New song every day >>>>And have a GREAT Weekend y’all




I managed to find and install a You Tube video player gadget to the right below my picture >>>

Today it is John Lennon – Imagine. I am going to put up a new song every day.

I decided I was going to do something new every day, this was my new thing to do on whatever day I started this, might have been Monday.

So I hope you enjoy the “Song of the day” 🙂

And have a good weekend everyone, stay safe and share the care



Why Do We Kill The Good Guys?




We can all look at the world today and ask things like “Had JFK not been killed, would it be better” I ask a simple question here.

Why is it when someone is doing good, trying to create a better world for our Children and their children, why do we kill them?

I can name names, but below I will throw some pictures to tell the story. It seems you can’t change the evil in this world, and if you try, you die.

Can we change this?  Who will be next to try, or do they know fate has told them to back away

R.I.P to all our Prophets





bob marley




How long shall we stand aside as they kill our Prophets 



As someone who is inspired by the words of and songs of John Lennon and I had to share this. This is a video of Imagine, being played and sung by people all over the world, at the same time. I think this is just jaw dropping and amazing. All we can really do just now is listen to John’s song and “Imagine” as we are far away from his ideology of what the song was meant for

In the meantime, lets all Imagine together, and maybe one day, we will all be as one. John is an inspiration to his and our generation and will be to generations to come. His words, and THIS SONG should never be allowed to die.  His message should always be allowed to flourish. He was born 130 miles from my house and I always wanted to go and visit Abbey Road studios where he did a lot of his work, he inspired, he gave us hope, so he was killed.

“How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look” Are words from another they tried to kill, and he did die. Anyway, lets not lose the message of hope here, Please, you will be glad you listened here, below I added the song from Bob Marley.

Redemption Song

Love, Life, Hope and Peace

Can you Imagine?

Shaun x

Why music can heal your heart

Music can heal the heart

Music can heal the heart

For my 16oth blog here, I wanted to do something with meaning that we can all relate to, well for me anyway, you will have your own

♫ This blog is, well what says it is. The picture above says it all. Music is medicine for the heart. For me, it always has been. When I have been up, down, in the middle, music has took me places my mind needed to be. Making love to my partner there are songs we love, we can all relate I guess. There is a song for any and all feeling we have. There are songs from when I was a kid, some make  me feel good, some bad, they bring back differing memories each song.

One thing about music is, it heals, it helps, it comforts, it brings hearts together and it is universal in the way it speaks to us. These are a collection of songs that have special meaning to me. Feel free to tag your own video in with a reply. These songs all have a amazing and profound meaning to me, so I thought I would share with you all

Let the music send the message ♪

These songs are for you all.

Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are

Bryan Adams – Heaven

Chris Isaak – Wicked Games

Bon Jovi – Always

R.E.M – Everybody Hurts

Take That – Rule the World [In Session — At Abbey Road]

John Lennon – Imagine 

Michael Buble – Lost

Bob Marley – Stir it up

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb (Live 8 concert)

Billy Joel – Innocent Man

Some will like them all, some will like none, but that is what I love about music, there are no rules. Just your own.

Hit by the sleeping bug, AGAIN!!


Well here we are again. I had 3 nights where I was sleeping at a good hour and then up early with my kids and got some stuff done during the day. Chronic Pain is bad and this is the worst part for me sometimes

I fell asleep well before midnight last night, only to wake up 18 hours later, confused as to why I slept that long, and with that guilt. Guilt that I spent a day sleeping while my partner had to deal with the kids alone, guilt because I never seen my son before he went to work

I have talked this over with my Dr and the Hospital and they tell me this is part of Chronic Pain for some people. A bad sleeping pattern, this is why I can’t plan things, I can’t say “Yeah, be there at 2pm” And I hate it

As I have said before, and I acknowledge this a lot, many are worse, I know, but this is my blog, my life, my story, my issues, so I have to tell my story. I like to sleep, but not almost a day, or sometimes longer than a day at a time

It is a pain in the backside, and I do try, but when the lights go out at Bedtime, my next recollection is being awake, and it can be 20 hours later, there is nothing I can do about it. The medication plays a large part

So I moan and groan, but I get on with life the best I can and as a family we just live around it, it does not help a lot, but it can’t be helped

I now will be up all night, bored, even though there are a million things to do

Maybe I am just a Dreamer, a song I often listen to in this “Annoyed mood”

Rant Over 🙂
