge, the brother of Conde Nast managing director Nicholas Coleridge

(4) German aristocrat and managing consultant Baron Lupus von Maltzahn,

(5) the late Mark Petre, the heir to the Barony of Petre;

(6) Australian millionaire Peter Holmes a Cour;

(7) Nat Rothschild, the heir to the Barons Rothschilds and co-founder of a racy student paper with Harry Mount

(8) Jason Gissing, the chairman of Ocado supermarkets.

Everyone a  Conservative, and everyone went to Eton College, where the SUPER rich go! Some positions may have changed, but this PROVES they were bred for power – Bred for Power, hard pill to take yeah?

Story of the man who died:

The House the man was found dead outside

A tarpaulin, a pillow, a dirty old jacket, a carrier bag and a few worthless items strewn over the veranda of a boarded-up bungalow.

This is where homeless Daniel Gauntlett tried to find shelter through a bitterly cold winter and where, on a freezing night on Saturday, he finally succumbed to the cold.

Mr Gauntlett, 35, was found the next morning by a passer-by who spotted his body from the pavement.

His belongings still left where he died, residents in Hermitage Lane, Aylesford, reacted with sadness to the news and said Mr Gauntlett had become a familiar sight in the street.

And they said the sadness was compounded by the fact he died outside an empty bungalow due to be bulldozed.

Police had reportedly been called previously after he tried to break into the bungalow. And so Mr Gauntlett, had taken the fatal decision to abide by the law.

Derek Bailey, 80, who lives next door, said Mr Gauntlett had not appeared to be in ill health.

“They took him up to the hospital about a fortnight before when they’d found him and social workers got involved,” said Mr Bailey.

“It was just the bitter weather. I know a lot about cold weather because I was in the Canadian army. I’ve known it drop to minus 70 but the trouble with this country is the dampness.”

Bitter conditions saw snowfall across the county on Saturday night, with temperatures of -2C exacerbated by wind-chill.

Another resident said: “He was a very nice man apparently. He used to ask for money but not for drink. He used to buy pasties from the supermarket.

“It was so sad. Especially when the houses are empty.”

An inquest was opened and adjourned on yesterday and confirmed the cause of death was hypothermia.

Mr Gauntlett was the second homeless man to die in Aylesford last weekend.

Douglas Poynton, 45, of no fixed address, died at Forstal Cottages in Forstal Road, on Saturday. The precise medical cause of death is yet to be established.

This story above should shock us all, year 2013  and this STILL happens! This is a GLOBAL issue, and one we MUST educate ourselves on, we must!

Please sign these petitions to oppose savage welfare cuts on the Disabled, the poor and young families.
Save Disability Living Allowance –
Repeal the Welfare Reform Act 2012 –
Mansion Tax to support disabled people –

David Cameron, Hitting the poor HARD!