2 Hours to spare? The Obama Deception Video



Just chatting with http://andthemoonseesall.wordpress.com/ (Whom I always have brilliant discussions with) we were debating the USA and the topic came up through this blog I did, http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/hungry-in-america-huge-demand-for-free-meals/

I showed this video above, so I will post it for all who have not seen it. If you want to know why the USA is going under very fast, watch this video. THINGS CAN IMPROVE! But first you must see the problem, and I know you all do. 2 hours? That is nothing, please, give this a watch. I am not the biggest Alex Jones fan to be fair, but I watch the content here more than him, and it horrifies me.



Scotland stands with the people of the USA

Scotland stands with the people of the USA

Billy Connolly ranting about christian rock and religion and Politics + More



PLEASE!! Nobody take offence!! Please, it is comedy. Listen to the 1st Video till the end, you will hear what Billy says about “Have a sense of humour”

I just wanted to cheer myself up. Please, if you are EASILY OFFENDED, DO NOT WATCH!! If you like to laugh HARD!! Do watch!!

On Religious Music 

Showing the Scottish way.. 

On George Bush

Supernatural and Ghosts

On Catholicism – Real interview   – By his wife Pamela 

Drippy willie syndrom 🙂

New World Order – Exposed by Ann Bressington, Australian MP

One VERY brave woman. People get killed for this

One VERY brave woman. People get killed for this

This is a WOW moment! And something I never thought I would hear coming from a developed Country. There is a thing called “Conspiracy” and many call this “New World Order” as such. The Illuminate is said to be the Club or Rome, a high powered secret society

This goes worldwide, what this woman did; Ann Bressington from Australian Parliament Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome, Sustainable Development, at the Lord Monckton Launch 2 Feb 2013 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Agenda 21 was started in the 1960’s and the “New World Order” was first spoken by George Bush Senior when he was president. If you are a person who believes in this conspiracy, then I urge you to watch this video. She mentions the UN and America

What this woman has done in this Video is breathtaking and she is toying with her life, but she said it, she did it, if she dies, we will know. What this woman has done has put a huge spanner in the works and proves what many, me included have been saying for a decade and more. We are being led, we are sheep, the people in control of our world lie to us, and there is an agenda in play. The Georgia Guide stones are something we all must read below

In June 1979, an unknown person or persons under the pseudonym R. C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure


Written in 13 languages. 13 is Symbolic of the Club or Rome

Written in 13 languages. 13 is Symbolic of the Club or Rome

In English

In English

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones There is a link, top of the them all, in 13 languages says “Maintain humanity under 500,00,000”

Ann Bressington Australian MP has perhaps changed our word for the better. Many will dismiss this as nonsense that is your choice, but if you want a better world, a War free world, a fairer world, a better world for our kids, listen to what she has to say, and the then go do your own research. This is a major story in the world right now, and as I said it is a “WOW” moment. My only question is, why now? Why is she allowed to proceed with this? I will let you watch the video, do your own research and I hope debate.

Feel free to follow me on Skype, Username ShaunGibson1888

Email me shauny1973@hotmail.com 
