Syria: US ‘Using Lies To Justify Strikes’

An adviser to Bashar al Assad accuses the US of making up evidence, as President Barack Obama seeks support for military action.

I blogged this a while back, are we being lied to? Are the USA making things up? Lets be honest here!

One of Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s advisers has said the United States is using “lies” and “fabrications” to justify the use of the military force.

Dr Bouthaina Shaaban told Sky News the Syrian government was not behind the August 21 attack in which the US estimates 1,400 people were killed, and accused the West of standing in the way of democracy.

“They claim to want to be targeting weapons in exactly the same way they claimed to be targeting weapons of mass destruction in Iraq,” she said.

“They are using the same lies, the same fabrications, the same claims, in order to target our country and our people.”

US President Barack Obama and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt
Syria was the main topic as Mr Obama met Swedish PM Fredrik Reinfeldt

It came after President Barack Obama, who is trying to secure support at home and abroad for the use of force in Syria, said failure to respond to the use of chemical weapons would risk further attacks.

US Congress will decide next week whether to authorise military action, after a draft resolution, limiting initial attacks to 60 days and ruling out “boots on the ground”, cleared its first congressional hurdle.

It won the support of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, while some of the President’s top security aides appeared before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee to make their case for military intervention.

Speaking ahead of a G20 summit in Russia at which the Syria crisis is likely to feature strongly, Mr Obama said the international community could not “be silent” in the face of “barbarism”.

Vladimir Putin gives an interview at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow
Mr Putin has warned the US against taking military action

He also said he had “hit a wall” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has warned the use of force without UN approval would be an “aggression” and a violation of international law.

The two leaders had been due to meet ahead of the St Petersburg summit but Mr Obama cancelled the engagement, travelling instead to Sweden.

In other developments, Syria’s deputy foreign minister said the regime would not give in to threats of a US-led military strike against the country.

“The Syrian government will not change position even if there is World War III,” Faisal Muqdad said. “No Syrian can sacrifice the independence of his country.”

France's Prime Minister Ayrault delivers his speech during a debate on Syria
French PM Mr Ayrault addresses MPs during a debate on the crisis

Meanwhile, French politicians have been debating whether to join any possible military intervention, although they will not vote on the subject.

The country’s President Francois Hollande has the power to order short military action without parliamentary approval.

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told an emergency meeting of MPs: “To not act would be to put in danger peace and security in the entire region.

“What message would this send to other regimes? The message would be clear – you can continue.”

Hans Blix, a former UN weapons inspector
Hans Blix was part of the team which searched for weapons in Iraq in 2002

Meanwhile, Hans Blix, a former UN arms inspector, told Sky News Mr Obama risks undermining the UN by taking military action alone.

“I understand him when he says that if the global community does not intervene against the violation of the ban on the use of chemical weapons, we’re on a slippery slope,” he said.

“However, he hasn’t addressed the question of undermining the charter of the UN, which requires that states do not use force unless it’s in self defence or has been authorised by the Security Council.”

In Britain, Foreign Secretary William Hague is expected to meet with Ahmed Asi Al Jarba, the President of the Syrian National Coalition.

A spokesman for the Foreign Office said the meeting comes at a “critical time”, with discussions likely to include how the UK may offer “practical support”.

At the first Prime Minister’s Questions of the autumn, David Cameron attacked Labour for its stance on military action in Syria, as an Ipsos Mori poll revealed 64% of Britons were dissatisfied with his handling of the crisis.

May God have mercy on all our souls


As rumours start to appear online of missiles being fired in the Mediterranean Sea

We now hold our breaths and ask what now, what next, can there be no talking? Is this it? Russia have warned the USA to wait till UN sanctions any action saying “If proven we will join you” I am praying right now that the USA wait for such action to be allowed by the World community

Should the USA and France go it alone, the UK have said they will in any aid effort only, thankfully, then the wrath of many countries will come down on both the USA and France. The UN’s findings have proven it was a chemical attack, what isn’t clear is where they were fired from, and by whom

The USA must allow that to be known, Russia say they are looking into evidence also

Russia had this to say

Probes from Khan al-Assal show chemicals used in the March 19 attack did not belong to standard Syrian army ammunition and that the shell carrying the substance was similar to those made by a rebel fighter group, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated.

I said in a blog last week, are we being lied to as to where these chemical weapons where launched from and I am starting to see the Russian side of things a bit more. America (The Government) have lied to go to War before, the UK who joined them last time opted out

Take a big deep breath everyone, we are closer than ever to a very bad time in Human history, worse than any of us know, China, Iran, Russia and tons of small countries will act against any unofficial attack, the USA are not the World’s police, they should act WITH the International community, as should France

I hate this World sometimes; WWIII is as close as it has ever been, we allowed it to happen, we sat back and done nothing. Some nations people have the ability to stand against their Government, we do in the UK but nobody did a damn thing, only a small few loan voices tried to tell the World “You are being lied to” People will want to listen VERY soon


Syria crisis: Emboldened France seeks action

Francois Hollande (29 August 2013)

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault

Syrian President Bashar al Assad was behind a “massive and coordinated” chemical attack, the French government has claimed.

A seven-page intelligence report sets out five points which, MPs will be told, suggest Mr Assad was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in Damascus last month.

The evidence includes satellite imagery, allegedly showing the attacks were launched from government-controlled areas, a French government source told the Reuters news agency.

Mr Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro the allegations were “illogical” and warned of “negative” repercussions for French interests if the country engaged in military action.

However, the government source said: “Unlike previous attacks that used small amounts of chemicals and were aimed at terrorising people, this attack was tactical and aimed at regaining territory.”

Earlier, French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said MPs would be given every piece of evidence the government has, including information that has been classified until now.

Lawmakers are expected to debate the evidence on Wednesday.

French President Francois Hollande can order military action without parliamentary approval, although some lawmakers have urged him to put the issue to a vote, following the lead of US President Barack Obama, who decided to seek authorisation from Congress before agreeing to missile strikes.

France is the United States’ main ally in the Syrian crisis, after Britain voted against military action.

Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov dismissed evidence of alleged chemical weapons use by the Assad regime as “absolutely unconvincing”.

He said the intelligence contained “nothing specific … no geographic coordinates, no names, no proof that the tests were carried out by the professionals”.

A planned peace conference to end the conflict in Syria could be put off “forever” if the US goes ahead with military action against the regime, he added.

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with Russian newspaper Izvestia

The game, lies and propaganda are really getting higher here, I pray the UK stay out, with Russia REALLY giving threats and sending ships to the region, it truly is time to pray these assholes in suits get it together. Chemical attacks are not cool, but how many more will die if action is taken, what happened to talking? Where is the African League of Nations? They are closest, Where is the UN? Sickening stuff

Probe Into Government’s ‘Go Home’ Poster Van

Immigration 'go home' van

The coalition government of the Tories and Liberal Democrats today are under fire for a racial slur aimed at people who should not be in the UK

The poster van carried the slogans: “In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest.” A second line on the advert claimed: “106 arrested in your area”. It then encouraged illegal immigrants to text “home” to the number 78070.

The campaign attracted widespread criticism, including censure from the Business Secretary Vince Cable, who called it “stupid and offensive”.

However, Downing Street insisted that it was working and that immigrants were volunteering to leave, although the Home Office did not provide figures.

The van travelled through Barnet, Hounslow, Barking and Dagenham, Ealing, Brent and Redbridge as part of a £10,000 pilot scheme, which ended at the end of last month.

This is how France seem to work, nmany believe this is not racist, this is telling people who are getting free housing, free money and living in a system everyone I know pays into for free, I think this a step in the right direction for the United Kingdom. In Scotland we don’t suffer this problem, in England it is very bad, perhaps the proper advert but worded wrong, but is it Racist? “Go Home” is the issue

In response to this the Civil Liberty movement pulled this van out

Van displaying Liberty poster against Home Office immigration campaign

An ASA spokesman said: “I can confirm that the Advertising Standards Authority has launched a formal investigation into the Home Office ‘Go Home’ ad campaign following 60 complaints.

Chris Bryant MP, Labour’s shadow immigration minister, said: “This is another embarrassing blow to a Government which continues to fail to deal with immigration.

“With more people absconding at the border and fewer illegal immigrants being returned, David Cameron and Theresa May can’t even get the basics right, stumbling from one shambles to another.

“You’ve got to question the Government’s competence. We need effective action on immigration not offensive stunts.”

A Home Office spokesman said: “We can confirm that we are in contact with the Advertising Standards Authority over this investigation and will respond in due course.”

Embarrassing or Correct? You decide, for me correct message, wrong way to go about it. This coalition government are starting to take a pounding from the media for anything and it is well known the brothers in arms, Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minster Nick Clegg don’t see eye to eye on much, before the joined forces to allow the Conservative party the votes to take power the Lib Dems have since broken over 20 campaign promises while in with the snobs from Eton.

Dave and his pal Nick, Couple of Etonite SNOBS!

Dave and his pal Nick, Couple of Etonite SNOBS!

Islam, Muslim trouble re-starts in France, it threatens the World


Muslim woman (Some we can see their whole face, Ironic huh?) Protest in France against the banning of Muslim face veils, live in France, abide by FRENCH LAW!

France is a country that stated woman in a burka is illegal and ANY Muslim stands with French Law if they commit a crime, same as a French born person, this for me is right, Before anyone starts on me, I have Muslim friends, they just don’t have extremist views and actually hate how many Muslims misread the Quran and do wrong. Muslims, real Muslims are VERY relaxed people and very polite and just normal people to be fair, living in Europe you see a different view, sadly out Media, Europe and State side pain a scary picture about Muslims to the point my Son when he was 16 got off a Bus if someone resembling a Muslim came onto the Bus with a back pack on. This was wrong of my Son and I told him so, but ASK PLEASE! Where does this thinking come from? Who plants this fear in us? The Media do, the Irony is the USA gave (I think)  $3 Billion in Aid to Muslim countries mainly for (WAIT FOR IT) Medical Aid, so Obama is helping his Muslim friends with Health but not the American people. I research as much as I can, if I am wrong, please call me on this, this is what I see, read and am told. Shocking huh!

France took the steps to say “Come to our country, you adhere to our customs and our ways” something I am sure Australia also do or tried to do or are trying to do. I live in the UK and in parts of Oldham in England it is “Almost” Sharia law, I hear stories of brutality and deaths and honour killings that are almost protected by a foreign law, and I must say, I think this is wrong. This is the UK, if you commit any crime, same as the Catholic priest who admitted having sex with boys as young as 8 and was protected by the Vatican and sent to another Church in the middle of nowhere to “Think about what he did” It is my belief both should be dealt with it if it was a UK born citizen as it would be, I find it SHOCKING that Muslims can come into the UK and hide behind their laws that don’t exist in the UK.

I know many will have mixed feeling and opinions over this, but if, for example a UK or Australian, USA born person, Man or Woman was to commit a crime, or something deemed to be a crime in a Muslim country, they would be brought to task. In one Muslim Country there are several UK citizens in jail awaiting DEATH for being “Accused” of carrying drugs, one I know about was carrying enough Cannabis in a Muslim Country, enough for 1 joint is looking at being killed.

So why is it we, UK, USA, Australian, German etc born people go to Muslim Countries and are held to task for their laws, Muslims come to our Countries and hide behind laws and tradition and religion, for me this is a disgrace and needs looked at now, one of the two men who beheaded soldier Lee Rigby in London is being protected in a safe wing of a prison due to his religion, I am sorry he should be in general population and have to deal with what anyone born in my country should deal with had they committed this atrocious act against Humanity

France have been very honest and said “You come here, you abide by French law” I only with Westminster (London Government) could put their fear of upsetting a rich oil producing nation to one side and treat them as people who are born in the UK, as I say, it disgusts me when Catholic Priests are protected after raping young kids by religion, why is this? I am not being disrespectful but care not a jot if I offend anyone; I am speaking the truth, what gives anyone the right to be safe from UK law because of their laws? I am asking, anyone?

Maybe more countries should follow France’s lead and forget powerful oil giant Countries and just set the law to all who are Human, respective of religion, colour, gender race whatever and jail them and charge them with the same laws I must abide by.

We all remember the Danish newspaper that did a cartoon having a joke at the Prophet Mohammad threats were sent to the newspaper and Danish flags were burnt in Muslim countries. I ask how far this will go, how bad will it get and should more countries take the French approach?


The infamous Cartoon that caused the Muslim World to almost put a jihad (mujahid) on the entire European continent for a CARTOON, How can they be offended over this to the extent they almost killed Jens Julius who did it!

Abu Hamza the man with the metal hand (Picture below) failed bids to stay in UK cost the UK £1m (One Million Pound of Tax Payers money in the UK! Outrage, he should have been dealt with and deported to the USA Immediately, Legal cases involving hate preacher Abu Hamza cost taxpayers almost £1million.

Living my country, we give him FREE money and pay his rent, free medical care and a free hand! All true, joking aside, he is shit at Hand puppets

Living my country, we give him FREE money and pay his rent, free medical care and a free hand! All true, joking aside, he is shit at Hand puppets 

The hook-handed extremist, who was finally kicked out of the country last month, benefited from almost £680,000 in legal aid money from the public purse.

In addition, the Home Office spent nearly £250,000 on lawyers in its efforts to get him out, he was eventually put on a plane to the USA late 2012 to face terror charges, good I say, he stood on the streets of the UK spewing hate and death speeches to his radical idiots while the UK paid him disability benefit and housing benefit! I wish I was making this up, I am not, Disgrace, the UK should stand up to these Radical bastards the same as France as I can see this getting worse, we seen a Soldier beheaded in a UK street, what next? The UK becomes a half Muslim State? This is the risk we run and as someone who wants Scottish rule, I will ALWAYS be part of the UK as the Queen will always be part of Scotland

Charges: Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, pictured addressing his followers near Finsbury Park mosque, north London, in March 2004, now faces terror charges in America

Charges: Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, pictured addressing his followers near Finsbury Park mosque, north London, in March 2004, now faces terror charges in America

si vous ne l’aimez pas, vous pouvez sortir 


I will share some pictures showing what is coming to the UK, USA, Europe, Australia, it is coming, they want to kill us, we get jailed, they don’t, for me the Islam faith is a real worry and a danger to us all, wherever you are, and we get arrested for defending OUT cities from Immigrants 

Britain Marks The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11





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Police know these are Men, ON UK STREETS! Do something!

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Controversial Dutch Politician Geert Wilders Arrives In The UK

If we are not careful, our Children will be slaves to Islam (RADICAL ISLAM)


Anti Nazi/English Defence League Protests Manchester

English Defence League are growing in HUGE numbers, this is going to get bad for us all, even YOU!

Our Laws in the UK are too weak!


This is the start


Why is this not on my nightly news? So others won’t join in, that’s why!


Could it be?


The Young, the old and middle aged are concerned, we are not racists or bigots, we stand in peace and DEMAND our Government act!

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This HAS to be a Worry

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Time and time again, I only see people born in the UK being arrested, angering everyone even more

Police confront EDL supporters

It is coming, 100% Islam is coming to us all


Was this man right?

The Man who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WWII, Was he right? Was Enoch Powelll right?

The Man who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WWII, Was he right? Was Enoch Powelll right?


MANY say he was right

MANY say he was right


Pictures from our Ancient and Modern World


As a kid I have been fascinated with history and the wonders our world has left us from civilisations past and gone and also new manmade structures I love, this world offers so much wonder yet we almost deny it. I will give you an example 3 of the most iconic things in the world are in my City, Edinburgh Castle, and the Forth Road and Rail Bridge, like people living in the shadow of the Great Pyramid or the Taj Mahal we tend to just walk past as it is has been part of our World and our life since birth, so we don’t see the mystery and amazement at them, so I will show you the things in world, old and new that spark imagination and wonder into my mind and soul

Statue of Zeus


Hanging Gardens of Babylon


Pyramids of Giza

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The Valley of the kings


The Valley of the Kings1



The grand canyon







Christ the Redeemer (statue)



Rio Christ 2


Great Wall of China


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Easter Island




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Statue of Liberty 


Statue_of_liberty (1)



French Statue of Liberty (Twin Sister) & Eiffel Tower





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The Louvre

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10 Louvre Inside

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The Forth Road and Rail Bridges 





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Tour Scotland Photograph Forth Bridges Firth Of Forth

Edinburgh Castle


Robert the Bruce & William Wallace stand guard at the front gate


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CNN Tower




Houses of parliament and Big Ben





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Empire State Building

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Panama Canal


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The Great Barrier Reef

Twin Bommies, GBR



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The Sydney Opera House




Sydney Opera House indoor


City of ‘Cloud People’



U.S. warns citizens of kidnapping risks near Peru's Machu Picchu





Niagara Falls



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International Space Station and Earth from Space 










We started in caves and ended up here, building as we went as a species, buildings 100’s of thousands of years old to a few years old, this SONG, will make the blog

Obama Facing Major Test Over Snowden Leaks, as the USA falls to her knees

Barack Obama has faced tough challenges at home and abroad

Barack Obama has faced tough challenges at home and abroad

This is a blog I myself have been compiling for many months now as I realise the End Game for the USA is very close. You can’t trust your rulers, why are armed drones in your skies, how did Edward Snowden manage to leak details on US spying operations, these were TOP SECRET FILES YOUR TAX DOLLARS PAY FOR, TO PROTECT. You are being taxed with the “Fear Tax” it’s a game of “Pay extra Tax to feel safer” Do you feel safer. Many ask why I don’t blog about he UK, Well I have, many times below. I also blogged about China, Russia and South Africa and Germany to name a few. I myself fell for the “Obama” president will save the world crap.

1. <UK Courts proved 9/11 was a lie!

2. < I questioned my own Government, many other still are

3. – Death of a friend


5. – France/Europe

So as you can see, I blog about the whole story, it is just the scene is being played out on an American Stage. Close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears, but when you are slaves for real, and you are stuck in a Police State with no Guns with the inability to come here or anywhere else to tell your story, pretty much what is happening all over the Middle East, where the UK and USA are spending Billions the don’t have and killing people they “should” care for and kids also (Can you feel the Irony) I believe in God but “God Bless the United States of America” makes no sense to me and many from the USA any more. I speak from the heart here.

How President Barack Obama deals with a crisis of trust in the wake of the leaks scandal could determine his legacy.

Barack Obama has faced tough challenges at home and abroad

As the saying goes, “presidential candidates campaign in poetry and if they are lucky enough to win, they govern in prose.”

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama was especially good at campaigning in poetry.

It was clear that he was a natural in this role, leaving both his opponents Senator John McCain and Governor Mitt Romney in the rhetorical dust.

Perhaps that is why, even though he won re-election for a second term, he is unwilling to dismantle his campaign apparatus and get into the down and dirty, nitty-gritty work of governing in hard-edged, well-disciplined prose.

Mr Obama’s first term was challenging since he faced a strong Republican opposition intent on stopping his agenda dead in its tracks.

Despite the efforts of the opposition, he was able to pass a piece of hard-fought landmark legislation – Obamacare.

Mr Obama took to the international stage with the G8 summit last week

His second term has proved even more challenging than his first as the Republicans are keen to take full advantage of every misstep to make Mr Obama a “lame duck” as soon as they possibly can.

Mr Obama took to the international stage with the G8 summit last week

Mr Obama took to the international stage with the G8 summit last week

Just as his predecessors have done before him, when things are not going so well at home it’s time to take to the international stage to look “presidential” and refocus on the agenda.

It seems that Mr Obama had hoped his trip to the G8 and Germany would give him just that opportunity.

Last week he was at Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on the eve of the 50th Anniversary of JFK’s famous speech to re-capture some of the magic of his 2008 campaign.

This time the president spoke before a much smaller, invited gathering.

Long gone were the “rock star” awaiting throng of hundreds of thousands that he so easily captivated just five years ago.

Realistically, expectations were not so high this time around and this Nobel Peace Prize winner’s only competition last week was not JFK or Ronald Reagan but Barack Obama himself.

Mr Obama has now governed for several years and the times have certainly changed.

The weight of real world problems that he has had to face may have eaten away at the idealistic hope his supporters had for him and his administration.

Optimism and idealism for “Hope and Change” seem to have given way to the hard, cold realities of the toughest job in the world.

Mr Obama has not only been facing a tough domestic opposition but he has also had to come face to face with the severe challenges on the international stage and they visibly taken their toll.

Mr Obama at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last week

Mr Obama at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last week

Mr Obama at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last week

As Congress tries to wrap up some of its important legislation before the July 4 recess, the president and his family are headed for a week-long visit to Africa.

The Senate Immigration Reform Bill is front and centre, and the passage of this piece of historic legislation might need a bit of the president’s encouragement.

If passed, this is likely to be the most important piece of legislation passed in his second term.

At the same time he could also be facing the most the challenging crisis of his presidency.

The “Snowden Crisis” has put the Obama administration’s intelligence-gathering policies in jeopardy, under the public microscope, and has once again eroded the precious trust between the US government and the American people.

How Mr Obama deals with this crisis of trust and how he finds his voice to regain that trust and confidence on this issue could determine his legacy.

Most US citizens are torn. They are uncomfortable with the government having unfettered access to their private communications. At the same time, they understand the government must “snoop” to some extent, when legally justified, to keep them safe.

They also cannot understand how someone like Edward Snowden, an outside contractor, was given access to our top secrets and able to disclose them with such ease.

Edward Snowden leaked details on US spying operations

Edward Snowden leaked details on US spying operations

Edward Snowden leaked details on US spying operations

  • What else does he have up his sleeve?
  • This crisis leaves us with some very tough questions ahead:
  • What role does journalism play here when it comes to national security?
  • Is it within the Freedom of the Press to publish a story like this one worth the price we pay in loss of security?
  • Is there a way for an individual to challenge alleged government abuse or wrongdoing without damaging national security?
  • What will the fallout be in US relations with China, Russia and the ultimate country that agrees to give Mr Snowden asylum?
  • Is WikiLeaks a journalistic endeavour or an enemy of the state?
  • Should such sensitive work be done by independent contractors like Booz Allen, or is this a job for full-time government employees or members of the military who swear an oath of allegiance to uphold the US Constitution and take it seriously?
  • How much transparency is necessary when it comes to government intelligence programmes designed to protect the “homeland”?
  • How much congressional and judicial oversight is enough, and how much is too much?
  • And perhaps the toughest question: How much liberty are Americans willing to give up in the name of safety in the electronic, social media, information age?

The “Snowden Crisis” is likely to test the limits of both the president and the American people on these questions and on their desire to maintain their constitutional freedoms.

At LAST! Some real coverage, some real truths, some real debate over the constitution, some real reporting, and questions with depth to them. Many including myself have blogged fairly hard about the American foreign policy and homeland situation. I may be from Scotland, UK but the actual truth of the matter is, when America sneezes, we all get a cold over here, when America gets ill, we all get ill. The market crash worldwide came on the back of the USA Market crash. I don’t think some in America truly realise the impact every decision, every move, every lie has on the World, the same World ALL our kids grow up in. The USA have had terrible time abroad with relations with China and Russia sinking to an all time low. With China now being the new financial superpower AND buying up land in the USA we enter a crucial time for the people of this Generation, and a time that can and probably will shape the World for generations to come with many issues being at hand that the American Government have backed themselves into a corner with.

Here a few blogs I did that ling this story all the way back, in some way, this is a very bleak time for not just the USA but for our World also. America has to realise their actions will hurt us all all over my Country and the World. What the USA have become is the new Roman Empire. There is infighting between (I believe) The North and the South on a political level within Politics and Government in the USA. I seen this very quickly by doing a little reading and research. This is real, the Media are slowly starting to report, there seems to be people like Ron Paul who are speaking out now, NOW IS THE TIME TO ASK FOR AND GO FOR REAL CHANGE!

Listen to your own Politicians and people who care about where the USA is headed

Listen to your own Politicians and people who care about where the USA is headed









9.< Done by a Bishop friend of mine from the USA 



12. <This has me real worried, you should be also

America is no longer the beacon of freedom it once was, it is not as resolute as it once was, the American Dream has died, the USA is a dying nation. I know Many do not want to hear this, read this nor accept this. I got called an “American Basher” by an IDIOT on here who I blocked within minutes of it being said. I love the people of the USA, most of the people I follow are from the USA, real friends, they are as worried if not more worried than I am about what could happen due to the events in the 12 blogs I have done out of nearly 800 about the USA and other countries that can and will and could at any second harm the USA, the USA has no money, never has there been a time when the USA has been as wide open to attack in ANY form. I pray and hope I am wrong, but sadly, when you have a quick glance or a good read of the FACTS I have added to the blogs above, anyone with even the smallest brain and ability to realise the USA is NOT the WORLD and is in-fact a nation on its knees with a people who are asking more each day about lies, a nation who are beginning to starve, it is slowly happening. If you are American you SHOULD know a bill was passed a few weeks ago to slash Billions of Dollars from the Food Stamp programme. This is the beginning of the end for what I see as the new Roman Empire. History repeats and people who are smart enough to connect the dots and clever enough to join them together will know what I am saying, in-fact I know many do realise my words are real here, I speak to many and am part of several sites, one the biggest there is, where most from the USA realise this is End Game. Are you prepared for your New World?

Has the head shot been noticed? Read the blogs above and you tell me

Has the head shot been noticed? Read the blogs above and you tell me







French president threatens to block EU trade negotiations with the US amid bugging scandal



Keep this short, this is getting worse, brace for ‘ye old impact people. This is bad


French President Francois Hollande has said allegations that the US bugged European embassies could threaten a huge planned EU-US trade deal.

He said there could be no negotiations without guarantees that spying would stop “immediately”.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said he did not know the truth of the claims but sought to down play them.

Meanwhile, Russian and US security agencies are reportedly discussing how to deal with the man behind the leaks.

Former CIA-analyst Edward Snowden is believed to be at an airport in Moscow, seeking a destination safe from the US where he is wanted for prosecution over the leaking of thousands of classified documents.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and US’s President Barack Obama have ordered the chiefs of their respective agencies, FSB and FBI, to find a way out of the impasse, a senior Russian official said.

‘Disturbing news’

The allegations that US security services bugged EU missions and the embassies of friendly European countries – including the French, Italian and Greek embassies – were published at the weekend by Der Spiegel in Germany and the Guardian in Britain.


Link:  (With Video) BBC, Fairly reliable, all over the World’s press today, America POLITICIANS playing a very Dangerous game here. Spying on everyone including anyone who lives in the USA. This is going to make relations bad, Russia and USA falling out over this Whistle Blower as it is about the NSA.



This is ALL connected. all ties in, kept it short in hope of discussion

