Deciding what blogs to follow, what is your method? Please reply

This is ACTUALLY me deciding what blogs to follow, Dawn took the picture for me, I love that Woman soooo much x

This is ACTUALLY me deciding what blogs to follow, Dawn took the picture for me, I love that Woman soooo much x ps: Did I mention this? 


After 7 (Seven) am here, been up all night, sore, tired, pissed off, grumpy, won my league on Football manager “Stupid Game I play”  Watched  2 movies, printed out some pictures from the last week, downloaded several albums of my choice and liking, downloaded Pacific Rim and did a 3,000 word blog for a friend from “Another blogging site that is Shit” about the death of James Gandolfini that I can’t share here, I also took my dog a walk into the dark woods shyting myself I was, had a 2 hour  Skype chat with a mate, helping funeral arrangements for a friend, saved the World and some other shit also, decent night in with Lisha



Also I read and replied to 200 blogs or so best I could, nice to be nice you know, some good people here, so nice to visit their blogs also, I do slack on that, 1st to admit it, but I am trying I hope people can see. And then it spawned this here blog like magic from a clown’s pocket

SO, what is your process in following blogs and replying to blogs?

Easy answer on the face of it really, but the answer will depend on how many people you follow, how many people you like, who talks shit and who doesn’t ( I am joking, pull your tights up) Also for me, and most crucial, who talks back, who likes and who really tries to speak back to me. For me I find it almost impossible to talk to everyone and I feel like a bastard for it if I am being honest, and I know I shouldn’t and deep down I guess I don’t but it is “Rude” to not try yeah?

I mean I am followed by 1,000 people (Really am thankful, truly am), it really is 985 people, sorry, 2 people sadly un-followed me, so 983 and going down, but 15 followed me the last two days, so it goes up and down, same for us all. I am upset however, I will need time to adjust x

This is not me

This is not me

So I find it REALLY impossible to get around all the people who speak to me. So here is what I do, this is my method (Still upset over them 2 followers by the way) 😦 poor show there 😦 DEEPLY WOUNDED I AM! Actually I got 2 HATE Emails today, one was about pictures again, same f@cknugget and one was saying I disrespect GOD! Even though I say often “I HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD” And say “More Love, Less Hate” Because I mean it, I care, I  give a shit, I really do care, I want a better World, then you get these people I do feel VERY SAD for people? who email people and give them a hard time over how to cook an egg and how a blog about spiders offended them to tears, I mean, get a life FFS, Really, but I am on several Social Media sites, Word Press is 100% the best by a LARGE mile, it is full of really nice and honest people, it has it’s moments, same as my Dog, but without bad moments we can’t appreciate the good moments, I hope you agree. I mean this is the Internet, real life exists and this is where I come to tell my story, vent, and care and show respect, there is NO place like it on the Internet I have found, and I know, what? about 43 sites all in, maybe more



Moving on, I made a bookmark folder called “Word Press Friends” and what I do is, when people, like, just an example here Andrea from  started following me and speaking to me, I made sure she was in this bookmark folder, so I open the bookmark folder and edit it from time to time. There are a few people in the 6 months I have been REALLY blogging here who “Like” everything and NEVER speak, so pointless having them in that folder, BUT I DO GO TO READER AND CHECK THEIR BLOG! Honest, so this bookmark folder I edit lets me know who I am communicating with as I have the same memory as one of them gold coloured things that splash about and swim in that wet stuff from taps?

So it is a way I found of keeping in contact with people who make an effort to keep in contact and have fun with me and discuss any old stuff, like Charles @ “You should Follow Charles by the way, Brilliant Writer and blogger” And I also make the effort to speak back, but listen (sorry read) I do try and visit blogs that NEVER speak back or like my blogs but follow my blog, I often get an Award and give it to people that follow me and try make some kind of contact, sometimes you give an Award, accepted, or “Sorry I don’t do Awards” or NOTHING.  I mean if someone gives you an Award at least say “Thank’s anyway, Awards are not my thing” I stopped Awards for a while, but I stopped meeting new people, so started again, and they are good fun to be fair yeah? Some take 3 months, some 5 minutes, but we blog, so an Award is a blog also, but I fully respect everyone’s opinions and ways, you have to in life, within reason!

All good fun Word Press














How do you go about keeping your contacts and you talking? I use Skype a lot, email also, I have a lot of people I met on here on Face book now, like Andrea above, also get following her, amazing blogger and very funny also.

What is your process Word Press?




I invented this bad boy because I love you ALL! Please feel free to accept this Award, just take it, please help yourself, it is Monday, cheer yourself up, go on! 


PS: This was a serious blog with a hint of fun, 🙂 Cheers!

How do you value Money?


I hope this blog’s intentions are debated they way I intended the blog to be. This blog isn’t about having money, or being poor; it’s a moral question of “How do you value money”

For me Money is evil, I hate it and it makes people to horrendous things. When I was 16 my Dad was a Millionaire, he was loaded. I am comfortable myself. I never used to be.

But I hate money. It made my Mum and Dad split up. I hate money because it changes nice people into “Keeping up with the next Door neighbour” type of people. “They got double glazing, we must get treble glazing” This is how money works wish some

Our world is FUCKED because of money, there is NO argument you can throw at me to sway me on this one. It is about Money and Power our World. So if we are to speak in a Moral way, Money is a hateful thing that can cause hatred and worse, people will becomes Evil for a few pounds/Dollars/Euros

But we all need some. I know a person who had NOTHING once, he then had it all, and killed himself, and the money ruined him. If you are not born into REAL MONEY it will and can ruin you. I have some money. I am careful with it. But I made a vow to Dawn that I would give her a roof over her head and feed our kids, I kept that promise, same as most Men do.

I waste money, I am terrible with it. This month I bought a £400 Laptop and a £300 Samsung Tablet. Sheer stupidity, because I did not need either, because I live in pain, I often spend to make me pain free for a few hours, that is all it does, gives me a few hours of pain relief because my mind is all focused on my “New thing” You should have seen me when I got my 62 Inch TV! I was like a child. My mate Davie has a bigger TV and he is a bastard for it (Joking if you are reading Dave, lol)

In a world fast running out of the resources needed to keep the people on it alive I wonder if these rich greedy bastards will eat their money when there are no fish left in the sea and nothing left to eat, as this is the way it is going. I grew up with a picture, my Dad had it my whole childhood. It was this one here below, I can’t believe I found this, I grew up seeing this ever day


As I was a kid and my Dad would throw £10 at me most days I often thought “That is Ironic Dad” but I guess as I got older and he got older we both talk about it now and I get it now. He wasn’t a Money greedy man; he did actually work for it. It was what he did when he had it, but that is another blog.

I know some people sit at their PC and complain they are poor. Ahh, now wait. Sit at a PC, Online and say they are poor. You see the Irony there. If you are so poor, don’t have internet, cut your cloth to suit your needs would be something someone else might say, NOT ME! I am paraphrasing here, but your Government, I know mine in the UK will tell us this. You have the internet, a roof, food, so you have enough, while they go and do illegal oil and arm’s deal’s and make money WHILE IN OFFICE. How fucked up. Go check Dick Chayne and George Bush and Halliburton and try not to be angry. I know how much my Country makes because of our Oil fields.

This here is fucking poor, an Iconic picture of the reality of what money has done to us as a species, it is wrong, it is backwards, the WORLD did live  aid 30 years ago, each year the UK alone raises $100M to help Africa, I know other nations do also. We see the odd clip of how it helps, but BILLIONS have been raised, TAX FREE to give to  Africa, why are we still giving when, for example, The USA just gave a Muslim Country $1Billion in Aid? Backwards yes? At the same time as my country take disabled benefit from EVERYONE, Even ex service men and woman. And the USA clamps down on food stamps. Something is VERY wrong with Money I hope you agree. Yeah we need it, but be careful what you wish for, if you are happy and managing, why fix something that is not broken. I know too many stories where money has ruined a person or a family, being happy is being happy. I have seen people who are unhappy, were given money, and then realised the lack of money was not the reason they were unhappy, they were just unhappy. Money may “may” give you peace of mind, but it won’t make you happy if you are not. There you get smart people who come across money and they use it with wisdom and change many lives.



Next time you sit at your table to eat while watching TV ask yourself a simple question, what makes you happy, your money, or your family, me? I would sleep in a box in the street with my Family. Money is there, big deal, take it, I will still smile. I fucking do hate these bastard bankers who rob us all blind and then we bail them out with paying Tax, we pay tax on everything apart from breathing, I often wonder when that Tax will start. So how do you value money? Simple Question

More Love, Less Hate
