You from the USA? Watch this Video!



Puts it all together. Every major event that has brought us to where we are today. Frightening in it’s implication. Although the video makes the argument at the end that “We the People” can stop this, IMO, it is way too late. Orwell’s 1984 doesn’t even begin to describe what we are living through right now and what is to come.

You guys are in a TERRIBLE state right now.  I am posting this as if it is a police state, only because this is what it “seems to becoming” Love the USA Love all you guys, but this video is WOW, Please watch it. And if you can, comment. Or bury your head in the sand. I live 7,000 miles away, it won’t affect me or my Family, but anyone from the USA, if you DON’T watch this video, you are denying ignorance. PLEASE, Let me know your thoughts….




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Chinese hackers access major USA weapons systems as $6 Billion US Scam is Busted!!

A U.S. soldier stands guard near a U.S. Patriot missile system at a Turkish military base in Gaziantep February 5, 2013

A U.S. soldier stands guard near a U.S. Patriot missile system at a Turkish military base in Gaziantep February 5, 2013

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Thousands of confidential files on the U.S. military’s most technologically advanced fighter aircraft have been compromised by unknown computer hackers over the past two years, according to senior defense officials.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter's self-diagnostic system was compromised by hackers, officials say.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter’s self-diagnostic system was compromised by hackers, officials say.

The Internet intruders were able to gain access to data related to the design and electronics systems of the Joint Strike Fighter through computers of Pentagon contractors in charge of designing and building the aircraft, according to the officials, who did not want to be identified because of the sensitivity of the issue.

In addition to files relating to the aircraft, hackers gained entry into the Air Force’s air traffic control systems, according to the officials. Once they got in, the Internet hackers were able to see such information as the locations of U.S. military aircraft in flight.

The Joint Striker Fighter plane is the military’s new F-35 Lightning II. It designed to become the aircraft used by all of the branches of service.

Most of the files broken into focused on the design and performance statistics of the fighter, as well as its electronic systems, officials said. The information could be used to make the plane easier to fight or defend against.

Additionally, the system used by the aircraft to conduct self-diagnostics during flight was compromised by the computer intrusions, according to the officials.

However, the officials insisted that none of the information accessed was highly sensitive data.

The plane uses stealth and other highly sensitive electronic equipment, but it does not appear that information on those systems was compromised, because it is stored on computers that are not connected to the Internet, according to the defense officials.

Lockheed Martin’s chief financial officer denied that there was any breach of classified information, which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.

“The U.S. government doesn’t talk a whole lot about this, and neither do we. But in response to the [Wall Street Journal] report, we think it’s incorrect,” said Bruce Tanner of Lockheed Martin. “There’s never been any effective attack. We have measures in place, and there’s never been a successful attack.”

In a statement released later, the company reiterated its position that no classified information had been accessed.

“To our knowledge, there has never been any classified information breach. Like the government, we have attacks on our systems continually and have stringent measures in place to detect and stop attacks,” the statement said.

I Blogged a while back saying WWIII as far I am concerned is already underway, with 2 huge superpowers, it is always going to be a cyber war to begin with. Anyone with half a brain will know this. China is the worlds new economic superpower, building cities all over Africa and buying spare land all over the world and putting it’s Army on standby as well as playing War games with itself for the last 18 months

My blogs on this matter so far: I researched this HEAVILY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 15th 2013

January 20th 1013

This is an ACT OF WAR!! Nothing more, Nothing Less. Sadly the USA can’t fight back, they have neither the money, man power or will. China has the upper hand. Again, anyone that keeps an eye on the news (No, not CNN, Fox or Sky News) I am talking reliable news sites like Aljazeera News England through Sky TV Here

People need to ready themselves for more of this. Syria and Iran and Russia and friends with China through Oil and Arm deals, so all 4 have a vested interest in each other. If ever the shift of power in our World is at a stage where it could change hands, it is now, America is wide open, and the Federal Reserve caused this with their sneaky planned stock market crash, now being investigated by the USA, do you guys know what is going on in the world? Never mind your own Country, check AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK FROM THE WEST!! Go google, go research, please, there is a whole world out there. Please, look!! AND HERE >> << Swiss Bank Secrecy Veil Falls Over US Fine Fear

The operators of digital currency exchange Liberty Reserve have been accused of helping international criminals launder more than $6bn (£3.9bn) in illicit funds.

US prosecutors allege the funds are linked to everything from child pornography to software for hacking into banks.

An indictment unsealed on Tuesday said Liberty Reserve had more than a million users worldwide, and virtually all of its business was related to criminal activity.

Attorney Preet Bharara said it was “perhaps the largest international money-laundering case ever brought by the United States”.

“Liberty Reserve has emerged as one of the principal means by which cyber-criminals around the world distribute, store and launder the proceeds of their illegal activity,” according to the indictment filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Officials in Spain, Costa Rica and New York arrested five people, including the company’s founder, Arthur Budovsky.

International authorities have also seized bank accounts and internet domains associated with Liberty Reserve.

The indictment details a system of payments that allowed users to open accounts under false names with blatant monikers like “Russia Hackers” and “Hacker Account”.

Indictment US money laundering scam
The indictment alleges that almost all business was related to crime

The use of digital currency has expanded in the past decade, attracting users ranging from video gamers looking for ways to buy and sell virtual goods to those who lack faith in the traditional banking system.

Touted by some investors as the future of money, these virtual currencies have gained the attention of US regulators looking to bring them under anti-money laundering rules.

The US Treasury says it named Liberty Reserve under the USA Patriot Act as it had been “specifically designed and frequently used to facilitate money-laundering in cyber space”.

That designation, a first against a virtual currency exchange, prohibits banks or other payment processors from doing business with Liberty Reserve, even under a new name.

The Treasury also says Liberty Reserve’s virtual currency was used to anonymously buy and sell software designed to steal personal information and attack financial institutions.

Liberty Reserve, with around 12 million transactions per year, laundered over $6bn in criminal proceeds since it began operating in 2006, the indictment said.


This is going to get bad people 😦 For us all