Hatred within Religion



I did this blog here http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/08/29/life-on-earth-started-on-mars-say-scientists/ this morning

Since I have had abuse and harsh comments in Email and a few on another place I blogged it. One person who had a go at me has told me before he HATES Islam and blames Islam for many of the problems in the USA and the World. I ask how you can hate if you are a man/woman of God

See this is where I lose the place slightly, as someone who believes in God but has no faith in religion, because of the statement above about Islam and more I have heard. It seems like Catholics dislike Christians and Christians dislike Catholics and I know the issues between Catholics and Protestants, I grew up in it, people die still here due to one religion being unable to live with the other, my Country isn’t as bad as Northern Ireland, where I have family, but it isn’t far from it http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/most-dangerous-rivalry-catholic-vs-protestant-through-football/

I need to just say, ANYONE who knows me well will know at the end of most blogs I say “More love, Less hat” I am not a person of hate, so I am not going to sit here and listen to a goody 2 shoes religious person and take abuse over a scientific finding that we (Humans) may have came from Mars, I never made this finding, I blogged it in a few places, the abuse I got from people proves one thing


Not with everyone, but with many, for some reason this particular IDIOT wants to have a go at every religion on Earth, blame the Worlds problems in Islam, then have a go at me because I DARE question his/her comfy World. I wasn’t, I was posting scientific FACTS, I am sorry if this shakes someone’s faith, but if you REALLY are religious, then your faith shouldn’t be shaken, I don’t get the hatred spewed at me because I dare say “Humans may have came from Mars” As many do believe anyway. Science proves things, that is what it does, it is not always right, but it can prove more than Religion can, there I said it

Our World is days from WWIII and we wonder why, religion is not to blame, people are, religion is not the issue, idiots are, can I be any clearer? These are ONLY my opinions, I don’t want to try and change anyone’s faith, because I know I don’t want to and  I couldn’t anyway, so what gives with the abuse? I treat any person as I do any person, be you religious, whatever, act like a dick, I will call you one, instead of emailing me pish go onto the blog and debate like a proper blogger.

I am not angry, neither am I surprised, upsetting a religious person seems a very easy thing to do, but I say “More love, less hate” at the end of most blogs, I say I believe in God myself, yet I get IDIOTS filling my email inbox with SHIT telling me to bring the blog down, I didn’t even reply, I did this blog, so if you who sent the worse email has an issue, come here and vent your sorry excuse for a life, I did a blog before and the reply was “Don’t waste your time, it never happened” as if this person had all the proof in the world. For people who LOVE GOD, a minority sure throw a lot of hatred about, think they will get to heaven and I will go to hell

How about just being nice to each other? The World is in a MESS, and it starts with us, the people, people create hate and intolerance and wars and issues




More love, less hate


"Considers it worse than Murder" This is not Gods words, it stupid words

“Considers it worse than Murder” These are not Gods words, stupid words yeah

Why do people take kindness for Daftness?

Just a picture to get a point over. I don't mean like this.. Read on...

Just a picture to get a point over. I don’t mean like this.. Read on…

My 750th blog here 🙂 wow how time flies

In a World where (As a kid) Murder is something I have seen, violence I could never speak about on here, woman getting  raped, torture to people who were owed someone money, you name it, I have seen it, and PLEASE! THIS IS NO BRAG. I am making the point I am a nice guy, really nice guy who became a nice guy because of this, to remind anyone, here is the guest blog Mel @ http://deliberatedonkey.wordpress.com/ so kindly allowed me share on her blog page. This blog was hard to do as it reminded me of what I seen, who I became, but also in a good way told me why I am happy and thankful to many people for making me the nice guy I am today, so just a reminder of where I come from http://deliberatedonkey.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/murder-and-more-through-the-eyes-of-a-child/ I beat that system to become a Baker, Shoe repairer, Bingo caller and football manager, and a PC tech/repairman, I did what I had to do with jobs to bring money into my home the RIGHT WAY and stopped making money the WRONG way

Anyway, I am just saying, there is no boasting about that shit, it was evil, wrong and I guess I have my Mum to thank most for helping in the long run. I ask a simple question “Why do people take kindness for stupidity” in a person? I have seen this happen to nice people also, real nice people, some take it to heart and leave Word Press due to idiots, why? I will tell you why, because it is easier for a fucking arsehole to make themselves feel good in their shit life, it makes them feel part of “Something” where in reality they have NOTHING, not even a smile or friends in real life, I pity these idiots who stomp around cyber space making themselves look tough, when in reality, they have NOTHING, trust me on this, nothing, they are unhappy and sad. #Bless In a way I guess I feel sorry for them, people with no love, no heart, no family, no friends, just an internet connection a keyboard and a big mouth and a REALLY shit life, this is 100%  Google it lol

In my real world people know, but they need not know, if I was to fall out with my best friend now I just would not speak to him/her again, simple :-). I am the EXACT same as any man if someone entered my home, they wouldn’t see daylight ever again, I know many men from the USA who have Guns and say this, we don’t do guns here, but if someone was to come into my home, or hurt someone I loved they would stop breathing in under 1 minute, my nature is a kind one, I help people, but if someone in Edinburgh, Scotland was stupid enough to test this “Taking my kindness for being stupid” I would either not talk to them again, or loan them £20 knowing I would never see them again, or if they did something horrific to a loved one, I would end up in trouble, same as every man on Earth

All that manly shit bravado to one side I am a nice lad, I never hate, when people bring hate to me, like here “THE JEW HATER” I stood my corner and beat him with Words and stopped his PC from working all the way from Scotland to New Jersey in the USA. He crossed a line and he was stupid and uneducated, check, your jaw will drop http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/26/so-i-gave-a-person-an-award-he-asked-me-if-i-was-a-jew/

What I am seeing are a few people on Word Press testing my patience with things they are too scared to say to me even though they are between 5,000 and 50,000 miles away from me, laughable yeah, whatever. And I don’t like it. They are taking a liberty on a Disabled person, medicated and who won’t stop being nice, just a total waste of time. From nearly 1,000 friends here a few are being idiots, but let me tell you if you are reading, you are giving me blog material and PC practice. I call them “Keyboard Gangsters” Don’t get me wrong, I LOSE NO SLEEP, trust me on that one, but a voice at the back of my brain is saying “Is this person 10 years old?” I mean I say “More love, Less Hate” not because it seems a nice thing to say, or it makes me look good, I say it because I have seen and been hatred and now I know and am love, I smile often, I have a great life. Some days I am in that much pain I want to just end my life. Not something Dawn will be happy about to read, but she knows they are just words. This was me day before yesterday http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/07/16/worst-pain-ever-today-i-am-almost-done/ it was horrific and unfair

Many see I am a decent lad, I care, I leave nice comments, I ask “Are you ok”, “I hope you are doing ok today” and “I hope your pain gets better” and more, you get the drift. So why do a few take a liberty (With many people) when many are far away and harmless to them. I am trying to tell myself it is not this person who I said no to when they hit on me (Happened more than once by the way) and they are spreading shit in my name. I sent a NICE email a week or so ago wishing them all the best for the future when a friend we both had told me something, it doesn’t matter what it was, but it was childish and immature and laughable at the same time. I will keep blogging my way, I will keep taking pictures from Google to use in my blog after getting an email saying “You steal pictures” yeah, from Google, where we all do, I laughed a little to be fair.

Just be fecking nice, get over it. We all share friends on here, so time to grow up and act your ages

More love

Less Hate

Share the Care

Shaun x


A hospital in Zimbabwe charged women $5 for each scream during childbirth

A nurse prepares sugar solution at a health clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe. (DESMOND KWANDE/AFP/Getty Images)

A nurse prepares sugar solution at a health clinic in Harare, Zimbabwe. (DESMOND KWANDE/AFP/Getty Images)

Corruption is so systemic in Zimbabwe, one of Africa’s poorest countries, that a local hospital charges mothers-to-be $5 every time they scream while giving birth. That’s according to an extensive new report from Transparency International on corruption around the world, which also notes that a staggering 62 percent of Zimbabweans say they’ve paid a bribe in the past year.

The $5 hospital screaming fee, purportedly a charge for “raising false alarm” but clearly aimed at separating mothers from their money, is no joke. Gross domestic product per capita is only $500 in Zimbabwe; average annual income per person is about $150. Zimbabwean hospitals also charge a $50 delivery fee. This means that, in a country where underemployment is 95 percent and poverty is rife, a mother who screams a few times during delivery might owe half her annual income after giving birth.

According to a follow-up by Transparency International, women who can’t afford the high fees are sometimes detained at the hospital and charged interest until their family can pay up. As a result, many Zimbabwean mothers give birth at home because they can’t afford the charges. The United Nations reports that, on average, eight mothers die during childbirth every single day in Zimbabwe.

Transparency International says its Zimbabwe office contacted the national health ministry about the issue by sending, as such offices often require, a formal letter. The health ministry said it had received the letter, then apparently did nothing, and when the NGO followed up an official told the organization that they had lost the letter. Finally, a member of Transparency International was able to meet with Zimbabwe’s deputy prime minister, who promised to look into. Since then, the NGO says, it’s heard no more complaints about screaming charges – although the $50 delivery charge, impossibly expensive for many in Zimbabwe, remains.

This is one more example why we need to change our World, greed and power are starting to come before life and love, this highlights again, the need to realise, just because it is not happening in your Hospital or mine, we can’t turn a blind eye to this. Is this the world you want for your Children and their childred? Not me……..


Self Pity




I FUCKING dislike self pity

I dislike people who want sympathy

I dislike people who make things a competition

I dislike self loathing

I dislike “Feel sorry for me”


I like people who give it straight

I like people who get on with it

I like people who are just honest

I like people who say “I am having a shit time today”

I like people who help others

I like people who love

I like people who care

Today I awoke and I am drenched in self pity for myself and I dislike myself for it. It is if I want the world to give a shit about me and say “There there, it will be ok” I know it will be it always is. The pain I am in today is the worst I have felt in many a year. I ache in places I didn’t know aching could happen. I will leave you to use your imagination there.

I am self loathing here, I feel sorry for myself, I hate myself,  I hate my life, I hate this existence, I want to be 14 again, I want to build a time machine and go back, I want to be a selfish bastard and say to hell with you all and go, leave, go elsewhere, live another life. I was blessed in some ways, but given pain I just can’t handle. This pain wants to make me swallow 200 tablets and go for a sleep

I won’t, I will live, I will be strong, I will be a man about it, and I will hold my shit together. I have EVERYTHING but in reality I have fuck all. I have love, I am loved, but right in this moment I don’t care, I want to be selfish and be a prick about it. I want to go and punch the druggy fuck round the corner into hospital to get the pain out my mind. Would it help if I went to his door and punched him to a new week of his life? No, it wouldn’t, violence is never the answer. Sure feels like it is right now though. I just want to be normal, live normal, be like my mates who can still do shit we could all do when we were kids.

I will dream and hope this bastard pain leaves my body, I have been praying for LIKE ever, and fuck all happens, it just gets worse, so that’s that idea out the window.

This moment is a bad moment, a shit moment, an alone moment, a selfish moment. Why should I go on? Why should I go on with this body in this pain? Taking the poison my Dr Gives me that makes my brain think things I don’t want to be thinking? Pain over many years will do this to anyone.

Turn this fucker over, I am toast

Going to steal a song someone sent me, the man wrote it for his partner who is in pain…..



So I gave a person an award, he/she asked me if I was a Jew………………….

It is thinking like this that caused death. I am stunned

It is thinking like this that caused death. I am stunned

I gave this piece of shit here an award: http://shadowmasterminds.wordpress.com/ and look what happened……
  • …Are you Jewish?

    • Nope..
      Do I have to be?

      It is an award sent from one Human to Another.

      Why does it matter if I am Jewish?
      I am Atheist, and respect the will of any person.

      You don’t have to accept this award.
      As I say, one Human to anther. After all, when we scale life down, all we have is “us” just people.

      I hope you can accept this award…
      Kindest Regards

    • Jews are a race, not a religion. If you are Jewish by race, then don’t come here anymore.

    • Your comment is awaiting moderation.

      I am not Jewish, but what the fuck if I was you ignorant cunt. I give you an award and you then tell me you hate Jews? So it is Jewish people? is it Israel? Should I hate all American people because of USA Foreign affairs policy. Answer me this. Do think all Jews are anti-semitic? Just testing your knowledge here to see if you are just a brain dead fuck or a hater for no reason. Why you hate Jews big man? You brought this debate to my table, so come on, debate me on the matter. Many Followers you got? 3? No fucking wonder…
      And no wonder the world is so fucked up because of people like you.. Take your hatred and go take a fuck to yourself. Me and you in a room, all I would need was 30 seconds. Shit you now chief..Fucking disgrace to the human race you..

      Know what? I am not even angry here. Bet your blood is boiling thought.


      So this is where the conversation is at present. I don’t do hatred, I have my thinking, but I live and let live, I just don’t understand this type of person. It may look like I was angry, but honest, nowhere near it. I think this person needs reported. I thought I would bring it up… Fucking Moron! I wish I had my Radio Show up and running so I could get this fucking idiot on. Not angry, just, this thinking starts wars. He/she thinks Jewish people run the world  you see. He/She thinks Jewish people are to blame for all hatred, but his/her words are hate, so he/she is no better.

      I have no words for this

      For anyone that missed it, the hatred is here http://shadowmasterminds.wordpress.com/

Hatred, or being hateful




After having a chat with a friend today over the phone, we came to talk about hate, or people who always show hate, I love a good debate about anything and me and my mate are very like minded on what we believe and how we feel, we are both also football men who work with kids from time to time

So hate, where does it come from? I live in Scotland and I have to be honest it can be a hateful place, more so in the west where the whole Catholic/Protestant issue sees people dying still today in this day and age, people who claim to go to church on a Sunday or tie themselves into a religion for the sake of it then turn vile, ignorant and vile, I have never wrapped my mind around this. I live on the East coast and we also have hate, so not all hate is religious and I do not want to turn this blog into a religious hate blog

So where does it come from? For me, and this is only my opinion, we are all born perfect, perfect people with a mind like a sponge, it is from birth through parenting we develop feelings. So when I see a kid showing hate or throwing intolerance at someone for whatever reason I think “That hatred was taught to him” Now many will disagree. But where I live, Men, grown men teach their kids to hate Catholic or a Protestant, don’t believe me? Go and Google it.

I did this blog here http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/most-dangerous-rivalry-catholic-vs-protestant-through-football/ in the blog is a 45 minutes documentary on hate in Scotland, it was done by a young English lad, and you watch it will open your eyes to hatred. I know many live in countries where there is hate and hate worse than I live in, I can only talk about hate where I am

For me hate comes from your upbringing, what your parents stand for, the values you are taught and more. It may seem strange for some to read this, but this is widespread in my Country, it really is a minority, but it’s a minority that sickens me. Even doing football at kids level, my son was playing under 17 football (He was 16) and I was on the touchline as parent and this parent, an idiot was telling all the opposition players his son (Who was a boxer and the Captain of the team my son played for) would beat them up after the game. A few parents shook their heads and walked away, me I walked over and stood right next to him and listened to it, it got worse and worse.

Like this blog here: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/07/how-not-to-speak-to-kids-videos/ I did this two days ago, anyway, this Dad, this idiot, he was a small fat man say 50 years old, I waited till the game was over, I seen him sitting in his car alone, I walked over, opened his car and sat in his passenger seat and told him “You are a fucking arsehole” He went all white  faced and didn’t know what to say apart from “Get out my Car” I replied “ Do you have any idea how much you embarrass the club, the team, your son, his team mates and yourself” He replied “Aye, we need to win the games” So I replied “ So you will win a game at any cost then?” He said “Yeah” I said, “Look I don’t want to sit here all day and cause a scene, or I will be an arsehole like you, but I am telling you right now, don’t swear once more when my son is near you or playing in a game” He replied “You can’t stop me” I replied “Try me”

The next game, not a word, he just looked at me, he was embarrassed. He had seen what he was doing, noted that parents had seen it and were appalled. So point proven, hate is taught, and WE can help stamp it out, we all have a voice, we need to use it more I guess. Some are shy and don’t, but instead of turning the other way and shaking your head, next time, have a nice chat with the person, in a calm way, it works. Maybe it is because I am 6 foot 4 tall and built well men listen? But if I was a small woman for example, I think the man I spoke about above would have listened the same

When we stop teaching hate, maybe we will have a better world? Hatred can be a reply here on Word Press to an Email to someone in their car giving you abuse to a neighbour to any scenario we could debate. Hatred exists, it always has, but we all need to stand up to it and speak gently and calmly to the people teaching it or showing it or doing it, “Give it a rest you dick” or whatever way you would do it

Hatred starts at home, parents need to see it and deal with it when they see it, as I father I did and I was all over sport!! I talked to my son till he understood why he was wrong and explained he didn’t even know what he was hating. It was over sport, he had not a clue; he did it because adults near him were doing it, once I taught him hate is a useless emotion and explained how these adults were wrong he understood

Say no to hatred!!





My Chronic Pain story, where it began, till now. Hope it helps someone


I am going to tell my story and open my heart to you all, and tell you about my life story through living in pain, when it started, what may have triggered it and how it affected my life over the last 15 years.

As a kid aged 12 I was a boxer, my Dad never allowed me to fight properly until he knew I could defend myself, so I only sparred, but my coach at the time was Simon Wilson, who was the Scottish Light Middle Weight Champion at the time. No easy deal in Scotland to be fair.

While training twice a week at age 12 doing boxing, that taught me a discipline as well I was also playing Football (Some call it Soccer, but we will call it football) from the age of 8 years old, so from the age of 8 I was running and I was a very fit kid, when I started the boxing I was training or playing football for a very big club at the time as well as my boxing sparring contests, the only day I was doing nothing was Sunday’s, that was my family rule back then

I did both till about aged 17 when I became a very young father with my Partner now Miss Shaun, who I have been with since High School, I gave up Boxing and kept doing football. When I was around 21 I was playing for the Edinburgh development team in Dunfermline, 15 miles north of Edinburgh just over the Forth Road Bridge. During the game I got tackled hard by two people at the same time, one hit me in the left leg on the inside below the knee, the other hit me in the same leg, on the outside above my knee, leaving my leg as an L shape and a bone sticking out my skin, the pain still haunts me to this day and remembering the mess of my knee also is something I block out

I had keyhole surgery, I was a bit lucky I damaged my ligaments and tendons badly, luckily I snapped my leg 2 inches below the knee, not actually on the knee, at the time I thought my knee had snapped.

So there I was in Hospital, with a 3 year old son, unable to work and sure I would never kick a football again. 1 year later, I ignored my Dr’s advice and went back to play football, again hurting my knee, I kept playing through the pain, then at age 23 I noticed recovery time between games and the pain going away. By the age of 24, scans and X-rays and a little more keyhole surgery I was told I had to stop working. I was a trained Baker, and this had a devastating effect on not just me, but my relationship with Miss Shaun (Her Name is Dawn) me being young and angry and frustrated I turned to drink and drugs. This lasted a few years and I got sober/straight

At the age of 28 or around this time it was 100% confirmed I had Chronic Pain, at the time there this was a new thing, Dr’s were not 100% about what was causing pain to come over all my body and not just my knee, I got all the tests under the sun, and the pain just got worse. As I hit my 30’s the pain gathered, at this time I was 7 years into being a Football Manager and coach, being a coach you are the one who takes the training session and leads from the front, being Manager you walk around and shout at people being lazy, bad attitude and just not giving it 100%, at this point I had to stop coaching as much, and I was just manager, I did this till early 2012 when I had to give up.

We moved house, had two daughters and the pain peaked, I am told the pain will not get worse in a Chronic Pain way, but will as my body naturally gets older. Looking back I should have stopped playing football when my Knee was an L shape. I speak to my Dr’s now, and the belief is I gave too much to my body too often and to hard and here I am in my late 30’s writing about it

That is my story in a quick a way as possible. It started with my knee, then to leg, hip and the pain hit me all over. Chronic pain is such an odd Syndrome to determine and act upon from a medical point of view. I work with a focus group these days when I can, I speak in seminars from time to time answering questions from “Experts” with a book about my pain, and how it affected me and so on

I lost all faith in the medical world long ago when it came to Chronic Pain, they are good people the team who tried to help me, but the funding for Chronic Pain and similar issues here and elsewhere is so low, they can’t do much other than give you tablets, it is still an unknown, they think most of it is triggered by the mind, but I can’t and don’t buy that one, I am a very positive fun loving lad and I don’t go there. I am depressed only when I am in pain, I am not clinically depressed

The pain, I can only describe as all over body toothache, I can feel it coming, sometimes it starts in my lower back, sometimes my shoulders, sometimes my knees and spreads like a fire in a paper factory and before I know it my entire body is in spasm and in pain. I take heavy medication, but refuse to take the REAL HEAVY STUFF; I would rather be in pain and have a life than spend my life drooling in my bed till the day I die.

This is my story. Fire away if you have a question, please, if my story can help anyone, I want to help people. It allows me to look in the mirror and still feel human, I don’t want sympathy, and I just want the pain to go away. I help the NHS in other ways also, but personal stuff I just need to do for personal reasons

It is not nice, it stole my life and made me hate myself, I am now getting to know the new me, and thanks you all you, I am getting there. But I don’t want to be the new me, but I must accept, it is unfair on any of us who have this, it is cruel what this does to our lives midway through, had I been born with this, I wouldn’t be blogging  I don’t think. It stole me and took me away from loved ones, I had to fight back to them, I still am….. My story continues, and I treasure my memories I will leave some below

Shaun x

After winning a Treble (3 Trophies) This was the 3rd one..

After winning a Treble (3 Trophies) This was the 3rd one..

To some this means NOTHING, to me it explains who I must be, and all I can be

To some this means NOTHING, to me it explains who I must be, and all I can be

League winners the week after winning the cup, the "Double" was ours

League winners the week after winning the cup, the “Double” was ours

The day we won the league title. Brilliant day. My oldest Daughter was born two days before this

The day we won the league title. Brilliant day. My oldest Daughter was born two days before this

Players after the game receiving their awards, and also our league winning Trophy

Players after the game receiving their awards, and also our league winning Trophy

Words from the Match sponsor and myself, I am there in the middle picture somewhere, crowd behind us

Words from the Match sponsor and myself, I am there in the middle picture somewhere, crowd behind us

Me with former Celtic and Scotland international player Stevie Fulton as I progressed with my qualifications in football

Me with former Celtic and Scotland international player Stevie Fulton as I progressed with my qualifications in football

Me relaxed and ready to fire my players up in the Stadium an hour before kick off

Me relaxed and ready to fire my players up in the Stadium an hour before kick off

Again my first team, I had them WANTING to win at this age, but enjoyment was everything

Again my first team, I had them WANTING to win at this age, but enjoyment was everything

My first team 12 years ago (I  think) My son in red bottom right,  after 3 wonderful years.I cried when it ended!!

My first team 12 years ago (I think) My son in red bottom right, after 3 wonderful years.I cried when it ended!!

My old boxing club and coach, me back left

My old boxing club and coach, 1985 I Think

My old club I am in the back row middle

My old boxing club

I might be there somewhere

My old club, my old coach bald lad top right

George Galloway and why Maggie Thatcher should rot in hell



George Galloway went to the US Senate and eat them for breakfast? Anyone remember this?

I will remind you, Your senate LIED about a fellow Scotsman of mine who I have met and like.

I get asked a LOT, Why the UK hates Thatcher so much, so here is why. The video (Below) is to remind you who George is..


This came out again today, I was not one of them, but 10’s of thousands  did this today, research why. Many think we liked Thatcher, we didn’t, Her legacy KILLED the UK…

RIP Tho Maggie.. x

Scenes from ALL over the UK Today for Thatchers funeral, want to know why? Listen below..

Scenes from ALL over the UK Today for Thatchers funeral, want to know why? Listen below.. PLEASE! 

Most Dangerous Rivalry – Catholic Vs Protestant, through football



Many ask me about the hatred between Catholic and Protestant and the hatred in Glasgow, the West of Scotland. So for anyone interested, here is a Documentary about the story. I have my views, gather your own and report back. This video is around 45 minutes long, and it is a lot to take in, and there is a LOT of swearing, sectarianism and hatred and more. So be warned.

Anyone with Scottish blood, Catholic or Protestant. here is the views from an English lad who did this Video. Again, be warned it is not nice. A man in the video is Mark Dingwall, he gets TV airtime over here, and he is a bigot. Anyway, if you are interested in the reasons for the hatred between these two groups, this may do it justice, it may not. Again I have my thoughts, but I will let others watch and if debate starts to flow, then I will comment. I am a Glasgow Celtic fan, but I don’t care for this side of it, I just LOVE Football.

Beware, you won’t believe the hatred, many here have asked, so here you are.


Why do we blog?


A new blog with a very hard answer to an easy question on the face of it

Why do we blog? For me it is to reach out, to share, and to tell my story, not it all, but the parts that I can and do. I also blog because I like to read, I only started reading books midway through last year, I am more of an online reader. I was in my late teens when the internet came online, and even back then, reading online subjects of all matter was my thing. For some reason I couldn’t or didn’t want to commit to a book, now I do, as to write, you need to read, so get ideas and learn

I have said this many times in many places, but I love humility, it would be easy to look at our world, in any part of the world, watch the news and feel bad about what we see, but blogging here, or anywhere I guess allows us an insight to other people, other cultures, other religions and ways of life. We get to meet and talk to people here and elsewhere, as I do Skype Audio with many, and a good laugh it is, many people who share a common goal, and that is sharing.

Not all come here with the intention of sharing, some just come here and perhaps don’t know they are sharing, but be it a poem, a picture, a song, a blog, a work of art, no matter what it is, it is sharing. The Word Press community is something else, it inspires me, it cheers me up, it makes me laugh, it makes me cry, and I feel all emotions when I read others content. People who are dying, people who are ill, people who are disabled like me, people who are well, just people sharing and loving and giving and helping

It is an honour for me, a lad who has only been blogging for a year, 10 months of that has been about Soccer, I only really started sharing myself here say 3 months ago, and I started blogging just to share my disability in the hope someone would talk back and share theirs, and they did many times over, hundreds of people I connect with here, each day it seems like I am meeting 100 new people. But these awards to the right, am I that good a blogger to be able to say I deserve them? I don’t know, others judge this, and it seems yes. But at the back of my mind I am like “Me, really?”

So why do we blog? I see many blogs and read many blogs and I have yet to not read a subject I have heard about or am aware about, but I will and have came across the odd thing here and there where I am “WOW” because of what I am reading. There are so many nice people here it is untrue. And if this Word press represents a percentage of people from all over the world, then the world should be good. 92% of the world believes in some form of religion or God.

So why do we have war and hatred?  I know this is an easy answer to some, but to me, I don’t get it. I have seen hatred and sat beside evil in my time, and it teaches you not to surround yourself with it, you are, as a person who you surround yourself with in life. I tell my two son’s this every day, and I will keep saying it till they tell me to shut up, lol

It is my duty as a Father to ready my kids for the big bad world out there. It is not that bad, well not where I am, but bad things happen everywhere, so we all have a duty to teach not just our kids, but everyone, that bad is bad, good is good, and humility is humility. If only we could see it on TV and on the Global stage, but we don’t, the news shows us war and death, every night. When I watch the news it depresses me, but I am nosey and want to know, and the world looks terrible. Then I come here and speak to people from Australia, USA, Iran, South Africa, China, Japan, Russia, you name it, I have crossed paths with people from, as have we all

On an individual level people are nice, but as a people, as a nation some are not, and I can’t figure this out either. Why do we accept intolerance and racism and hate and more? Because we are scared to open our mouths in fear of conflict?

But blogging is good, meeting new people is good, understanding new cultures is brilliant, learning new religions is good and the main thing when you share and read is, you must be able to accept opinions, even when they go against everything you stand for, within reason yes, but basic human opinions, we must tolerate, and on here we do

So I blog for those reasons and more maybe. Why do you blog? Why share, why take the time to give a little to strangers? Same as me, enjoyment? Or a true purpose? I matters not, as long as you are sending love and some caring message, then it is good

We all have our reasons, and they really are unimportant, the main thing is we do, and we do it well, and we learn and share and love and care and all these other good things in life, on here we see a different world. Well I do anyway. Not different from the world outside the front door of my house, the whole world, all of us, from every corner

Keep on blogging, keep on sharing, and keep humanity and humility alive I say, allow yourself to respect everyone from everywhere regardless of what religion or colour, creed or nation they stand for, they are the same as you and me, where they are from, what they do, even if you dislike what they do, be better, care and debate, don’t argue. Because if we do it here, then maybe it will spread and our world will be a better place. I believe in God but can’t understand why 92% of us believe in him in all his shapes and forms and we have wars, all over the planet, and I mean no disrespect here, anyone religious will not take that as a slight against God or their God, people who love God accept, they teach, they show us, they tell us God loves us, so religious people can’t hate, at least this is what I am told when I speak to God loving people like myself. I don’t partake to any one religion, I believe in an all knowing God, a God that loves us all no matter the religion we follow. Maybe I am wrong, but MY OPINIONS MUST BE RESPECTED as I search my path to enlightenment and on here, people accept that and help and share and send me links and its brilliant. If we don’t try to love and be kind, what is the point, what does this tell us?

If we can’t tolerate and debate that is bad, otherwise, this explains hate. I am searching for God, and if I see religious people hate, it makes me take one step back. Take religion out of the blog altogether, I just hate, hate!

And I hope you all do also, please, this blog came from my heart and I just want to see more love in our world, not just on here, but everywhere I look. Am I a dreamer? We will find out, or at least I will one day

Thanks for reading, and I have tagged this to DEATH, lol. This isn’t about God or Religion, I know I mentioned this, but I also mentioned lots of other things. Keep caring people, I love it
