Islam, Muslim trouble re-starts in France, it threatens the World


Muslim woman (Some we can see their whole face, Ironic huh?) Protest in France against the banning of Muslim face veils, live in France, abide by FRENCH LAW!

France is a country that stated woman in a burka is illegal and ANY Muslim stands with French Law if they commit a crime, same as a French born person, this for me is right, Before anyone starts on me, I have Muslim friends, they just don’t have extremist views and actually hate how many Muslims misread the Quran and do wrong. Muslims, real Muslims are VERY relaxed people and very polite and just normal people to be fair, living in Europe you see a different view, sadly out Media, Europe and State side pain a scary picture about Muslims to the point my Son when he was 16 got off a Bus if someone resembling a Muslim came onto the Bus with a back pack on. This was wrong of my Son and I told him so, but ASK PLEASE! Where does this thinking come from? Who plants this fear in us? The Media do, the Irony is the USA gave (I think)  $3 Billion in Aid to Muslim countries mainly for (WAIT FOR IT) Medical Aid, so Obama is helping his Muslim friends with Health but not the American people. I research as much as I can, if I am wrong, please call me on this, this is what I see, read and am told. Shocking huh!

France took the steps to say “Come to our country, you adhere to our customs and our ways” something I am sure Australia also do or tried to do or are trying to do. I live in the UK and in parts of Oldham in England it is “Almost” Sharia law, I hear stories of brutality and deaths and honour killings that are almost protected by a foreign law, and I must say, I think this is wrong. This is the UK, if you commit any crime, same as the Catholic priest who admitted having sex with boys as young as 8 and was protected by the Vatican and sent to another Church in the middle of nowhere to “Think about what he did” It is my belief both should be dealt with it if it was a UK born citizen as it would be, I find it SHOCKING that Muslims can come into the UK and hide behind their laws that don’t exist in the UK.

I know many will have mixed feeling and opinions over this, but if, for example a UK or Australian, USA born person, Man or Woman was to commit a crime, or something deemed to be a crime in a Muslim country, they would be brought to task. In one Muslim Country there are several UK citizens in jail awaiting DEATH for being “Accused” of carrying drugs, one I know about was carrying enough Cannabis in a Muslim Country, enough for 1 joint is looking at being killed.

So why is it we, UK, USA, Australian, German etc born people go to Muslim Countries and are held to task for their laws, Muslims come to our Countries and hide behind laws and tradition and religion, for me this is a disgrace and needs looked at now, one of the two men who beheaded soldier Lee Rigby in London is being protected in a safe wing of a prison due to his religion, I am sorry he should be in general population and have to deal with what anyone born in my country should deal with had they committed this atrocious act against Humanity

France have been very honest and said “You come here, you abide by French law” I only with Westminster (London Government) could put their fear of upsetting a rich oil producing nation to one side and treat them as people who are born in the UK, as I say, it disgusts me when Catholic Priests are protected after raping young kids by religion, why is this? I am not being disrespectful but care not a jot if I offend anyone; I am speaking the truth, what gives anyone the right to be safe from UK law because of their laws? I am asking, anyone?

Maybe more countries should follow France’s lead and forget powerful oil giant Countries and just set the law to all who are Human, respective of religion, colour, gender race whatever and jail them and charge them with the same laws I must abide by.

We all remember the Danish newspaper that did a cartoon having a joke at the Prophet Mohammad threats were sent to the newspaper and Danish flags were burnt in Muslim countries. I ask how far this will go, how bad will it get and should more countries take the French approach?


The infamous Cartoon that caused the Muslim World to almost put a jihad (mujahid) on the entire European continent for a CARTOON, How can they be offended over this to the extent they almost killed Jens Julius who did it!

Abu Hamza the man with the metal hand (Picture below) failed bids to stay in UK cost the UK £1m (One Million Pound of Tax Payers money in the UK! Outrage, he should have been dealt with and deported to the USA Immediately, Legal cases involving hate preacher Abu Hamza cost taxpayers almost £1million.

Living my country, we give him FREE money and pay his rent, free medical care and a free hand! All true, joking aside, he is shit at Hand puppets

Living my country, we give him FREE money and pay his rent, free medical care and a free hand! All true, joking aside, he is shit at Hand puppets 

The hook-handed extremist, who was finally kicked out of the country last month, benefited from almost £680,000 in legal aid money from the public purse.

In addition, the Home Office spent nearly £250,000 on lawyers in its efforts to get him out, he was eventually put on a plane to the USA late 2012 to face terror charges, good I say, he stood on the streets of the UK spewing hate and death speeches to his radical idiots while the UK paid him disability benefit and housing benefit! I wish I was making this up, I am not, Disgrace, the UK should stand up to these Radical bastards the same as France as I can see this getting worse, we seen a Soldier beheaded in a UK street, what next? The UK becomes a half Muslim State? This is the risk we run and as someone who wants Scottish rule, I will ALWAYS be part of the UK as the Queen will always be part of Scotland

Charges: Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, pictured addressing his followers near Finsbury Park mosque, north London, in March 2004, now faces terror charges in America

Charges: Imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, pictured addressing his followers near Finsbury Park mosque, north London, in March 2004, now faces terror charges in America

si vous ne l’aimez pas, vous pouvez sortir 


I will share some pictures showing what is coming to the UK, USA, Europe, Australia, it is coming, they want to kill us, we get jailed, they don’t, for me the Islam faith is a real worry and a danger to us all, wherever you are, and we get arrested for defending OUT cities from Immigrants 

Britain Marks The 10th Anniversary Of 9/11





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Police know these are Men, ON UK STREETS! Do something!

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Controversial Dutch Politician Geert Wilders Arrives In The UK

If we are not careful, our Children will be slaves to Islam (RADICAL ISLAM)


Anti Nazi/English Defence League Protests Manchester

English Defence League are growing in HUGE numbers, this is going to get bad for us all, even YOU!

Our Laws in the UK are too weak!


This is the start


Why is this not on my nightly news? So others won’t join in, that’s why!


Could it be?


The Young, the old and middle aged are concerned, we are not racists or bigots, we stand in peace and DEMAND our Government act!

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This HAS to be a Worry

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Time and time again, I only see people born in the UK being arrested, angering everyone even more

Police confront EDL supporters

It is coming, 100% Islam is coming to us all


Was this man right?

The Man who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WWII, Was he right? Was Enoch Powelll right?

The Man who was the Prime Minister of Britain during WWII, Was he right? Was Enoch Powelll right?


MANY say he was right

MANY say he was right


English Mosque praised for offering English Defence League protesters tea


If only this happened all over EARTH!!

After the beheading of Soldier Lee Rigby who serves in a regiment and plays in the same band as a friend did, there has been much unrest in the UK, Mosques have been attached as have anyone looking like a Muslim (I mean that remark in the ugliest way possible, this is what is happening) getting beaten up or worse.

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Lee Rigby, beaded by Evil last week

Demonstrations like this one in a few years back have been on the boil


However, Yesterday in York a planned demonstration by the English Defense League supporters was calmed down when a mosque started serving tea and biscuits to EDL Protesters and defused the situation. If only this happened more eh. It says a lot that Muslims are trying to get the message over “We don’t all want to kill you” And I say well done to this little Mosque in York, England. A proud moment for humanity. It is sad Lee died, but an eye for an eye attitude will lead to chaos, that probably will still happen to erupt in the streets of England. I am well known for wanting Independence from England, for my Country Scotland, but today I am proud to say “I am British” I only hope that other EDL members act in the same manner and react this way.

A very British way of doing things, settling things over a good cup of Tea


A mosque has been praised for serving tea and biscuits to English Defense League supporters after the far-right group arranged a demonstration there.

About six people turned up to protest at the mosque in Bull Lane, York, on Sunday and were invited inside to play football with worshippers.

More than 100 supporters of the mosque had gone there after learning of the planned EDL protest.

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said the mosque’s response was “fantastic”.

He said: “Tea, biscuits, and football are a great and typically Yorkshire combination when it comes to disarming hostile and extremist views.”

‘Proud moment’

Father Tim Jones, who went to the Bull Lane mosque, which is situated in his parish, said: “I’ve always known they were intelligent and compassionate people and I think this has demonstrated the extent to which they are people of courage – certainly physical courage and also a high degree of moral courage.

“I think the world can learn from what happened outside that ramshackle little mosque on Sunday.”

Hull Road ward councillor Neil Barnes said it had been a “proud moment for York”.

He said: “I don’t think I’ll ever forget the day that the York Mosque tackled anger and hatred with peace and warmth – and I won’t forget the sight of a Muslim offering a protester tea and biscuits with absolute sincerity.”

Fears over a demonstration grew after Yorkshire EDL Scarborough Division posted a message on its Facebook page calling for supporters to gather outside the mosque.

Imam Abid Salik said: “We did have a few people who did come to protest but when they came some of the members of the mosque went over and they engaged in a conversation.

“Some people went over with cups of tea and biscuits, they were talking for about 30 or 40 minutes and then they came inside, which was a really, really beautiful thing.”

Father Tim Jones said "the world can learn" from what happened outside the mosque

Father Tim Jones said “the world can learn” from what happened outside the mosque, a small one at that. If only, we can pray








Scottish stand up comedy, Scottish Humour (Beware – Swearing and worse)

This exists! lol

This exists! lol

In Scotland we laugh at ourselves, we poke fun at our ways, and we have a very “close to the line” sense of humour. This below is on our TV, here are some clips. Please enjoy and realise please, this is only me trying to explain the humour of the Scottish people. Take no offence please, this is just our way! We respect everyone, and poke fun at anyone, mostly ourselves. Do Enjoy and PLEASE realise only this is what our humour is, we don’t mean to offend, we just laugh. And when people say “Shaun you can laugh through your disability”, this is why, we laugh, HARD! So again, no disrespect to anyone, any religion, nation, people, nobody. If easily offended, don’t watch. This is horrific funny for me, I broke a rib laughing at these

IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED, PLEASE DO NOT WATCH THESE VIDEOS. IF YOU CAN SEE THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE AND WANT TO KNOW SCOTTISH HUMOUR, PLEASE WATCH. Should anyone come back at me and say “I am offended” then you should not have watched. The Scottish Humour boarders on very offensive ! 🙂  We can say “Thank you” and frighten people, really. Enjoy

Billy Connolly

Billy Connolly


Frankie Boyle

Frankie Boyle, a very sick man!


Kevin Bridges (A Gay comedian, brilliant)

Kevin Bridges (A Gay comedian, brilliant)


Eddie Izzard - Brilliant. Transvestite comedian

Eddie Izzard – Brilliant. Transvestite comedian

I added this one, the comedian is English, and SUPERB!! Really political and topical

*AUDIO/VISUAL BLOG* On Religion. Please watch.





I needed to give this a quick edit for a fairly good reason. I need to reaffirm what I was saying in the Audio a bit more. When it comes to Religion and God, if 10 is all knowing, and 1 is not knowing at all, I about 3, and I am being generous. For anyone that watched this Storyboard Audio, I talked mainly about my own Country and what I have seen. Scotland is a great City, but like many, we have an issue, who doesn’t. Listening over again myself and speaking to some friends from all over who listened to this, they realise this was just me speaking out loud about something I desire to know more about. I said many times in the blog “If I am wrong, comment, tell me, be honest” I have not even opened the door to enlightenment, or to even walk the path, in the grand scheme of things. I believe in God in a personal way for me. I am WELL AWARE this won’t get me into heaven as told by religions people who know better than I, or are more educated than I. The problems in my country do centre around two Soccer clubs as I said. I also said in the Video Catholics “Seem” to get a raw deal in Scotland and I spoke about the Polish Goalkeeper and what he went through. In my eyes, that is just hatred, from people who CLAIM to go to church, and this is where my confusion comes from in part. The season before last the Celtic Manager, Catholic team were discriminated against badly on many fronts, the manager of the team Neil Lennon was attacked by a supported inside a ground, IN MY CITY!!


What you see is a wee ginger haired man who had been attacked with a punch, by our media and from all sides. Listen to what he says. The Celtic fans stood by him, without anger or a return of any of the same to the opposite half. The statement on the banner “We are all Neil Lennon” means “All Catholics are Neil Lennon”  They identified with his struggle to be unable to do his job. So they identified with him. People die in the West of Scotland in the name of this. Many I speak to from all over the world can’t believe this happens, I showed them some kinks, they believed me, google away if you must, please

The blog below, without the above involved was just me talking, my views, my ignorance perhaps, but I said so MANY times. Something I won’t do is “DENY IGNORANCE” I could not do this. I was and still am ignorant to God, Jesus and religion due to lack of education. Something I am trying so hard to fix. This is why I did the blog. It is an Audio blog, for those that did not want to listen to me mumble on for 40 minutes, I am typing, so you can get a feel for how I feel about it looking back. I have good friends and family, and they spoke to me about this Audio Storyboard I did below. Some said “This is your opinions, big deal” one or two said it was “Misguided” some said it was good, they could relate. Can I just say, if you REALLY listen, I never once said I was Guided, lol. This was not me preaching to anyone, this was MY TAKE ON HATE. And a lot of it through religion, through sport, why? Because it is all I know. It is what I was born into, and what I seen. As for my thoughts on Jesus being a “Ghandi” type figure, AGAIN, and I said it in the Audio, it is what I think. How can someone who has never grasped any of this have an opinion that is going to fit with general thinking or the bible? Answer, I can’t. So, me saying what I did, I stand by. But I don’t want people to get upset, I don’t know. I am guessing, but an educated guess, I am giving my interpretation to something I am told about, have read about, but only in small amounts. The last thing I would want to do is upset anyone. But I guess with all the Wars over God, people are already upset. Why? I don’t know. Maybe a religious person can explain that one? Why does 93% of the world believes in God, yet we have Wars all over. Name a country not in War, at War on in Civil war of some form and you will struggle. This was for people who listened, or may listen. So before you listen, please try and understand by Ignorance, but please understand I am not denying my ignorance.

If I am the worst man on Earth for doing this blog, then I am right, the world is wrong and something is wrong with it. Hate, War, Greed, Evil is there for all to see, and this was and is what confuses me. So instead of listening and not replying, or saying something to yourself and not to the blog, PLEASE!!! Comment, give me your understanding, your viewpoint. Because that is all it will be, like mine, no living man, woman or child can say 100% I am right or wrong. Faith can make a person say something, I know this. Logic “I love this word” is something I think many miss out on with religion, not all. Look at the Middle East. The birth place of religion, it is war torn. The place where Jesus was born has bombings and terrorists. All I am saying is, I don’t understand this. I only did this edit after listening back to it myself. I stand by all I say. And please, understand what my country is like, people die in the West of Scotland in the name of God, and I can’t get my thinking around that. Thanks, Shaun 🙂



I have blogged about God, Jesus and Religion for a while now. I thought I would do an Audio blog. As I talk I put pictures up about things in my country you may not be aware off. Kind of like a story board as I talk. I am serious as I can be here. I mean no disrespect. As I journey for God and Religion, I done this blog, hoping to stimulate debate. I ask you PLEASE listen. it is 40 minutes, but if you love God, you may enjoy the  the Audio and my debate.

Please let me know if you listened, and please, again, I mean no disrespect, I only ask questions and fill in some blanks of my own. It is long as I say, but I really hope people listen, and debate,  teach me, let me know better if I am wrong. School me. I would appreciate feedback.

This man has helped me so much,  The Heart of Rev. Eddie Tatro I mention him in he video. This video tells a story of my religious path, as well as the one in my country. May I add, my good friend Eddie is a brilliant man, and I hope he can help me make sense of what confuses me. Hate and God in the same sentence? I get lost in translation

I mean no disrespect to anyone, any religion, any country, even my own. I just search. So if there are religious people out there who like to help people understand, please, step forward, if you can, if you have the time, if you have the knowledge. I speak to man religious people, and the messages are always mixed from one to another, sometimes the same religion.

Respect, love and peace.
