Are we being LIED to about Syria and Chemical Weapons Use


A different spin on the Syrian issue just now, I will ask the Question, is Syrian being filled with Western supporters in terms of people with Guns, terrorists, with Western views? I think it is possible. In Libya I believe Western thinking people came in from the East and destabilized the entire country, Gaddafi went from being held head high through his country in support to being killed live on TV. I know friends from Libya and they said after Gaddafi died that is was the belief of many that Western controlled al Qaeda fighters, who were armed to the teeth by the West were to blame, the Libyan people, in the main loved Giddafi, so could it be possible foreign fighters came into that country to destabilise it?

Could the same be true in Syria? And could the end game be Iran? I think people with political knowledge will understand the question I am asking here, is Syria being destroyed, are we being lied to make Al Assad look like the bad guy? With the Media we have it would be difficult to be 100% with any answer.

Bashar Al Assad spoke to RT News, with a Russian reporter a few months back, here is a different standpoint from a different viewpoint