The Journey


Before I write anything I need to say my feet are on the ground and I know I still have a LONG road ahead of me, I know I will have to walk parts alone, I am happy in the knowledge I will have loved ones, friends and virtual friends on the journey with me

I came from a hellish Childhood, to a terrible teenage time, to becoming a terribly confused young Adult who was a Dad at 18, I was gifted a partner and a family as time moved on, I had it all. Aged 30 my life changed in more ways I can tell, but also came pain, depression, suicidal thoughts, and a lack of wanting to be better, I was popping prescription pills like they were sweeties (Candy in the USA) I was in a bad place, this was after I had this taken from me, I caved in, I gave up I was as good as gone

Then 8 months ago, after 18 months of writing this: or similar, I stopped doing that and started to blog about me, just me, where I was in my mind, the pain, how I couldn’t cope, this was my first few blogs

These were my reasons away back for starting to blog about me

I was doing 3 or 4 blogs a Month till January 2013 as I blogged here earlier,

Now here I am, August 2013, the old me is gone, but the essence of the old me is returning, I can feel him, I am starting to have fun more, smile more, look forward more, anticipate things more, I found out at the Weekend my Mum is getting  Married early next year, things just started falling back into place in my mind, from the outside Dawn may see no change, but I do, and I guess Dawn does, I just am unsure what she see’s, we will talk about it, as she reads all these. I am in a good place, I have been for a while now, I have the odd day, I am a blessed man, living the life I want to live now, I want to be in no pain and do football, but anyone who followed my journey from the start will know I came to terms with that, so now I look forward to new challenges, new good things, challenges I may not even know about, I still want to do Radio, I want to improve as a writer by 100% at least, I am not a writer, I am just lad with a keyboard sharing his journey with a group of people who care, and I can only be thankful, I now want to help people who may be where I was once, this would make me happy, to pay it back, this is what life is about, giving back what you received

Like everyone here, I have issues, I have a journey, I am living it, but today I can say I am back in control, never again shall I blog this I have my mind back, I have to thank 1,000  people  (some more than others) People came and helped me walk through the door, or over the line to where I stand today. But as said, my feet are on the ground, the journey carries on, and I can’t wait, I am up for the challenge of what life will throw at me now. This didn’t happen today, this happened over many days and weeks, today I just felt it stronger than ever for some reason, and my mind is now mine again, I say that loosley though, as I am a Scottish man, we are a different breed of Men, complicated I would say, along the way here on Word Press I never made 1 enemy, people may have made me an enemy, but I can say hand on heart, I feel no hard feelings towards 1 person, everyone helped me, so now it is time to pay back, I need to visit YOU and speak to you, and I hope this is ok

I would like you thank you all for joining me on my journey as I approach my 1,000th blog

As always, my blog, my rules, I had to leave a song 🙂

For anyone who doesn’t know, I will leave this, as I gain so many followers, many don’t know But really, life is good now, all better, we are all happy as we can be, this was another life, one I had no control over. but I do now, I can decide to let it be what it is, the past, if it causes me issues, then so be it, I would say 2 year ago, maybe less, I WAS A MESS, I was on twitter, and I was gone, I tried to hide it, but in reality the medication was in control of a body I didn’t like a mind I hated, but here I am, look what I did, look what I achieved, I could have given in, but as I sit and write this I am published here a featured writer and Editors pick, I really did this? lol



Today, after my “Hurting Daddy here” Yesterday, the Fight just started


19 Trophies is not enough!

I did the above blog yesterday, this I said this:

So here I am, 2:30 am nearly, I slept for a day or so, then woke up late Monday night. I am not up alone all night, but that is not what bothers me when this happens, it was another day I never seen my kids. I hate having this bastard Chronic Pain Syndrome

It kills me, it hurts me. We had a family chat, just my wife and two sons on Sunday night and we debating how my Disability I feel is making things hard for Dawn, Dean and Ryan (Partner and two sons) But they all told me not to be silly. I said “Hard not to think like this” So we got somewhere with my stupid thinking.

I don’t suffer depression; I just get depressed due to the pain. Another day my two daughters never seen Daddy.

About these two x

Courtney and Chloe, just LOVE 'em

Courtney and Chloe, just LOVE ’em


This morning I DRAGGED my backside out of bed about 9 AM, had a brilliant sleep. Was speaking to my friend Mer @ late last night with one eye open STRUGGLING to make sense of what was being typed, I was in a lot of pain. And usually I would sit in pain and make things worse feeling sorry for Shaun the idiot I am. Thinking the world owes me some shit, which is doesn’t, Mer said “Shaun go to Bed” same as Dawn and my Son usually do, so I actually took advice from people. I went to bed, had a brilliant sleep, woke up early and was in less pain also. Seen my Daughters, this is my oldest Daughter Courtney’s last day at Nursery till August, so I got to see that today, I gave her a little kiss “Have a good day sweetie” she replied “Love you Daddy, see you after Nursery” 

My heart melted lol

I said in yesterdays blog I a going to fight, I am going to claw, and snarl at life now, I am not going to take this sitting down any more, the pain I mean. The bad sleeping pattern it causes, sitting at the PC all night fucked up on Tablets unable to close my eyes. I am going to take the Sleeping tablet and go to bed at a normal time more so I can spend time with my kids. I know I just did like 4 blogs in 2 hours here, but I can type as fast as I can talk (Really, lol) so it looks like I am here a lot, in reality I am not. I have been to the shops and took my youngest daughter Chloe with me. So today was better. I demand it from myself. I demand I live better. The video below WAS me, a leader of men. I can see many rolling their eyes when they read this, but you have all seen the Football blogs:  < That blog hurt me more than a lot of things in life. So many is stupid Football (Soccer, the real type of football) To me it is my sanctuary, I need to be there. So I am going to try again. I have 15 years behind me as a Manager winning 19 trophies, so I will aim for next season, and the guy in the  video below will appear again in a dressing room near me one day. I ain’t taking this lying down no more, I am fighting. I am doing this. I am going to keep walking my new Dog Lisha, I have a slight break in the bone at the back of my knee and a hairline fracture in my foot, but I pushed through the pain today, so this guy in the video, this “I know” LEADER OF MEN is coming back, I won’t take this life, Shaun is fighting for his life here, I have a battle to win. And I will win it, with the help of my family and friends  and my football staff friends, the lad you are about to listen to will return. I will make this happen

Right life, the battle is on, you better be good, because Shaun is fucking bringing it big time, I WILL BEAT YOU!! 


enough already!