4 minute video that will Change your Life, I BEG YOU WATCH THIS!





This video is horrific, barbaric, horrible and says a LOT about us humans. Got a fur coat? Use make up and wonder where it comes from? Have ornaments in your home and wonder what it is made from? What about that rug, do you know it’s origin? Your perfumes, oil’s and more, where do they come from? WE ARE ALL TO BLAME, EVEN YOU, AND ME! If this video does not create something in us, awaken a part of us, then sadly all IS lost and there is NO way back, we have become savages. Individual acts of kindness but we ALL buy into a World that is used to kill Animals to make our live easier on some scale. I know eating meat or fish we must do, but where is the line? Have we passed it? Will we ever go back, has all been lost? What have we become? We don’t care about all our possessions and their origins, we just use them. That spray, yeah it was tested in an Animal first. Where is the line I ask, where is the humility and the humanity? Where is the love and care we show to each other and our pets in our homes, where does that love go when we don’t care what gets slaughtered so we can have nice things. I know many who are vegan eaters and buy clothes made from only certain materials, if we all did this, the trade of killing animals I hope are going to watch will die. We have the power to draw it all back and help make animals who were are close to becoming extinct through greed for money survive,








The most unexplainable pictures ever, I mean EVER!

If anyone can explain even 1 (ONE) of these photos, with certainty, I will pay a years Premium for you on Word Press. I am that confident!













Can You explain These Unexplainable Pictures (7)






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THIS IS A JOKE! Please relax and fix your tights 🙂


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Yesterday was a blur, and thank you x




To say yesterday was a blur is the understatement of the week. The pain I remember being in around 3pm yesterday was horrific. Dawn called the Dr and within an hour I had Morphine in my system. I don’t know if anyone has had Morphine (Of course some have) but when it hits me, it truly is like getting punched in the back of the head and then a dizzy sick feeling for 10 minutes

Then relief. I remember last night after I took the Morphine in parts, I didn’t take a second doze I had tablets instead, looking back I should have taken more Morphine. I was up till 3 am then up again at about 10 am this morning. I just couldn’t get to sleep for pain. I have a double hospital bed for Dawn and I (And the kids and the dog) so I have all the home comforts to help.

My problem is I keep breaking bones, I keep fracturing the same bones, and bones won’t heal. I was worried and asked my Dr Few years back and they done tests “All part of Chronic Pain Syndrome” I was told. All the bones I have broken in my life, 20+ all feel broken as I type this. From fingers to wrists, shoulder bones, foot bones my ankles my legs and my knee and more. When I did sport I broke a lot of bones, now I pay for it badly

But I would just like to say thank you for all the kind messages I awoke to this morning and all the messages of “Go to sleep” from last night. You guys here really are TRUE extensions to my friends group I have in real life. Any of you on my face book will see my real friends don’t hang out sympathy, just mock me and give me stick, lol

Wouldn’t have it any other way. Also, my two sons, amazing help the last few days since I tore this knee up. Dawn was just AMAZING; she cares for her kids, deals with the house and also this idiot here. She looks after me real well and I am a very lucky boy to have her in my life. I awoke this morning , gave her the most passionate kiss I could muster up then said “Thank you” To everyone who has spoken to Dawn or friends who know Dawn, they will say the same, she is something else, what she puts up with me and my clown shoe ways is something

But the pain is here to stay for this lad (Me) no point looking for it to go, no point praying no more, no point wishing upon a star, this is it, I have accepted it, I did a long time ago, I just didn’t want to admit it. But as I approach 40 years old, ps: I have been approaching 40 years for years now, lol, I know the human body gets sore anyway, for all of us who have Chronic Pain in any form, we get sorer quicker and worse.

So feck it, I love my pain, it’s my friend, so I go with it I guess, smile, be happy, show and make love, care for my kids and family, do what all men do and try and be true to myself and be a decent chap

Thank you all, you are all friends I need in my life. Being here at the PC/Laptop most of the time, you are friends. There was a stigma “You only have on-line friends” but for me and many here, it is all we can have, and I am thankful for you all, truly. I have my real friends also, and this is a thank you from to you. If you reading this and left a comment of any kids last few days, thank you.

Dawn got thanked in a special way. I bought her flowers or, em, something x

A song about friendship and love and how to give a shit about others

I need a challenge!



Throughout my life, as a kid, through my teenage years and till now I have always had a challenge to face, something I had to do to make me feel human. Dealing with my disability is a challenge, but it’s a life challenge now, it will be for life, so that doesn’t count

As a kid I had football and boxing and always pushed myself, winning wasn’t always the key, pushing yourself to a limit you know you couldn’t have done any more was the challenge for me. Also having a young family, that is not a challenge to me, it is a given, there is no challenge, just a promise

I need something. I start my radio shop in a few weeks once my hamstring is better and I can get off these strong tablets  I am on, feeling the burn of pain is truly the a fucking nightmare, daily also http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/shauns-life-and-times-chat-radio-show/ This should present a challenge of sorts, but I can talk the back legs from a horse as it is, this is just something I wanted to do

I need something to drive me on, something to aim for, for the better part of two years I have found myself glued to a seat on the internet. Whatever I have done I have excelled. I have, no board, when I put my mind to something I give it my all, I am an all or nothing kind of guy, I don’t do things in half measures, I do them till I feel I can’t do it any better, then I change my thoughts to something else

Today has been a bitter sweet day, the passing of my Aunt was hard, although expected, watching my family, my Mums side come together was good to see and feel, for me it had been too long

But all the above to one side, I need to be challenged or my mind gets bored, I get lazy and I find myself just doing things for the sake of doing things. Just now on the internet I blog, I do guest blogs, I am a moderator on one of the planets biggest sites, I write about football and tactics and more every day on a few sites. I download and watch a lot of movies and I spend time playing about with programmes to see if I can change them, whatever. I also play a few games online or on the pc, these are not challenges, these are just everyday things I do. I talk on Skype with friends for hours on end. When I got football taken from me I lost inters in watching it on TV. As I type this, the Champions League Final is live on TV, I don’t care to watch it or know the score, this is the biggest watched sporting event on earth outside the Olympics, and I am not interested

So I need a challenge, something to get my teeth into something I can put all my energy into and say I tried. I don’t know what though, I only know Football, and I hurt too much to coach it, I also hurt too much to go back to boxing and coach kids, but I have no certificated in coaching Boxing and if I did, I would be too sore

Have I hit a dead end in life? Has the wall been hit? I know Family and other things are there, but I do them, and none of my family in my house want for anything, ever, they want it, I get it, no boast, just the way I am, like any partner or parent, I am the same, if someone wants something I spoil them, I even spoil myself, I am buying a new laptop tomorrow, but that will put a smile of my face for an hour or so

I put a challenge out to Word Press, challenge me. Give me a challenge, ask something off me, get me to do something I have no idea what it is about and let me see if I can challenge myself. It could be something to write, a blog, a guest blog, anything.

Come on Word Press, don’t let me down, and challenge me. Lol

Shaun’s Audio Blog – With “ADULT PICTURES”

The Wife!!

The Wife!! Yeah! 



Right, this is ME talking, 15 minutes I rattle on for a bit. BE WARNED I added 200 or so RANDOM pictures with the Audio, some. VERY ADULT THEME!! Been warned.

Apart from that, someone will like it 2 minutes after I post a 15 minute audio blog. I hope you listen. It was just me talking RUBBISH 🙂 I am in AGONY and this is JUST A FUN BLOG.

Don’t like fun, then please DO NOT LISTEN. If anyone likes this before 10 minutes are up, I will name you. 🙂  SENSE OF HUMOUR NEEDED HERE!

Chronic Pain Syndrome, Sleeping Patterns, Pain, God and much more!


Anyone with Chronic Pain Syndrome should be able to understand here. Sleeping patterns, they are awful and just when you think you have found a routine to sleep, like a normal person, along comes the pain and leaves you in agony and unable to sleep

I go through this every week, for months, for years now, I am past making it annoy me I guess I have accepted it, but it still depresses me. I have not been told I am clinically depressed, some people just get depressed once in a while, happens to the best of us yeah?

I personally seem to go through a pattern of 4 days. An example of this week below

Sunday – Good sign, I was asleep just before midnight and up before 09:00 am!

Monday – Sleeping for 23:00 and awake at 07:30 with the kids = Superb

Tuesday – Fell asleep at 22:00 and was up and showered for 07:30 am all told

Wednesday – Fell asleep at 22:00 again, and was up with my Daughters at 08:00 am

Thursday – Tonight…………NOTHING

Friday – As I type it is 04:05 and I am in agony, tonight it is my left hip, it feels locked, it feels like I have a fracture or a break, I just can’t move it. So 1 Diazepam, 1 Dihydrocodeine and 1 Tramadol later and lashings of Voltaren Gel and the pain has reduced a whopping 10% or so

See this is just one of 100 things about Chronic Pain. The pain is the main show in town, but all these small side effects, issues due to pain and medication, or lack of medication, or too much medication, having to take more medication because of the medication you are on, sleep, making plans, going out for a meal for example is near on impossible for me, visiting family and friends, going to the shops, going to the bathroom, showering or bathing to getting dressed and all in-between are a REAL issue

So not only are you in pain, you are miserable due to all the things that come with this invisible disability people discriminate against every day, WHY? You ask. Well if you are not in a wheelchair coming out of your car in a disabled parking bay you are a cheat and lair to people watching on, yeah these sad people who are perfect and have a perfect life. I am joking of course, these people are so sad and miserable they go about pointing others issues out to distract from their own problems. Why is this relevant you ask, well it is because it is all part of the issue. Pain is the tip of a very big iceberg afloat at Sea for people with Chronic Pain, and tiny problems become monster problems

I would not wish this crap on my worst enemy, if I had an enemy. I don’t keep enemies, they can keep me, you are on your own, so I would not wish this on a Dog or a Cat or any other Animal. It is truly the most difficult way to live, especially when 99% of us had a pain free childhood, and knew a life where there was no pain, we could do anything, like anybody, but  the pain comes and it  is like all over body toothache. This is the best way I can describe this pain, all over body toothache feeling

It could be worse, and I know it could be, but right this second, I am done, I had a slight argument with an Admin on a cracking Social Media site tonight, and I think perhaps this played a part. As many with Chronic Pain will testify, a STUPID debate or one wrong word can set you off into the land of stress, sadly for us, Stress = more pain, then worrying about the pain leads to more pain, this in-turn leads to a depression type feeling, yeah, you got it, leading to more pain and due to one medication I have the memory of the stupidest goldfish in the class 🙂

I am on the path looking for God at the moment, and sadly times like this I ask “Why God” and I hear people say “God works in mysterious ways” or “It is Gods way of helping you become a better person” And if the truth be told, living like this gives you a sense of caring. But God, if you are listening. I care, I have learnt my lesson, I am done, can you please stop? Can you realise that I am not happy to learn this? I am not happy with this Mystery God.  I respect your ways God, I do, but not this way I don’t! 14 years of pain getting worse as I approach age 40. I have had enough God. No saying or religious meaning at this second will help me understand why you put me in all this pain. I am not a Buddhist that I know off. So please God, whatever your plan is for me, can I ask you re-think the plan? Because this is HELL to me. I talk to you, reach to you, I have done for many years, but the pain still comes. If you are trying to build my character, God I have character. Please, enough! I beg. Let me live with less pain so I can be a regular Husband and Father and go back to having some sort of life.

I don’t ask for much. In-fact I  don’t pray for much, this is a sick joke now, but that is the pain talking. I just want to be regular and normal and sleep like the rest of the inhabitants in the GMT -/+0 Time Zone. As things stand I am Australian one week, and from the West Coast of the USA the next with a hint of GMT time thrown in for good measure 😦

Please God

I am deeply sorry for anyone who suffer as I do, it blows


The Family Group and how it’s changed




There was once a time family and getting together were the order of the week, now not so much. I speak with many friends and they tell the same story, a story about how family doesn’t talk as much as it did in the past. I have no idea if this is just a Scottish thing or a global thing or just parts of the world.

But here in Scotland, the “Family” has gone. We all still speak on social network etc, but visiting and being together with Aunt’s, cousins etc seems to have gone. I remember as a kid the entire family, every Saturday would go to Grandma’s and stay for the day, brilliant memories for me

But speaking to some family lately also, it seems this has gone. I don’t know if it is because all my four grandparents have left us, but we only see each other at wedding or funerals

Is this something people from other parts of the world can associate with and understand? I would be interested to know. Maybe it is just growing up? Getting old? In my house I have two older sons and when they are both here with their partners it is brilliant, I love it. My sons still live at home, but I am a family man, I love all my family and miss just being with them deeply

It may just be me and my circle of friends. It would be interesting to know if anyone feels and sees this. Don’t get me wrong, when REALLY needed family are there, but getting together once a week, a fortnight, has gone, and I only blog this after speaking about it with a few friends and family members

Maybe I miss childhood and Grandma’s home cooking? My father lives 300 miles away, so for me, family togetherness has gone, and again I did this after speaking to family and friends.

The song below, I love, as it is about never ending love and missing things. I hope people can understand this blog and what I mean, I have my own home, and my own family now, and I love this, but I miss these times. That is all




Thank you


Email: shaungibson1@sky.com

Skype Username: shaunyg1973

Hotmail will be gone soon, and I changed my Skype name. So this is my new email and Skype

*AUDIO/VISUAL BLOG* On Religion. Please watch.





I needed to give this a quick edit for a fairly good reason. I need to reaffirm what I was saying in the Audio a bit more. When it comes to Religion and God, if 10 is all knowing, and 1 is not knowing at all, I about 3, and I am being generous. For anyone that watched this Storyboard Audio, I talked mainly about my own Country and what I have seen. Scotland is a great City, but like many, we have an issue, who doesn’t. Listening over again myself and speaking to some friends from all over who listened to this, they realise this was just me speaking out loud about something I desire to know more about. I said many times in the blog “If I am wrong, comment, tell me, be honest” I have not even opened the door to enlightenment, or to even walk the path, in the grand scheme of things. I believe in God in a personal way for me. I am WELL AWARE this won’t get me into heaven as told by religions people who know better than I, or are more educated than I. The problems in my country do centre around two Soccer clubs as I said. I also said in the Video Catholics “Seem” to get a raw deal in Scotland and I spoke about the Polish Goalkeeper and what he went through. In my eyes, that is just hatred, from people who CLAIM to go to church, and this is where my confusion comes from in part. The season before last the Celtic Manager, Catholic team were discriminated against badly on many fronts, the manager of the team Neil Lennon was attacked by a supported inside a ground, IN MY CITY!!


What you see is a wee ginger haired man who had been attacked with a punch, by our media and from all sides. Listen to what he says. The Celtic fans stood by him, without anger or a return of any of the same to the opposite half. The statement on the banner “We are all Neil Lennon” means “All Catholics are Neil Lennon”  They identified with his struggle to be unable to do his job. So they identified with him. People die in the West of Scotland in the name of this. Many I speak to from all over the world can’t believe this happens, I showed them some kinks, they believed me, google away if you must, please

The blog below, without the above involved was just me talking, my views, my ignorance perhaps, but I said so MANY times. Something I won’t do is “DENY IGNORANCE” I could not do this. I was and still am ignorant to God, Jesus and religion due to lack of education. Something I am trying so hard to fix. This is why I did the blog. It is an Audio blog, for those that did not want to listen to me mumble on for 40 minutes, I am typing, so you can get a feel for how I feel about it looking back. I have good friends and family, and they spoke to me about this Audio Storyboard I did below. Some said “This is your opinions, big deal” one or two said it was “Misguided” some said it was good, they could relate. Can I just say, if you REALLY listen, I never once said I was Guided, lol. This was not me preaching to anyone, this was MY TAKE ON HATE. And a lot of it through religion, through sport, why? Because it is all I know. It is what I was born into, and what I seen. As for my thoughts on Jesus being a “Ghandi” type figure, AGAIN, and I said it in the Audio, it is what I think. How can someone who has never grasped any of this have an opinion that is going to fit with general thinking or the bible? Answer, I can’t. So, me saying what I did, I stand by. But I don’t want people to get upset, I don’t know. I am guessing, but an educated guess, I am giving my interpretation to something I am told about, have read about, but only in small amounts. The last thing I would want to do is upset anyone. But I guess with all the Wars over God, people are already upset. Why? I don’t know. Maybe a religious person can explain that one? Why does 93% of the world believes in God, yet we have Wars all over. Name a country not in War, at War on in Civil war of some form and you will struggle. This was for people who listened, or may listen. So before you listen, please try and understand by Ignorance, but please understand I am not denying my ignorance.

If I am the worst man on Earth for doing this blog, then I am right, the world is wrong and something is wrong with it. Hate, War, Greed, Evil is there for all to see, and this was and is what confuses me. So instead of listening and not replying, or saying something to yourself and not to the blog, PLEASE!!! Comment, give me your understanding, your viewpoint. Because that is all it will be, like mine, no living man, woman or child can say 100% I am right or wrong. Faith can make a person say something, I know this. Logic “I love this word” is something I think many miss out on with religion, not all. Look at the Middle East. The birth place of religion, it is war torn. The place where Jesus was born has bombings and terrorists. All I am saying is, I don’t understand this. I only did this edit after listening back to it myself. I stand by all I say. And please, understand what my country is like, people die in the West of Scotland in the name of God, and I can’t get my thinking around that. Thanks, Shaun 🙂



I have blogged about God, Jesus and Religion for a while now. I thought I would do an Audio blog. As I talk I put pictures up about things in my country you may not be aware off. Kind of like a story board as I talk. I am serious as I can be here. I mean no disrespect. As I journey for God and Religion, I done this blog, hoping to stimulate debate. I ask you PLEASE listen. it is 40 minutes, but if you love God, you may enjoy the  the Audio and my debate.

Please let me know if you listened, and please, again, I mean no disrespect, I only ask questions and fill in some blanks of my own. It is long as I say, but I really hope people listen, and debate,  teach me, let me know better if I am wrong. School me. I would appreciate feedback.

This man has helped me so much, http://bishoptatro.wordpress.com/  The Heart of Rev. Eddie Tatro I mention him in he video. This video tells a story of my religious path, as well as the one in my country. May I add, my good friend Eddie is a brilliant man, and I hope he can help me make sense of what confuses me. Hate and God in the same sentence? I get lost in translation

I mean no disrespect to anyone, any religion, any country, even my own. I just search. So if there are religious people out there who like to help people understand, please, step forward, if you can, if you have the time, if you have the knowledge. I speak to man religious people, and the messages are always mixed from one to another, sometimes the same religion.

Respect, love and peace.


Take a second – Can EVERYONE check something for me..PLEASE????????? Ta…



Quick blog here

When I started my blog was called

Old:  http://dreamingforbetter.wordpress.com

it is now

New: http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/

I changed it a while back, made a MESS off it. Can you all check you are following the bottom one please. Some I get notifications. Some I only get emails.

Thanks a lot



You have no idea how hard this is to write

You have no idea how hard this is to write

Still a very taboo subject, many won’t talk about it, many won’t admit to it, I do, and as I sit here at 19:47pm starting this blog, I am thinking off reasons to NOT end my life.

I know this is hard to believe but I have NO mental health issues, not one, the pain gets me. How I act in my own house get me, 1 second I am smiling, then “IT” arrives, like a dose of the shits, just from nowhere

This happens to me say, once or twice a year. I suffer depression, but not because of the same reasons as others, because of the pain. Tonight I stood on my daughters scooter and hurt my knee, I couldn’t shout at her, she is only 3 for god’s sake, but the anger at being in pain is strong and annoying and right now, as I say, I am thinking about ways to “Just go”

I know I won’t, but these feelings are nothing I can control. I wish I could just snap out of them, but after many scans and talking to “Experts” Yeah people about 20 years old with a book and a certificate, I am left to deal with it alone, as I can’t and won’t allow my family to know

I will tell you all why this came on also. I got an email from India about 2 hours ago, telling me a football (Soccer to all you Americans) side called Glasgow Rangers were going to die as in “Be no more” So with much rejoice I went onto Twitter and tweeted “I only popped my head in to say “Yeeesss #BlueDust is close” or words to that affect. I have been involved in this story almost a year, and have really blogged hard on various sites. This club cheated the UK taxpayers out of £150 Million, and I was one of many who were blogging and asking for the truth, I got heavy into the story. People on Social Media sites NEED to know words hurt. Sure “Turn them off” or “Block them” is easy. but it isn’t that easy. Besides, this isn’t the full issue, this would be unfair on them, and a bastard I am not

Anyway a lad I have more respect for than many on Twitter Tweeted “I was out of order” then blocked me. Not that it matters, as I am not tweeting. Just sharing blogs with friends and family and anyone who wants to read them, this hurt, a lot. I blocked myself, through my router from allowing my PC/Laptop/Phone and IPad from getting access to Twitter, as we all know, its addictive as smoking. My partner is taking my Daughters to bed, so I used her laptop. I need to share. I don’t know why, and I wish I didn’t want to, really

So I am just blogging to say, suicide happens to people who sometimes don’t want to die, they do it as a cry for help, and die, the reason I know this is, as I said I work voluntarily with people who are suicidal and depressed etc, and many tell me after a suicide attempt “Thank god I didn’t die”

It will pass. It always does. But this is one reason people need to wake up to toying with the emotions of people who are disabled. It isn’t just the pain, its dealing with the pain that is the bastard

I will be ok, I just hit rock bottom. I fight in life, so I know I will be ok. I did this blog to share at a moment’s notice, so I blog this RIGHT NOW, as this is how I feel this second

Some laugh, some care, some don’t, that isn’t relative to me, and I am sharing. And if somewhere there is a person feeling the same, maybe they might read this and not kill themselves

Trust me, once you’re gone, you’re gone, PLEASE!!


Shaun X
