Mother hears 8 year old son’s voice for the first time ever – I cried (2 MINUTE VIDEO, PLEASE WATCH)


2 minute video


This was posted to me by my 21 year old son, who came  through to the main room and he watched it with me, an we both cried, me and my son. Watching this should be a reminder to us all of things that are truly important. This is just outrageous and amazing. Some in the USA may know this story, if not, know what love is, give it a watch x

What the kid says at the end of this 2 minute video got me, got me good


More Love, Less Hate

Shaun x


Planning to start an Under 21, East of Scotland Soccer side for 2014/2015 season


I coached kids as well as Adults in my decade and a half in Football (Soccer) And I had a good chance to go and take one of the best Under 14 sides in this part of Scotland for this season about to start, pre-season has started and teams are playing friendly games and training hard for the season that starts 3 weeks on Saturday

When I started out, about 4/5 years into my football career I was running my own club and Managing on a Saturday but also doing kids football on a Saturday morning my son was in the side with all his friends The way things work in Scotland is when a players leaves under 19s (Age 17 and 18 they play this level) they then go and play under 21’s for 4 seasons. Sadly a LOT of 1st year 21’s players, the younger players in this silly 4 year age bracket age level don’t get played. This season, all the kids within that age bracket I Managed/Coached when they were 9/10 years old are not getting game time, these are the players from 10 years ago; they are all 19/20 years old now


The last time I was with this side before they went to High School, my own son Ryan is 10 here with the red Arsenal FC strip on. Brilliant memories that year with the kids and the parents, same parents now speaking to me about this


We got to the Final of the only 11-a-side tournament in the City at the time, this was around 2002/2003, my son is bottom row, 2nd in from the right (he-he)

So I am walking through a Superstore the other day to buy something for my Daughter’s Birthday or something, I can’t remember. And I hear “Shaun” I look behind me and I see a woman, around my age, and I think “I know this woman, but where” Anyway, Dawn comes over and says “Hi you” to this woman, she was a parent of one of the kids in the above photo. We got chatting and she said she still speaks to a lot of the parents of the above kids, as she still lives in the area the kids are from, and were from in the picture. The parents had been trying to find Ryan my son or me, as they want me to re-start a side with them next season. A big smile came over my face, as this is was my very 1st team I EVER managed and I learnt a lot the 4 years I coached these kids, at first I was just a coach learning to be a coach, then I managed them and it was AMAZING, the kids were all brilliant and the parents were so helpful, we were a big “Team or a big “Family” and we all wanted the best for our kids.

So, next season, God willing, I may be taking an East of Scotland side. Very high level, I have had tentative talks with a few clubs about bringing 9 players from my 1st team and a few lads I know who are a year younger or older to a club next season. If I can’t get that done, I need a special football home, a proper football park with criteria to match the rules at this level, just a lot of rules to play this level, certain size of changing room for the Ref, a boxed off area for the Managers and dugouts for the Managers and coaches to sit down, and that would suit me as I could sit down.

So the football dream is alive. My son got back in contact with all his old friends from Primary School, and as things stand the players, who mostly all work now and the parents are happy to go ahead and pay to make this happen. I included. They all know my health issues, but one of them came up with an idea that the parents will just order me to sit down as much as possible, as I am a manager who coaches while standing up when my team is playing, the best time to coach young players, is during a game.

So, I won’t get carried away, it is 9 months away, it is my first every side, and I could go on and coach/manage them till they are 35 years old and ready to retire. So this is a BIG chance here to get back to my roots before Football got REALLY serious and Trophies HAD to be won! Should I take this side, that will be the deal from, they are adults now, young adults, trophies must be won. And I coached them as kids; their style of play is what I coached into them. So I will know them all.

I have the smile of a cat here, but feet on the ground. Might not happen, but this gives me 9 month to speak to my Dr, allow my hamstring and knee to rest or get operated on and maybe, just maybe, I am back doing what I miss most in life.

How brilliant would it be to go again with first every team of players I coached?

I will pray and try to get my mind and body right, I would love this, Life coming full circle

So I fell out, sorry, flew out of bed this morning



This is twice this has happened in the last month or so, I don’t as much fall out of bed, I shoot out of bed and land 4 feet away. Roughly at 5am this morning (I think) I remember awaking with the worst pain ever on my left hamstring then flying out of bed

The fall just hurt my shoulder and my ego, as Dawn laughed, but I now have zinc tape up my hamstring holding it in place a magnetic knee brace up to my hamstring. I don’t know why but I am flying out of bed due to hamstring pain. I mentioned it to my Dr and he seemed about as interested as a dog would be in a DVD disk and Dr looked at me as if I had just taken a shit in his briefcase

No idea why this is happening, and I am not landing anywhere near the bed, I can swear I am being thrown from the bed. I was going to blame Dawn but the girls were sleeping in-between us, so I am not in mystery land as to why I would fly 4 feet from my bed. Hurts like hell

Strange times


Saturday lost due to pain and sleep, but I am still a happy boy



I slept till around midday today, awoke, back was GONE, Dawn had to rub pain relief gel all over my spine then give me Morphine, I put on a movie thinking I would get up again, but nope, fell asleep within 20 minutes till 7:30pm Saturday night my time obviously, GMT 0

Back pain is not the worst pain I get but it is not far away from being the worst, I literally could not move. Luckily I was in a laid back position; Dawn pressed the button to bring the back of the bed up so I was sitting up straight. But the morphine kicked in and I just crashed back to sleep

I awoke 30 minutes before the girls were due for bed and I HATE when this happens, I hate myself for not seeing the girls all day, but I live and get used to it. I don’t want to miss a second of time with them at this age, but 1 or 2 days a week I guess I will just have to cope. My oldest son is working backstage at T in the park, the biggest Music festival in the country and my youngest son was out all day in the Cinema complex with his partner. They both pay £15 a month for a card and his card allows them to watch as many movies a day or a week as they like. Today they went and watched 5 movies, had they had to pay normal that was £40 each, so good £15 card

Dawn struggles on with the Girls, but she has friends over all the time and goes all over with the girls so as not to sit in the house with two grumpy girls. My 2 year old is 3 years old in a week, in fact a week today. So this coming week we will be out by presents for Chloe. The big 3-0!

Anyway, hope are all having a good weekend, I will sleep most of it but hey-ho, life is good, I am happy, I just have realised this is how it is, it could be a HELL OF A LOT worse for me, so I count my blessings and try to just deal with the pain. As I sit and write here I am in utter agony, but thinking and typing is key, my son is to my right on his pad, so concentrating on other things and allowing my mind to wander helps with the pain. I am learning more each day how to control my mind with pain. It is impossible to explain, it is just a technique I have taught myself to divert as much pain as I can away, mind over matter almost

Smile, laugh, enjoy what you have, and be thankful. If you are reading this, you can afford the internet, so life is good. Love you all, Shaun

More love

Less hate

Why do people have to be hurtful…




This isn’t an angry blog or a hateful blog, it is a confused blog. I came here in July last year  and did a handful of blogs as I was blogging football and doing some Podcasts and radio stuff, nothing important, just a story that was big about Soccer a year or so ago in Scotland, I did this amount of blogs last year

December 2012 (9)

November 2012 (5)

October 2012 (4)

September 2012 (8)

August 2012 (7)

July 2012 (5)

= 38 blogs in 6 months, I was not really blogging as I blog now.

I then started to really blog, I came here as the truth, telling my truth and helped people, always, and I do have many friends here, some amazing people are on Word Press, and this is my blogs Since January this year

July 2013 (23)

June 2013 (177)

May 2013 (126)

April 2013 (137)

March 2013 (84)

February 2013 (67)

January 2013 (23)

= 637 and most blogs came under the category about “Life” with 241 blogs

Never once have I been rude unless someone has been rude to me, I am helpful at all times, I care, I cry with people, I laugh with people, I help people, and the same happened to me, people helped me in a way that I can only say amazed me, I am in a better way from the day I really started blogging in January that I am today, today I 100% feel as though Word Press has helped me deal with my Chronic Pain Syndrome/Fibromyalgia. I goof around a lot, every day I try and post a “Funny Pictures” Blog, I do try harder these days to get around people’s blogs and help and care and try and just be a decent man.

Sadly one person has started to be hurtful with things about me they say. It is nothing awful, I would not even say they were nasty, just the wrong side of a story that happened on here and I am not going to say who he/she is or what happened, for me it was NOTHING it was a friendship that went silly because of two people, me and them. And now the person is hurting me in a way they don’t realise. I only offer what I offer here when I am on, my heard and my mind, I can’t give more here. I read a blog earlier and told a person I loved them and I was crying for them, that is the real me.

Men can cry, men can show emotions, men can be nice, as you all know. I am just confused I guess.

I don’t do hate or anger or spiteful shit, never in a million years could I be a keyboard warrior, it is not my style. But this person is telling friends we both share lies about what happened. I could blog the conversations to prove it, but that is just silly and childish. I don’t want this blog to come across as silly and childish, I just don’t get why this person has set out to hurt me with words. I am only glad others realise this person has major issues and needs help and I did try to help this person. But my help came across wrong I guess. I like this person and would talk to them in a heartbeat. As I blog I thought I would blog this because it is the only way I can say to everyone who is aware of what happened that I am not a bad man, I am not nasty person, I am not the kind of person to hurt another. That is my past, I guest blogged that, it is down the page. I live for my family, I live in pain, I live to have fun, I live to have fun and I put all my pain to one side and try and help others here, the exact same as others in pain here do for me and others.

I say “More Love, Less Hate” And I say it often because I mean it. I just think this person is being very hurtful, they maybe don’t know it due to their state of mind and other issues, but I just need to tell them I am here if they need to chat. I have no ill feeling towards anyone in my world, be it on the internet or in my life here in Scotland, I do not keep enemies or hate, I do all I can to not be that guy.  I came here as a man who was lost and has almost found himself again, the pain truly took away a lot, and through the tenderness and caring of people on here I am healing. This person, it is all about them, always, never a nice caring word to another, I need to tell them, the world does not revolve around them, and if they opened their mind a little they would see help is there and they are not the only one with a shit life

I just needed to blog this. No hate, anger or disrespect, only love and a caring nature and friendship

More love, less hate, Sharing the caring

Shaun, the guy in a skirt who eats haggis in my castle, from Scotland, near the North Pole ish


Brilliant Birthday day out as Chronic Pain wins the day



So it was good fun, the thought of having my birthday today, family visits, 1 million texts, 2 million emails, facebook messages and all the phone calls were brilliant, seeing family was good also. Today I went out with Dawn and the Girls with a few hundred pounds to spend and Dawn buying lunch.

We left about lunchtime, trying to aim for coming back 4 hours later for me needing medication, it was a fail, lol. We got back a little bit later. We went round 3 shops and also went for a quick lunch with the girls. I came home and my body just collapsed. I bought a new wardrobe and a nice new fancy PC chair for the Main room PC’s. I will build it one day, I promise

Now after all the excitement and walking with crutches and hardly any pain relief only gel I could rub on sore bits, I am “GONE” I am here in bed. We bought a double Hospital bed, so I have the top up 2 feet, the laptop on my laptop holder that has little light and a cup holder and I am GONE

My mind is shattered, my body aches like, as I have said before, all over body toothache pain and I am so tired, but can’t fall asleep, although I don’t want to. As I look at the time it is 18:30 GMT 0 and if I fall asleep now I will wake up at like 3am, so I am forcing myself to stay awake till 10 pm or something. I made a promise to try and sleep better. I have a planned Skype with Eddie over at about doing a podcast for the radio show, this may have to wait till tomorrow

I am so tired, mind and body, I feel like I just debated Stephen Hawkins on anti-matter for 10 hours and played USA Football/Rugby/Aussie Rules, mind and body are not talking to each other, there has been a fall out on a cellular level here lol, even with the car, I feel like I been ran over by a train doing 200MPH

But I enjoyed t he last few days, wouldn’t change it for the world

Also, big thanks for all the “Happy Birthday” wishes on Skype, Email, Facebook and here and elsewhere, means a lot. Sadly this Chronic Pain has beat me today lol

Was worth it, as at some point, I could hear this in my mind

More love, less hate


Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

I am Scottish/Irish!

I am Scottish/Irish!

Over the last week I have been on HEAVY Morphine. I poured it down the sink this morning. Enough, I was getting some heat through emails, from comments I was NOT allowing through regarding this blog

It must have been the medication, I don’t know, but I DELETED it due to criticism from another person. I have been here almost 10 months, blogging for real for 6 and for the first time EVER I allowed a comment from a person, whose comments I did not allow through to compromise my beliefs and my thinking.

So I edited this:

I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but 130 Awards, Nearly 1,000 AMAZING followers, Hundreds of AMAZING friends here, and I somehow allowed the medication to get to my mind and let a person dictate to me what I will and will not blog. The Morphine, I am allergic to I think has been poured down the sink. I am about to leave for the Hospital to get a quick X-ray on my Knee and Foot and will just be a big brave boy and take the pills.

I have not been myself all week, would you on Morphine? Probably not is the answer. I allowed my VERY THINKING to be compromised by a few one track thinker who have not got  a clue and I am ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I NEVER let people dictate to me, yet with this Morphine pumping through my veins, I did, that won’t happen again.

I make friends here because I give a shit, I make friends here because I am honest, and I make friends here because I like to think, I HOPE, I am a good friend back to you.

I will keep posting my shit, I will keep asking the question, I will keep sticking it to the big guy and I will never let myself be compromised by a patriot with a FUCKING PEE SHOOTER EVER AGAIN. I will be the guy 850 followed in the first place. I am sorry for being “Odd” this week, please understand the pain and medication. Not over yet, Hospital in an hour

I am also going to accept awards again, they are good fun, and I miss meeting people through awards if I am being honest. Some of the best people I know here I met through Awards, so please, include me in any Awards if you see fit, I do miss meeting new people through these awards. I got 4 this morning and awarded some people back

Please understand, I am here with a chipped bone in my knee, a hairline fracture in my foot suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome FOR LIFE and Morphine although it may not feel it, does fuck with your head. So for a week I turned into someone else. I am Scottish, we don’t do that shit. I will carry on doing what I was doing all along.

Being myself and listening to the people that matter is something I pride myself in doing on Word Press. I have made many amazing friends. Have I annoyed you or upset you this week? I am talking long term friends here. If I have I am sorry, 2 broken bones and strong liquid medication was the cause. If I have annoyed anyone.

Oh and having a life is what I do also. Part of my life is blogging, and all you people, like family I never had. Why I created this award here, remember? For these reasons below the award. I am going to press ahead with Blogging about people who I love to talk to here, like what I did here: And push ahead HARD with the Radio show. I will be doing blogs on more of you in the coming weeks. I will highlight the love and humanity in many people here, this Award and the reasons I started it still stand


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

As you were Soldiers



Self Pity




I FUCKING dislike self pity

I dislike people who want sympathy

I dislike people who make things a competition

I dislike self loathing

I dislike “Feel sorry for me”


I like people who give it straight

I like people who get on with it

I like people who are just honest

I like people who say “I am having a shit time today”

I like people who help others

I like people who love

I like people who care

Today I awoke and I am drenched in self pity for myself and I dislike myself for it. It is if I want the world to give a shit about me and say “There there, it will be ok” I know it will be it always is. The pain I am in today is the worst I have felt in many a year. I ache in places I didn’t know aching could happen. I will leave you to use your imagination there.

I am self loathing here, I feel sorry for myself, I hate myself,  I hate my life, I hate this existence, I want to be 14 again, I want to build a time machine and go back, I want to be a selfish bastard and say to hell with you all and go, leave, go elsewhere, live another life. I was blessed in some ways, but given pain I just can’t handle. This pain wants to make me swallow 200 tablets and go for a sleep

I won’t, I will live, I will be strong, I will be a man about it, and I will hold my shit together. I have EVERYTHING but in reality I have fuck all. I have love, I am loved, but right in this moment I don’t care, I want to be selfish and be a prick about it. I want to go and punch the druggy fuck round the corner into hospital to get the pain out my mind. Would it help if I went to his door and punched him to a new week of his life? No, it wouldn’t, violence is never the answer. Sure feels like it is right now though. I just want to be normal, live normal, be like my mates who can still do shit we could all do when we were kids.

I will dream and hope this bastard pain leaves my body, I have been praying for LIKE ever, and fuck all happens, it just gets worse, so that’s that idea out the window.

This moment is a bad moment, a shit moment, an alone moment, a selfish moment. Why should I go on? Why should I go on with this body in this pain? Taking the poison my Dr Gives me that makes my brain think things I don’t want to be thinking? Pain over many years will do this to anyone.

Turn this fucker over, I am toast

Going to steal a song someone sent me, the man wrote it for his partner who is in pain…..



Shaun’s Audio Blog – With “ADULT PICTURES”

The Wife!!

The Wife!! Yeah! 



Right, this is ME talking, 15 minutes I rattle on for a bit. BE WARNED I added 200 or so RANDOM pictures with the Audio, some. VERY ADULT THEME!! Been warned.

Apart from that, someone will like it 2 minutes after I post a 15 minute audio blog. I hope you listen. It was just me talking RUBBISH 🙂 I am in AGONY and this is JUST A FUN BLOG.

Don’t like fun, then please DO NOT LISTEN. If anyone likes this before 10 minutes are up, I will name you. 🙂  SENSE OF HUMOUR NEEDED HERE!

A video that “Tries” to explain Chronic Pain – Please Watch and give me your views

What level are you today?

What level are you today?

I went through two attempts with the Chronic Pain team in my home city of Edinburgh. Waste of time. They told me at the start “This may not work for you” it did not. they said “If you feel it is not working, you can leave the team and the pain they cause you” I left. I still help them, I give them my thoughts and feelings , but in reality, they don’t know. They told me and many others “It may be in your head” and informed us Australia was the worlds worst sufferer of Chronic Pain. This surprised me, as I associated cold weather with pain.

This is the video the “Experts” with a book show us, people never in pain, just out of college or Uni, tell me, its in my mind, I can’t accept this, I am strong willed

I ask anyone who suffers Chronic Pain to  watch this 5 minute video and give me feedback. I can’t in my mind say “Yeah it may me in my mind” Maybe the odd time when I am down perhaps, but 24/7 I can’t and wont accept this, sadly the reality is, they have no idea, so this video, from Australia, they give to people in the UK is the best they have at present.

I would like to hear your thoughts. I blogged this video before, but I have 300 extra/new friends and followers since I posted it, so I would like to ask again
