Syrian Letter Pleads With USA Not To Attack




The Syrian letter says innocent people will be hurt by any US attack

The Syrian government has written to US Congress, warning members against supporting “irresponsible, reckless action” that it claims will injure innocent civilians.

The letter, seen by news outlets such as Sky News, urges Congress to “communicate with us through civilised dialogue rather than the language of fire and blood”.

“We write to you as fathers and mothers, as members of families and communities which really are not so different to yours,” it says.

“Moreover, we write to you as human beings asking: if you bomb us, shall we not bleed? Innocent people will be harmed.”

The five-page letter, which references quotes from former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, continues: “We realise that war would be a bloody, destructive, catastrophic track, which does not have any benefit for all nations”.

The document, sent to John Boehner, the speaker of the House of Representatives, uses similar language to letters sent to British MP’s and French politicians in recent weeks.

In a letter to Commons Speaker John Bercow, the Syrian government asked: “Before you rush over the cliffs of war, would it not be wise to pause?”

Maybe we have hope after all? Maybe people can start to speak, maybe we can step back from the brink. Why would Syria send this letter to all countries who were thinking about hitting them? Because they didn’t fire the Chemical Weapons? Syria is PLEADING not to be killed here. Should we listen? I say for now we should. We MUST see who fired these Chemical Weapons