Online pornography to be blocked by default, PM announces

Cameron's internet speech


Never been a porn man myself, so doesn’t really bother me, I know some mates who’s relationships with themselves will be in pieces this morning however. I don’t know what to make of this. I really am not into online porn in my old age, as a younger man  I think every hairy arses Scotsman owned a pile of DVD’s from the USA and Europe. I think if this makes it safer for kids to go online, then its a good thing, but I monitor what my son’s do aged 21 and 19 through my Modem traffic (Small programme you can download) And with the Girls using the laptop and Tablet with Dawn or I there, I think I will be happier knowing they can’t accidently access porn. I once foretold of a blog from when I was a young man, it was funny. But as an older chap now, I think this is a not bad idea. It was ALREADY banned in Scotland anyway, as usual, we are he testing ground. But is it a choice being taken from us? I mean if someone REALLY want’s to do online porn, is it a decision of “taking away freedom” here? I will leave that to the dirty minded people to discuss 🙂


Most households in the UK will have pornography blocked by their internet provider unless they choose to receive it, David Cameron has announced.

In addition, the prime minister said possessing online pornography depicting rape would become illegal in England and Wales – in line with Scotland.

Mr Cameron warned in a speech that access to online pornography was “corroding childhood”.

The new measures will apply to both existing and new customers.

Mr Cameron also called for some “horrific” internet search terms to be “blacklisted”, meaning they would automatically bring up no results on websites such as Google or Bing.

He told the BBC he expected a “row” with service providers who, he said in his speech, were “not doing enough to take responsibility” despite having a “moral duty” to do so.

He also warned he could have to “force action” by changing the law and that, if there were “technical obstacles”, firms should use their “greatest brains” to overcome them.


In his speech, Mr Cameron said family-friendly filters would be automatically selected for all new customers by the end of the year – although they could choose to switch them off.

And millions of existing computer users would be contacted by their internet providers and told they must decide whether to use or not use “family-friendly filters” to restrict adult material.

The filters would apply to all devices linked to the affected home Wi-Fi network and across the public Wi-Fi network “wherever children are likely to be present”.

Customers who do not click on either option – accepting or declining – will have filters activated by default, Tory MP Claire Perry, Mr Cameron’s adviser on the sexualisation and commercialisation of childhood, told the BBC.

The UK’s biggest internet service providers have agreed to the filters scheme meaning it should cover 95% of homes.

Other measures announced by the prime minister included:

  • New laws so videos streamed online in the UK will be subject to the same restrictions as those sold in shops
  • Search engines having until October to introduce further measures to block illegal content
  • Experts from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre being given more powers to examine secretive file-sharing networks
  • A secure database of banned child pornography images gathered by police across the country will be used to trace illegal content and the paedophiles viewing it

Mr Cameron also called for warning pages to pop up with helpline numbers when people try to search for illegal content.

He said: “I want to talk about the internet, the impact it is having on the innocence of our children, how online pornography is corroding childhood.

“And how, in the darkest corners of the internet, there are things going on that is a direct danger to our children, and that must be stamped out.

“I’m not making this speech because I want to moralise or scaremonger, but because I feel profoundly as a politician, and as a father, that the time for action has come. This is, quite simply, about how we protect our children and their innocence.”

But former Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre boss Jim Gamble told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme it was important to “get to the root cause” of illegal pornography, by catching those responsible for creating it.

He added: “You need a real deterrent, not a pop-up that paedophiles will laugh at.”

But Ms Perry argued filters would make a difference, saying that the killers of schoolgirls April Jones and Tia Sharp had accessed legal pornography before moving on to images of child abuse.

She added: “It’s impossible to buy this material in a sex shop… but it’s possible to have it served up on a computer every day.”

In his speech, Mr Cameron said possession of online pornography depicting rape would be made illegal.

“Start Quote

Existing legislation only covers publication of pornographic portrayals of rape, as opposed to possession.

“Possession of such material is already an offence in Scotland but because of a loophole in the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, it is not an offence south of the border,” Mr Cameron said.

“Well I can tell you today we are changing that. We are closing the loophole – making it a criminal offence to possess internet pornography that depicts rape.”

The move has been welcomed by women’s groups and academics that had campaigned to have “rape porn” banned.

Holly Dustin, director of the End Violence against Women Coalition, said the group was “delighted”.

“The coalition government has pledged to prevent abuse of women and girls, so tackling a culture that glorifies abuse is critical for achieving this,” she said.

“The next step is working with experts to ensure careful drafting of the law and proper resourcing to ensure the law is enforced fully.”

‘No safe place’

Mr Cameron, who has faced criticism from Labour over cuts to Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre’s funding, insisted the centre’s experts and police would be given the powers needed to keep pace with technological changes on the internet.

“Let me be clear to any offender who might think otherwise: there is no such thing as a safe place on the internet to access child abuse material,” he said.

A spokesman for Google said: “We have a zero tolerance attitude to child sexual abuse imagery. Whenever we discover it, we respond quickly to remove and report it.

“We recently donated $5m (£3.3m) to help combat this problem and are committed to continuing the dialogue with the government on these issues.”

According to some experts, “default on” can create a dangerous sense of complacency, says BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones.

He says internet service providers would dispute Mr Cameron’s interpretation of the new measures, insisting they did not want to be seen as censors.


How do you value Money?


I hope this blog’s intentions are debated they way I intended the blog to be. This blog isn’t about having money, or being poor; it’s a moral question of “How do you value money”

For me Money is evil, I hate it and it makes people to horrendous things. When I was 16 my Dad was a Millionaire, he was loaded. I am comfortable myself. I never used to be.

But I hate money. It made my Mum and Dad split up. I hate money because it changes nice people into “Keeping up with the next Door neighbour” type of people. “They got double glazing, we must get treble glazing” This is how money works wish some

Our world is FUCKED because of money, there is NO argument you can throw at me to sway me on this one. It is about Money and Power our World. So if we are to speak in a Moral way, Money is a hateful thing that can cause hatred and worse, people will becomes Evil for a few pounds/Dollars/Euros

But we all need some. I know a person who had NOTHING once, he then had it all, and killed himself, and the money ruined him. If you are not born into REAL MONEY it will and can ruin you. I have some money. I am careful with it. But I made a vow to Dawn that I would give her a roof over her head and feed our kids, I kept that promise, same as most Men do.

I waste money, I am terrible with it. This month I bought a £400 Laptop and a £300 Samsung Tablet. Sheer stupidity, because I did not need either, because I live in pain, I often spend to make me pain free for a few hours, that is all it does, gives me a few hours of pain relief because my mind is all focused on my “New thing” You should have seen me when I got my 62 Inch TV! I was like a child. My mate Davie has a bigger TV and he is a bastard for it (Joking if you are reading Dave, lol)

In a world fast running out of the resources needed to keep the people on it alive I wonder if these rich greedy bastards will eat their money when there are no fish left in the sea and nothing left to eat, as this is the way it is going. I grew up with a picture, my Dad had it my whole childhood. It was this one here below, I can’t believe I found this, I grew up seeing this ever day


As I was a kid and my Dad would throw £10 at me most days I often thought “That is Ironic Dad” but I guess as I got older and he got older we both talk about it now and I get it now. He wasn’t a Money greedy man; he did actually work for it. It was what he did when he had it, but that is another blog.

I know some people sit at their PC and complain they are poor. Ahh, now wait. Sit at a PC, Online and say they are poor. You see the Irony there. If you are so poor, don’t have internet, cut your cloth to suit your needs would be something someone else might say, NOT ME! I am paraphrasing here, but your Government, I know mine in the UK will tell us this. You have the internet, a roof, food, so you have enough, while they go and do illegal oil and arm’s deal’s and make money WHILE IN OFFICE. How fucked up. Go check Dick Chayne and George Bush and Halliburton and try not to be angry. I know how much my Country makes because of our Oil fields.

This here is fucking poor, an Iconic picture of the reality of what money has done to us as a species, it is wrong, it is backwards, the WORLD did live  aid 30 years ago, each year the UK alone raises $100M to help Africa, I know other nations do also. We see the odd clip of how it helps, but BILLIONS have been raised, TAX FREE to give to  Africa, why are we still giving when, for example, The USA just gave a Muslim Country $1Billion in Aid? Backwards yes? At the same time as my country take disabled benefit from EVERYONE, Even ex service men and woman. And the USA clamps down on food stamps. Something is VERY wrong with Money I hope you agree. Yeah we need it, but be careful what you wish for, if you are happy and managing, why fix something that is not broken. I know too many stories where money has ruined a person or a family, being happy is being happy. I have seen people who are unhappy, were given money, and then realised the lack of money was not the reason they were unhappy, they were just unhappy. Money may “may” give you peace of mind, but it won’t make you happy if you are not. There you get smart people who come across money and they use it with wisdom and change many lives.



Next time you sit at your table to eat while watching TV ask yourself a simple question, what makes you happy, your money, or your family, me? I would sleep in a box in the street with my Family. Money is there, big deal, take it, I will still smile. I fucking do hate these bastard bankers who rob us all blind and then we bail them out with paying Tax, we pay tax on everything apart from breathing, I often wonder when that Tax will start. So how do you value money? Simple Question

More Love, Less Hate


100MB Broadband for the Gibsons!!!!!



So the day came, the day where my two sons, Dean and Ryan and I of course had been dreaming about.

100 mega byte internet speed. I can download a movie in under 10 seconds. My son’s can play super fast on-line games like Call of Duty and Fifa, me?

I can do 100 things 100 times quicker

Shaun and his son’s are happy people

We had Cake!


It was a Cake moment!

It was a Cake moment!

Social Media and the dangers



I have been online now 19 years, and been on every social media outlet there has ever been, never had an issue of note that I couldn’t take care of, I had a “Moment” or two on Twitter when I was blogging football, but the issues I had were me standing my ground. Anyway….

In the last month, I got REAL friendly with a woman on here. I love her as a friend. Same as I do with many people. I will give you an example, my good pal Eddie at I love as a brother, we talk on Skype and he is one cool dude, and a brilliant lad

The woman I got friendly with, I think we got too close, and I said at the very start, “Should this go all wrong and things go the wrong way, I will be the bastard”

And here we are, I am the bastard. I couldn’t offer ANY Woman more than friendship. If I tell somomeone I love them, like my good friend who is VERY happily married to a brilliant man Adam (I am Sorry again D xx, I do love you), who I have spoken to, it means I love her as a friend,  I love her company as I do Eddie above. I live in Scotland, I am Either 5,000 miles or 20,000 miles away, or somewhere in-between from most people I speak to here.

I say all the time I am married, I have kids, I am happy, and I mention Dawn my Partner a LOT for that reason. Not to big myself up, not to make myself look good or feel loved, but so people know I am in love with the woman of my dreams, check the blog below, I even have a song for the woman I love, my lover, there is a difference. Have I been hit on before on-line, yeah, most of us who spend time online do, but we don’t be nasty and say fuck off, we explain “I am married, you know this”, but it is from people who are either just curious or see something or hear something, in my case, TRUST ME!! It is my voice. Many women go for the Scottish voice. I will, as we say here in Scotland “Get a new arse ripped on me for this” My friends will have a REAL go in a fun way, but I have to say this. I need to say this, I don’t want to be the Bastard that much I leave Word Press, I depend on this place. I said before I may leave, this was the REAL reason I was maybe leaving. I didn’t know what to say or do. This is where my love and friendship with Dawn came in, I told her everything, but to be fair, there wasn’t a lot to tell. I just let her know I was friends, same as I do with ANYONE I meet online, be them man or woman. It is called being honest with the one you love in life

I won’t sit here and be the bastard from a woman who has a husband and kids herself. She is an AMAZING woman, I loved her as a friend. I liked speaking to her, I loved the debate. We shared stories, but the same stories I would share with anyone I was friends with and would NEVER see.

As you all know I started an award here, this one below “The Word Pres Family Award” as I feel and still do, there are people here, should we live closer, I would be real friends with. It was an award with my principles behind it, they are in red below it. I don’ t want to be that bastard, because I know I am now a bastard, I would never hurt any woman, never in a million years. I am highly medicated, as is the woman I speak about, a brilliant woman, who also knew we were both medicated. But I won’t be the bad lad here, IT TAKES TWO!!

This will be my last blog on this then I move on, so I remind you all, again, why I am here. Last week I lost my Aunt, then 2 people I love, because I was made to be the bastard, I done nothing wrong, but 2 woman, family members, made me be the bastard, as it suited their agenda. I will not be a bastard the THIRD TIME!! This is not fair!!  😦


Started by me on March 4th 2013

Started by me on March 4th 2013

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award



Time for me to call it a day with blogging, more or less



So one door closes and another opens they say, today I have to close the door on blogging, not just for me, but for my family. I spend a LOT of time online and blogging takes 10% of what I do, well it did, if I am being honest it was taking 25%/30%

I tend to get bored very quickly with some things online, please not with Word Press or any people here, just blogging. I think I have blogged about my entire life in here; I have nothing left to blog. I want to blog but I am going over old blogs, and blogs are becoming the same but with a new title.

Also awards, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for every award, I don’t want a pat on the back or a bit of cake, I just want to say thank you. The 61 Awards I got were from people who in the main thought about my blog, or I made someone laugh. The Moments awards I would like to have got to 10, I am on 7, lol

The experience of reading a blog about someone new, or a new topic really made a lot of space in my heart. Out of all the blogs I read, this one here touched my heart the most. by Tersia and her angel child Vic who passed, when I read it I hugged Dawn my partner and we both cried. Tersia, you are a special person and Vic is looking down on you with love and she is in no pain. I urge everyone to go read this blog and get to know Tersia.

On here I seen real people, and fake people, and jealous people and a few fools who I as soon as I could find the way to block them I did. Not out of hate, I don’t do hate, just because they were idiots. I made friends BIG TIME with Eddie Tatro and Dianna two people I spoke to on Word Press the most, there were others like Patrick  Victoria – and Mer who I spoke with also, real good friends each of you I want to mention so many people who made a mark on my mind in here, To any on Skype, we are still friends, and anyone can add me if you wish shaunyg1973 I just like to talk

I could go on and on and on, but if you spoke with me and we had fun, then I guess it was worth it. I am a big shit for coming onto social media sites and just getting bored. So what I am going to do is spend time reading others blogs instead and speaking to others and reading some more stories

I don’t think I have anything left to say, and please, no more awards (Unless someone wants to quickly nominate me with 3 Best Moments Awards, lol) You see what happened here was I created moments. Some good, some bad, some indifferent, by blogs were just ramblings from a lad on medication and in pain, I don’t think I can say I blogged anything of real substance, just what was on my mind for a few second, “Moments” because that is what living is, moments, all we are left with are moments.

I found a few people to be “Competitive” in a “Look how popular” I am way, and I guess that is ok, I really just rumbled on till someone spoke back, how many followers, how popular, all that bullshit, not interested, I battle to live to my life and be happy, not sit online and do it, but PLEASE I am not having a go, some people really only have online friends, people that have the same disability as me or worse. It would be easy to just give in and be an internet person. This is where I ALWAYS draw the line on the internet, I want my real life to work, and I want to be popular to the right people, my family.

So to everyone I said hi to, or spoke to, good luck in life. If you have email is my email if you want to chat, as in voice my Skype handle is shaunyg1973

I will still speak, I will keep my account open, and I will see how people are doing and make more of an attempt to speak to you all through your blog and not mine. I really have nothing less to Blog. I have been blogging the best part of 2 year now, sport before for a year then my own personal nonsense, so please, forgive me if I take a break.

If you want to speak to me, please do, on any blog, I will answer, if you want to email, please do, if you want to Audio Skype, please, you are welcome. I am a happily married man with kids; I have no reason to Audio Skype than just to debate and have fun

And this is why I am doing this. I want to start a radio show, I may fail, but I got a half offer to do a spot for some radio show in the UK so I am going to try, I will post the link on the “Blog Radio” at the top of my blog

I re-blogged my 1st ever blog below this one, and I blog my last above it

Thank you to anyone I spoke to, I missed MANY names but please if we spoke, thank you for taking the time and effort. I am way behind on many things in my life, blogging just got boring for me. The same as someone getting bored reading a book or watching a movie, shit happens. Lol

More love, less hate

Shaun x

How people perceive, and getting our message across to others


Something that has been on my mind all day, so I am bored, so here I am blogging it

The title explains what I am about to say, but not until you have fully read it will you know what I am talking about. I am not one to care what others think of me, never have, never will, if I was that type of person, I probably would not be blogging this or any blog about any subject outside football

I have a few friends who give me a hard time doing this blog, they joke about it, but deep down I know they are really thinking “He is off his head” That is cool, because there are thing they do I don’t understand, I just don’t judge them, but it is all in fun

I started blogging Soccer, so people seen me blogging a year ago, when I started blogging about me and my world and how I perceive it, I did so on the QT, I didn’t really tell many Family or Friends. Many reasons, one, they might not care and two; I didn’t think it had anything to do with them. Recently I blog the odd thing I write onto Facebook, and it get’s like one comment and 2 likes, lol

With blogging it is all about whom you are blogging to and what you are blogging about. For me, as I have said, this has been a wonderful experience for me so far. What people think, I don’t care, as I say, I have many family members and friends, and many of them do things that would make me want to cry out of boredom, you get the picture

So I ask you, are you self conscious of what others think of you blogging? Do you hide it from your life? I mean your day to day stuff, away from the Internet? I used to, then I thought to myself one day “If someone dislikes me due to what I write, then they can go throw shit at themselves” or words to that effect. See I think we all do try to have an impact on others, but maybe only in here, in the blogosphere, on the internet.

I blog for “Bloggers for Peace” and “Master Peace” as well as blogging my own stuff, the Bloggers for Peace on here, I guess I was already on that page. So I try to make a difference, but trying to make that difference away from this blog and the internet is the real challenge. So I often wonder if what others think of us stops us from really trying to help and bring change. I blog the odd thing to my Facebook, just to test the water, and nothing! So either all my family and friends don’t give a shit, or they are too lazy to read.

So what I am saying is, many here want and try to change our earth, how can we bring change to people’s minds who are not here, and in what other ways can we get the message off the internet and into the street? I am talking in a “you and I” level here

Just thought I would throw that one out there


New Skype Username – Please add away

Hi, made a new Skype the one I had was way to busy, new one is Username:  shaunyg1973   Thanks, Shaun

Hi, made a new Skype the one I had was way to busy, new one is Username: shaunyg1973 Thanks, Shaun


Hi y’all

I have a current Skype account, and it is way to busy and I have no idea who 100 people are.

Hotmail is being close in a week or two and everyone is being asked to download Skype

So I have made a new Skype account.


Audio Only, or type

Username:  shaunyg1973

Please add

Thanks, Shaun

Join me on the newest bestest platform online

Join me on the newest bestest platform online