May God have mercy on all our souls


As rumours start to appear online of missiles being fired in the Mediterranean Sea

We now hold our breaths and ask what now, what next, can there be no talking? Is this it? Russia have warned the USA to wait till UN sanctions any action saying “If proven we will join you” I am praying right now that the USA wait for such action to be allowed by the World community

Should the USA and France go it alone, the UK have said they will in any aid effort only, thankfully, then the wrath of many countries will come down on both the USA and France. The UN’s findings have proven it was a chemical attack, what isn’t clear is where they were fired from, and by whom

The USA must allow that to be known, Russia say they are looking into evidence also

Russia had this to say

Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

I said in a blog last week, are we being lied to as to where these chemical weapons where launched from and I am starting to see the Russian side of things a bit more. America (The Government) have lied to go to War before, the UK who joined them last time opted out

Take a big deep breath everyone, we are closer than ever to a very bad time in Human history, worse than any of us know, China, Iran, Russia and tons of small countries will act against any unofficial attack, the USA are not the World’s police, they should act WITH the International community, as should France

I hate this World sometimes; WWIII is as close as it has ever been, we allowed it to happen, we sat back and done nothing. Some nations people have the ability to stand against their Government, we do in the UK but nobody did a damn thing, only a small few loan voices tried to tell the World “You are being lied to” People will want to listen VERY soon
