Good Morning? Word Press



It is 05:00am Monday morning as I type, I went to bed on Saturday night, I am confused, sore, dizzy, but that is lack of medication. I had some 20 minutes ago when I got through to the Kitchen. My son was leaving for work, having to walk 2 mile in the dark and I couldn’t even give him a lift in the car, I am too sore, so I feel bad just now, all upset with my little self, it will pass

I had a dream, it lasted almost the two days it seemed, or day and a half, the world had been taken over by someone, there was strict laws in place, we were not allowed to do things and people were getting shot all over the place, there was an underground movement I had joined in this stupid dream. It was so real, then I woke up not knowing where I was for while, 10 minutes say, I was all over the place, couldn’t find the toilet, trying not to wake the kids up, and then it all came back, I was dreaming about Syrian, I was  Syrian I think. The dream was real

I also missed another day with everyone, my Mum visited yesterday and I missed her, I feel bad about that also. I feel bad about too much right now. But that is what comes with the territory of living in pain; there is no escape, only acceptance and having to deal with things.

It is taking me so long to type this it is untrue, my hands are shaking, but it will pass, I get this when I have been asleep two days and had no medication, it sucks but it will pass

I hope you are all fine, I hope you all had a good weekend, I just wish I could ask my own family this first, but you are as good as family to me now. Looking at it as the pain goes away a little and I wake up more, I wasn’t in pain for a while there, I was dreaming

Keep it real

More love, less hate


I had a dream last night ……



I had this dream where there was no Wars, no governments, no countries, just The World. It was so believable to me, It lasted days in my sleep, life was just innocent, there was no marriage, just people coupled up and in love, no boundaries, no passports, no police, because there were no bad people and no religion, but people did look to a higher being called “Sketch” lol. I know, sounds stupid and was just a dream. People got upset if you asked about this higher being “Sketch” FFS….

There was one language, English, but everyone spoke my English, Scottish version. In my dream I got on trains, but they were not trains like what we know, they were underwater, they took you anywhere in seconds. Something to do with magnets

I travelled the world, I went to Egypt and stood below the great Pyramid, I remember falling to my knees crying, as if this is where I needed to be, there was no war, social issue, no money, people just went into shops and took things and a person scanned your card, and said “Have a nice day”

What the fuck was this dream? Hope?  In this dream there were cars, but they flew inches from the ground, there was no planes in this dream, I asked someone and they looked at me in a strange way, it was like I was new to this planet, but it was the same as this one, same place different ways, I remember in my dream thinking “Is this a dream” I remember asking the girl I was with,  she was beautiful, if I was dreaming, she said “No, when you fall asleep, you will be dreaming tonight” Meaning when I fell asleep in my dream, what I am doing right now is the dream.

It was so real, I felt emotion, love, the spirit of goodwill, people wore almost the same clothes, almost like Star Trek, people were nice, I remember in my dream saying, I hope this isn’t a dream.

Crazy huh

In the dream, EVERY house looked like this one, I just did a Google search “Utopian World” This house came up, and these were the houses in my dream. There was no TV, Radio or internet I could see. But there was technology; I guess I forgot a lot, people carried phones, but they were just in the ear, to answer you just said “Hallo” , it seemed to last for days, it was odd but real, also I wasn’t disabled, where was a game, but old people played it more, they had to throw this ball through a hole in the wall, all I can remember lol

Everything  looked like this

Everything looked like this

I have this dream every night, I go back in time



It is 10pm here in the UK, I just slept for like 20 hours, awoke at 8pm or something

I will tell the truth here, I have dreams, every night that progress as I do, or sorry, as I was. I am around 14 years old in my dreams. When I fall asleep here, for real, I awake in my bed as a 14 year old kid, I remember things, same room, same shit going on, same friends, school, the lot, and I fall asleep and relive my youth

I play football, I run fast, I am a milk boy at the time, and I used to deliver milk in the mornings. But I no matter the time I fall asleep here, I awake in the morning there. And when I go to bed there, I wake up here.

I am a little confused, I have had no medication in a day and a half as a write this, but this has been going on now for a few years. In my dream I am aware of this dream, me the disabled old man.  But as I am a kid I laugh it off in my mind and go and do what 14 year olds do. Play football. I come home, I see violence, and I just go to bed as I remember doing, sometimes crying myself to sleep and then wake up here.

I am at the stage where I do not know what reality is real. Then I take my medication here, and then I don’t care.

How fucked up is that.

I am putting a Trade Mark ™ © (Shaun’s idea) on the blog here

This is a book in the making. I am so confused. So now I go and take medication.

Then reality will set in. It takes me a while to remember who I know here, who I talk to, just an hour or so after waking up. I feel like I have not slept, I am still tired and I just slept like 20 hours!

I need some medication. So then I can be this again, I seem to be one


An Edinburgh Song, a song inspired by my city

Edinburgh  Castle in the background

Edinburgh Castle in the background

I love music and just then my son showed me a YouTube video about Edinburgh, the song is sung in a VERY East Coast dialect and shows the beauty of my City. Edinburgh has its bad places, but the City is wonderful, the people amazing and it is a city about festivals and theatre and history

I hope you listen to the song, some parts many may not understand, but the song is about a lad from Edinburgh, what he did, what he did wrong, love, hate, being happy, and living in Edinburgh, and he also is Chasing Dreams, this would be the biggest message in the song

Enjoy my City, and good luck understanding the song

Please try and watch, if anything it shows my City and how much history there is, the message in the song is strong, I hope people get the meaning. I know these lads a bit and they are gaining some momentum in Edinburgh.

Love and Peace

We all love where we live, do we?

We all love where we live, do we?