Social Media and the dangers



I have been online now 19 years, and been on every social media outlet there has ever been, never had an issue of note that I couldn’t take care of, I had a “Moment” or two on Twitter when I was blogging football, but the issues I had were me standing my ground. Anyway….

In the last month, I got REAL friendly with a woman on here. I love her as a friend. Same as I do with many people. I will give you an example, my good pal Eddie at I love as a brother, we talk on Skype and he is one cool dude, and a brilliant lad

The woman I got friendly with, I think we got too close, and I said at the very start, “Should this go all wrong and things go the wrong way, I will be the bastard”

And here we are, I am the bastard. I couldn’t offer ANY Woman more than friendship. If I tell somomeone I love them, like my good friend who is VERY happily married to a brilliant man Adam (I am Sorry again D xx, I do love you), who I have spoken to, it means I love her as a friend,  I love her company as I do Eddie above. I live in Scotland, I am Either 5,000 miles or 20,000 miles away, or somewhere in-between from most people I speak to here.

I say all the time I am married, I have kids, I am happy, and I mention Dawn my Partner a LOT for that reason. Not to big myself up, not to make myself look good or feel loved, but so people know I am in love with the woman of my dreams, check the blog below, I even have a song for the woman I love, my lover, there is a difference. Have I been hit on before on-line, yeah, most of us who spend time online do, but we don’t be nasty and say fuck off, we explain “I am married, you know this”, but it is from people who are either just curious or see something or hear something, in my case, TRUST ME!! It is my voice. Many women go for the Scottish voice. I will, as we say here in Scotland “Get a new arse ripped on me for this” My friends will have a REAL go in a fun way, but I have to say this. I need to say this, I don’t want to be the Bastard that much I leave Word Press, I depend on this place. I said before I may leave, this was the REAL reason I was maybe leaving. I didn’t know what to say or do. This is where my love and friendship with Dawn came in, I told her everything, but to be fair, there wasn’t a lot to tell. I just let her know I was friends, same as I do with ANYONE I meet online, be them man or woman. It is called being honest with the one you love in life

I won’t sit here and be the bastard from a woman who has a husband and kids herself. She is an AMAZING woman, I loved her as a friend. I liked speaking to her, I loved the debate. We shared stories, but the same stories I would share with anyone I was friends with and would NEVER see.

As you all know I started an award here, this one below “The Word Pres Family Award” as I feel and still do, there are people here, should we live closer, I would be real friends with. It was an award with my principles behind it, they are in red below it. I don’ t want to be that bastard, because I know I am now a bastard, I would never hurt any woman, never in a million years. I am highly medicated, as is the woman I speak about, a brilliant woman, who also knew we were both medicated. But I won’t be the bad lad here, IT TAKES TWO!!

This will be my last blog on this then I move on, so I remind you all, again, why I am here. Last week I lost my Aunt, then 2 people I love, because I was made to be the bastard, I done nothing wrong, but 2 woman, family members, made me be the bastard, as it suited their agenda. I will not be a bastard the THIRD TIME!! This is not fair!!  😦


Started by me on March 4th 2013

Started by me on March 4th 2013

This is an award for everyone who is part of the “Word Press Family” I start this award on the basis that the WordPress family has taken me in, and showed me love and a caring side only WordPress can. The way people take a second to be nice, to answer a question and not make things a competition amazes me here. I know I have been given many awards, but I wanted to leave my own legacy on here by creating my own award, as many have done before. This represents “Family” we never meet, but are there for us as family. It is my honour to start this award



Word Press – The last Utopia on the Internet?

Pandoras box



I had a chat with someone not 10 minutes ago and I said this, and now I will blog it; I have a strange way of blogging, just say “Yes Shaun” and go with the flow…………

The title is what it says, with Twitter and Face book and all these other Social Media sites and all these groups on Yahoo and other places, I have been on them all and have always came across nasty people and strange behaviour

I have had this account 6/7 months now, and only really started blogging hard when I left my last blogging interest, sport in January 2013

I came here, and from day 1 people were nice, and to this day I can honestly say I have not came across one nasty, horrible, evil, angry person. All these emotions I have read about, but never seen thrown at other people. As the internet grows and we are so easily connected in an instant from where I am in Edinburgh, Scotland to London, Paris, Australia, South American, The States, India, the Middle East, Africa, South Africa and Europe to Russia and all in-between, I truly believe this is one of the last places where love flows, caring really happens, people understand and people take a second to be nice or say a nice word

I came here at first to talk about my Disability, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Chronic Pain. I am in agony all day every day, but the help and advice I get here has helped me in ways I can’t say, it is just filled with Love and compassion, people willing to just leave a small reply to say “I care” or “I am thinking about you”

I have never been judged to my face, although I am not foolish enough to think it may not have happened between the odd person somewhere, I am honest, I am me, you are you, so if people are nasty, they keep it to themselves, I don’t see gossips or hear them, I have 70+ people from here on Skype a few on Face Book I hardly use and many I email with, it is a fantastic place

I have been online since the world came online in 1994, I came online the day the world came online with the first version of Windows Operating System and I truly can say in the almost 20 years online, and TRUST ME I have been to many places online and this is the only one I can really say I feel we all share one common goal, and that is to care. I blog also for “Bloggers for peace” So there is another goal I have in common with many here

Is this the last Utopia we have online? The last true caring place? The final freedom on-line where we can care and help? I am just asking, I feel so…

Debate away

Shaun x