Strange Horn Sounds in the sky return, Canada August 29th




Anyone remember these blogs I DONE?

Hundreds of links here, all videos –

I been researching a few years now, PLEASE listen and try help me figure this out… WP, do your best

Well the noises are being reported again, and caught here in Canada, this IS scripture right here if you listen to all 3 blogs !! And the links above and below





10 Most Terrifying Places on Earth


There are places on Earth that are stranger than the most alien landscapes we have ever imagined. Places that make your skin crawl. Places that induce heavy breathing and paranoia, before anything has even happened. We walk the dark, dusty steps of old castles and houses. We roam the halls of asylums and tunnels, hoping to glimpse something otherworldly. But sometimes, we wish we wouldn’t. Sometimes, our curiosity gets the better of us in the beginning, and is then squashed by a feeling that no human ever wants to be familiar with: absolute terror.

We hear screams in the night, footsteps in the hall. We see shadows flit by, and fog taking the shape of something eerily familiar. We breathe, we pray, and step lightly. We scream, we curse, and we sprint. Some encounters are mysterious, others violent, all terrifying. Why do we insist on investigating places such as these? Mere curiosity only gets us so far, and then we need a driving force embedded much deeper into our psyche in order to power on. Would you spend the night alone in these places? I know I couldn’t, in Scotland I am what is called a “Shytbag” I would last 2 minutes in any of these places. I have done all the Ghost tours and been to all the Haunted places in Scotland, and be it mind over matter, everyone there “Felt Something” Even PROPER TOUGH LADS ran away 🙂

Could you spent time here? Be honest now


10 – Riddle House

4368810023 4Fbfecda83

The History

The Riddle House in Palm Beach County, Florida, was originally a funeral parlor. The Victorian house was dismantled and rebuilt in Yesteryear Village at the South Florida fair grounds. In the 1920’s the house became privately owned by Karl Riddle.

The Terror

Joseph, one of Riddle’s former employees, committed suicide by hanging himself in the attic of the house. Joseph, for whatever reason, hated men, and displays this hatred by attacking men who enter the attic. One man had a lid flung at his head, and men are now no longer allowed in the attic. Other places in the house are haunted as well, with furniture being frequently moved.

9 – Helltown


The History

The Northern part of Summit County in Ohio is known by the eerily blunt moniker, Helltown. In the 70’s, Boston Township was the site of a government buyout, and subsequent mass eviction of citizens. The houses were intended to be torn down and the land used for a national park, but the plans never quite manifested. Legends spawned wildly, and who can blame the legend mongers? Driving through the dark, wooded landscape was enough to give you chills even when it was populated, let alone when you have to drive by boarded up houses standing next to the burnt out hulks of others (the local fire department used some buildings for practice).

The Terror

Whether based on a kernel of truth or cooked up in the heads of creative visitors, the persistent legends of Helltown add to the creep factor. The steep Stanford Road drop off, immediately followed by a dead end, is aptly named The End of the World. If you get stuck at this dead end for too long, according to ghost story enthusiasts, you may meet your end at the hands of many members of the endless parade of freaks patrolling the woods. Satanists, Ku Klux Klan members, an escaped mental patient, an abnormally large snake, and mutants caused by an alleged chemical spill proudly march in this parade. And if you stray from the roads, you may find Boston Cemetery, home to a ghostly man, grave robbers and, the quirkiest of all, a moving tree.


8 – Stull Cemetery

The History

Stull, Kansas, is a tiny, unincorporated town in Bumfuck, Nowhere- er, pardon, Douglas County. Ten miles west of Lawrence and thirteen miles east of Topeka puts it far from anything resembling a large population center. The population of Stull is approximately 20 people. But, don’t let the deceptively quaint village fool you. A darker side lurks behind the bushes and in the shadows.

The Terror

In the early 20th century, two tragedies rocked the tiny settlement (please observe, these are not legend or folklore, but fact). First, a father finished burning a farm field, only to find the charred corpse of his young son in the aftermath. The second incident to occur was a man went missing, and was later found hanged from a tree. As far as legends go, the infamous cemetery is where you can find your fill of supernatural lore. The book Weird US has this to say on Stull Cemetery:

“There are graveyards across America that go beyond merely being haunted and enter into the realm of the diabolical. They are places so terrifying that they say the devil himself holds courts with his worshippers there. The cemetery on Emmanuel Hill in Stull, Kansas, is one of these places.”

Rumors exist stating that Stull Cemetery is one of the 7 gateways to Hell. While the old church is now demolished, many attempt to sneak in at night for a peek at the unsavory goings-on. But be warned, the police patrol heavily, especially on Halloween and the spring equinox. The place is supposed to be so unholy, in fact, that some claim Pope John Paul II refused to allow his plane to fly over eastern Kansas, on his way to an appearance in Colorado. The validity of this last claim is up for debate, but none can deny that legends or not, Stull Cemetery is a terrifying place to be.


7 – The Ridges

The History

Originally known as the Athens Lunatic Asylum, The Ridges was renamed after the state of Ohio acquired the property. The hospital saw hundreds of lobotomies, and often declared masturbation and epilepsy to be the causes of insanity in patients.

The Terror

Athens, Ohio, is listed as the 13th most haunted place in the world, as per the British Society for Psychical Research. The nearby Ohio University (which currently owns most of the property on which the Ridges is located) is said to be heavily haunted. The notorious rapist with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Billy Milligan, was housed at the facility for years. The most famous story, however is that of a 54 year old female patient who ran away and was missing for 6 weeks. She was found dead in an unused ward. She had taken off all of her clothes, neatly folded them, and laid down on the cold concrete where she subsequently died. Through a combination of decomposition and sun exposure, her corpse left a permanent stain on the floor, which is still visible today. Her spirit now haunts the abandoned ward.


6 – Humberstone and LaNoria

Cl31 Humberstone

The History

These two abandoned mining towns in Chile were recently featured on an episode of the SyFy Channel’s show, Destination Truth. In 1872, the town was founded as a saltpeter mine, and business boomed. However, after several heavy blows (including the Great Depression), the business declined and then collapsed in 1958, and the town of Humberstone and it’s surrounding towns were abandoned by 1960. Treatment of workers in both towns bordered on slavery, and now the towns are left standing derelict.

The Terror

It is rumored that the dead of the La Noria cemetery rise at night and walk around the town, and ghostly images frequently show up in photographs in Humberstone. These towns are so terrifying, the residents of nearby Iquique refuse to enter them. The former residents never left, and can be seen walking around, and children have been heard playing. The cemetery of La Noria, regardless of whether its occupants actually walk at night, contains opened graves where the bodies are fully exposed, leaving you to wonder why. Is it ghosts, or is it grave robbers? As if either prospect is very appealing.

Full episodes of Destination Truth, including the episode featuring Humberstone and La Noria, can be seen


5 – Byberry Mental Asylum

The History

The Philadelphia State Hospital at Byberry, or known simply as Byberry, was the poster image for patient maltreatment. The hospital, in its most popular form, was founded in 1907, and known as the Byberry Mental Hospital. It exceeded its patient limit quickly, maxing out at over 7,000 in 1960. It housed everything from the mentally challenged to the criminally insane. Due to its atrocious conditions, and the sub-human treatment of its patients, the hospital was closed and abandoned in 1990. It had since become a nuisance for the neighborhood, as it was a breeding ground for vandals, arsonists, Satanists, and urban explorers. It was demolished in 2006, in spite of the fear of spreading asbestos, (which is what kept it standing for 16 years).

The Terror

The terrifying aspect of this location isn’t so much it’s hauntings or the unsavory characters that lurked after dark (although you would have been wise to be wary of both while exploring the building). The terror here comes from the facts of the how the hospital was run. Human excrement lined the hallways, which were also where many patients slept. The staff was abusive, and frequently exploited and harassed patients. One patient had a tooth pulled without Novocaine, while another killed and dismembered a female patient. Although the killer, Charles Gable, was never found, the victim’s body was found strewn across the property. Her teeth were found being played with by another patient. Even as the hospital was in the process of closing, two released patients were found dead in the Delaware River, two successive days after their release. Perhaps that gate in Stull Cemetery opens here.


4 – Leap Castle

The History

While this Irish castle is perhaps the most popular location featured on the list, it is worth recapping the long and often gruesome history. Although it was built by the O’Bannons in the late 15th century, the castle was taken over by the ruling O’Carrolls, to whom the O’Bannons were subject. After the death of Mulrooney O’Carroll, a fierce rivalry erupted, culminating in two brothers struggling for control. One of the brothers, a priest, was brutally murdered in his own chapel, in front of the family, by the other brother. This chapel is now know as the Bloody Chapel, for obvious reasons. Many people were held prisoner and even executed at the castle.

The Terror

The castle is rumoured to be haunted by a vast number of spirits, including a violent, hunched beast known only as the Elemental. It is most recognizable by the accompanying smell of rotting flesh and sulphur. While renovating the castle, workers discover an oubliette, which is a dungeon accessible only through a ceiling hatch, into which prisoners are thrown, then forgotten and left to die. This particular oubliette contained three cartloads of human remains, and was filled with spikes to impale those thrown into it’s depths.


3 – Shades of Death Road


The History

This New Jersey road winds through 7 miles of countryside, and along that stretch it gives us no definitive clues as to the origin of its eerie name (for those wondering, Shades of Death is not a nickname given by locals, but is in fact the road’s official moniker). While the explanation for this highly unusual name has been lost, many theories abound. Some say that murderous highwaymen would rob and kill those along the road. Others say the reason was because of violent retaliations by the locals against the very same highwaymen, resulting in their lynched corpses being hung up as a warning. Some attribute it to three murders that occurred in the 20’s and 30’s. The first murder saw a robber beating his victim over the head with a tire iron, the second saw a woman decapitate her husband and bury the head and body on separate sides of the road, and the third consisted of poor Bill Cummins being shot and buried in a mud pile. Some attribute it to massive amounts of fatal car crashes, while others consider it the fault of viscous wildcats from the nearby Bear Swamp. The most likely explanation, however, is that malaria-bearing mosquitos terrorized the locals year to year, and the remoteness of the area prevented good medical attention from being prominent in the area. This is supported by the fact that, in 1884, most of the swamps in the area were drained.

The Terror

Gruesome history and spooky name aside, you have much to fear along this byway. South of the I-80 overpass lies an officially unnamed lake, that most will tell you is called Ghost Lake. This lake is frequently the home of specter-like vapors, and the sky is supposed to be unusually bright, no matter what time of night you are there. As per the name, ghosts of the highwaymens victims roam the area, and they are most frequent in the abandoned cabin across the lake. The dead-end road known as Lenape Lane is home to thick fogs and apparitions, you may be chased off the road by a white light. I’ll let Wikipedia detail the most disturbing aspect of the road:

“One day during the 1990s, some visitors found hundreds of Polaroid photographs scattered in woods just off the road. They took some and shared them with Weird NJ, which published a few as samples. Most of the disturbing images showed a television changing channels, others showed a woman or women, blurred and somewhat difficult to identify, lying on some sort of metal object, conscious but not smiling. Local police began an investigation after the magazine ran an item with the photos, but the remainder disappeared shortly afterwards.”


2 – Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

The History

Welcome to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, home of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. This former high school was converted, in 1975, to Security Prison 21 by the Khmer Rouge. The prison was used as a base to torture and murder prisoners. Most of the prisoners were former soldiers and government officials from the Lon Nol regime. However, the Khmer Rouge leaders paranoia soon caught up with them, and they began shipping people from their own ranks to the prison. Many prisoners were tortured and tricked into naming their family and associates, who were them also arrested, tortured and murdered.

The Terror

The ghosts of the estimated 17,000 victims of Tuol Sleng continue to roam the halls, and odd happenings around the place are often attributed to them: and it isn’t hard to see why. Most were forced to confess to crimes they didn’t actually commit. Although most victims were Cambodians, many foreigners fell victim to the death machine, including Americans, French, a New Zealander, a Briton, Australians, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and Vietnamese. Only 12 people are thought to have survived. To close the entry on this sad history, I’ll leave you with the actual security regulations, the ten rules all prisoners had to abide by. All imperfect grammar is said in context due to poor translation.

1. You must answer accordingly to my question. Don’t turn them away.
2. Don’t try to hide the facts by making pretexts this and that, you are strictly prohibited to contest me.
3. Don’t be a fool for you are a chap who dare to thwart the revolution.
4. You must immediately answer my questions without wasting time to reflect.
5. Don’t tell me either about your immoralities or the essence of the revolution.
6. While getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.
7. Do nothing, sit still and wait for my orders. If there is no order, keep quiet. When I ask you to do something, you must do it right away without protesting.
8. Don’t make pretext about Kampuchea Krom in order to hide your secret or traitor.
9. If you don’t follow all the above rules, you shall get many many lashes of electric wire.
10.If you disobey any point of my regulations you shall get either ten lashes or five shocks of electric discharge.


1 – The Mines of Paris

The History

The seemingly infinite tunnels that run below the streets of Paris should not be confused with the Catacombs of Paris, the famous underground ossuary, although the mines are also mistakenly referred to as the catacombs. Exploring the mines is illegal, and penalties include heavy fines. The mines were used to dig out minerals from Paris’ varied sediment (the location where Paris is was submerged for millions of years), and the tunnels are what got left behind.

The Terror

The mines are now unkempt, unpatrolled and unsafe. As far as legends go, ancient cults and creatures patrol the depths. Spirits dwell in the infinite shadows, and if one wanders deep enough, and survives, they may even enter Hades itself. As far as reality goes, those legends can take a back seat. The tunnels stretch for close to 600 kilometers throughout the Parisian underground, and most of them are unmapped. Saying it is easy to get lost is an understatement. It is nearly impossible not to get lost. Many parts of the catacombs are hundreds of feet below street level. Some hallways are flooded, or are so narrow you have to crawl through them. There are holes that drop hundreds of feet, and manholes that are unreachable, luring unwary urban explorers in with false promises of freedom. The infinite underground maze absorbs sound, mutes it, making it unlikely you will hear somebody yelling for help, even if they are not far away. Or, worse yet, making it unlikely somebody will hear you. Thousands of human bones litter the tunnels, due to overcrowding in many of Paris’ cemeteries. Weird paintings adorn the walls. Are they ancient? Are they new? Are they warnings? Or pleas for help? If you have claustrophobia, you will want to avoid the mines at all costs. If you don’t have claustrophobia, you probably will after a trip through the mines. Bring plenty of batteries, backup flashlights, clean water, a friend, and say a prayer before entering the mines of Paris. You will need them all.

Egypt, ‘Concern’ As Scores Killed In Protests

Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi gather at Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo.

Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi gather at Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo.



Egypt has been warned to pull “back from the brink” after security forces killed dozens of supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi during mass protests.

Thousands of Brotherhood supporters remain hunkered down in a vigil at a Cairo mosque, vowing to stand their ground despite threats by authorities to disperse them.

The Muslim Brotherhood says at least 120 people were killed after security forces attacked a protest by supporters of Mr Morsi in Cairo.

Doctors at a field hospital said another 1,000 people were wounded in clashes on the road to Cairo’s international airport, while the Muslim Brotherhood was claiming that a total of 4,500 had been wounded.

The violence in Egypt has prompted condemnation from the international community, with the US Secretary of State John Kerry saying Washington had “deep concern” about the unrest.

Mr Kerry said Egyptian authorities had “a moral and legal obligation to respect the right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.”

Supporters of Mr Morsi gather in Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo

Supporters of Mr Morsi gather in Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo


“This is a pivotal moment for Egypt. The United States … calls on all of Egypt’s leaders across the political spectrum to act immediately to help their country take a step back from the brink,” he said in a statement.

The bloodshed follows huge rival rallies across the country and has plunged the nation deeper into turmoil following two turbulent years of transition to democracy.

Egypt’s Health Ministry said 65 people had died. The Brotherhood said another 61 were on life support after what it described as a ferocious dawn assault by men in helmets and black police fatigues.

The ambulance service put the death toll at 72.

The Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, condemned the violence and said: “In Egypt, democracy was massacred, national aspirations were massacred, and now the nation is being massacred.”

Pro-Morsi protesters chant slogans and wave flags in Egypt's capital

Pro-Morsi protesters chant slogans and wave flags in Egypt’s capital


UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement that he was “deeply concerned” by the violence.

He said: “I am deeply concerned by recent events in Egypt, and condemn the use of force against protesters which has led to the loss of lives.”

Bodies wrapped in white sheets have been laid on the floor of a Brotherhood morgue, their names scrawled on the shrouds.

In the early hours of Sunday, the state-run Al-Ahram news website reported fresh confrontations in the western Helwan district of Cairo between what it described as marching Brotherhood supporters and angry residents.

The report said several cars were destroyed and gunshots heard, but there was no information on casualties.

Over 200 people have died in violence since army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi deposed Mr Morsi on the back of huge popular protests against his rule.


This is so sad, a country I have LOVED for as long as I can remember truly on the brink of going under, I think we ALL need to look at this and understand people power is now showing itself in many countries. It started in the Middle East/North Africa, as the bible said it would (Strange how nobody is picking up on this huh?) and it is spreading. People want the freedom the people of the USA used to enjoy and the people in my Country still do, for now anyway. We here in the UK take to the streets to make a point, next day, we all go back to life. In the Middle East right now and North African, we could be seeing the 1st parting shots of a World sickened by Greed and Power hungry men. I think this could get REAL bad.

More love, Less Hate.



Some old Funny pictures I found on a Disk

































































































der besorger1









finding nemo



finger licking good










How we killed Michael Jackson and refused to listen to his words to change the World


I was a HUGE fan, he was innocent, he was used by a willing media, the man was a pure genius. These songs ALONE should bring peace to us all, the lyrics in his songs were there all along, sadly it will take a generation of ignorance and heads in the sand before we all truly see what he REALLY was!! Please, the Lyrics, he still speaks to us..Today

Man in the Mirror. This song tells us where to look, not to judge others, we are ALL a part of this planets issues, look in the Mirror…

Heal the World. The message was so simple, we all missed it. The man was trying so hard to save humanity, why did we not listen? 

Leave me Alone. He was BEGGING to be left alone. We were killing him, he knew it, this was when media house went into overdrive with the poor man

They Don’t Care About Us. The message here was about what I talk about now, Politicians REALLY don’t give a fuck about us, we are alone, and more important he was telling his story of his enslavement by the police

Stranger in Moscow. Here Michael was telling us the enemy we think is not the enemy, and we don’t have to hate and be strangers 

Earth Song. The message here was so simple, “What have we done to this World” 

Black or White. Simple message, people say “He turned himself White” Go research his illness, we all bleed red, was the message

Over time Michael went into himself with he help a media who made him the Worlds best person to “Wacko Jacko” they killed him inside. He was in the end, a prisoner in his one mind, he had no childhood, he was deprived a life, he gave 30% at least of all his money to charity, but the media paint a story as always. This song makes me cry, the man had a kids hospital with Dr’s and Nurses in his home, people needed at this point to really stop watching the news and listening to his lyrics

Have you seen my Childhood. This is the man telling us all he still is a child, he always was, he was Peter Pan and more, he loves Children 

He had 3 songs that made him, here are 3 songs I love, I hope you do also. To a man we all killed, slowly, because he was different.

With his Brothers, one of the last times, then finishes with Beat it, this is just Amazing 

Bad, trying hard to break out of his media made image, I think so anyway

Thriller, the song sold more  than any other to date, he will be remembered for this song more than any, he was a master, a genius and we ignored him. 




Smile by his brother at the Funeral



images (1)


Can I please get some help answering this question?

A Scottish man, Like me..

A Scottish man, Like me..

Out of 500+ Blogs I have done I just grabbed a few here (I BET SOMEONE LIKES THIS AND DOESN’T READ IT) lol I ask a question…


I do this blog here:

37 replies and 20 likes…

And this:

40 replies and 21 likes

These are 2 awards, there are others with 50/60 replies and 40/50 likes. AWARDS OK…

I do blogs like this:

A blog with proof as to why we are all being lied to by Governments.


About how the food YOU EAT is poison, REAL POISIN, This is why we are all sick!!


How half the world is starving to death while bankers get £200M Pay-offs,

Hardly any debate

When I do blogs about things that are having a REAL IMPACT on all of us, things that are harming and killing us, with proof, nobody debates. But every award blog is HUGE!!  Don’t get me wrong, the odd time a blog about Conspiracies (OH I HATE THAT WORD) Sorry, seeking the truth I do does get a good hit.

Like these:

How the USA is a police state. 20 reply  7 likes, still poor.

The Stigma smoking Cannabis or Marijuana, 36 replies and 15 likes

Then there was this:

A blog I did about the urge to steal a cat and shave it, steal a dog and bath it, give them back!!

Blog I did about Paul McCartney being dead, nearly 100 replies!

50 replies 20 or so likes


Why is it Awards and Stupid stuff get more debate and likes than things that DO 100% have a real impact on us, our health, our way of like and our future. Is it fear? Please if it is, let me know, I will stop. I try to mix blogs up. Some I get 100 replies, sometimes 10, blogging is a hit and miss.

I just don’t get how REAL ISSUES don’t get debated, but awards and my “BRILLIANT” Funny picture blogs do


He got this wrong!

He got this wrong!




So I gave a person an award, he/she asked me if I was a Jew………………….

It is thinking like this that caused death. I am stunned

It is thinking like this that caused death. I am stunned

I gave this piece of shit here an award: and look what happened……
  • …Are you Jewish?

    • Nope..
      Do I have to be?

      It is an award sent from one Human to Another.

      Why does it matter if I am Jewish?
      I am Atheist, and respect the will of any person.

      You don’t have to accept this award.
      As I say, one Human to anther. After all, when we scale life down, all we have is “us” just people.

      I hope you can accept this award…
      Kindest Regards

    • Jews are a race, not a religion. If you are Jewish by race, then don’t come here anymore.

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      I am not Jewish, but what the fuck if I was you ignorant cunt. I give you an award and you then tell me you hate Jews? So it is Jewish people? is it Israel? Should I hate all American people because of USA Foreign affairs policy. Answer me this. Do think all Jews are anti-semitic? Just testing your knowledge here to see if you are just a brain dead fuck or a hater for no reason. Why you hate Jews big man? You brought this debate to my table, so come on, debate me on the matter. Many Followers you got? 3? No fucking wonder…
      And no wonder the world is so fucked up because of people like you.. Take your hatred and go take a fuck to yourself. Me and you in a room, all I would need was 30 seconds. Shit you now chief..Fucking disgrace to the human race you..

      Know what? I am not even angry here. Bet your blood is boiling thought.


      So this is where the conversation is at present. I don’t do hatred, I have my thinking, but I live and let live, I just don’t understand this type of person. It may look like I was angry, but honest, nowhere near it. I think this person needs reported. I thought I would bring it up… Fucking Moron! I wish I had my Radio Show up and running so I could get this fucking idiot on. Not angry, just, this thinking starts wars. He/she thinks Jewish people run the world  you see. He/She thinks Jewish people are to blame for all hatred, but his/her words are hate, so he/she is no better.

      I have no words for this

      For anyone that missed it, the hatred is here

RIP my Aunt Margaret…..


Today I ask God to help my family, they are all hurting. My Aunt Margaret Passed away a few hours ago. I ask God to take their pain and give it to me…

I am in pain anyway, I seen you a week ago Aunt Margaret and you told me something,. No, you asked me something. Today I keep that promise.

May you rest in peace. x


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake, yea
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
For thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

Why are we all ill?




This is a short blog, to the point, to create debate. < Lets start here, people are noticing, are you?

Why are we all getting ill? Simple question yeah?

I am a “Conspiracist” I hate the word, as when said, people look away. So call it “Truth finders” I look for the truth in things, to see if we are being lied to, or there is an underlying issue as to any story. I think it is healthy to think like this, that way, we don’t believe everything we are told, but be careful, as you don’t believe everything you see. There is a fine line being into “Truth Finding” The line is so small, you sometimes miss it. Anyway….

Why are we all getting ill? I spoke with My Dad, My Mom, an Uncle, and a few of the older members and they can see a complete shift in the number of people ill, especially kids. People die and get ill, they always have, always will, but the noticeable increase, where does it come from?

Are you all aware of this here? and Something IS going on, brain illness is high on the agenda here, lets look into it, talk, debate

HOUSTON — A hospital spokeswoman at Texas Children’s in Houston said in a written statement that a 17-year-old boy in their facility is not believed, by them, to be connected two cases in which area teens died from a mystery illness.

But the lead doctor in charge of Montgomery County’s Health Department said all of the teens have similar symptoms.

“Like fever, cough, like respiratory failure, pneumonia, seizures,” said Dr. Syed Ibrahim, MD, MPH. “In the child who’s admitted at Texas Children’s Hospital now, he’s having liver enlargement and spleen enlargement.”

The hospital confirmed that the teen is in critical condition.

Two teenagers, one from Montgomery County and one from Liberty County, have died from an illness health experts have not been able to diagnose.

Tyler Lane Budro, 17, was the first case. He got sick in February and died on March 10.

Tyler lived in Liberty County and was a junior at Hull-Daisetta High School. His mother said he first had a fever, and then violent seizures started days later.

The teenage girl who passed away died on April 29.

Dr. Ibrahim is Montgomery County’s top epidemiologist. He said doctors ran 30 tests on the teens, including checks for rabies and meningitis. All tests came back with negative results, so health experts still have no idea what any of the teens came down with.

Dr. Ibrahim and other area health experts are still looking for answers.

“I’m really concerned. I’m sad as well because these are the cases of the teenagers in our county,” said Dr. Ibrahim, MD, MPH.

Parents and students at New Caney High School, where the teen who is in the hospital attends, are worried too.

“I think they should have informed us about it more ‘cuz it’s not right that some kids don’t know about it and other kids are spreading (rumours) making it worse,” said student Courtney Villareal.

There is something making us ill, is it food? Is it in the air; is it cell/mobile phones? What? What do you think? I would LOVE to hear from as many of you as I can. DON’T JUST LIKE THIS, PLEASE, READ IT AND GIVE A REPLY. My own son, he is 21 and has suffered seizures since he was 17, a brain condition.  I can name 20 more like him with brain conditions; I, MS, Parkinson’s disease and more are on the increase, why? There must be something at the end of the = sign here

Chronic Pain illnesses are THROUGH the roof, again, connected to the brain, so what gives here? Why is this happening to us? I am a conspiracist, so I have my theories, what are yours? Food, Air, Atmosphere, cell/mobile phones, wireless information darting about our air all the time, as well as much more

A study was done in the 1990’s that predicted all this The graph is there and you can also do your own research and post it here as WE ALL try to figure this one out. I will add more also, but seriously people, open your minds for a second and ASK WHY

No fear, just read and ask, you’re not a conspiracy nut, you are looking into a pattern that we can all see is getting worse, we are losing loved ones and watching our kids get ill and die, let’s ask why

UK – ‘Soldier Dead After Terror Attack’


Police Woman who shot the terrorist on the ground disarming him


Again, I will blog IF there is a story to blog on. This was London, 400/500 south of me. 2 Muslim terrorists killed a serving UK Soldier, within minutes, the armed police arrived and shot both the 2 terrorists, but not dead, both are alive and in different hospitals getting treatment. Rumours of more to come, but just that at the second. I hope they both live and get put in Brixton Prison. How many more attacks against people are going to happen before we tell people who have NOTHING to offer a country, if you can’t speak the language, if you can’t offer us your ability to work, you don’t come in. The Radicals will have been known as “Suspect” so why let them into the UK? I have no problem with immigration, I do however have a problem with fanatics who come into my country, get a free house and live free on state benefit. Don’t let them in!! The Tories I dislike, but on this front, they close the doors, make it harder. If you can’t speak English or give us work, you don’t get in. Labour, when in power left the back door open. How many more fanatics are here?


A man reported to be a serving soldier is dead and two people have been shot in Woolwich, south east London, after what Sky sources understand is being treated as a terrorist attack.

Downing Street has called a meeting of the Government’s Cobra emergency committee after the incident in John Wilson Street, which David Cameron described as “truly shocking”.

Sky sources understand that senior police officers believe the killing was likely to be a politically-motivated Islamist terrorist attack.

Dozens of weapons – including a number of knives – and pools of blood could be seen on the ground, where a man wearing a Help for Heroes T-shirt is said to have been attacked by two men.

The incident happened around a mile from the Royal Artillery Barracks

Witnesses say the pair appeared to deliberately drive their car at the victim, before getting out with various bladed weapons and launching their attack.

Sky sources say that following their attack, as the victim lay motionless in the middle of the road, witnesses heard the pair chanting “Allahu akbar” – and asking passers-by to take photographs of them.

Armed officers arrived at the scene and opened fire on the two alleged attackers. The men were taken to separate hospitals with gunshot wounds.

The Met Police confirmed one person had died following the incident and said the Independent Police Complaints Commission had now taken over the investigation.

Photographs taken at the scene show three people lying on the ground. Their condition was not clear. A car that appeared to have crashed could also be seen.

Commander Simon Letchford, from the Met, said officers were called to the road at 2.20pm.

“One man was being assaulted by two other men,” he said.

“A number of weapons were reportedly being used in the attack, and this included reports of a firearm.

“Officers including local Greenwich officers arrived at the scene and shortly after firearms officers arrived on the scene.

“On their arrival at the scene they found a man, who was later pronounced dead.  At this early stage I am unable to provide any further information about the man who has died.

“Two men, who we believe from early reports to have been carrying weapons, were shot by police. They were taken to separate London hospitals, they are receiving treatment for their injuries.”

The Prime Minister is expected to cut short a trip to Paris to return to London in the wake of the incident.

Nigel Foran, who saw the incident as he returned home from shopping, described a scene of a confusion.

He told Sky News: “We saw a man running towards the police officers and then we heard a couple of gunshots.

“He went to the floor and was surrounded while officers drew their stun guns. After that, all the people who were watching ran away when they heard the gunshots.”

The Ministry of Defence said it was urgently looking at the reports that the incident involved a soldier.

Greenwich and Woolwich MP Nick Raynsford had earlier told Sky News he believed the deceased was a serving soldier.

He said he had spoken to both borough commander Richard Wood and Lieutenant Colonel Bob Christopher at  Royal Artillery Barracks  – which is around a mile from the scene of the attack.

“We think a serving soldier was the victim. We don’t know the circumstances surrounding the incident.”

Schools in the area have been placed on lockdown.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson posted on his Twitter account: “This afternoon’s attack in Woolwich is a sickening deluded and unforgivable act of violence.”