How Scotland Invented the Modern World


How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe’s Poorest Nation Created Our World and Everything in It

Who formed the first modern nation?
Who created the first literate society?
Who invented our modern ideas of democracy and free market capitalism?
= The Scots.Mention of Scotland and the Scots usually conjures up images of kilts, bagpipes, Scotch whisky, and golf. But as historian and author Arthur Herman demonstrates, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries Scotland earned the respect of the rest of the world for its crucial contributions to science, philosophy, literature, education, medicine, commerce, and politics—contributions that have formed and nurtured the modern West ever since.

Arthur Herman has charted a fascinating journey across the centuries of Scottish history. He lucidly summarizes the ideas, discoveries, and achievements that made this small country facing on the North Atlantic an inspiration and driving force in world history. Here is the untold story of how John Knox and the Church of Scotland laid the foundation for our modern idea of democracy; how the Scottish Enlightenment helped to inspire both the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution; and how thousands of Scottish immigrants left their homes to create the American frontier, the Australian outback, and the British Empire in India and Hong Kong.

How the Scots Invented the Modern World reveals how Scottish genius for creating the basic ideas and institutions of modern life stamped the lives of a series of remarkable historical figures, from James Watt and Adam Smith to Andrew Carnegie and Arthur Conan Doyle, and how Scottish heroes continue to inspire our contemporary culture, from William “Braveheart” Wallace to James Bond.

Victorian historian John Anthony Froude once proclaimed, “No people so few in number have scored so deep a mark in the world’s history as the Scots have done.” And no one who has taken this incredible historical trek, from the Highland glens and the factories and slums of Glasgow to the California Gold Rush and the search for the source of the Nile, will ever view Scotland and the Scots—or the modern West—in the same way again. For this is a story not just about Scotland: it is an exciting account of the origins of the modern world and its consequences.

“The point of this book is that being Scottish turns out to be more than just a matter of nationality or place of origin or clan or even culture. It is also a state of mind, a way of viewing the world and our place in it. . . . This is the story of how the Scots created the basic idea of modernity. It will show how that idea transformed their own culture and society in the eighteenth century, and how they carried it with them wherever they went. Obviously, the Scots did not do everything by themselves: other nations—Germans, French, English, Italians, Russians, and many others—have their place in the making of the modern world. But it is the Scots more than anyone else who have created the lens through which we see the final product. When we gaze out on a contemporary world shaped by technology, capitalism, and modern democracy, and struggle to find our place as individuals in it, we are in effect viewing the world as the Scots did. . . . The story of Scotland in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is one of hard-earned triumph and heart-rending tragedy, spilled blood and ruined lives, as well as of great achievement.”

An American Coach in London – Hilarious Video

CD Chivas de Guadalajara v Los Angeles Galaxy

Beckham went to the USA for one thing, Money, he was RUBBISH in Europe when he went to the USA, Finished at the top level



No disrespect here, but American Football. I don’t like, it is to slow, lack of skill, and they wear enough protection to take on a Bull. Aussie Rules and Rugby are just as rough, but they wear the same as a Soccer player would, no protection. Soccer (Football to the rest of the World) is the Worlds  number one sport by a LONG way, also, the “World Series of Baseball” Anyone?





Gaelic football is more popular than American football! WOW! lol




LA Lakers are TINY



Not even a sport close, the LA Lakers are TINY in the grand scheme of world sports.

Anyway, this video below will show you how an American football Manager would Manager a Soccer Team. (I would be the same other way around)

FC Feyenoord players/fans unite in tribute to dying fan

Rooie Marck sadly passed days after this heart wrenching display of humility

Rooie Marck sadly passed days after this heart wrenching display of humility

FEYENOORD FC  (Holland) fan Rooie Marck’s dying wish was to see his team in action one last time, but he didn’t expect the reception that awaited him at the De Kuip Stadium.

FOR lifelong Feyenoord fanatic Rooie Marck it was already a dream come true, the chance to see his heroes in the flesh one last time.

Diagnosed with terminal cancer and given just days to live, his friends arranged a special visit to one of the club’s pre-season training sessions with Rooie the guest of honour, going into the De Kuip Stadium on his hospital bed.

What he didn’t expect was the incredible welcome that awaited him.

Thousands of the club’s fans had packed into the ground behind one of the goals and lit flares and sang his name before unveiling a banner in his honour.

They then joined in a chorus of ‘You’ll never Walk Alone’ as the first team players, led by manager Ronald Koeman, went across to meet him.

Completely overwhelmed, Rooie then goes across to thank his fellow supporters.

Tragically he passed away just days after the visit, which was filmed by his friends. To watch the footage, click on the player below



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I have seen many wonderful things happen in Football in my life, this has to be up there with the best, touching, amazing, and singing “you’ll never walk alone” is a BIG thing in Europe, 10/10 for Feyenoord here for this, to grant a person’s dying wish to see his players and sing with his fans moments/days before his passing is an amazing thing. RIP Rooie Marck


NFL – Reebok Fantasy Football Commercial (WTF)


I am not the biggest American Football fan in the World, it is Rugby with a whole lot of help, I will show you what I mean, and Rugby is SORE to play, very sore!!  I did boxing as a kid and I wouldn’t play Rugby they are maniacs, this picture explains why, just my opinion, but the Video below..WOW! I can only BOW to the skill!

You know, I don't like either sports, but they are as rough as each other, check the gear, just a strip missing

You know, I don’t like either sports, but they are as rough as each other, check the gear, just a strip missing, Gum shield to the right, says it all

This video is FUCKING WOW! American Football, or as we call it “Hand Egg” check these lads. haha!

How to act as a Coach and Parent in any Sport. My thoughts through seeing bad moments

Sadly this happens, and we wonder why kids walk away from Sport

Sadly this happens, and we wonder why kids walk away from Sport


As many know I done football (Soccer for the people if the USA only lol) for 15 years, I started with kids  at 6/7 year old and done right through to adults, and ran my own club with 9 teams in it called Gorgie Hearts we had our own You Tube channel  that is still there, brilliant days, then I went and worked at a very high level, East of Scotland level, where I had to stop around 2 years ago when the pain become too much. This is my story here So I think I have enough experience to speak my mind here

I had 20 chances to go back to really high levels and had to say no, I had an agreement in place for this season, but after a Dr’s examination I was told it be best not to commit to the club so I had to tell the club it was not possible, I let myself, the kids, the parents and the club down, but I rather do this at that time than wait till the season had started, but I live in hope, with experience and 15 years doing behind me, as I have just turned 40 years old I can one day go back and help with this problem, as now I can’t as much as I like to

This blog is about kids’ football, or kids sport even, whatever. How we treat kids and how parents live their own dreams out through their kids. I did a 5,000 word blog on this the other day for a friend, so this is the small version, edited just to see the thoughts of anyone here on how we treat our kids in and through sport. I am talking kids as young as 5 and as old as 15

I have seen kids being sworn it and hit by parents for underachieving, and each time I seen it I stepped in and reported the person to the SFA (Scottish Football Association) to make sure we don’t have these people involved in sport and with kids. Kids at any sport, be them young boys or girls should be allowed to make their mistakes and learn from them. When we don’t allow this to happen, we bring fear to the kids and then in turn they are afraid when it comes to the comment of competition or playing the sport.

As parents, coaches or people we must always step in and make sure these parents and coaches are not allowed to do this. How a parent that treats a kid badly in-front of 200 people acts with their kids behind closed doors has always been a worry to me. But I guess that is a blog for another time and place. Nobody owns sport, so we are all the custodians of how it goes forward and what it becomes.

Whatever the sport, be them 5 or 15 years old, be them boys or girls, we must protect them. If it means becoming disliked for it, then all I can say it, I would rather be disliked for doing the right things in life than standing back and being afraid to be the one who says “NO, THIS IS WRONG”

Just my thoughts on kids in sport

Here are some awful videos of such moments I have seen myself


Some of need to watch these 2 videos and have a long, hard, look in the mirror

Ray Winston (Actor) Respect Videos

Today, after my “Hurting Daddy here” Yesterday, the Fight just started


19 Trophies is not enough!

I did the above blog yesterday, this I said this:

So here I am, 2:30 am nearly, I slept for a day or so, then woke up late Monday night. I am not up alone all night, but that is not what bothers me when this happens, it was another day I never seen my kids. I hate having this bastard Chronic Pain Syndrome

It kills me, it hurts me. We had a family chat, just my wife and two sons on Sunday night and we debating how my Disability I feel is making things hard for Dawn, Dean and Ryan (Partner and two sons) But they all told me not to be silly. I said “Hard not to think like this” So we got somewhere with my stupid thinking.

I don’t suffer depression; I just get depressed due to the pain. Another day my two daughters never seen Daddy.

About these two x

Courtney and Chloe, just LOVE 'em

Courtney and Chloe, just LOVE ’em


This morning I DRAGGED my backside out of bed about 9 AM, had a brilliant sleep. Was speaking to my friend Mer @ late last night with one eye open STRUGGLING to make sense of what was being typed, I was in a lot of pain. And usually I would sit in pain and make things worse feeling sorry for Shaun the idiot I am. Thinking the world owes me some shit, which is doesn’t, Mer said “Shaun go to Bed” same as Dawn and my Son usually do, so I actually took advice from people. I went to bed, had a brilliant sleep, woke up early and was in less pain also. Seen my Daughters, this is my oldest Daughter Courtney’s last day at Nursery till August, so I got to see that today, I gave her a little kiss “Have a good day sweetie” she replied “Love you Daddy, see you after Nursery” 

My heart melted lol

I said in yesterdays blog I a going to fight, I am going to claw, and snarl at life now, I am not going to take this sitting down any more, the pain I mean. The bad sleeping pattern it causes, sitting at the PC all night fucked up on Tablets unable to close my eyes. I am going to take the Sleeping tablet and go to bed at a normal time more so I can spend time with my kids. I know I just did like 4 blogs in 2 hours here, but I can type as fast as I can talk (Really, lol) so it looks like I am here a lot, in reality I am not. I have been to the shops and took my youngest daughter Chloe with me. So today was better. I demand it from myself. I demand I live better. The video below WAS me, a leader of men. I can see many rolling their eyes when they read this, but you have all seen the Football blogs:  < That blog hurt me more than a lot of things in life. So many is stupid Football (Soccer, the real type of football) To me it is my sanctuary, I need to be there. So I am going to try again. I have 15 years behind me as a Manager winning 19 trophies, so I will aim for next season, and the guy in the  video below will appear again in a dressing room near me one day. I ain’t taking this lying down no more, I am fighting. I am doing this. I am going to keep walking my new Dog Lisha, I have a slight break in the bone at the back of my knee and a hairline fracture in my foot, but I pushed through the pain today, so this guy in the video, this “I know” LEADER OF MEN is coming back, I won’t take this life, Shaun is fighting for his life here, I have a battle to win. And I will win it, with the help of my family and friends  and my football staff friends, the lad you are about to listen to will return. I will make this happen

Right life, the battle is on, you better be good, because Shaun is fucking bringing it big time, I WILL BEAT YOU!! 


enough already!


To Sleep or not to Sleep, that is not the question


Tonight as I sat with one eye opened trying to write my 2nd guest blog of the day as I am very famous and in such demand, it dawned on me as I sat there.

I am an idiot. It was one of those profound moments when you “Just know” it comes to you like a headache in the shower with soap in your eyes. I fell asleep for an hour at my Kitchen table half way through replying to someone on Facebook. I woke up when I heard Dawn say “Are you awake”

Yeah the same kind of question you ask to a lion “Are you Hungry” as you sit next to it. I have a strange existence me. I am SHATTERED right now but this throbbing pulse from my left knee is like getting ice cream thrown down the back of your t-shirt, it just is annoying

Strange it is, tonight I feel I could just go to bed and crash “sleep” very easily but I can’t as the Ice Cream feeling is hitting me. There is no ice cream; I am using the ice cream as a metaphor for something that keeps me awake.

I could have used the “A cat taking a shit on my face” but I didn’t want to lower the tone you see, I mean I am a nice person, and the last thing I want to be speaking about is cats taking a shit on my face. It smacks of desperation for seeking attention, and this man-child here is not the kind of lad to say things to get attention, it is just not my style. I have never had a cat have a jobby on my face, although I have had a cat pee in my football boots once, I went to football and I was mortified, as people were looking at me as if I had just taken a shit myself in their Mothers handbags due to the cat pee smell. Anyone who knows me well knows I am not the kind of guy to even make funny jokes like this; they lack taste and a certain respect towards my friends Mothers and their hand bags. And I am a GOOD friend.

The worst think I have even done to a friend was spit in a condom and leave it in his jacket pocket a week before he got married, he got beaten slightly, but once I owned up I then got beaten slightly also, and told never to visit again, and I wish I could, I left my watch at their house 😦

See life is all about respect, like respect for Dolphins, as a species, I do not feel us humans show enough respect to the Dolphin. I knew a brilliant Dolphin once called Gary, he was BRILLIANT at Golf, he had a handicap I think it was 9, not bad for a Dolphin.

Anyway, we need to respect things more in this world. Even Spiders and bee’s, I am not saying we should respect wasps as they are just nasty bastards. Bees give us honey and Spiders help keep fly movement down in the home.

Life is all about respect people. We should think about this more often, my friend Keith below is respectful of all things and likes to find things out for himself. I respect him for it, he challenges life to the MAX you know, when things need done, KEITH IS THERE! No messing around, no fake stuff, no farting about, he just gets the job done


Feck it, Feck It, Feck it!

I am Scottish/Irish!

I am Scottish/Irish!

Over the last week I have been on HEAVY Morphine. I poured it down the sink this morning. Enough, I was getting some heat through emails, from comments I was NOT allowing through regarding this blog

It must have been the medication, I don’t know, but I DELETED it due to criticism from another person. I have been here almost 10 months, blogging for real for 6 and for the first time EVER I allowed a comment from a person, whose comments I did not allow through to compromise my beliefs and my thinking.

So I edited this:

I know it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but 130 Awards, Nearly 1,000 AMAZING followers, Hundreds of AMAZING friends here, and I somehow allowed the medication to get to my mind and let a person dictate to me what I will and will not blog. The Morphine, I am allergic to I think has been poured down the sink. I am about to leave for the Hospital to get a quick X-ray on my Knee and Foot and will just be a big brave boy and take the pills.

I have not been myself all week, would you on Morphine? Probably not is the answer. I allowed my VERY THINKING to be compromised by a few one track thinker who have not got  a clue and I am ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen. I NEVER let people dictate to me, yet with this Morphine pumping through my veins, I did, that won’t happen again.

I make friends here because I give a shit, I make friends here because I am honest, and I make friends here because I like to think, I HOPE, I am a good friend back to you.

I will keep posting my shit, I will keep asking the question, I will keep sticking it to the big guy and I will never let myself be compromised by a patriot with a FUCKING PEE SHOOTER EVER AGAIN. I will be the guy 850 followed in the first place. I am sorry for being “Odd” this week, please understand the pain and medication. Not over yet, Hospital in an hour

I am also going to accept awards again, they are good fun, and I miss meeting people through awards if I am being honest. Some of the best people I know here I met through Awards, so please, include me in any Awards if you see fit, I do miss meeting new people through these awards. I got 4 this morning and awarded some people back

Please understand, I am here with a chipped bone in my knee, a hairline fracture in my foot suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome FOR LIFE and Morphine although it may not feel it, does fuck with your head. So for a week I turned into someone else. I am Scottish, we don’t do that shit. I will carry on doing what I was doing all along.

Being myself and listening to the people that matter is something I pride myself in doing on Word Press. I have made many amazing friends. Have I annoyed you or upset you this week? I am talking long term friends here. If I have I am sorry, 2 broken bones and strong liquid medication was the cause. If I have annoyed anyone.

Oh and having a life is what I do also. Part of my life is blogging, and all you people, like family I never had. Why I created this award here, remember? For these reasons below the award. I am going to press ahead with Blogging about people who I love to talk to here, like what I did here: And push ahead HARD with the Radio show. I will be doing blogs on more of you in the coming weeks. I will highlight the love and humanity in many people here, this Award and the reasons I started it still stand


This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award. Thank you, Shaun @

As you were Soldiers





Come on Word Press,  bit of help here. I am not leaving Word Press, but…Well read on

I did this 3 times on Twitter where I had 5,000 followers, and I said it here also, and came back on my word. When I lose interest in something, or run out of things to say, or need to do something else, I take an AGE to figure out what to do. Part of my stupid process I guess. I have nearly 1,ooo followers, I get nearly 1,000 reads on a good day, 500 minimum, I don’t argue, I am pacifist, I love, I care, I try and help even when I know I can’t, I get the attention of Girls through my accent. Why can’t I just be a person with friends? Why does the old Man/Woman thing come into play with me all the time? Is it how I write? It happened on Twitter, It can’t happen on Facebook as its all family, I don’t mean to attract girls. But I am. What the fuck do I do? I just threw my ugly mug back up to try and say “I AM MARRIED AND UGLY”

I said I would stop doing Awards, I done one for Tersia I could never in a million years say no to and also another from a special girl I like here. But I have started doing them again, Awards I mean. It is the side of me that is kind, I don’t like letting nice people down you see. I had a few hours sleep last night, it is nearly 7am. I watched 2 movies, done 3 blogs, got abuse for one lol, made my own antivirus programme (Now that is being bored) I am also sick of being in Pain, I will fight it, but to fight it, I need something, and when Football went for me, I took it badly (For those thinking WHAT?)  ALL GONE! Just memories now

I am just running out of things to say. And I am a “Full on” kind of lad. When I do ANYTHING I do it 100% No nearly’s or in-betweens of 99%’s, I do everything in life 100%, I have found myself Bored on Word Press. The Radio Show I am doing with Eddie Tatro  is taking FOREVER to get started, I wanted it started already, but due to a few issues, me cracking my knee and fracturing my foot being a small one, I find myself bored SHITLESS here. I do a million things at night when I am up alone, I am just finding it VERY HARD to get things moving with this Radio Show.

I talk a LOT on Skype, see Skype is fun. You can have 8 people at once on a Skype Chat. I used to do it all the time in Twitter, was good fun, we had some amazing moments. I still Skype with people I knew from Twitter. But on here I ask and ask and ask for people who say they have Skype to add me, but nothing. I got told by one person their “partner wouldn’t like that” And I fully get that.

But do I have to say AGAIN I am a happily married man? Look below. I love them all; I would do NOTHING to fuck that up. I am a talker you see. I have a few on here on my Face book also. My Face book was dead till I added a few on and some family also a while back.




My passion is talking. I did Audio Blogs, heavy flop. I want this Radio show to start, but if I am being honest, I can’t see it happening. I live in GMT 0. Many others are GMT – 5/6/7/8/9 or GMT + 6/7/8/9/10, so the logistics of just doing this Radio show mean I will have to do it around 3am in the morning. And I can’t promise I will be around every 3am every morning.

I will ask again, you got Skype add me, shaumyg1973 I speak to so many BRILLIANT people here, but the ones who have Skype, it is like they are afraid to speak to me lol I have almost 1,000 AMAZING followers as well. Why no Skype? I want to do something HUGE!! I did a blog a while back, and I meant it, called “Challenge me” or something. Nothing. I love you all here, amazing people to the last.

This isn’t medication speaking as I am not due till 8am, and I won’t take Morphine till I been to the Hospital on Monday. I NEED MORE THAN THIS. I can’t do much; I am limited to what I can do. I am Blogging the same shit over and over and over. When I do a blog about “Wake up USA” Really a Bloggers for Peace issue and blog, NOTHING. I know we all come here to escape our shit lives, well some of us. Some come here to make money, some for sex, some to do poems, show pictures of flowers, tell jokes, I do it all, I really do, you name it I have blogged it. I am blogging the same shit. Same issues, same songs, same everything.

I need more. If I am going to be stuck at a chair for the rest of my life, I need more, I need others to say “Right Shaun, let’s get this Radio thing on the go” OR SOMETHING! Many here have helped me before, I am asking for help again. It has also turned into a pissing contest with a few here, I FUCKING HATE THIS. This isn’t a game, its real life, real emotions, we can have fun however. I got a hard time for the “Stupid people” Blog before. I was like “WHAT THE FUCK” I did a blog “Tricked you all apart from Andre and a few others” (Beautiful Woman it’s all in the eyes) I did this TO GET A REACTION. I also did a blog saying how hard it was for me to change my blog theme, I WAS JOKING; it took 20 minutes to choose. Scottish humour is a bastard of a thing to get.

Anyway, I need a challenge, I need something new, I need to try something new; I need to do something new, I need to focus on something else. I won’t stop blogging, I will stop with the “End of the world shit” I will stop with the Audio blogs; I will stop with my love, conspiracies as none of them work.

I NEED TO DO SOMETHING ELSE, SOMETHING NEW…..ANYONE???????????????????????????????

