So I gave a person an award, he/she asked me if I was a Jew………………….

It is thinking like this that caused death. I am stunned

It is thinking like this that caused death. I am stunned

I gave this piece of shit here an award: and look what happened……
  • …Are you Jewish?

    • Nope..
      Do I have to be?

      It is an award sent from one Human to Another.

      Why does it matter if I am Jewish?
      I am Atheist, and respect the will of any person.

      You don’t have to accept this award.
      As I say, one Human to anther. After all, when we scale life down, all we have is “us” just people.

      I hope you can accept this award…
      Kindest Regards

    • Jews are a race, not a religion. If you are Jewish by race, then don’t come here anymore.

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      I am not Jewish, but what the fuck if I was you ignorant cunt. I give you an award and you then tell me you hate Jews? So it is Jewish people? is it Israel? Should I hate all American people because of USA Foreign affairs policy. Answer me this. Do think all Jews are anti-semitic? Just testing your knowledge here to see if you are just a brain dead fuck or a hater for no reason. Why you hate Jews big man? You brought this debate to my table, so come on, debate me on the matter. Many Followers you got? 3? No fucking wonder…
      And no wonder the world is so fucked up because of people like you.. Take your hatred and go take a fuck to yourself. Me and you in a room, all I would need was 30 seconds. Shit you now chief..Fucking disgrace to the human race you..

      Know what? I am not even angry here. Bet your blood is boiling thought.


      So this is where the conversation is at present. I don’t do hatred, I have my thinking, but I live and let live, I just don’t understand this type of person. It may look like I was angry, but honest, nowhere near it. I think this person needs reported. I thought I would bring it up… Fucking Moron! I wish I had my Radio Show up and running so I could get this fucking idiot on. Not angry, just, this thinking starts wars. He/she thinks Jewish people run the world  you see. He/She thinks Jewish people are to blame for all hatred, but his/her words are hate, so he/she is no better.

      I have no words for this

      For anyone that missed it, the hatred is here

The UK, The Conservative Party, Greed and Death, affecting the USA and Australia also! NWO!

Did Thatcher teach nobody anything?

Before I blog, I hardly vote, I seldom do, it is a waste of time. The game, for me is rigged. Many know this, and the good people in the USA only have to look at George Bush Junior and how we won his first term into office. He cheated. I have researched this till the cows come home. And with an ever greedy world, the trend is now hitting people I know and love. I don’t hate, I am not into politics per say, I just don’t like corporate greed. This is a worldwide thing these days. Are you feeling it? do you even see it? A video I re-blogged yesterday was VERY hard hitting and everyone who I know that watched it had a bad word to say about the content. I watched it, and I had a bad word to say about it. Here it is here (Agenda, mainly the USA)

Our world is changing, the video, PLEASE WATCH, may explain why, but the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. These are just my views, but I hope you can see they are educated, well researched views. I hope to get a debate going here, as this effects us ALL worldwide. Even Australia, where a member of Parliament exposed the above video, and the people in it, her name is Ann Bressington, she exposed it all here in the video, in my blog: In this blog I did on the 6th of February I stated Ann knew about the Agenda 21 plan and the club or Rome. All there to RIP US OFF.  Anyone who dismisses this without giving it a glance is denying ignorance, again, just my opinion

I do my research the best I can, so I can present a blog in a way people can then debate. People debate here, so read and debate, THIS needs talked about, and the Video above from Vimeo 100% needs viewed by us all. Sadly one person will say or think “Conspiracy”, a convenient word, and people will look away. I ask you all to at least look at this, and try and see what many are seeing. Including Members of Parliament world wide.

This man was Scottish, was the foreign secretary in the UK , he “DIED” after saying this. I went to High school with his son, this was his claim, while in HIGH office in the UK, Robin Cook (Labour)

Robin Cook, now dead

Robin Cook, now dead

When it comes to Politics I tend to switch off out of boredom, when it comes to people’s lives, I tend to look back and read, or listen and the story below angered me, a lot. Right now the Tories in the UK are slowly and cruelly making it hard for people to live and make ends meet, and forcing young families to give up their homes due to the new “Bedroom Tax” and cuts to many sectors that help the disabled, the old and young families who work. They are slowly taking all the money from the poor, and giving it to the rich.

Where have we all heard this story before?

Margaret Thatcher was an evil woman when she was in charge of the Tories the last time they were in power in the late 1990’s, she used my country, Scotland as a “Guinea Pig” With nuclear energy, new reforms to almost everything, and she also privatised everything from the world famous NHS (National Health Service), the Trains, the Bus’s, industry, she sold the country to make money, and along came black Wednesday when she almost bankrupt the entire country, leading her to sell everything and more I mention above. She really was bad.

I know I have a cheek here, as many countries have it a lot worse, but this is my country but the blog reaches all countries against the “Axis of Evil” and what I am seeing is angering me. I am disabled, I am looked after, and I am fine. But others are not, and this is driving me crazy. Below you can see a story that happened the other day, and this is just one of many we are all hearing. And also below are links for people in the UK to sign petitions to stop this GREED by the Tories. They get wealthy, as do their chums in the “Establishment” while the rest of us struggle. This Tories/Liberal Democrat coalition government is the worst thing to happen to the UK in a very long time.

The last two leaders of the UK were Scotsmen, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, they were not perfect, but they made sure the people who NEEDED HELP got that help. I am talking about Disabled, old people, and ill people here. They were looked after. Sure there were issues over the Armed Forces (Same in the USA) where the “After War” treatment was nonexistent.

I don’t want to venture up any other topic here, just this one. But something I would like everyone to see below. This is the Tories “Groomed for Power” Just have a look


(1) the Hon. Edward Sebastian Grigg, the heir to Baron Altrincham of Tormarton and current chairman of Credit Suisse (UK)

(2) David Cameron – Prime Minister of Britain

(3) Ralph Perry Robinson, a former child actor, designer, furniture-maker

(4) Ewen Fergusson, son of the British ambassador to France, Sir Ewen Fergusson and now at City law firm Herbert Smith

(5) Matthew Benson, the heir to the Earldom of Wemyss and March

(6) Sebastian James, the son of Lord Northbourne, a major landowner in Kent

(7) Jonathan Ford, the-then president of the club, a banker with Morgan Grenfell

(8) Boris Johnson, the-then president of the Oxford Union, now Lord Mayor of London

9) Harry Eastwood, the investment fund consultant

Then we have:


(1) George Osborne,  Chancellor

(2) writer Harry Mount, the heir to the Baronetcy of Wasing and Mr. Cameron’s cousin;

(3) Chris Coleridge, the descendant of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the son of Lloyds’ chairman David Coleridge, the brother of Conde Nast managing director Nicholas Coleridge

(4) German aristocrat and managing consultant Baron Lupus von Maltzahn,

(5) the late Mark Petre, the heir to the Barony of Petre;

(6) Australian millionaire Peter Holmes a Cour;

(7) Nat Rothschild, the heir to the Barons Rothschilds and co-founder of a racy student paper with Harry Mount

(8) Jason Gissing, the chairman of Ocado supermarkets.

Everyone a  Conservative, and everyone went to Eton College, where the SUPER rich go! Some positions may have changed, but this PROVES they were bred for power – Bred for Power, hard pill to take yeah?

Story of the man who died:

The House the man was found dead outside

A tarpaulin, a pillow, a dirty old jacket, a carrier bag and a few worthless items strewn over the veranda of a boarded-up bungalow.

This is where homeless Daniel Gauntlett tried to find shelter through a bitterly cold winter and where, on a freezing night on Saturday, he finally succumbed to the cold.

Mr Gauntlett, 35, was found the next morning by a passer-by who spotted his body from the pavement.

His belongings still left where he died, residents in Hermitage Lane, Aylesford, reacted with sadness to the news and said Mr Gauntlett had become a familiar sight in the street.

And they said the sadness was compounded by the fact he died outside an empty bungalow due to be bulldozed.

Police had reportedly been called previously after he tried to break into the bungalow. And so Mr Gauntlett, had taken the fatal decision to abide by the law.

Derek Bailey, 80, who lives next door, said Mr Gauntlett had not appeared to be in ill health.

“They took him up to the hospital about a fortnight before when they’d found him and social workers got involved,” said Mr Bailey.

“It was just the bitter weather. I know a lot about cold weather because I was in the Canadian army. I’ve known it drop to minus 70 but the trouble with this country is the dampness.”

Bitter conditions saw snowfall across the county on Saturday night, with temperatures of -2C exacerbated by wind-chill.

Another resident said: “He was a very nice man apparently. He used to ask for money but not for drink. He used to buy pasties from the supermarket.

“It was so sad. Especially when the houses are empty.”

An inquest was opened and adjourned on yesterday and confirmed the cause of death was hypothermia.

Mr Gauntlett was the second homeless man to die in Aylesford last weekend.

Douglas Poynton, 45, of no fixed address, died at Forstal Cottages in Forstal Road, on Saturday. The precise medical cause of death is yet to be established.

This story above should shock us all, year 2013  and this STILL happens! This is a GLOBAL issue, and one we MUST educate ourselves on, we must!

Please sign these petitions to oppose savage welfare cuts on the Disabled, the poor and young families.
Save Disability Living Allowance –
Repeal the Welfare Reform Act 2012 –
Mansion Tax to support disabled people –

David Cameron, Hitting the poor HARD!