Enough with the pain already, please, my will is broken

enough already!

enough already!

When I have a busy day, the next day I pay, and pay badly. Yesterday I got in my Car, drove to the other side of Edinburgh, and had lunch with my Mum. It was amazing, loved it

I awake this morning at 9am, takes me one hour to get out of bed. I am in immense pain; I can only describe this pain as all over, from my forehead to my toes and all in-between. Where is the fairness, where is the right? Because this is wrong

Nobody should have to suffer like this. 15 years now. I know many others suffer, and I am so sorry for you all, it is also unfair. Had I been a Buddhist I think I was a mass murderer in my last life.

I show love, I care, and I have made up for my wrongs, I have said sorry for my crimes. When I was a bad bastard I had no pain, when I changed to light and love the pain came. Anyone explain this? Why do BASTARDS get to go through life pain free while good people have to endure this pish? For people reading who do not know what it is, it is the “Devils Pain” that is what I call it. It is like a train, it just keeps coming, it doesn’t stop, Bang, bang, bang and then more.

I try to be good, I pray, I believe God can help me, but 15 years on, I am all out of trying, I am done, my will is almost broken, I am alone in a crowded room, I am loved but it is invisible. I sit at this or another computer all day every day. When I do try and do stuff, anything, the pain hits again BANG, BANG, BANG the train keeps coming and I break bones. This is not fair on good people. I have family members and friends, My own Mother, she is a DIAMOND, she is pain also. Where is the right in this?

I am boring myself with this shit, writing about it all the time, but I have to get it out. I need to write it from my mind to this page. Maybe one day I will wake up and I will be able to play football, take my kids to the park, go back to work as a football manager, and other things a Man will take for granted. I am glorifying pain here without realising it.

I am sorry for boring you all…


No more silly stuff, I walk away the bigger person


The blog from earlier, this nonsense http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/this-could-be-my-last-blog-no-way-am-i-taking-this-from-people-i-cant-debate-or-reason-with/ I was tired, in AGONY on medication, so I may have read it wrong? Maybe

For me it is over. I am being the bigger and better person. Am I still annoyed at what was said, No. do I want to carry this on? No. Do I want to carry on blogging and doing what I love, yes. So I forget it and keep learning to better myself, I don’t know,  I was tired, highly medicated and in agony, but that is never an excuse to be nasty and it is not in my nature to be nasty, not over something as trivial really, in the grand scheme of things, it was trivial, and it’s over. I won’t speak to 2 people again, and my world will carry on as it was yesterday. I am sure these people will lose no sleep, I won’t, My only concern really is others stopping me from leaving it be. Should that happen, I will copy and paste the entire conversation I saved. So please, to everyone, please, lets pretend we are adults and show kids how to deal with an argument, deal? Good!

I have had sleep, I am a lot less medicated at the second and I may have to go the hospital if my left hip and knee don’t start moving. I am not annoyed, I was at the time, I was venting blood at the time, and I am calm now. When I see injustice, or a rude comment, the Scotsman comes out in me. Ask a few people that knew me from Twitter, I stand my corner. 🙂

It was silly, immature from many people, me included. The others involved can say what they like, I will say “Sorry” and I hope you are well. I don’t hold a grudge towards anyone, I want to keep writing here as it really did save my life and continues to do so. The other people, in the position(s) they hold here I am sure won’t lose any sleep on any of their accounts. I hope not anyway, lets leave it be

So I will keep blogging, I will remain as upbeat as I can and respect and love and care for the people who ACTUALLY know me. I will accept comments from ANYONE, but if a comment I feel is unjust I explode. Again, ask anyone from Twitter. I had 5,000 followers and walked away due to 10 people.

I am not walking away from this. I am told “Why has Shaun got 30+ awards” and it is an issue with some. Just to add, I ask the same question. I love the awards, they are  brilliant comments and awards, all they are, they are only pictures really. When someone awards me, I blog it, go to “Awards” below, under category and you will see I return all blogs, for one or two, me having awards seems to be an issue. I do not understand this, so I can’t comment.

So it’s done, forgotten about, I don’t want to get banned, I want to stay here and speak to the best people on the internet and learn from the best, for me 100% over, the item I opened is now closed, so there should be  no more replies, if some have a heart, they will delete it.

So here is to another 30+ awards for Uncle Shaun, just to annoy a few people 🙂  I am joking, honest

Please, everyone, have a great weekend.


More Love, Less Hate 

Please take this and give it to 10 people. Thank you!

I made this Award because I love it here