Chronic pain and questions of medication that surround it



Almost 8 am here, been up all night with real bad pain again, no sympathy, please, just saying. I was talking to a friend on Skype for a while during the night and the debate came up about pain, how we deal with it, what helps, basically how we each manage our own pain

I smoke cannabis, not marijuana, the grass weed type, the solid stuff, I smoke it with my Dr’s knowledge and also the police, in Scotland, the police don’t care. I was HORRIFIED to learn that in the USA you can get life in prison for personal cannabis use, what gives there?

Anyway, I smoke this type here:


I smoke it when the girls are asleep, NEVER during the day and the relief it gives me from my pain, is AMAZING. It does better than the medication. I don’t smoke it every night as I don’t want to rely on it to heavily. But when I do have a joint, the relief is like “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” type relief

So what are your thoughts on this? I know 85% of my followers are from the USA so the debate might be different if this was a European audience. I know a few people from Holland where you can legally buy it from a cafe and smoke it at home. I see no reason to be against this. If I wasn’t in pain, I will be honest I would smoke it, I don’t drink alcohol, and I will tell you why

Alcohol is sociably acceptable right? Well I see alcohol as a HUGE burden on society, people go up town get real drunk, go fighting, spread sexually transmitted disease, hit their partners, and so on, it is a horrible thing Alcohol, if I was in charge of the world, I would allow cannabis and ban alcohol, why is it sociably acceptable to wreck town centres and families? If someone wants to have a glass or 2 of wine at home, go for it. But these night clubs and bars that spew out idiots that cause the average city 10’s of thousands of pounds in damages due to drunken disorder is a real issue, ask your local friendly police officer if he would rather deal with a friendly cannabis smoker or a drunk who wants to hit him and spit on him, I KNOW I have spoken to a few policemen, they hate the weekends

You also get the STUPID “Ah but if you smoke cannabis, you will end up taking heroin” crowd, BEHAVE! It is the same with drink then yeah? Have one pint; you could end up an alcoholic causing the exact same issues as a drug addict. As things stand I am a legal drug addict taking Dihydrocodeine, Tramadol and Diazepam and morphine also, cannabis works best for me, this is no reason to lie about smoking it, it is just the truth. I know MANY in America who wish they could smoke it, but fear doing so will ruin their life. Here in Scotland, I know a Judge, lawyers, teachers, policemen and a few politicians who smoke cannabis, WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

But stick to cannabis, now if people say it’s wrong and disruptive, you REALLY need to school yourself on cannabis. It is harmless to the body; it is harmless to the mind. Stupid scientists from time to time come out with a “Study” showing what cannabis can to a person, how about they do a study on drink? And smoking cigarettes is the biggest killer, you smoke? Yeah we have a world of hypocrites over this issue.

Debate away, all I know, and my Dr agrees with me, Cannabis helps my pain, I LONG for the day it is legal as it is in Europe

More love, less hate,


*AUDIO/VISUAL BLOG* On Religion. Please watch.





I needed to give this a quick edit for a fairly good reason. I need to reaffirm what I was saying in the Audio a bit more. When it comes to Religion and God, if 10 is all knowing, and 1 is not knowing at all, I about 3, and I am being generous. For anyone that watched this Storyboard Audio, I talked mainly about my own Country and what I have seen. Scotland is a great City, but like many, we have an issue, who doesn’t. Listening over again myself and speaking to some friends from all over who listened to this, they realise this was just me speaking out loud about something I desire to know more about. I said many times in the blog “If I am wrong, comment, tell me, be honest” I have not even opened the door to enlightenment, or to even walk the path, in the grand scheme of things. I believe in God in a personal way for me. I am WELL AWARE this won’t get me into heaven as told by religions people who know better than I, or are more educated than I. The problems in my country do centre around two Soccer clubs as I said. I also said in the Video Catholics “Seem” to get a raw deal in Scotland and I spoke about the Polish Goalkeeper and what he went through. In my eyes, that is just hatred, from people who CLAIM to go to church, and this is where my confusion comes from in part. The season before last the Celtic Manager, Catholic team were discriminated against badly on many fronts, the manager of the team Neil Lennon was attacked by a supported inside a ground, IN MY CITY!!


What you see is a wee ginger haired man who had been attacked with a punch, by our media and from all sides. Listen to what he says. The Celtic fans stood by him, without anger or a return of any of the same to the opposite half. The statement on the banner “We are all Neil Lennon” means “All Catholics are Neil Lennon”  They identified with his struggle to be unable to do his job. So they identified with him. People die in the West of Scotland in the name of this. Many I speak to from all over the world can’t believe this happens, I showed them some kinks, they believed me, google away if you must, please

The blog below, without the above involved was just me talking, my views, my ignorance perhaps, but I said so MANY times. Something I won’t do is “DENY IGNORANCE” I could not do this. I was and still am ignorant to God, Jesus and religion due to lack of education. Something I am trying so hard to fix. This is why I did the blog. It is an Audio blog, for those that did not want to listen to me mumble on for 40 minutes, I am typing, so you can get a feel for how I feel about it looking back. I have good friends and family, and they spoke to me about this Audio Storyboard I did below. Some said “This is your opinions, big deal” one or two said it was “Misguided” some said it was good, they could relate. Can I just say, if you REALLY listen, I never once said I was Guided, lol. This was not me preaching to anyone, this was MY TAKE ON HATE. And a lot of it through religion, through sport, why? Because it is all I know. It is what I was born into, and what I seen. As for my thoughts on Jesus being a “Ghandi” type figure, AGAIN, and I said it in the Audio, it is what I think. How can someone who has never grasped any of this have an opinion that is going to fit with general thinking or the bible? Answer, I can’t. So, me saying what I did, I stand by. But I don’t want people to get upset, I don’t know. I am guessing, but an educated guess, I am giving my interpretation to something I am told about, have read about, but only in small amounts. The last thing I would want to do is upset anyone. But I guess with all the Wars over God, people are already upset. Why? I don’t know. Maybe a religious person can explain that one? Why does 93% of the world believes in God, yet we have Wars all over. Name a country not in War, at War on in Civil war of some form and you will struggle. This was for people who listened, or may listen. So before you listen, please try and understand by Ignorance, but please understand I am not denying my ignorance.

If I am the worst man on Earth for doing this blog, then I am right, the world is wrong and something is wrong with it. Hate, War, Greed, Evil is there for all to see, and this was and is what confuses me. So instead of listening and not replying, or saying something to yourself and not to the blog, PLEASE!!! Comment, give me your understanding, your viewpoint. Because that is all it will be, like mine, no living man, woman or child can say 100% I am right or wrong. Faith can make a person say something, I know this. Logic “I love this word” is something I think many miss out on with religion, not all. Look at the Middle East. The birth place of religion, it is war torn. The place where Jesus was born has bombings and terrorists. All I am saying is, I don’t understand this. I only did this edit after listening back to it myself. I stand by all I say. And please, understand what my country is like, people die in the West of Scotland in the name of God, and I can’t get my thinking around that. Thanks, Shaun 🙂



I have blogged about God, Jesus and Religion for a while now. I thought I would do an Audio blog. As I talk I put pictures up about things in my country you may not be aware off. Kind of like a story board as I talk. I am serious as I can be here. I mean no disrespect. As I journey for God and Religion, I done this blog, hoping to stimulate debate. I ask you PLEASE listen. it is 40 minutes, but if you love God, you may enjoy the  the Audio and my debate.

Please let me know if you listened, and please, again, I mean no disrespect, I only ask questions and fill in some blanks of my own. It is long as I say, but I really hope people listen, and debate,  teach me, let me know better if I am wrong. School me. I would appreciate feedback.

This man has helped me so much,  The Heart of Rev. Eddie Tatro I mention him in he video. This video tells a story of my religious path, as well as the one in my country. May I add, my good friend Eddie is a brilliant man, and I hope he can help me make sense of what confuses me. Hate and God in the same sentence? I get lost in translation

I mean no disrespect to anyone, any religion, any country, even my own. I just search. So if there are religious people out there who like to help people understand, please, step forward, if you can, if you have the time, if you have the knowledge. I speak to man religious people, and the messages are always mixed from one to another, sometimes the same religion.

Respect, love and peace.
