From 1985 till now, can we look at ourselves in the mirror as a species?

1985, I was 11 when this event happened. In the UK and the USA

1985, I was 11 when this event happened. In the UK and the USA

Again, for me, life is defined in Moments, moments we look back at years later and say “WOW” did that really happen. Well yeah, in 1985, the UK and the USA did Live Aid; they both ran at the same time and is still the biggest world musical event to this day. But why did we do this? What was the reason? Well these two songs tell a story, and be warned, the picture at the bottom of the blog is reason enough to try, but today kids and adults are still dying, still things are bad, they are better, but not perfect. Let’s make more moment like this, for humanity and our consciences

Against all odds 

Somebody to love 

The American people did this, a song I love today, still

This picture should haunt our sleep, should haunt every greedy bastard corporate bastard who makes billions of pounds/dollars as things like this still happen, as a species, if we are lucky, we will be able to look Back to this time, our time with absolute disgust that this BELOW FUCKING HAPPENS!

FUCKING WHY!! All the money on earth and this happens !! NO MORE!! WAKE UP!!

FUCKING WHY!! All the money on earth and this happens !! NO MORE!! WAKE UP!!

I will let this answer

I will let this answer



Medication – Beware



I am going to write this before I give in and take some medication. It is killing our brain cells. I know some medications are needed and must be taken, ALWAYS talk to a Dr about this, or someone you trust in the health care industry.

Medication given to us my our Dr’s numb our brain, stop brain patterns from fully going all the way and most of all, make us zombies. Walking, living, Zombies, there, alive, just, just enough for your loved ones to say “Hey, Dad’s up” or “Dads Home” Just enough

I am trying to take myself off this poison, because my body does not need it, by brain does. It has been 28/29/30 hours since I had medication of any kind and I am thinking clearly, but my body is a wreck and my brain is screaming, so I will give it enough to shut it up for a few hours

The pain I am in will be there no matter what I take, so the medication is useless, the medication stops to work

I am talking about ME HERE


You deserve to hear the truth. Please see a Dr, please, someone you trust, find someone

These pills are killing us, I am talking about daily pain relief we are all on

Please, if you are taking medication, don’t just stop, if it’s keeping you alive, this is not for you, this is for people in pain, with mind issues, they are killing us, I see it now, and I am waking up a little more

Do the right thing, now I need to feed my mind some poison

I will play this video 100 times more !!! If I have to 

The artist taxi driver – Interview with Caroline Lucas MP – This is not a Democracy

The artist taxi driver

The artist taxi driver

The Artist Taxi Driver, he is from London, I am a BIG fan, here is his You Tube page.

He tells it how it is, in this video, he gets his kid to ask a Member of the British Parliament to ask “Awkward” questions.

Check the video, you think conspiracy people talk rubbish? I don’t, not them all, here is the video, WOW!!

To Artist Taxi Driver, keep up the good work my man!!

USA, FEMA, China, Africa – What is happening here?



**EDIT/Breaking**  (Possible) Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Israel’s Main Infrastructure Control System (SCADA)

I honour “Bloggers for Peace” and the movement as much as I can, and the truth of this movement is so close to my heart and mind I can’t not get involved

Only in the last few weeks have we seen what could be the first shots of WWIII for real. I believe WWIII is already happening, I think it is a Cyber War, the World has moved on, wars are no longer always fought in a trench they are fought through cyber space. I think HARD RESEARCH is needed to see things this way, I hear and read and get told of many cyber attacks on military all over the world.

The bombs sent from Israel last week, if you believe a Cyber War is happening, it could be believed that the bombs did indeed get launched from Israel, but did Israel fire? I don’t think so. Israel and the IDF were hacked by Anonymous several times and had key military components closed down, anyone with their ear to the ground will know this to be true, here are a few links

One of the best news sources I watch is Aljazeera England news (Just read and told in English), it tells the truth more than the main stream media like Fox, CNN, SKY and the BBC, I am not saying it is perfect, but unless you have watched it, you won’t know.

I look at the world right now and I NEVER take sides, Syria SEEM to be doing wrong, but look back to Iraq, we all went to War there on a lie, look to Libya, Gaddafi did more for the people of that country that he is given credit for. Many will say “Rubbish he was a criminal” Was he any more of a criminal than George Bush and my ex Prime Minister Tony Blair for going to Iraq, killing American, British soldiers and thousands of people, thousands of kids? I don’t see a difference here

Also greed is the reason I see for War, War creates money, of course it does, go google Halliburton and the Rothchild family and how they back both sides of many wars

What did Gaddafi do for his country? Here check: He did wrong, but did he do any worse than Bush or Blair or many more I could name? Did he deserve to die live on TV, the easy answer is no, no man or woman deserves to meet their makes in this way. Hours after he died Hilary Clinton had this to say

Well said Hilary!! I am so glad death of a man was so funny for you; this is the same woman who lied about the deaths of American people on foreign soil.

I love people, I hate the powers that be, I hate how we are lied to, and I hate how people blindly do what this video shows below:

Why is China doing this? Built and building cities all over African

There are hundreds of these in Africa, China owned, empty Ghost Towns.. Why?

There are hundreds of these in Africa, China owned, empty Ghost Towns.. Why?

Why is China doing this? Buying USA land?

Why is the USA doing this? Building camps all over? Buying MILLIONS of plastic coffins?

CBS News admitting FEMA Camps are a go



Where the camps are

Where the camps are



Why is American buying MILLIONS of these?


Video on the subject:

I could be here a while, but there are so many not answered questions, and much of what I wrote here, YOU WON’T KNOW!! Please don’t believe me, PLEASE GO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

The world is on the edge, are we closer than we were at the Cuban missile crisis? I think we may be closer. We don’t want war, we want peace, but what is going on?

Answers on a postcard to “Shaun, Scotland” I will get them




The Greed Machine that keeps us all in pain


Right here goes….

Many who follow my blog will know I care, I give a shit, I am always nice, I try to help and I hope “hope” people can see I am just a lad with a keyboard in pain telling my story.

But time to say something that has been on my mind for years.

Greed! From the people who WE vote into power, when we vote, it is simple, we pick the person we feel that can and will make things better, sadly it is the same old story, history repeats itself over and over, no matter who we pick, we get thieves and lies and we lose more money

The illusion we have a say is JUST an illusion. When ANY politician wants to be the main man in his country, to be there for the people, to work for the people and make decisions to help the people, who funds them? Yeah banks, oil giants, and people with a vested interest in making more money.

So when the person they backed and gave millions to, to become president becomes president, really, ask yourself a SIMPLE question, who does that president or prime minister look after more? You? Me? no he looks after the people who gave him millions of pounds to help them into power.

Corporate greed at its very best, we are all being fooled into thinking the Prime Ministers and Presidents we vote into power give a shit about us, they don’t, and lets all stop pretending right now they do, they bail out the banks, they take the hit, they print money from fresh air and bend rules for their friends who gave them the money to put them into the position of power.

Yeah we vote, but that is as far as our say goes, once they are in power they don’t care. On a lead up to any election, be it American, Australian, Canada, Britain, Germany wherever, they are all over the TV willing to help, at your door and at times like this they do help, I got a my Bathroom fitted with things to help me with my disability on the lead up to the last election because I promised a vote, the local member or parliament sent a letter, and LIKE MAGIC the job got done. After the election that they won, they don’t answer the phone or reply to your letter, this is the stage these bastard liars stop giving a shit about us.


So please, if your eyes are not already open, open them now, if you don’t believe me, go research yourself. You are being used, yes you. Some say “Ahh what difference will my voice make” and this FUCKING ANNOYS me, why? Because welfare, housing, healthcare, education, and more gets put to one side as these people in suits cut more money to sectors that need it more, and the money gets put into this War machine. I have blogged before about this, but not with this passion, we MUST WAKE UP, WE MUST DO SOMETHING, Humanity begs us

Does this affect you directly? No, then don’t care, be ignorance, deny your ignorance also, but when the day comes, and it will you all of a sudden need care or help, you will find what I am writing now is true. So act now or pay later. Our world is filled with war, I ask again, name me countries not in War, at War or in civil War, this is a hard list. Did you  vote for War? Did you say “Yeah let’s go destroy all these countries so Halliburton can make millions more” I didn’t. Who said we could go and do this for oil, did you? I never

We are the 99% they are the 1%, we have the power, we have the voice, we own OUR PLANET sadly we fail to act, only a minority of us try, only a few do, like in the pictures in this blog.


The illusion has been created  that your government gives a shit about you, I have some bad news for you, it doesn’t give a shit if you are living in the street, live in pain, are dying or dead, you are just a number, and not until we, the people who vote and trust these fat bastards in suits who say “No child left behind” While cutting education speak up, they get richer, their power gets stronger and before we know it we have 1984 and Charles Orwell is a visionary

We still have time, but as long as people sit in ignorance, we will only go one way. Healthcare and treatments for health are going to keep getting cut and all your child will need to get into college is a pencil and smile, we also kill of animals left right and centre, many species are almost gone, who’s decision was this? Who said this was cool? I never, did you? Time to stand up, time to do something, time to stop being ignorant to a world that is being KILLED in front of our very eyes, we must act, because if we don’t, we are done, so don’t come and complain when you realise you have been lied to and your world is not what is seems. The illusions these bastards put in-front of us happened today, yesterday and will keep happening.


What do you do?  Forget politics and think humanity would be a real start. This is our world, we own it, we sell it to lairs who promise and never deliver

images (1)

I will play this video till everyone on earth has seen it, let the love flow and lets rid ourselves of hate an greed

How did it come to this?


Another blog where deep down I know the answer, but just want to debate with others, our world is in ruins, mother earth is fighting back, she is not happy and showing signs all over

We as a species are almost like bacteria on her, and over the millennia we have treated her with hate and didn’t care

We War over what? Really I am asking. Why do we go to War? What took us to Iraq? Lies did. What will take us to Iran one day, more lies?

Here is the REAL Iran we don’t get shown

The leader said some bad things; leaders from other countries DID awful things. This so called “War on Terror” is not going to the play book I feel. Is there a terror really there? You decide.

Sometimes I pray a soap box lands at my feet with a microphone to the words ears, as the things I would say would be hard to hear but full of truth.  Look at OUR home; it is in wreck and ruin!

What brought us here I ask, as do many, but look back through history and we tell stories of more war and more murder in the name of what and who? This pre-dates all of us and many of our ancestors, we are all culpable, and we all stand back and watch. We vote idiots into power, sometimes we do so, because we mostly have a two party system, and the choice is “That idiot” or “the other idiot”

Remember him?

Robin Cook, now dead, for not wanting the USA her Allies to go to Iraq, I was friends with his son

Robin Cook, now dead, for not wanting the USA her Allies to go to Iraq, I was friends with his son

It looks like North Korea may start a big war. There is nothing we can do, we can only pray someone somewhere thinks of the bigger picture and takes a second to stand back and step down. I look at where I am on a map of the world


And often I say “Thank God” I am here and not somewhere else. I was born lucky, I wasn’t born into War, I wasn’t born into being part of a Super Power, and I was born in the corner of the globe, depending on how you look at a map. In my map, we are dead centre and as north as you can be, the maps from the USA show me in the top left corner. I am thankful for where I am, but worry for others

War is a given, it is the only constant in our history, go back 2,000 years we killed a man who claimed to be able to do all these amazing things, it is in our nature to kill. Should he come back again, would we kill him again? Has he come back? Have we killed him again? I look to offend nobody here, please. It is just in our nature to kill. We kill for the sake of money often. Go and research it is there. We will off all the Animals for say, perfume for our woman, we sell ourselves short for an extra few pounds or dollars. We have SHIT on our own home. Here in Scotland we say “Never shit in your own backyard” Sadly we have raped our planet dry and we kill the animals in the sea and on land in the name of a few extra pennies so some rich prick somewhere can give his wife something or so he can have something on his wall, we kill the animals in our OWN BACK YARD FOR THIS SHIT. This shit needs to stop

This isn’t the way it was meant to be, I know this much. Maybe we are someone’s game, I don’t know, but I have said this before and will say it again, TV lands tells is how to think, what to believe and how to act. Many are slowly waking up this con trick, and I am glad, I just fear many have awakened too late. Politicians are paid, by us, to lead, they lie, they don’t lead, they take from us, they kill us, they kill our planet and we stand back and allow this.. WAKE THE FUCK UP!! Me included

I blog for peace, I try and do my little bit. Imagine we ALL did our little bit. Can you imagine? I say we do more than imagine, we need to get our fingers out

Blogger for Peace.


I would like to thank fellow “Blogger for peace”  DAY ONE Barbara @ for bringing this to my attention. I seen on another bloggers page the “Bloggers for peace” badge and stole it, lol. I had NO idea there was a Blog for it here  from everyday gurus I just thought it was a cool saying. So I am going to join this, and once a month do a blog on the Peace movement. Anyone that knows me, will have picked up, like Barbara did, I am a Blogger for Peace, so I was part of it without knowing I guess.

I would say EVERYONE has a look at this, because one blog at a time, one reply at a time, one song, one saying, just trying, we may get Peace. I won’t give up on it, and I know you won’t either. Anyone that craves War, craves it for financial gain, or is a Soldier who likes War. As a Blogger for Peace, I would say these people are the architects of War, and they must be stopped

I will add the “B4Peace” to my blog here, in a show of solidarity with others who crave peace as I do, I love it, and it speaks to me in a way of Peace


This here is in my Blog and has been since the start Under “Why I hope” it says:

We live in an world full of love, but also we are fed violence through the media. A world that is more connected through technology, but less connected than ever as people.

We don’t interact, and the world has become a corporate machine, where money  rules over the heart.

One person at a time, one blog at a time, one conversation at a time, we CAN change our world


So all along my ideology of Peace was there, I just didn’t know it. But I will add more.

I think we live in a world where War is for profit and blood flows all over for a small percentage of people can add an extra zero to their bank balance, they make me sick. I did a blog a while back, and the theme was “We don’t want war” This picture below speaks volumes, A man from the USA and a Man from Iran, at the London Olympics sharing a Hug. We the people don’t want war, we want peace, we want to love and share and help where we can, we want to share cultures and be part of each others cultures and give a shit.

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

Kindness on a GLOBAL scale, we don’t see this much do we?

So I throw my hat into the “Blogger for peace” movement and if you give a shit, yes YOU, join in. I am aware any day War could be on my doorstep, and this is the ignorance sometimes, if we can’t see war, we are immune to it so we don’t give a shit. But for the people all over the world in War, at War on in Civil War, we must put ourselves in these people’s shoes to show we give a  damn about them. We must blog and the then blog some more, and then just in-case, blog again against this Global War Machine I hate with every fibre of my being. If you have morals and love and care, then take 20 minutes out of your day and join this “Bloggers for Peace” movement, the more who do it, the more may listen. Never say never. Once I  thought WWIII was a given, it was going to happen, now I am not so sure. We are close. Name a county not in, or at war or in civil war, you will be hard pushed to produce a list with any substance.

So we must all come together, the VAST MAJORITY and say, with one voice “NO” We don’t want to kill each other. And tell this 1% to take their money, run for the hills and let people who will rule FOR US not against us, and allow these people to run a world where hope can be seen, where solidarity can be felt and expressed, where we can say to a fellow human, from anywhere “Are you ok”  I am in, and I will be in harder and harder, as this is a subject close to my heart and my being, this is just my opening blog, expect harder blogs than this to come, I hope I can do “Bloggers for peace” some justice


Join in!

Join in!


I often show this video, it means more now! 

After seeing all of this, take the 20 minutes, or deny ignorance! 

A message to Humanity 72 years in the making


I was speaking with willowdot21 @ about a blog they done A brilliant blog and it made me think of this video 

And we spoke about what WE all have done to our Mother Earth, I have posted this video before, but when I had less followers. So I will post it again. Charlie Chaplin spoke these words, he adlibed  this speech in many parts. It was 72 years ago,and today we take meaning from it. I hope it speaks to your heart as it does mine. And thanks to willowdot21  

Coldplay – Viva La Vida – Religious and more

coldplay make trade afarir

UK Super band Coldplay are a group who I love, I love their music. Within their music and the way they perform, like the picture above, they have a lot of meaning in what they do. They mention religion a lot in songs, and always with messages about global greed and global fairness in what they do in performing

This song here was live in Japan; it is Viva La Vida a song that mentions ST Peter and more. A quick Google and you will find many pictures like above. This is a band that is brilliant; write their own music while trying to send a message of love, peace and freedom and also fairness in our world.

Enjoy the song, lyrics below

“Viva La Vida”

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
“Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!”

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can’t explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn’t believe what I’d become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can’t explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can’t explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Is this the PROOF The Iraq war was a lie – declassified Rumsfeld Memos?

Mr Rumsfeld

Mr Rumsfeld

(Taken from a another blog and modified by me)

On this show here there were a  things said and aired that surprised even me. I did the blog about Australian independent PM Ann Bressington exposing what she thought were lies to deceive the Australian people by the club of Rome (Secret based theme close to Scottish Freemasonry) this was the blog:

structure of freemasonry


I believe through years of study, and I am a Scotsman with many family members in the freemasons, one as high as 32 degree, I know through really researching this secret culture it is a “Jobs for the boys” business, but as a younger man I thought it was a Scottish thing, oh how stupid I was 🙂

Are we slowly seeing a world where the truth is being told? I for one hope so. The IRAQ was destabilized the region badly, and still to this day it is bad, and the surrounding areas are now on full alert as America or Isreal, Iran, Syria, whoever, may act with aggression. There are no right’s and wrong’s here, only war and people being killed.

When we elect people to top level positions in power, the average American expects there to be accountability and honesty in government. Not wars for political and monetary gain. Now we have been screaming this forever around here, only to be ridiculed as “paranoid conspiracy theorists.” 

The Conspiracy people for me, may have been right after all, you judge for yourself. Were we taken to War on a lie?

These declassified memos show how the administration perhaps planned it in secrecy, and also key areas of concern, Oil being one of them

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, said Monday on MSNBC that he’s “damn sure the Bush administration cooked the books” when it came to pushing for the invasion of Iraq. I don’t think for a second many will debate the other way we were all led into Iraq on a lie. I am from the UK, I know people who died and friends who served over there. Their heads are ruined for life.

Wilkerson was speaking to host Ed Schultz about the Republican filibuster of Defence Secretary nominee Chuck Hegel, but transitioned into a plug for MSNBC’s new documentary “Hubris: Selling the Iraq War,” which aired Monday night.

The documentary featured never-before-seen memos by Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld, composed in November, 2001, clearly showing he and aides work shopping ideas for selling the invasion of Iraq. “US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks?” one possibility reads. “Dispute over WMD inspections? Start now thinking about inspection demands.”

Here are the released documents, make of them what you will. I do this blog so others can debate and make their own minds up, I hope people do look further into this. People who STILL can’t see our leaders lie for money and oil need a good shake! The video below, please watch it also. It was done by a famous rapper, and his voice changed. I am into Rap and I think the wording in the video/song is a give away

1-50b365f01e (1)









Just take a look at that story, and what the former Chief of Staff is saying about it. While in office, Rumsfeld also had a share and say in Halliburton, the war machine. He and Bush both had shares in this. Just how much were we lied to and still being  lied to? The mind boggles and one of my pet hates, should you read my blogs, is Corporate Greed. People in a position to help, making millions of Dollars/pounds/Euro’s

I can’t and won’t say this is 100%, never. But lets open our eyes to the types of people running our world, the developed high powered part that is. They are scheming, secretive, lying people, who will throw blood on battlefields and not even think about it. They really DO NOT CARE any more about the soldier’s lives, or the family’s lives that are so affected by this- much less the children and other innocents who bear the brunt of their lasting destruction with depleted uranium.

The Amerikan Dream.

You military still on the fence, it’s time to step down on the side of freedom from this. We need a total cleansing.