Iconic colour pictures turned into black and white

I did a blog below with Iconic black and white pictures set to colour, so here I have done the opposite, enjoy 

9 11 two


9 11


Atlantis at iss

Shuttle Atlantis at the ISS

David Bowie Aladdin shot

Famous Bowie Aladdin picture


Die Hard

Die Hard 

Famous National Geographic Picture

Famous National Geographic Picture 

Hussein Hanging

Saddam moments before Death 

Les Misrables

Les Misérables


Andy Warhol’s Famous Marilyn Monroe Painting


Michael Jackson at his peak 

Mother Teressa

Mother Teresa 


Gaddaffi before his death 

Osama Bin Laden


Saddam Hussain after being caught

Saddam after being caught 

saddam hussein ruins monuments in baghdad iraq23

Saddam statue coming down 

Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct

Sharon Stone Basic Instinct

Tank Man

Tank Man

Vulture Child

Vulture Child 

Young Drew Barrymore and E.TA young Drew Barrymore and E.T


Back to the Future Trilogy Movies


To my disgust (Not really) I realised the last few days not everyone is aware of what is MOST DEFINITELY the best movie series ever made

Back to the Future with Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd

A teenager is accidentally sent 30 years into the past in a time-traveling DeLorean invented by his friend, Dr. Emmett Brown, and must make sure his high-school-age parents unite in order to save his own existence. Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) and Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown) take us on a 3 movie journey in a time machine made from a DeLorean. I grew up with these movies, I was 13 when the 1st one came to the Cinema. I am HUGE on Time Travel as an adult, and these movies made me a curious adults around time travel, even today. Amazing movies, 1,2 and 3, the story line is amazing, the action is fun. If you have not seen these, go please see them. I have the special metal box Blue-ray disk set. Below are the trailers for all 3 movies, and some pictures, I even have the game for my new PC. You are MISSING badly if you have not seen these, just saying

Back to the future 1

Back to the future 2

Back to the future 3












The Purge – Movie Review (Spoiler Alert)


Just sat through “The Purge” I expected a movie with a script that would lead the movie in one direction, it never. I didn’t think I would actually like this movie, I did.

It was disturbing at times, as I believe there was a message in the Movie about the USA. I am still trying to figure it out. But for 12 hours of every year people can Purge “Kill or Rob anything” or they can sit in a protected home and watch the events live on TV like some reality show. I found that bit the area of the movie where the message came from.

The movie is centred on one family. James Sandin (Played by Ethan Hawke) are to spend Purge Night alone in their r secure home. The Father James is a salesman; he sells house protection for the Purge.

The movie kicks in when the son who is about 15 years old lets in a man who has been shot to help him. The Family discover what he kid has done, the father James tries to get the man to leave but he escapes into the huge house. Soon a gang 20 or people arrive, demanding the family release the man the son let in, so they could “Purge him” They were killing him and he escaped, till the son let him into the family home.

The group of purge’s set a time for the family to release the injured stranger and when they don’t they manage to force into the home. The father, mother, daughter and son are all split up in this big expensive house, the family are in the dark as the Purges outside turned off the electricity. The time for releasing the man they want to purge the man the kid let in passes and they manage to get into the house by ripping the metal on the doors and windows from the house.

They enter the house, the Father kills a few as the killers now want to kill the stranger and the family in the house, just as the group look like they have them all and are about to kill them a group of neighbours appear and kill the purge’s who were going to kill the family.

Then just as you think they are safe, the neighbours announce to the family they are going to purge the family. They are all local neighbours the family knows, and their reason is the father has made millions selling the home safety devices. Just as the neighbours are about to kill the family, the stranger who the boy let in appears from hiding, as he had been the whole time and kills one of the 4  neighbours. He asked the family if he can kill them all, they say no.

So 3 twists in the movie I didn’t expect, the family sit with guns pointed at the neighbours till 7am till the Purge is over siren is sounded. Then the family allow them to leave. I didn’t expect that. A very disturbing movie to say the last, it was better than I thought it would have been

But there is a message in this movie and it is real, I am still trying to figure it out



Daniel Day Lewis – Walfrid Movie – A very Football Blog

Oscar Winner Daniel Day Lewis is to the play the part of Brother Walfrid. A man who in 1887 started a football club called Glasgow Celtic Football club. Brother Wilfred fed and tried to house all the catholic immigrants coming into Scotland from Ireland at the time of the potato famine due to English oppression

Glasgow Celtic is the football team I support and have since I was a boy.  The film is in the very early talks stage, but I hear it is going to go ahead. This will tell a story of why many Irish as well as Scottish, American and people from all over the globe support Celtic Football Club. They were started for Charity and to this day are a charitable organisation as well as a Football club also. Celtic are Supported well on the East Coast of the United States. They played at Fenway park last Summer, they made the Baseball park into a Soccer field


I hope the story gets told properly, as Brother Wilfred fed Protestants also, it would be a crime if the story was told wrong. This will bring the club I love to a bigger audience for these very reasons, not the hatred they are portrayed as sometimes, into your cinemas and homes

Glasgow Celtic are a Very Special football club, and one I hold very dear to my heart.

This year we as a club celebrated our 125th year as a club, and a special anniversary video was made, narrated by none other than Billy Connolly the Scottish comedian and actor, the video is current Celtic manager Neil Lennon reenacting the very first strip Celtic played in back 125 years ago


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brother_Walfrid – The history of Brother Walfrid

Wilfrid started this, we celebrated 125 years with this display, 62,000 of us, I was just right if the camera in the main stand

Walfrid started this, we celebrated 125 years with this display, 62,000 of us, I was just right if the camera in the main stand

The Famous Celtic Song Willie Maley

The fans singing the same song at a game

The day I get football taken away from me, I can celebrate my team, the team I dreamed of playing for and managing, silly as it would be to think…..

A BIG thanks to my dear friend Rev. Eddie Tatro for sparking this blog into my mind: http://bishoptatro.wordpress.com/