1408 – Movie Review – Spoiler Alert with Trailer


This is an older movie, made in 2007, released same year

As a lover of all things unknown and fascinated since childhood about the unknown friends usually tell me a good movie to watch, I was told a few nights ago “Watch 1408, you will like it” Thinking nothing about it I downloaded it and forgot about it.

Today was Friday, the day I dislike, was a bit sore, ok in agony, so took some medication, headed to bed, turned on my bedroom laptop thinking what to watch and decided “1408” it is.

The movie is set around a character Mike Enslin, he lost his Daughter and split up with his wife and made his passion looking into the unknown, ghosts,  who stays over night in Haunted hotels and houses etc, the movie starts with him trying a few, slow start. The part is played by an actor I do like, John Cusack and also Samuel L. Jackson is in the movie also, Mike gets lots of flyers for hotels to visit as he is a writer about this subject, in an envelope is the picture above “Do not enter room 1408” He calls to book the room, no go, they won’t rent it to him, ever

Through some Hollywood fictitious rule he manages to book the room through his manger, the Hotel is The Dolphin, a hotel on Lexington Avenue in New York City, Mike enters and is promptly approached by the manger, Gerald Olin (Samuel L. Jackson) who moves heaven and earth to persuade Mike to NOT sleep overnight in room 1408. Gerald warns Mike and shows him old newspaper files and pictures of over 50 people who have died in that room, the Hotel do not advertise the room, but Mike gets in

This is where the movie really takes off, Mike enters saying “It’s just a room” after a warning from the manager just before entering “This is a fucking evil room” Mike laughs as he has heard it all from hotels wanting the tourist trade, but manager Gerald Olin tries very hard to stop Mike, but Mike gets the key

The move takes off when odd things happen, the radio turns on and starts to count down in its clock from an hour backwards, the manager said “Nobody lasted an hour in that room” I was in bed cuddled into the LIsha my dog shyting myself if the truth be told, I think the dog was too, but who knows, all strange things start happening, Mike thinks he has been spiked and is hallucination and tries to leave, the door handle breaks, he tried to throw things out the window, he can’t, he is stuck in the room.

Early in the movie Mile is surfing and gets tossed up by a wave and lands on the beach after being out cold, in the room he things he wins when he emerges in a hospital wife his ex wife who they lost a  10 year old Daughter to and Mike thinks it’s over, but he keeps seeing things, people (Ghosts he had seen in the room) small reminders of the hell he was in, then he goes to the post office to send the book away about what he thought was a dream, only for the post office to turn into the room, he never left the room, he is alone in the room, crying, the his daughter appears, he is stunned, he says “you are not real” but parenthood kicks in and he cuddles her, but she dies, and he screams “I am not losing you twice”  scared, he knows every other person EVER in that room checked out through death, suicide, jumping from the window and worse, he knows he can’t leave so he sets the room on fire and calls the EVIL a bastard, the room burns to the ground and he lives.

Fast forward he is with his wife again, moving home just finishes writing the book for a 2nd time for him, the book, nobody believed in and still didn’t, but in a box he finds a tape recorder, he turned it on and never turned it off when entering the room, everything is recorded, on the tape is the voice of the daughter they both lost, the wife hears it, the camera pans back to Mike, he smiles

He has proof of the dead and his story will be believed

Brilliant movie, 9/10 for me



Once again I have to thank you Word Press



I know I can’t always say “Thank you” or can I? But again, Word Press, yes you, Thank you. Over the weekend I was in a horrible place, it started with this blog and the blog after, 3 blogs:

No pain for two weeks I had.


The pain came back


I was nearly done, you all saved me, and I was VERY close to ending it all


But here I am, Tuesday night, I got so much advice from family and friends, but on here, I got emails, Skype calls, Facebook chats, and I MUST give a big thank you to Rachel @ http://rachieadventures.wordpress.com/ Honey you started talking to me on Facebook after I blogged that last link there. I owe you so much pal it is untrue. You were there telling me what to do, you even got a hold of Dawn and told her about the blog, I thank you, you are a GREAT friend I love having as a friend,

As for everyone else, I counted, over 200 messaged from email, Facebook, etc, I am so lucky to have too many wonderful friends. I won’t say followers, that is, for me, disrespectful, if you are reading this, thank you for being my friend, thank you for caring, thank you for understanding, thank you all for giving me time to adjust to the pain and the medication as it worsens, thank you for making me laugh and smile. It would be very easy to read my blog and see an unhappy person, not at all, I have a stupid sense of humour and laughter is the order of the day.

So to you all, again, thank you. I love   Word Press it came to me when I needed it. I made an award on March 4th this year. I offer it to you for free. You can if you wish give it to 10 others, but PLEASE ACCEPT “The Word Pres Family Award” This was my reason for creating it:

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @ http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/

Please accept this award: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/21/the-wordpress-family-award/


Please accept this Award above and thank you once more for showing what only Word Press can, love, compassion, a caring side, a ruthless side, the 3rd blog I posted many gave me a hard time for even thinking that. So thank you for putting me in my place.

More Love

Less hate








Good Morning, evening and good night

blog pic 1




For the last 4 days or so the pain in my body has been awful. I would like to say sorry for this blog here http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/08/04/no-human-should-have-to-live-like-this-so-unfair/

It was ill timed and stupid, the pain got the best of me at a time I was the only one up, had this been 3pm, Dawn or someone would have been around to help. I was alone, and in a stupid place in my mind. I have had emails from family, friends and people who read my blog and some of them were honest. So I will say sorry. But listen, sometimes we all just have to get stuff out our mind and onto a site or whatever. This is all I was doing.

So, I hope wherever you are that you are ok and if I pissed you off, I am sorry x



I get hit on my a Woman on Word Press, I say no, and I am the B@stard. Help please?


I have been going to do this blog all weekend and decided to do it, Remeber this blog I did? http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/04/why-do-people-have-to-be-hurtful/ I will explain why I did it here as I am more upset than angry, also very confused, I come here for many things, Sex is NOT one of the reasons , I am happily Married! ffs..

I got hit on by a Woman on Word Press. I blogged it here http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/04/why-do-people-have-to-be-hurtful/ I got a lot of good advice I guess I was already aware about, so thank you, but I have ended up the BAD BASTARD for saying no. I am a happily married man with kids in a brilliant life with an amazing partner. This woman who I looked to as a BRILLIANT friend told me had feelings for me. I was taken aback. I said maybe we are soul mates (In Scotland my Dad could be my Soul mate) but in the sense as just good friends. So translation issues? Apart from that I kept saying “NO, ALL WE CAN BE IS FRIENDS” Had I been single there was still no chance anything happening, the woman lives 10,000 miles away or something.

I remember the night she told me had feelings for me and I said, and she will remember this “I will end up the Bastard here you know that” And I did. I did not lead her on; she knows I am happily married, so why hit on me? Who is at fault here?

Me for saying no because I am happily married?

She for hitting on me KNOWING I am with Dawn and the woman has a Husband and Kid

I got the most confusing message I had to delete a comment last night on a blog saying “Leave her alone” I was like “WHAT THE FUCK” I wasn’t touching her. I had been leaving replies on her blog; I even did a blog on her called “Friend/Bloggers to show her we still were friends. I gave her awards as I did before. As far as I was concerned we were friends. But the message from her friend said

Stop emailing her – I wasn’t

Stop replying to her blogs – I didn’t know I wasn’t to

Stop sending her Awards – Again I had no Idea I was not to

And bluntly and very rudely told “Leave her Alone”


So to say I am upset is an understatement, again, re-read this blog http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/04/why-do-people-have-to-be-hurtful/ this was on the back of what happened. I knew I was being ignored by a friend, but had done nothing wrong.

Why is it the Man us ALWAYS THE BASTARD? Please, someone, anyone, tell me why…

I never asked to be hit on, I never asked for this woman to talk to me behind her Husband’s back. Dawn has seen all chat between us. My partner knows I trust her. I have all the conversations still on Facebook chat, but not on email, as I can’t remember an email happening.


I did not come here to find romance, I did not come here to cheat on Dawn, I did not come here to sit and speak to girls behind Dawns back. I speak to say 30 Woman on Skype Audio when Dawn is in the same room. Never an issue. I love some people on here, men and woman; this is why I do this


I AM FUCKING HURT HERE! I am the bad bastard and I done nothing wrong. Anyone who TRULY knows me will know I am a decent lad who comes here to share my story and my pain and also have fun and 100% MAKE FRIENDS. I NO!!!!!!!!!!!! At the start.

Please, someone, why am I the bad guy, when A FUCKING MARRIED WOMAN HITS ON ME AND I SAY NO? I am not angry; I am hurt and upset as this woman got her friend to tell me to leave her alone. I am now worried what other shit she has told or said.

Things like this will make me stop blogging, 100% I came here to escape worries and help people, be helped, have fun and just be a friend to men and woman, I am don’t get why the man is always the bastard.

If you are reading this, I am sorry, all you had to do was say “I don’t want to speak to you”

This is not fair, all this has done is make me thing twice about blogging if people are going to get hurt, me being one, I hate nobody, even now

Stuck on an Island for 2 days, I was 16, best time of my life

Spike Island's big dance scene


Just reading a blog by Victoria there http://furrynuff.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/the-blonde-was-called-freedom-the-dark-one-enterprise/comment-page-1/#comment-3065

Reminded me of the time about 20/30 of me and my friends got stuck on an Island in the River Forth for 2 days due to over sleeping and the tide. We were all about 15/16, we had beer, cannabis, LOUD MUSIC, Peace and quiet and lots of fun. The blog was similar, but it reminded me of my story, and this song. As I approach 40 (I know, I know) I am looking back with ease to my youth when a Shit I did not give. Just fun and “School?” what’s School? We just partied hard and got terribly drunk and just danced for two days. If truth be told, I don’t think we wanted to be saved, I think we all could happily have lived on that island and in that moment for all of time.

Being  young, some took it for granted, some never, I certainly never, I lived it to its fullest, I think I knew going to be a Dad the next year I had to just enjoy every second of what I had left of my childhood. It was amazing, we really could have stayed the night, over and over, so here is the song to go with the story

Here is to staying young while getting old lol, this song just takes me right back there

The Purge – Movie Review (Spoiler Alert)


Just sat through “The Purge” I expected a movie with a script that would lead the movie in one direction, it never. I didn’t think I would actually like this movie, I did.

It was disturbing at times, as I believe there was a message in the Movie about the USA. I am still trying to figure it out. But for 12 hours of every year people can Purge “Kill or Rob anything” or they can sit in a protected home and watch the events live on TV like some reality show. I found that bit the area of the movie where the message came from.

The movie is centred on one family. James Sandin (Played by Ethan Hawke) are to spend Purge Night alone in their r secure home. The Father James is a salesman; he sells house protection for the Purge.

The movie kicks in when the son who is about 15 years old lets in a man who has been shot to help him. The Family discover what he kid has done, the father James tries to get the man to leave but he escapes into the huge house. Soon a gang 20 or people arrive, demanding the family release the man the son let in, so they could “Purge him” They were killing him and he escaped, till the son let him into the family home.

The group of purge’s set a time for the family to release the injured stranger and when they don’t they manage to force into the home. The father, mother, daughter and son are all split up in this big expensive house, the family are in the dark as the Purges outside turned off the electricity. The time for releasing the man they want to purge the man the kid let in passes and they manage to get into the house by ripping the metal on the doors and windows from the house.

They enter the house, the Father kills a few as the killers now want to kill the stranger and the family in the house, just as the group look like they have them all and are about to kill them a group of neighbours appear and kill the purge’s who were going to kill the family.

Then just as you think they are safe, the neighbours announce to the family they are going to purge the family. They are all local neighbours the family knows, and their reason is the father has made millions selling the home safety devices. Just as the neighbours are about to kill the family, the stranger who the boy let in appears from hiding, as he had been the whole time and kills one of the 4  neighbours. He asked the family if he can kill them all, they say no.

So 3 twists in the movie I didn’t expect, the family sit with guns pointed at the neighbours till 7am till the Purge is over siren is sounded. Then the family allow them to leave. I didn’t expect that. A very disturbing movie to say the last, it was better than I thought it would have been

But there is a message in this movie and it is real, I am still trying to figure it out



Time Riders – The Book Series




I am ashamed to say I never read a book as an adult until the end of 2012, my Gran always said “Reading is good for you” I never listened. As I started to write, at first about sport, now about myself and life, I thought I should read.

Being big on Time Travel someone told me to give “Time Riders” a try, and boy I was not disappointed. I am on the 3rd book off 7; I have all 7 books on my Kindle App on my Samsung Tablet. The first book “Time Riders” was brilliant; the characters revolve around 3 main people, a robot/man and a Robot/girl and in the 1st book a man called Foster who recruited all 3 before they were to die.

Liam Conner was on the Titanic about to die when saved by Foster in the year 1912

Maddy Carter was on a plane about to crash when saved in the year 2010

Sal Vikram was in a burning building and was saved before the building fell in the year 2026

Also we have the “Support Units” Bob and Becks who are made in a big tube; they are like super strong and are basically walking super computers with abnormal strength



Being into Time Travel, the concept of how we could alter time by travelling back and the consequences of what Earth would be like on our return in what this book is about and sometimes the storyline is breathtaking

From someone who never read a book since school till now all I can say is, if you like to read, if Time Travel interests you, please give these books a look over. The 8th book dye out late 2013 is about the Mayans and I can’t wait!

Time Riders is simply amazing……. Watch the videos for more