Obama Facing Major Test Over Snowden Leaks, as the USA falls to her knees

Barack Obama has faced tough challenges at home and abroad

Barack Obama has faced tough challenges at home and abroad

This is a blog I myself have been compiling for many months now as I realise the End Game for the USA is very close. You can’t trust your rulers, why are armed drones in your skies, how did Edward Snowden manage to leak details on US spying operations, these were TOP SECRET FILES YOUR TAX DOLLARS PAY FOR, TO PROTECT. You are being taxed with the “Fear Tax” it’s a game of “Pay extra Tax to feel safer” Do you feel safer. Many ask why I don’t blog about he UK, Well I have, many times below. I also blogged about China, Russia and South Africa and Germany to name a few. I myself fell for the “Obama” president will save the world crap.

1. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/10/uk-man-wins-court-case-against-the-bbc-for-911-cover-up/ <UK Courts proved 9/11 was a lie!

2. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/22/uk-soldier-dead-after-terror-attack/ < I questioned my own Government, many other still are

3. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/03/02/the-uk-the-conservative-party-greed-and-death-affecting-the-usa-and-australia-also-nwo/ – Death of a friend

4. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/groomed-for-power-check-this-picture-from-a-few-years-back-re-the-uk-politics-and-banking/ – PROVING A POINT!

5. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/french-president-threatens-to-block-eu-trade-negotiations-with-the-us-amid-bugging-scandal/ – France/Europe

So as you can see, I blog about the whole story, it is just the scene is being played out on an American Stage. Close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears, but when you are slaves for real, and you are stuck in a Police State with no Guns with the inability to come here or anywhere else to tell your story, pretty much what is happening all over the Middle East, where the UK and USA are spending Billions the don’t have and killing people they “should” care for and kids also (Can you feel the Irony) I believe in God but “God Bless the United States of America” makes no sense to me and many from the USA any more. I speak from the heart here.

How President Barack Obama deals with a crisis of trust in the wake of the leaks scandal could determine his legacy.

Barack Obama has faced tough challenges at home and abroad

As the saying goes, “presidential candidates campaign in poetry and if they are lucky enough to win, they govern in prose.”

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama was especially good at campaigning in poetry.

It was clear that he was a natural in this role, leaving both his opponents Senator John McCain and Governor Mitt Romney in the rhetorical dust.

Perhaps that is why, even though he won re-election for a second term, he is unwilling to dismantle his campaign apparatus and get into the down and dirty, nitty-gritty work of governing in hard-edged, well-disciplined prose.

Mr Obama’s first term was challenging since he faced a strong Republican opposition intent on stopping his agenda dead in its tracks.

Despite the efforts of the opposition, he was able to pass a piece of hard-fought landmark legislation – Obamacare.

Mr Obama took to the international stage with the G8 summit last week

His second term has proved even more challenging than his first as the Republicans are keen to take full advantage of every misstep to make Mr Obama a “lame duck” as soon as they possibly can.

Mr Obama took to the international stage with the G8 summit last week

Mr Obama took to the international stage with the G8 summit last week

Just as his predecessors have done before him, when things are not going so well at home it’s time to take to the international stage to look “presidential” and refocus on the agenda.

It seems that Mr Obama had hoped his trip to the G8 and Germany would give him just that opportunity.

Last week he was at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on the eve of the 50th Anniversary of JFK’s famous speech to re-capture some of the magic of his 2008 campaign.

This time the president spoke before a much smaller, invited gathering.

Long gone were the “rock star” awaiting throng of hundreds of thousands that he so easily captivated just five years ago.

Realistically, expectations were not so high this time around and this Nobel Peace Prize winner’s only competition last week was not JFK or Ronald Reagan but Barack Obama himself.

Mr Obama has now governed for several years and the times have certainly changed.

The weight of real world problems that he has had to face may have eaten away at the idealistic hope his supporters had for him and his administration.

Optimism and idealism for “Hope and Change” seem to have given way to the hard, cold realities of the toughest job in the world.

Mr Obama has not only been facing a tough domestic opposition but he has also had to come face to face with the severe challenges on the international stage and they visibly taken their toll.

Mr Obama at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last week

Mr Obama at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last week

Mr Obama at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last week

As Congress tries to wrap up some of its important legislation before the July 4 recess, the president and his family are headed for a week-long visit to Africa.

The Senate Immigration Reform Bill is front and centre, and the passage of this piece of historic legislation might need a bit of the president’s encouragement.

If passed, this is likely to be the most important piece of legislation passed in his second term.

At the same time he could also be facing the most the challenging crisis of his presidency.

The “Snowden Crisis” has put the Obama administration’s intelligence-gathering policies in jeopardy, under the public microscope, and has once again eroded the precious trust between the US government and the American people.

How Mr Obama deals with this crisis of trust and how he finds his voice to regain that trust and confidence on this issue could determine his legacy.

Most US citizens are torn. They are uncomfortable with the government having unfettered access to their private communications. At the same time, they understand the government must “snoop” to some extent, when legally justified, to keep them safe.

They also cannot understand how someone like Edward Snowden, an outside contractor, was given access to our top secrets and able to disclose them with such ease.

Edward Snowden leaked details on US spying operations

Edward Snowden leaked details on US spying operations

Edward Snowden leaked details on US spying operations

  • What else does he have up his sleeve?
  • This crisis leaves us with some very tough questions ahead:
  • What role does journalism play here when it comes to national security?
  • Is it within the Freedom of the Press to publish a story like this one worth the price we pay in loss of security?
  • Is there a way for an individual to challenge alleged government abuse or wrongdoing without damaging national security?
  • What will the fallout be in US relations with China, Russia and the ultimate country that agrees to give Mr Snowden asylum?
  • Is WikiLeaks a journalistic endeavour or an enemy of the state?
  • Should such sensitive work be done by independent contractors like Booz Allen, or is this a job for full-time government employees or members of the military who swear an oath of allegiance to uphold the US Constitution and take it seriously?
  • How much transparency is necessary when it comes to government intelligence programmes designed to protect the “homeland”?
  • How much congressional and judicial oversight is enough, and how much is too much?
  • And perhaps the toughest question: How much liberty are Americans willing to give up in the name of safety in the electronic, social media, information age?

The “Snowden Crisis” is likely to test the limits of both the president and the American people on these questions and on their desire to maintain their constitutional freedoms.

At LAST! Some real coverage, some real truths, some real debate over the constitution, some real reporting, and questions with depth to them. Many including myself have blogged fairly hard about the American foreign policy and homeland situation. I may be from Scotland, UK but the actual truth of the matter is, when America sneezes, we all get a cold over here, when America gets ill, we all get ill. The market crash worldwide came on the back of the USA Market crash. I don’t think some in America truly realise the impact every decision, every move, every lie has on the World, the same World ALL our kids grow up in. The USA have had terrible time abroad with relations with China and Russia sinking to an all time low. With China now being the new financial superpower AND buying up land in the USA we enter a crucial time for the people of this Generation, and a time that can and probably will shape the World for generations to come with many issues being at hand that the American Government have backed themselves into a corner with.

Here a few blogs I did that ling this story all the way back, in some way, this is a very bleak time for not just the USA but for our World also. America has to realise their actions will hurt us all all over my Country and the World. What the USA have become is the new Roman Empire. There is infighting between (I believe) The North and the South on a political level within Politics and Government in the USA. I seen this very quickly by doing a little reading and research. This is real, the Media are slowly starting to report, there seems to be people like Ron Paul who are speaking out now, NOW IS THE TIME TO ASK FOR AND GO FOR REAL CHANGE!

Listen to your own Politicians and people who care about where the USA is headed

Listen to your own Politicians and people who care about where the USA is headed

1. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/to-the-people-of-the-usa-i-am-sorry-for-what-is-coming/< I DID TRY AND WARN YOU! I RESEARCH HARD! 

2. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/what-is-on-your-plate-at-night-want-to-debate-population-control/

3. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/17/weed-killer-found-in-human-urine-across-europe-chemicals-used-by-monsanto-gmo-crops-in-my-urine/

4. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/08/you-from-the-usa-watch-this-video/

5. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/the-georgia-guidestones-conspiracy-in-the-usa-something-you-should-look-at/

6. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/30/chinese-hackers-access-major-usa-weapons-systems-as-6-billion-us-scam-is-busted/

7. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/09/usa-fema-china-africa-what-is-happening-here/

8. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/23/so-texas-want-to-break-away-from-the-usa-please-give-this-a-glance-it-relates-to-boston/

9. http://bishoptatro.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/freedom-celebration-welcome-to-the-ussa/< Done by a Bishop friend of mine from the USA 

10. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/26/ron-paul-im-worried-that-the-government-might-kill-edward-snowden/

11. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/22/why-did-the-u-s-government-recently-purchase-30000-guillotines/

12. http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/china-building-ghost-cities-in-africa-why/ <This has me real worried, you should be also

America is no longer the beacon of freedom it once was, it is not as resolute as it once was, the American Dream has died, the USA is a dying nation. I know Many do not want to hear this, read this nor accept this. I got called an “American Basher” by an IDIOT on here who I blocked within minutes of it being said. I love the people of the USA, most of the people I follow are from the USA, real friends, they are as worried if not more worried than I am about what could happen due to the events in the 12 blogs I have done out of nearly 800 about the USA and other countries that can and will and could at any second harm the USA, the USA has no money, never has there been a time when the USA has been as wide open to attack in ANY form. I pray and hope I am wrong, but sadly, when you have a quick glance or a good read of the FACTS I have added to the blogs above, anyone with even the smallest brain and ability to realise the USA is NOT the WORLD and is in-fact a nation on its knees with a people who are asking more each day about lies, a nation who are beginning to starve, it is slowly happening. If you are American you SHOULD know a bill was passed a few weeks ago to slash Billions of Dollars from the Food Stamp programme. This is the beginning of the end for what I see as the new Roman Empire. History repeats and people who are smart enough to connect the dots and clever enough to join them together will know what I am saying, in-fact I know many do realise my words are real here, I speak to many and am part of several sites, one the biggest there is, where most from the USA realise this is End Game. Are you prepared for your New World?

Has the head shot been noticed? Read the blogs above and you tell me

Has the head shot been noticed? Read the blogs above and you tell me







Self Harming, Evil Love


I have read a few blogs tonight and spoke to people tonight and it has made me do this blog, the picture above represents the feel of this blog

So why do we always hear “A woman was ….” or “Last night a girl was found…..” and so on? Why does hurt happen? I did the blog on my Criminal Family, search for it on my blog if you want to read it I am sick of seeing it, the hurt is still there, the nightmares still happen, the demons still talk to me

Man, what is man? Is man this BASTARD who will toy with a woman till her Heart goes elsewhere to be hurt again, or till she finds love? Then the man will look to boast again of his evil act? I don’t and can’t speak for all men, because that would be unfair on all men.

Woman, what is Woman? Is Woman stupid to walk from Bastard to Bastard and self inflicting hurt on herself? Till she finds love? Where does it all end for her? I won’t speak for all woman as it would be unfair on all woman.

Some find love 1st time and KEEP IT LIKE IT IS A NEW BORN CHILD!! I did. I know evil, I have been Evil, I have walked and talked with Evil, I know Evil, I won’t be silly as to say I know HIM as Evil, as Evil comes in both Men and Woman, I have seen it both ways, there is a saying “Evil exists in all Men” Yeah this is true, but it is in Woman also. This needs re-named.

Many are born and stroll through life and have never met Evil or have never been hurt or seen hurt, I call them lucky or clever, I don’t know. Me? I am clever, and many are, I found love through evil and held onto it for all my being’s worth. I did not let it go and from that day to this, I am love, I care, although I would never hurt a woman, for rejecting a woman’s advances, as a married man with kids, who is happy AND BLOGS IT A LOT I know I will be a Bastard anyway, this is the deal, no matter, Man will be a bastard be he fuck a woman or say no to the woman. It has always been this way, it probably will always be this way. Woman do play this card, I have seen it. Not all woman, this would be unfair on all woman

But as a kid I seen things I hide and shield from my kids now, somethings a child should not see, I did, I seen it all, the Guns, the drugs and sex, the unwanted sex and more, more than I want to say, not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t, it hurts me. I see woman walk from one bastard to another, one beating to another, I have a few woman in my family and friends list who used to walk from bastard to bastard, and also I have Men in my life that walk from bitch to bitch, not all, that would be unfair to class all the same

What is it that attracts people to bastards and bitches? What makes them walk away from hurt to more hurt; do some people love being hurt? It sure seems this way to me in my 39 years here on Earth, or the parts I was aware enough to notice then understand. From an early age the human mind just astonished me, people seemingly, knowingly walking into hurt as if it is all they are used to, or use it to tell a story a few months down the line to say that man/woman was an evil person, people who just crave attention, but not all you see

Even today, and I speak just for myself, I see girls hitting on men knowing hurt is all that is there. I see Men hitting on girls knowing all there is, is hurt. They get their few days or weeks of sex then hurt comes along, they part, they are both bastards and bitches, then these people go and do it all over again with someone else, like a moth to a flame, this type of attraction. Who lives like this? Who can live like this? Who chooses to live like this? What makes them live like this? I am asking here, help me with an answer if you can

Don’t get me wrong, I know men and woman who have been hurt but have been smart enough to say “Never again” and are happy now. But not enough, too many want to be hurt, it is like a person who is suicidal they NEED to be hurt, it is almost as if it is part of their make-up as a person, hurt must happen for them to fulfil their needs, why? Is it a part of a persons being, not all, that would be unfair, but many, is it just a “NEED” to be in this story of hate and evil and abuse? Not all, just some, that would be unfair

As a young man I seen my share of it all and I dislike blogging about it, but it has to be said, why do human beings want hurt? They know they are going to be, is it like people who are  into bondage but worse? The thrill of the chase to get hurt then do it all over again till the end up lonely old people with a shit life and an evil look in their eye of knowing what evil is then proclaim to know what love it, yeah, irony is a killer sometimes isn’t it

I choose life, like many; I know many do, but why? I was a kid when I seen this and only lately have I asked the question of why. Maybe I should ask someone, maybe I should seek help to help me get the answer, but then if I am to do this am I any better? I am better, I use this blog to tell my story, to ask questions, to have fun, to laugh, but in reality we live in an evil world where we see only individual acts of kindness. I surround myself with PURE LOVE and I won’t go back the way. I am talking about it now, but I won’t live there, I won’t keep my mind there, I spent many years trying to walk away from Evil and I now tell evil to away and take a fuck to itself, for what it’s worth, it works for me, but not for all

I played this video below to a man who was in a love/hate/evil relationship who loved his woman deeply and still does many years later, he cried. This song for me represents the blog I have just written, it will hit home to people who have lived this live or living this life, I will also get a hard time for this blog, be sure of this. When we talk of things such as this, hate enters stage left, evil comes in also. See the second we talk about hate and evil and try to figure it out, the very same hatred and evil comes to the table, but not always

As I say sometimes, with the help of a friend “It is all in the lyrics” when I post a song, but not always, sometimes I just post a song because, not here though. It would be unfair of me to class any one person in this love/hate/evil shit, as I don’t know anyone on here well enough. I do know a few who have opened their heart and thrown it at me, knowing I am happy man with my partner and my kids, and I think, is this person trying to hurt me (Impossible) or are they self harming themselves? I think the latter. Maybe they do just look for love, but they look in the wrong place then wonder why their life is shit and why they hurt so much. But not all, that would be unfair on everyone

More love, less hate < This is why I say this often, love is pure and the light I am drawn to, I hurt for people who can’t see the light of love or pretend they are happy or in love where in fact they are the complete opposite, I can only advise a person the same as you the reader of this blog, in the end personal choice is what is left, but not always

I mean no disrespect to anyone with this blog, this was a blog implanted into my mind by a few things I read tonight, not just on Word Press and to several people I spoke with, not just tonight but over the last week or so regarding this topic. I can’t get my head around self hurt. I DEAL AND WORK WITH people who are suicidal, I get that. But people who self harm in love, what is the difference? is there any? Please, talk to me, take me to school if you can, I really am at a loss over this topic.

Let love and light lead the way and we will have a better world and not this below, a song that made an evil man cry, but not just 1 evil man will cry over this one song or this blog, that was unfair of me to say, so I did a quick edit to say, this song is for anyone who has self harmed in love and couldn’t get out of the loop and repeated the ordeal on themselves and their loves ones, they do it again and again and again. I have never once had an “Online love affair” Online close friendship is perhaps a better way of putting it. I am just a friendly lad, I would never dare hurt anyone, well unless, like in the blog below I say if I see a man hit a woman, that man will hurt 10x more than he hurt the woman. I can’t help this, I wish I didn’t have this in me, but when I see a woman getting hurt and I can act I will, Old Shaun comes out to play and Mr Bastard gets hurt. And Mrs Hurt I take home or to the Hospital

Why to all the above.. Very deep blog, and I do like to debate, so debate away. I may be totally wrong here, I may be right, I may be close. But there is no book on love, no set rules on a relationship, if anything just morals and right and wrong. Sadly not everyone knows right from wrong, but not everyone does wrong, that would be unfair