Word Press – The last Utopia on the Internet?

Pandoras box



I had a chat with someone not 10 minutes ago and I said this, and now I will blog it; I have a strange way of blogging, just say “Yes Shaun” and go with the flow…………

The title is what it says, with Twitter and Face book and all these other Social Media sites and all these groups on Yahoo and other places, I have been on them all and have always came across nasty people and strange behaviour

I have had this account 6/7 months now, and only really started blogging hard when I left my last blogging interest, sport in January 2013

I came here, and from day 1 people were nice, and to this day I can honestly say I have not came across one nasty, horrible, evil, angry person. All these emotions I have read about, but never seen thrown at other people. As the internet grows and we are so easily connected in an instant from where I am in Edinburgh, Scotland to London, Paris, Australia, South American, The States, India, the Middle East, Africa, South Africa and Europe to Russia and all in-between, I truly believe this is one of the last places where love flows, caring really happens, people understand and people take a second to be nice or say a nice word

I came here at first to talk about my Disability, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Chronic Pain. I am in agony all day every day, but the help and advice I get here has helped me in ways I can’t say, it is just filled with Love and compassion, people willing to just leave a small reply to say “I care” or “I am thinking about you”

I have never been judged to my face, although I am not foolish enough to think it may not have happened between the odd person somewhere, I am honest, I am me, you are you, so if people are nasty, they keep it to themselves, I don’t see gossips or hear them, I have 70+ people from here on Skype a few on Face Book I hardly use and many I email with, it is a fantastic place

I have been online since the world came online in 1994, I came online the day the world came online with the first version of Windows Operating System and I truly can say in the almost 20 years online, and TRUST ME I have been to many places online and this is the only one I can really say I feel we all share one common goal, and that is to care. I blog also for “Bloggers for peace” So there is another goal I have in common with many here

Is this the last Utopia we have online? The last true caring place? The final freedom on-line where we can care and help? I am just asking, I feel so…

Debate away

Shaun x

Word Press, Awards and YOU!



When I joined Word Press in July 2012 I didn’t blog much, as I was doing a sports blog. The reason I started this blog was to talk about my disability and reach out, in the hope others reached back.


I can’t say how thankful I am about having 27 awards, all from 27 different people. To say I don’t feel as though I deserve these awards is an understatement. Some of the blogs I read on here are just BRILLIANT. Awards aside, this place is just brilliant, I can’t say this enough, you ALL came to me when I needed you, each in your own way. So thank you

Some blogs are from people like me, to people who take pictures and share, or just have fun, some blog just to blog and talk, the variations in bloggers here is breathtaking, Word Press is an AMAZING place. I can’t speak highly enough about being here

I said in a blog a while back “Word Press and I found each other JUST at the right time” And I can’t really go into too much detail, but please trust me, this place fell onto my lap when I needed it, and the people I have met and speak to, many on Skype Audio, some email, some here is overwhelming to say the least.

People do care; people will take that second to say something. Just speaking about me personally, when I am down, you all lift me up, when I am up, you all laugh with me. When I want to have fun, you all have fun with me.

Below is a chart of my blogging activity. As you can see it wasn’t until the New Year, 2013 I made a new year’s resolution to blog more about myself, and reach out, again, in the hope other reached back. I have only really been blogging hard since January 2013. Each month shows the blogs I did that month



I would like to thank you all again for “Just being Human” You are all spread out across the globe. I speak from people from the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, Russia, South America, Africa and all over Europe. I escaped my own country’s bubble and took myself to the world to speak about “Stuff” and it is my honour so say this


I am proud to be a part of the Word Press Family  x

As I do,  I leave you all with a song x

Be Nice!

Simple really

Simple really


I am not doing this blog for any other reason than I have not done a proper blog in a few days, and I had a wee (Small) event happen today with an Idiot

We live in a world where everyone is that busy in their day they walk into you; almost drive their car in your car and other such things

Today I was driving through town on a main road, and I could see a person 200/300 yards ahead crossing the street (J-Walking in the USA?) and I never slowed down, they STOPPED!! In the middle of a busy road, I was only doing 39mph on a 40mph road, and they gave me a big dirty look and swore at me. I pulled my window down and reminded them it was a main road and they were in the wrong, to that this man replied “Any more of that I will come over then and slap you good looking” A phrase we use here in Scotland. I replied with laughter and “Yeah, well if I am as half as ugly as you when you are done my wife will leave me” Anyway, he told me to away and take my face for a shit, whilst walking away, go figure 🙂

So this blog, “Be Nice” I think if the nice chap who asked me to take my “Face for a shit” read it he would probably know he was in the wrong. But was I any better? I don’t know. He threatened me and I was half way out my car. I had my 19 year old son with me who grabbed me and said “Dad just leave it” I replied “He is getting a slap” but closed the door and the man walked away mumbling all sorts of swear words and talking to himself to our amusement

So why did this man, and this happens a lot, not just in my Car, and others like them do this. How about “Ahh sorry mate, didn’t see you coming up the road in your car, that should be on the road, a road I shouldn’t be on” Why be nasty. I was nasty back, but he was a big lad (They always are in these stories yeah? lol) and I find people can sometimes take my niceness for daftness. I am a disabled lad, but my son was there, so I went into protective mode, as you do.

But all in was a non event that happened, and it lasted 30 seconds at most. And as I say, I see a lot of this, people just being nasty to a stranger for no reason. If the old lady over the road is walking up the street towards the houses, I get my son’s to go and help her, and they happily do it. This is, as I have said “An individual act of kindness”

What happened to being kind? Looking out for each other? In my last house, we spoke to the neighbours in the passing, which was it. But it was the  centre of town. Where I am now we do all keep an eye on each other and our properties etc, it is a close wee area, and I love it

So, why are people nasty? Why do we all rush about like every last second counts and if we are one second behind where we should be, we rush and take no notice of others. Strange one, and it is all over, not just where I live, I seen it all over the UK (Britain)

Why can’t we all get on? Why do we have these wee tantrums of hate. treat others as you wish to be treated is my way

I will never understand the human species, not everyone, just the “Rushers” I call them that, always in a rush and get nasty if you take 1 second out their stride to wherever they are going