



The picture above, as people on my Face book will know is the picture I use, it is symbolic of a struggle that we all see every day, we feel every day and we take part in every day, all of us


So you believe in God? If the answer is Yes, then the opposite must be true, Lucifer. To believe in good means you must believe in bad. I researched Religion for most of my life. I believe in God, but I don’t believe in organised Religion. I put this to a Reverent I am good friends with, the man is a Bishop, he sits at very high tables in life, and he is a smart cookie. He told me, to have a relationship with God is all that is important.


I lean towards no faith other than God himself, the truth that he is there and he loves us all and answers the odd prayer and helps us when we are in need. I shouldn’t have to sit in a building and pay to love God; I believe this was one of the biggest tricks to be played on our species. That WE must all sit in a building on God’s day off. Many will and can debate me on this, these are my thoughts.


So you believe in God? I will ask a simple question, who runs the world right now? It is either God or the Devil, one has control, who is it? For me, just look at our World with pure eyes, Lucifer has BOUGHT the majorities souls, Greed and the need for Power has poisoned our very souls


Are we damned to hell? Do we live a lie? Have we been deceived? They said the Devil will come in the face of peace. I see a world with over 2,000 religions and they fight and kill to defend each of the Gods they worship. Happens in my Country with Catholic and Protestants


The biggest mistake we made as a species was dividing God into religions. I tried, I really did to get into religion, and I tried so hard. Now I have a relationship with God, just God, and it works for me. I am living testimony to say “You can be at one with God without having a religion” As religion is what makes our world a harsh one, a world at War. Many ask “Why would God allow Children to die” I asked this question also. I have no answer. If we all just believed in God and forgot religion I think things would be better. But who am I to decide or dictate? I am just some man from some place


Where did it go wrong?

