4 minute video that will Change your Life, I BEG YOU WATCH THIS!





This video is horrific, barbaric, horrible and says a LOT about us humans. Got a fur coat? Use make up and wonder where it comes from? Have ornaments in your home and wonder what it is made from? What about that rug, do you know it’s origin? Your perfumes, oil’s and more, where do they come from? WE ARE ALL TO BLAME, EVEN YOU, AND ME! If this video does not create something in us, awaken a part of us, then sadly all IS lost and there is NO way back, we have become savages. Individual acts of kindness but we ALL buy into a World that is used to kill Animals to make our live easier on some scale. I know eating meat or fish we must do, but where is the line? Have we passed it? Will we ever go back, has all been lost? What have we become? We don’t care about all our possessions and their origins, we just use them. That spray, yeah it was tested in an Animal first. Where is the line I ask, where is the humility and the humanity? Where is the love and care we show to each other and our pets in our homes, where does that love go when we don’t care what gets slaughtered so we can have nice things. I know many who are vegan eaters and buy clothes made from only certain materials, if we all did this, the trade of killing animals I hope are going to watch will die. We have the power to draw it all back and help make animals who were are close to becoming extinct through greed for money survive,








2 Hours to spare? The Obama Deception Video



Just chatting with http://andthemoonseesall.wordpress.com/ (Whom I always have brilliant discussions with) we were debating the USA and the topic came up through this blog I did, http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/hungry-in-america-huge-demand-for-free-meals/

I showed this video above, so I will post it for all who have not seen it. If you want to know why the USA is going under very fast, watch this video. THINGS CAN IMPROVE! But first you must see the problem, and I know you all do. 2 hours? That is nothing, please, give this a watch. I am not the biggest Alex Jones fan to be fair, but I watch the content here more than him, and it horrifies me.



Scotland stands with the people of the USA

Scotland stands with the people of the USA

Evil wins, when good people DO NOTHING


This is something I have wanting to write for a while now, it is just observation what is happening in our world. I see a world where bad is all over, or winning

I see a world where the good people, people like you and I write about the wrongs and nobody really acts. While the bad people have a field day and do what they want day in day out, where lies are told and money is made through having power

How long, as a species are we going to stand back and watch wars being fought over what? Oil and money? Wars are being fought for the wrong reasons and many will say it is awful, and it is, but it has always been this way. Through history however good people have stood up and won

Sadly we do nothing today. I read blog after blog from amazing people with amazing minds talking about how we can gain control back in our world, a world that was long lost to corporate greed and men in suits who must may dividend out to a shareholder leaving us ordinary people to fight to eat and keep a roof over our heads as everything is getting real expensive. Over here in the UK in Scotland life is ok, we do well, but I look further afield and see pain and suffering and I hurt for humanity. My Dad used to say “I could cry for Humanity” I get it now, I really do

How many soldiers are we going to send to their death for profit?

Do we fight?

Do we write?

More love, less hate






Right, about 10 people, you know who you are “Like” EVERYTHING I blog but have never uttered one word or discussed or debated a THING with me

So here is a simple question “How are you today?”

This is for EVERYONE, Leave a reply please, tell us all how you are today, or in general. How is life, any issues, any gossip, how are the neighbours, the kids, your pet? Anything


Egypt, ‘Concern’ As Scores Killed In Protests

Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi gather at Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo.

Supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi gather at Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo.


Link: http://news.sky.com/story/1121270/egypt-concern-as-scores-killed-in-protests

Egypt has been warned to pull “back from the brink” after security forces killed dozens of supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi during mass protests.

Thousands of Brotherhood supporters remain hunkered down in a vigil at a Cairo mosque, vowing to stand their ground despite threats by authorities to disperse them.

The Muslim Brotherhood says at least 120 people were killed after security forces attacked a protest by supporters of Mr Morsi in Cairo.

Doctors at a field hospital said another 1,000 people were wounded in clashes on the road to Cairo’s international airport, while the Muslim Brotherhood was claiming that a total of 4,500 had been wounded.

The violence in Egypt has prompted condemnation from the international community, with the US Secretary of State John Kerry saying Washington had “deep concern” about the unrest.

Mr Kerry said Egyptian authorities had “a moral and legal obligation to respect the right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.”

Supporters of Mr Morsi gather in Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo

Supporters of Mr Morsi gather in Rabaa Adawiya square in Cairo


“This is a pivotal moment for Egypt. The United States … calls on all of Egypt’s leaders across the political spectrum to act immediately to help their country take a step back from the brink,” he said in a statement.

The bloodshed follows huge rival rallies across the country and has plunged the nation deeper into turmoil following two turbulent years of transition to democracy.

Egypt’s Health Ministry said 65 people had died. The Brotherhood said another 61 were on life support after what it described as a ferocious dawn assault by men in helmets and black police fatigues.

The ambulance service put the death toll at 72.

The Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, condemned the violence and said: “In Egypt, democracy was massacred, national aspirations were massacred, and now the nation is being massacred.”

Pro-Morsi protesters chant slogans and wave flags in Egypt's capital

Pro-Morsi protesters chant slogans and wave flags in Egypt’s capital


UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said in a statement that he was “deeply concerned” by the violence.

He said: “I am deeply concerned by recent events in Egypt, and condemn the use of force against protesters which has led to the loss of lives.”

Bodies wrapped in white sheets have been laid on the floor of a Brotherhood morgue, their names scrawled on the shrouds.

In the early hours of Sunday, the state-run Al-Ahram news website reported fresh confrontations in the western Helwan district of Cairo between what it described as marching Brotherhood supporters and angry residents.

The report said several cars were destroyed and gunshots heard, but there was no information on casualties.

Over 200 people have died in violence since army chief General Abdel Fattah al Sisi deposed Mr Morsi on the back of huge popular protests against his rule.


This is so sad, a country I have LOVED for as long as I can remember truly on the brink of going under, I think we ALL need to look at this and understand people power is now showing itself in many countries. It started in the Middle East/North Africa, as the bible said it would (Strange how nobody is picking up on this huh?) and it is spreading. People want the freedom the people of the USA used to enjoy and the people in my Country still do, for now anyway. We here in the UK take to the streets to make a point, next day, we all go back to life. In the Middle East right now and North African, we could be seeing the 1st parting shots of a World sickened by Greed and Power hungry men. I think this could get REAL bad.

More love, Less Hate.



A hospital in Zimbabwe charged women $5 for each scream during childbirth

A nurse prepares sugar solution at a health clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe. (DESMOND KWANDE/AFP/Getty Images)

A nurse prepares sugar solution at a health clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe. (DESMOND KWANDE/AFP/Getty Images)

Corruption is so systemic in Zimbabwe, one of Africa’s poorest countries, that a local hospital charges mothers-to-be $5 every time they scream while giving birth. That’s according to an extensive new report from Transparency International on corruption around the world, which also notes that a staggering 62 percent of Zimbabweans say they’ve paid a bribe in the past year.

The $5 hospital screaming fee, purportedly a charge for “raising false alarm” but clearly aimed at separating mothers from their money, is no joke. Gross domestic product per capita is only $500 in Zimbabwe; average annual income per person is about $150. Zimbabwean hospitals also charge a $50 delivery fee. This means that, in a country where underemployment is 95 percent and poverty is rife, a mother who screams a few times during delivery might owe half her annual income after giving birth.

According to a follow-up by Transparency International, women who can’t afford the high fees are sometimes detained at the hospital and charged interest until their family can pay up. As a result, many Zimbabwean mothers give birth at home because they can’t afford the charges. The United Nations reports that, on average, eight mothers die during childbirth every single day in Zimbabwe.

Transparency International says its Zimbabwe office contacted the national health ministry about the issue by sending, as such offices often require, a formal letter. The health ministry said it had received the letter, then apparently did nothing, and when the NGO followed up an official told the organization that they had lost the letter. Finally, a member of Transparency International was able to meet with Zimbabwe’s deputy prime minister, who promised to look into. Since then, the NGO says, it’s heard no more complaints about screaming charges – although the $50 delivery charge, impossibly expensive for many in Zimbabwe, remains.

This is one more example why we need to change our World, greed and power are starting to come before life and love, this highlights again, the need to realise, just because it is not happening in your Hospital or mine, we can’t turn a blind eye to this. Is this the world you want for your Children and their childred? Not me……..


How do you value Money?


I hope this blog’s intentions are debated they way I intended the blog to be. This blog isn’t about having money, or being poor; it’s a moral question of “How do you value money”

For me Money is evil, I hate it and it makes people to horrendous things. When I was 16 my Dad was a Millionaire, he was loaded. I am comfortable myself. I never used to be.

But I hate money. It made my Mum and Dad split up. I hate money because it changes nice people into “Keeping up with the next Door neighbour” type of people. “They got double glazing, we must get treble glazing” This is how money works wish some

Our world is FUCKED because of money, there is NO argument you can throw at me to sway me on this one. It is about Money and Power our World. So if we are to speak in a Moral way, Money is a hateful thing that can cause hatred and worse, people will becomes Evil for a few pounds/Dollars/Euros

But we all need some. I know a person who had NOTHING once, he then had it all, and killed himself, and the money ruined him. If you are not born into REAL MONEY it will and can ruin you. I have some money. I am careful with it. But I made a vow to Dawn that I would give her a roof over her head and feed our kids, I kept that promise, same as most Men do.

I waste money, I am terrible with it. This month I bought a £400 Laptop and a £300 Samsung Tablet. Sheer stupidity, because I did not need either, because I live in pain, I often spend to make me pain free for a few hours, that is all it does, gives me a few hours of pain relief because my mind is all focused on my “New thing” You should have seen me when I got my 62 Inch TV! I was like a child. My mate Davie has a bigger TV and he is a bastard for it (Joking if you are reading Dave, lol)

In a world fast running out of the resources needed to keep the people on it alive I wonder if these rich greedy bastards will eat their money when there are no fish left in the sea and nothing left to eat, as this is the way it is going. I grew up with a picture, my Dad had it my whole childhood. It was this one here below, I can’t believe I found this, I grew up seeing this ever day


As I was a kid and my Dad would throw £10 at me most days I often thought “That is Ironic Dad” but I guess as I got older and he got older we both talk about it now and I get it now. He wasn’t a Money greedy man; he did actually work for it. It was what he did when he had it, but that is another blog.

I know some people sit at their PC and complain they are poor. Ahh, now wait. Sit at a PC, Online and say they are poor. You see the Irony there. If you are so poor, don’t have internet, cut your cloth to suit your needs would be something someone else might say, NOT ME! I am paraphrasing here, but your Government, I know mine in the UK will tell us this. You have the internet, a roof, food, so you have enough, while they go and do illegal oil and arm’s deal’s and make money WHILE IN OFFICE. How fucked up. Go check Dick Chayne and George Bush and Halliburton and try not to be angry. I know how much my Country makes because of our Oil fields.

This here is fucking poor, an Iconic picture of the reality of what money has done to us as a species, it is wrong, it is backwards, the WORLD did live  aid 30 years ago, each year the UK alone raises $100M to help Africa, I know other nations do also. We see the odd clip of how it helps, but BILLIONS have been raised, TAX FREE to give to  Africa, why are we still giving when, for example, The USA just gave a Muslim Country $1Billion in Aid? Backwards yes? At the same time as my country take disabled benefit from EVERYONE, Even ex service men and woman. And the USA clamps down on food stamps. Something is VERY wrong with Money I hope you agree. Yeah we need it, but be careful what you wish for, if you are happy and managing, why fix something that is not broken. I know too many stories where money has ruined a person or a family, being happy is being happy. I have seen people who are unhappy, were given money, and then realised the lack of money was not the reason they were unhappy, they were just unhappy. Money may “may” give you peace of mind, but it won’t make you happy if you are not. There you get smart people who come across money and they use it with wisdom and change many lives.



Next time you sit at your table to eat while watching TV ask yourself a simple question, what makes you happy, your money, or your family, me? I would sleep in a box in the street with my Family. Money is there, big deal, take it, I will still smile. I fucking do hate these bastard bankers who rob us all blind and then we bail them out with paying Tax, we pay tax on everything apart from breathing, I often wonder when that Tax will start. So how do you value money? Simple Question

More Love, Less Hate


Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines?



As most Americans now know, FEMA Camps (Concentration Camps) are 100% all over the USA, there is no argument anymore, they are there, with Millions of black plastic Coffins. Here is the Blog with proof and links about FEMA Camps and the Coffins

This blog here is scary as it is appauling to read and the pictures scare the shit out of me http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/14/to-the-people-of-the-usa-i-am-sorry-for-what-is-coming/ Now there American has bought  30,000 Guillotines, Why? Why would the USA Government need  30,000 Guillotines, I knew this story, but my friend from Edinburgh who posts on here a lot, hawkeyethegnu, he and I debated this earlies so I though, if he knows, others will, so time to blog it, but big thanks to hawkeyethegnu for helping me with the idea for this blog

– The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress

– The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored  in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana

– Are the beheadings by muslims today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

Scary >


I will post the pictures from my blog above again


A portion of the NSA's mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall. (Credit: Getty Images)

A portion of the NSA’s mammoth data center in Bluffdale, Utah, scheduled to open this fall.
(Credit: Getty Images)

One Black plastic coffin

One Black plastic coffin



The large are in black are black plastic coffins

The large are in black are black plastic coffins

A real live on in an isolated position

A real live on in an isolated position

Close up

Close up

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself

Where the camp are, go look, please, educate yourself


E978 Legal execution

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

asphyxiation by gas

beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

capital punishment





other specified means

So it seems an Executive Order has been passed to allow the purchase and use of these 30,000 Guillotines. Add it to the Concentration Camps and Millions of plastic coffins, we have a conspiracy.

What do you all think?

This shit is hard to read and realise it is true, seriously frightening stuff. Nobody wants to debate this horrific stuff, but we must, we have to, why are these things happening in the USA?






As always PLEASE do your own research on this, I never believe everything  I read or am told, so I go and research till I am satisfied the story holds up. Again I will ask

Fema Camps – Why

Millions of Coffins – Why

Millions of bullets bought  – why (This is common knowledge)

30,000 Guillotines – Why

Poisin in your food  – Why

No money  – Why

Lies and Greed – Why

Taking your Guns – Why

Put it all together, we have a scary story, maybe


So you think your food is safe? South Africa Now!!

horse 1

This blog here: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/17/weed-killer-found-in-human-urine-across-europe-chemicals-used-by-monsanto-gmo-crops-in-my-urine/

This blog here: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/what-is-on-your-plate-at-night-want-to-debate-population-control/

This news here from the UK: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/10/horsemeat-scandal-timeline-investigation

The FSA is urgently investigating, in conjunction with other Government departments, local authorities and the food industry, how a number of beef products on sale in the UK came to contain horse meat.

We here in the UK were eating Horse meat in burgers and were not told.

Thanks to Victoria over @ http://furrynuff.wordpress.com/

NOW This came to Light from South Africa!

More than 80 meat products sold by major South African retailers contain water buffalo and donkey, the City Press has reported. YES, Donkey water buffalo! I ask, what else are we eating we don’t know. I have poison in me from tests done, GMO Crops, Monsanto, Tests were done, there is Weed Killer in MY food and in my body. So Horse Meat in the UK, now Donkey and Water Buffalo in South Africa. How much more do people need to read and see to realise we are being lied to and poisoned?




Why Do We Kill The Good Guys?




We can all look at the world today and ask things like “Had JFK not been killed, would it be better” I ask a simple question here.

Why is it when someone is doing good, trying to create a better world for our Children and their children, why do we kill them?

I can name names, but below I will throw some pictures to tell the story. It seems you can’t change the evil in this world, and if you try, you die.

Can we change this?  Who will be next to try, or do they know fate has told them to back away

R.I.P to all our Prophets





bob marley




How long shall we stand aside as they kill our Prophets